Winter Dance


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"My point exactly," Brian said as he saw Ev roll his eyes.

"Where's my boots? It's getting deep here," Ev said. Brian laughed and then they began to insult each other even more colorfully.

Beth watched Ev as he and Brian bantered back and forth, noticing his laugh and the way he threw his head back when something in particular struck him funny. He had a big toothy grin and she liked that. She looked for a clock and was surprised to see it was after eight-thirty. The dance was going fast and for a good reason, at least in her mind it was. She liked Ev and in her mind Beth began to go over all of their conversations again. Ev truly was the first guy who really talked with her. Most of her dates hardly said a word or only wanted to talk about themselves, but Ev was very different in that regard. Already, Beth was thinking Amanda made a big mistake when she broke up with him. Maybe her stupidity was Beth's luck.

A slow dance started and all Ev did was look at Beth, who smiled and nodded. He took her hand and this time escorted her to the middle of the dance floor. Not waiting for Ev, Beth drew herself closely to him and snuggled against his shoulder. They swayed easily to the music as Ev gently laid his cheek against the top of Beth's head, sighing softly as he did so. Beth noticed the gesture and smiled to herself before giving Ev a soft squeeze to let him know her appreciation.

Eyes closed, Beth let the music go through her, the gentle melody reminding the listener that love sometimes comes but once in a lifetime and one should grab onto it and hold on forever. Beth listened to the lyrics over and over and wondered if it would happen to her, wondered if someone would take hold of her heart and never let go.

She pushed the thought aside and concentrated on the strength and warmth of Ev's embrace. It reminded her of when she would crawl into her dad's lap before bedtime as he was reading the paper or a book. He never complained of the disruption, putting the reading material aside before hugging her close to his chest. He would always say, "G'night, Lizard breath, sweet dreams," and Beth would giggle at his mispronunciation before running off to her bedroom. Those were good times and she missed him terribly. She squeezed her eyes shut to fight off a tear and snuffled lightly before settling against Ev's shoulder as before.

Within minutes, the song ended and another took its place, a slow one as well. Without breaking stride, Ev and Beth continued to hold each other. They seemed to be more in sync with their rhythm and neither seemed awkward with the other.

As the song neared its end, Beth lifted her head slightly and Ev looked down at her. "This is really nice," she murmured. "Thank you."

Ev wasn't sure of her meaning, whether it be for the dance, the evening, or something else, but he smiled and replied, "You're welcome. I'm having a great time."

"Me too."

When the song ended, Ev excused himself after he seated Beth and headed to the restroom. When he left the restroom he found Amanda waiting for him in the lobby. Ev stopped when he saw her looking at him, her soft green eyes showing no malice.

"Hey, Ev," she said, taking a step toward him.

"Hey," Ev replied awkwardly. She still looked as pretty as ever.

"I saw you dancing with Beth Lincoln. Are you two dating?"

"Not yet. We're sort of just hanging out tonight."

Amanda laughed lightly, a laugh Ev well remembered. "It seemed like more than just hanging out." Ev's face turned a bit red at that comment. "I think it's great," she added hastily.

"What's great?"

"That you're with someone tonight."

Ev wanted to say something nasty, something like, 'We wouldn't have to worry about that if you hadn't dumped me,' but he remained quiet.

"I hope you don't stay mad at me forever," Amanda said quietly, almost in a whisper.

Ev shrugged, "I guess I'm still mad about it. Maybe I'll get over it soon."

"I know you are. I just want you to know I'm sorry about what happened."

"Sorry?" he asked, his anger starting to show. "You dumped me without any warning whatsoever!"

Looking around to see if anyone was watching, her hands facing forward in defense, Amanda said, "I know, I know, I'm sorry for that. I should have never done it that way. I didn't know what else to do."

"You could have given me some clues, some warning," Ev answered hotly.

"I tried to tell you a number of times, Ev, really I did. It just never happened."

"And I'm just supposed to accept that?"

"I don't know, Ev. I can't tell you what to accept or not. I just don't want to you to hate me, that's all." Her eyes were pleading with him now.

Ev's shoulders sagged slightly as he sighed. He looked toward the door of the gym before returning his eyes to Amanda. "I don't hate you," he said finally, "it's just been really hard, that's all."

"Yeah, I'm sure it has."

"Oh, how would you know? You were hanging with Greg as soon as we broke up!"

"Please leave Greg out of this," Amanda replied, touching his arm. Ev stiffened. "We were friends in grade school long before I met you. This has nothing to do with him."

Ev moved his arm until her touch was no longer felt. Amanda felt the rejection, but understood.

"I think I need to get back with my friends," Ev said.

"Okay," Amanda said, her eyes downcast. Ev took a step around her and began to walk away. "Ev?" she asked.

Ev stopped and looked back. "Yeah?"

"Maybe someday you'll realize it was for the best."

Ev looked at Amanda, then to the door and back to Amanda again. He thought of Beth and the entire evening they had spent together; the talks and the dances. He smiled slightly and replied, "Maybe I will." Maybe I will, indeed.

Ev came back to the table to find Beth by herself. "Boy, it took you long enough!" Beth teased as he sat down beside her.

"I got interrupted on the way back."



"Oh," Beth said sadly.

"It's not what you think," Ev said. "She just wanted to talk."

"About what?"

Ev shrugged. "About how sorry she was and wanting me not to hate her. Stuff like that."

"I see." Beth looked at him and noticed he looked drained, tired. "Are you okay?"

Ev nodded. "I'm okay." Glancing to the dance floor, he added, "I wish they'd play something slow again."

Beth smiled and replied, "Me too." She slid her hand into his and together they waited impatiently for a time to dance again.

* * *

It was close to midnight when Beth parked the old Chevy in front of Ev's house. He had tagged along with Beth and Megan to Beth's house where they stayed for a few minutes talking with her mom before Beth took him home. The moon was full and had a shadowy haze around it, making it eerie in the starless black sky. The interior of the car was only slightly warm from the short drive and Beth snuggled against Ev after she turned off the engine.

"I had a great time," she said softly, her breath warm against his neck.

"Same here," he replied. "Can I call you tomorrow?"

"Sure. You can come over if you'd like."

Ev straightened and looked at her. "Really?"

"Sure. I've got nothing planned."

"Maybe we can go out to a movie or something," Ev suggested.

"That would be nice."

Ev settled back again and held Beth close. In just a few short minutes, the car began to chill. Ev noticed the change, but didn't want to let go, didn't want to see the evening end. Looking out the windshield and seeing the moon, he began to think about his conversation with Amanda. He knew he didn't hate Amanda and realized she was right about some things. He did need to move on. Sometimes, things don't always work out the way you want them to, but you have to get over it and go on to other things. It was a waste of time and energy to be angry about it all the time and dwell on it. He wondered if he would feel the same way if he hadn't run into Beth that evening. Would he still be angry with Amanda? He couldn't tell for sure, but being with Beth made everything a lot easier to sort out.

Beth shivered in her coat bringing Ev out of his thoughts. He tried to hold her closer, but that was next to impossible unless she was sitting on his lap. "I guess I should let you go," he said reluctantly.

"Trying to get rid of me?"

"No," he smiled, "but it's late and you're cold."

"I'll be alright." She adjusted her position. "Just hold me for a little longer."

"If you insist."

Beth thought of a retort, but kept her thoughts to herself. It had been a long day and she was tired, but like Ev, she was disinclined to end the evening. She tried to fight the cold that was attacking her, but the shivers still managed to make themselves known.

"I better let you go," Ev said, "before you catch a cold."

"I don't catch colds."





"Don't you don't ever get sick?"


Ev shook his head and laughed. "You're nuts."

"Tell me something new."

Ev looked out of the window and sighed. Thoughts were swirling through his brain, thoughts of breaking up with Amanda and all the crap he went through with that. Thoughts of not wanting to go to the dance and being made to go by his parents. Then of course, thoughts of Beth and everything that happened between them that evening. It was funny how things turn out sometimes. He thought of being on the dance floor with Beth, holding her close and enjoying the contours of her back against his hand. After one particular song, he had the strongest urge to kiss her, but didn't. That urge was returning now, but again he hesitated as he looked back at her.

Beth met his gaze and could sense something amiss. "Ev?"


She looked at the shadowy outline of his face in the dim moonlight. Even in this light, she could perceive how difficult the evening had been on him as his tired eyes searched her face. Something unexplained came over her as she touched his face and leaned into him. Her lips touched his with hesitancy not knowing what his reaction would be. Ev stayed rock still and waited, wanting her to go further so he could taste her soft lips for the first time. He imagined them to be soft, as was everything else about her that he had touched that evening. Beth pressed her lips into his and kissed him softly and slowly. Ev reached up and touched her face as well and began to kiss her back. A few moments later, they broke their seal and exhaled simultaneously.

"Wow," Ev breathed softly.

Beth laughed. "I liked it too."

Ev laughed and sat back in the seat. "I had a great time, thanks to you. I'm really glad I came now. I guess my parents aren't so dumb after all."

"They'll be glad to hear that," Beth said.

"I guess so," Ev said sheepishly, "but you know I can't let them know they were right."

"True." Beth looked down at her hands. "I had a great time. Your friends are really nice."

"Thanks. I'm glad you had a good time."

"I had a great time, Ev," Beth corrected him.

"Okay, a 'great' time." He stopped and glanced at his house. "I better be going in. Mom's already peeking out the window at us."

"She is?"


Beth sighed and looked at the house, but saw nothing out of the ordinary at first glance. "I guess it is getting kind of late."

"Yeah." Ev pulled on the door handle and the overhead light came on. Ev squinted against the sudden brightness before adjusting to it. Even through his tired eyes, Beth still looked very pretty. "What time tomorrow?"

"You can call me around noon if you want."

"Okay." Before pushing the door open, Ev leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks again," he said before moving away from her.

Beth smiled and watched him climb out of the car. He closed the door and waved to her as she started the car once again.

The new snow from the west was beginning to fall as Ev watched her pull away from the curb, the round red tail lights slightly obscured through the white falling flakes. She stopped and turned, then disappeared into the night. As he walked up the driveway to the house, hands in pockets, Ev sighed and hoped noon would come soon.

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Coochielover71Coochielover716 months ago

Really , really enjoyed your story, just wish it would have gone on a bit longer.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

ok story I guess, but not as good as some of your others. 3/3

racfguyracfguyover 2 years ago

I just wasted a half hour that I'll never get back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Nice Story

Reminded me a lot of high school days. Ev’s mother reminded me a lot of my mother, and the way we got along back then. Or more like how we didn’t get along back then. What is it about mothers of high school boys that makes them feel the need to be manipulative and controlling? 50 years later and I can barely stand to be around the woman. Oh, well. Nice story, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Another Nice Story and . . .

this one was VERY welcome also. I hope they truly fall in love and look back on this time twenty years from now with wonder and happiness. Lynn

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