Winter at the Kilgrave Mansion Ch. 01

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A potion leads to facing one's deepest desire.
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I hadn't seen Mordecai Kilgrave in a week, he had been avoiding me after we last talked. It was Saturday, and I was over his house. We had been friends since college, where we both minored in History. He was a tall, thin man. His hair was raven black, his skin pale and eyes dark. He always wore fitted shirts and vests that accentuated his build. He was a natural goth.

Last week, he told me he was bisexual and he had a huge crush on him. I turned him down. I wasn't bi or gay, I liked girls. He was upset, but understood but avoided me this week.

I showed up at his apartment in the center of the city. He called and asked if I wanted to hang out and talk. He wanted to apologize for avoiding me and clear any tension. I wanted to, too. He was my best friend. He answered the door shortly after I knocked, and I entered. He towered over me, I was only 5'6'' and kind of chubby. I was a contrast to his Gothic exterior. I was a ginger with green eyes.

"Win, it's a pleasure, beer?" He greeted me.

"Yeah, whatever you got. How've you been?"

"Not so good, I've been worried about if I fucked things up with you."

I sipped the beer he handed me, "Dude, please, I wasn't upset or weirded out.

He smiled, "That's good to hear. I played through Silent Hill 2 twice this week to calm down."

"Awe dude, it's all good man."

We talked for a bit, drank a few beers. Things were getting back to normal.

We sat down in his living room, played Mortal Kombat, and ate Chinese. It was dark before we realized and we were both drunk. This is when he asked: "What's something you desire?"


He turned towards me on the couch, "Last week, I told you a desire of mine, so for fairness, what's something you desire?"

"Oh dude, that's a tough one. Maybe to be rich."

"I'm rich."

"I know."

"It's not all it's cracked up to be. It has some flaws that you deal with."

"To be thin, then. I'm thirty pounds overweight, and would love to be thin."

He smiled, "Do you want me to help you? My parents have gym equipment in the attic."

"You're parents house is spooky." His family was like the Addams Family, and when I say that, I mean, picture them, and it's like that. Spooky.

"What? Every rich family has a gym."

"Yeah, but they don't surround it with classic portraits of torture."

He just shrugged, "But, do you want help?"

I was feeling ambitious from the alcohol, "Yes."

He excused himself for a moment, and returned shortly with a bottle.

"My grandma made this. She says the potion will grant you the most wanted desire. Limited to physical self." I told you, real Addams Family shit.

"So like, it can't make me rich."

"Nope. But it can make you be thin."

"Dude, last time I took one of her potions, I turned green."

"And you won that cosplay contest at PAX, You're Bowser was amazing."

"I had to miss a week of work while my skin turned back."

"Just saying, you drink that. You'll get your desire."

"Fuck it," I motioned for him to pass it. I removed the cork lid and took a whiff. It smelled of sugar and spice. I inhaled, exhaled, and drank it. It burned for a few minutes, like a strong hot sauce. "Fuck, that was spicy."

He smiled, "Yeah, I should have warned you." He stood up, "Anyway, I'm going to get to bed. Sleep on the couch, since your drunk."

I looked up at him, "Yeah, I drank a bit too much."

"You did, and that stuff has like, vodka levels of alcohol in it."

"Fuck, I'm going to be hung over."

"Drink some water."

He walked into the kitchen, threw me a bottle of water, and went to bed.

I grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch, grabbed a pillow, and fell to sleep.

The next morning, I awoke groggy, but not in pain. Maybe the water worked. I didn't move for awhile, the couch was comfortable, I was comfortable. The couch was roomy too. I never noticed how roomy it was on here.

I stretched a little, and felt my chest wobble. That felt weird. I reached up and didn't hit my stomach. I reached down and felt a toned stomach and soft smooth skin. "What?" I mumbled. I rubbed my hand up my stomach, thinking the potion worked, until I got to my chest and bumped something fleshy and soft. I cupped tits. "Fuck, did it lose my gut but not other parts." I sat up and ran to the bathroom. In the mirror though, I didn't see me. I saw a woman with nice tits. "Fuck."

I wasn't thinking with the potion, it gave me my biggest desire. To be a woman.


I reached down into my pants, but still found my penis. "Okay, a trans woman." Maybe it can only do so much? Or did I desire this?

I heard a knock on the bathroom door, "Everything okay?" It was Morty.

I spoke, "Yeah, I didn't think that potion through." My voice was soft and feminine.

"What's up with your voice? Can I come in?" He said.

I paused, "Yeah."

He walked in and saw me.

"I didn't think it'd give me my biggest desire."

"Dude, okay, uhm. Shit, you look good."

"I know, but we got to fix this! I can't go to work like this!"

He shrugged. "You're jobs LGBT friendly, you transitioned. You're fine."

"But I wasn't ready for this."

"Okay, okay, we'll go to my parents house and see if Grandma has anything to reverse it."

"Thank you."

"Question." He was eyeing my crotch.


"Do you still have your dick?"

"Uh..." I said, afraid to admit it, "Yeah."

He smiled, "Cool, cool."

"How is that cool?"

"Well, if you really did get a sex change, you'd have to be out of work for awhile. So, this helps your case if you have to go to work."

"This isn't the time for silver linings. Crap, my clothes are probably too big."

"Oh, hold on," He walked out of the bathroom for a moment. I walked into the living room holding my pants up. He walked out of his bedroom, "Here."

I took a pile of clothes from him, it was a black and red dress, it looked Victorian and modern at the same time. "A dress?"

"Yeah, well, think about it. You can't be going around wearing over sized clothes. Plus, it'll look good with your pale skin." He smiled, "Oh, there's panties in there too."

"Why do you have these?"

"They were Victoria's. She never came back for them."

"That explains the style." Victoria was the perfect girlfriend for Morty, aesthetically speaking. I walked into the bathroom with the clothes, and put them on. They fit, that's for sure. The panties did an alright job of holding back my junk, but the dress looked amazing on my curves. I looked at the innocent ginger girl in the mirror. I knew I wanted this, but I wasn't ready.

I walked back out, "Let's go."

"Shoes?" He said, holding up a pair of heels.

I looked at them, was tempted, "No, my shoes are fine."

"Suit yourself."

His parents lived outside the city, down a winding country road. We turned down a paved driveway, drove through some trees, and came across an old mansion. It looked like an old haunted house form Scooby Doo. I reiterate, the Addams Family could be based on them.

They were friendly though, very friendly. We walked inside to a big open room. It was like the entrance to a castle. A giant staircase upstairs, checkered floor, and suits of amour lined around.

We were greeted by his sister, Mania.

"Morty, what are you doing here? Who's the girl?"

"Long story, but this is Win, He, er, she drank the desire potion. Trying to see if Grandma has something to reverse it."

"Shame, she looks good." She walked over to me, she was older than Morty, at twenty-seven. She still lived at home. "You know, we can do your make up, and I bet you'd look delightful. She shared her brothers dark hair and pale features. She wore a black dress, and her makeup accentuate her deep red lips.

I smiled, "Thanks, but I'm not ready for this yet."

Morty excused us, and we walked up the giant staircase, through the halls lined with portraits, to another stairwell. In the third floor, we found his Grandma's loft. It was a Wicca's dreamworld. Potions, crystals, and large cauldrons.

"Grandma?" He called.

"Morty, that you? An old woman's voice came from behind a corner.

"Yeah, need some help. My buddy took the potion of desire and he no longer desires it."

She out into the open, and looked at me. "Oh, shame. I can look in my recipes, but it'll take a few hours." She walked up to me, examined me, "I don't understand you people, this is your desire, and you're afraid. Why not live it?"

"I'm not prepared."

"You'll never be." She cackled and walked back to a shelf. "I'll let you know."

We waited in Morty's room. I was looking in the mirror at myself in the dress for a bit. "I do look good."

He looked at me, "Yeah, tell me about it."

His room was decorated with old weapons, gruesome paintings, and skulls. I never asked if they were real.

I sat down on the bed. He walked to a shelf of records and started to shuffle through them. I couldn't stop watching him. He was attractive now. I could see it.

He caught me looking at him. He looked over after pulling a record off the shelf. He smiled at me, but said nothing. I listened to the music as it started. It was mellow, and electronic, but I couldn't identify it.

He sat down on the bed, "What were you looking at?"

"Just watching you." Crap, was that flirty? I don't want to give him ideas, "Wondering what you picked."

"Kraftwerk. I was surprised you took your eyes off your phone."

"I'm nervous."

"I can understand. Why do you run from your desire?"

"Dude, I told you?"

"And I'm telling you. You got a chance to be who you want, and better than anything you could do if you went other routes. Embrace it. Live without shame. Plus, you're totally cute."

"Really? You think so?" I blushed, "Wait, no, no, I'm turning back."

"You blushed. I think you like being thought of as cute."

"I mean. This is what I wanted, but I..."

He moved right up against me, I could feel the warmth of his body. He placed an arm around me. "You're nervous."

"I could have prepared better. I don't have any clothes, anything for my hair, no make up."

"We can get that stuff, you know I have the money."

I leaned into him, it felt natural, and he felt so comfortable.

"Getting comfortable?"

"Shut up. Just hold me." Why did I say that? "I'm nervous and this is comforting" I was happy that he complied. I thought about the position I was in. His finger started to rub little circles on my arm with his finger. He was testing things. "Are you trying something?"

"You know my game. I thought you were cute before. Now look at you, and in that dress."

"Shut up, I'm not..."

"You're not what." His face was close to mine. His dark eyes were mesmerizing.

Awe fuck it, I just want to kiss him. I moved in and kissed him. He looked stunned. "Might as well enjoy this." I smirked, then straddled him. I wrapping my arms around the back of his head and kissed him deeply. His kisses were fulfilling, making me feel warm as we made out.

I felt his hand reach for the zipper on the back of the dress, followed by the familiar sound. His hands moved to pull the dress off of me, and I let him. I straddled him in only a pair of borrowed panties. His hands cupped my tits. Feeling his fingers run over my nipples, I let out a moan.

I pulled up on his shirt, until he let me pull it over his head, revealing his lean chest. I kissed his lips, then his neck, I left a trail of kisses down his chest, down his stomach, until I was on my knees between his legs.

"What are you doing?" He flirted.

"Whatever I want." I responded.

"Naughty girl."

Him saying that turned me on more. I unhooked his belt buckle, undid the button, and unzipped. Pulling pants off is not as easy as it seems, but soon they were in a pile, and in front of me was an erect cock. It was as pale as his skin, but with a hint of pink, it was longer than me. Probably around seven inches, with a healthy girth.

I positioned myself in front of it. I'd never seen another one before. I reached out to wrap my hand around it. It felt unfamiliar in my hand, soft and strong. I started to stroke it lightly. It was so warm. I hovered over it, taking in the sent, admiring it.

"Go on, show me what you can do."

I smiled, and wrapped my lips around the tip. I pressed my tongue to the underside of the head and started to swirl around. I took my first taste of cock, and became so aroused. I felt myself hardening in my panties as I started to bob my head, taking more and more of his cock into my mouth.

He moaned and I felt his hand in my hair.

I bobbed harder, feeling his head hit the back of my throat. I gagged and removed all of it. Smiled as I gazed up at him and licked the underside, from the base to the tip before taking it all back in. I went as deep as I could, held it til I relaxed, slid up the shaft, then back down hitting the back of my throat again. I pushed further and it started to enter my throat. I backed off, before trying again. The third time was the charm, I felt my nose hit his crotch. I held it a few moments, backed up, and then bobbed all the way back down. I felt his hand hold me in place. I started to gag, and he released his hand. I pulled off, coughed a bit. "Dude!" I said, while I coughed.


"No, that was awesome." I said before going back to working his cock with my mouth. I was taking it easier, using my hand to stroke.

"You're amazing. Would you like to?"

I removed his cock, "Fuck me."

"You asking?"

"I'm telling." I climbed back on the bed and positioned my ass up, and arched my back. I wiggled it at him, "Come on."

He lined himself up behind me. I felt his finger on my ass, it was lubed up. He rubbed some around my sphincter then I felt his finger enter me. I whimpered as he entered.

"I want to make sure I don't hurt you."

"You've done this before?"

"Stick around like this, and you'll see what I can do."

I felt a second finger enter. I moaned as he wiggled and stretched my hole.

Then I felt his fingers leave. I missed them, but I knew what was coming.

I felt the head of his cock against me. I wanted it so bad. I felt him start to push and I pushed back to help. His head entered and I felt an electric pain rock my body. "A bit of a shock at first."

I felt his cock push further in then hold. He pulled back and went deeper. I started to moan as he took it further and further inside of me. Then one big push and it all went in. I moaned loudly, he held it a few moments, then pulled back and started to fuck me. I yelped and moaned. The feeling of him fucking me was amazing. I loved his cock in me.

He started to fuck me harder, and I started to push in rhythm with his thrust. I was loving the feeling. Then I felt his hand slap my ass hard. I gasped. The shock was amazing.

"You like that?"

"I do!" I managed through the moaning.

He did it again.

I yelped. "Fuck me!"


I pushed further down on his cock, trying to push it deeper into me. I was moaning, gripping the comforter of his bed.


"Holy Fuck, Keep going, keep going!" I called back.

"I got a better idea." He pulled out, and rolled me over on my back. He gripped my legs and pushed them forward, and position my ass up at him. My cock was hard. He kissed me on the lips, passionately. He then towered over me and placed his cock against me. I watched as he entered inside of me. I moaned and begged him to fuck me hard.

"Make me, scream." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

On queue, he started to fuck me again, and I was so turned on, watching his lean build pound me. I couldn't hold back, I started to stroke myself. "You like it."

"I fucking love it."

He started to fuck me harder, burying his face into my neck. I was screaming in pleasure now. I felt a surge through my body and cum exploded from my cock. I panted and moaned more, but he kept going. He started to slow down, pulling it almost all the way out, and then slamming back inside me of me hard. I gasped. He did it again.

"Fuck, dude, keep doing it!" I called, feeling another orgasm building up inside of me.

"Fuck, You want my cum, slut?" he pulled his cock out of me, straddled my stomach. "Tell me you want my cum!"

"I want your cum, all over my tits." I responded, anticipating the warm sticky mess I knew was coming.

He stroked harder until he shot a load of cum onto my tits. Shot after shot of his milky cum covering my tits. I rubbed it in, scooped some of it up, and licked my fingers clean.

He climbed off and collapsed next to me on the bed. I turned and curled inside of him.

"That was amazing, Morty." I said.

He was panting, "You're fucking gorgeous." He kissed me again, we made out some and then just cuddled. He pulled a cover over us and I snuggled with my head resting on his chest. I had some thinking to do. This was the most amazing sexual experience I ever had. I felt fulfilled.

"I was thinking," he started, "I think your name should be Winter."


"It's macarbe."

"Of course, you'd suggest that."

He climbed out of bed and started to pick up clothes. "Here, we should get dressed in case my grandma comes back."

"Yeah." I wasn't sure if I wanted her to.

"So, have you been thinking about if she finds something."

I stood up, and started to slip back into the dress. "I know this is what I was meant for."

As if on queue, there was a knock on the door. Morty was still shirtless when he opened it. I was sitting on the bed, my hair was probably a mess.

His Grandma and Mania walked in.

"What did you find out?" I asked.

"Well, there's never been any research into undoing desires. I can try to make one, but well, you'll have to spend some time like that."

I looked at the goth family in front of me. "I want to stay."

"Fantastic!" The Grandma said, "I hate research." She bolted out of the room.

Mania walked over, "I guess you've been enjoying yourself," she said playing with my hair.

"You should fit some of my clothes, come and we'll find you an outfit for tonight."


"Morty, did you not invite your lady friend to the Reunion dinner tonight?"

"Winter, would you like to come tonight."

"I didn't agree to that name."

"It's a good name," Mania chimed in.

"Fine, and yeah I'll come." I walked over and kissed him.

"Excellent, come with me, we'll find you an outfit."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Loved the story

A great story well conceived and executed. More please

SissyTaraSissyTaraover 7 years ago
Good story

I'm not usually big on the science fiction stories but, this was hot. I wish I had that potion.

usmclassusmclassover 7 years ago
nice storyline. ..I hope there's more!

I agree with Brenda. .... the more cumulative she is filled with, the more woman she should become. .... but she doesn't have to be straight, although falling deeply in reciprocated love with her friend would be so wonderful. It nearly every T-girl's dream to 1. Become who they are, inside and out and 2. Find someone to share their heart...and body....with.

BrendaNWBrendaNWover 7 years ago
wonderful and hot

very good story, I hope that you continue.. it would be interesting if he became more of a woman each time he gets filled with cum.. a nice pussy growing and his cock shrinks

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Love were your going with this hope u see it through to the end 😉

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