Wish Granted Ch. 10


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She directed her horse around the old woman and rode on.

And when she was back in her townhouse, she went to a writing desk and looked for a template for writing out dinner invitations.

And ... she only made three invitations. One for Duke Adurant, Duchess Adurant, and Lady Bransted. Normally, for a dinner party, there would be many more invitations. This was suspicious, wasn't it?

Bethaline wouldn't complain. She always came when Lillitu called.

What of the Duke and Duchess?

Well ... they seemed to trust her. At least ... they knew she wouldn't hurt them.

But what if she ended up hurting them anyway?

After Lillitu's three invitations were finished, she leaned back in her seat. She wondered ... should she do it? Should she put on a walking dress and go to a drug store?

Should she really do something so ... disgusting?

Well ... as long as she was careful ... as long as she didn't put in too much ... as long as she kept a respectable, distant eye on them ...


The table seemed so empty without as many guests. There was a happy glow behind the metaphorical cloud, though. Dear Erdgar was eating in front of people, no mask, no gloves. He was completely ignoring the censorious looks from his former beloved Bethaline. He was radiating felicity every time his wife did anything of note.

Lillitu could easily understand why he seemed to love her so. Danetta was polite and affectionate. There didn't seem to be anything hateful about her.

As the desserts were served to her guests, a twinge of guilt came over Lillitu's senses. The dessert was a thick carrot pudding. Bethaline's pudding was perfectly normal. So was Lillitu's. The servings placed before the married couple weren't so normal.

The couple was completely unaware of that fact. They ate it up, literally, happily.

Lillitu noticed the effects when they were roughly halfway finished eating. They were blushing, breathing heavier, and uncomfortably shifting in their seats. Lillitu said in a manner she hoped to be innocent, "My dear friends, I seem to have worn you out. If you fear that you won't be able to reach your home without collapsing, I could open a guest room for you."

Danetta promptly stood up. "Yes!" She took a wet sounding huff of a breath. "Yes, please!" She shot a nervous, but pleading look to her husband. Her curvy, bouncy bosom was pink and needy.

Erdgar put the scarred back of one of his hands against his lips, as if wiping something away. Then he nodded and got to his feet.

"That's well, then," Lillitu said gently. She turned to Bethaline as she got up. "I hope you won't mind if I leave you for a moment."

Bethaline nodded, but after that she pouted into her pudding like a child that didn't get her way.

Lillitu chose to personally escort the couple to a certain guest room.

She heard relieved grunting the moment the door was closed and locked.

Lillitu then glided her way back to the dining room. Her fingers were reddening as they clutched themselves together. She paused at the entrance to the dining room, and she said to the remaining guest, "Bethaline, won't you follow me for a moment? Keep your voice down."

Curiosity mixed with impatience in the guest's eyes as she rose and obeyed, following Lillitu out of the dining hall, using the same path Lillitu had taken beforehand. However, when they were at the door of the guest room, Lillitu led her around a corner. She looked about to make sure nobody was around to observe them. Then she quietly and carefully slid a bookcase aside, revealing a hidden room that was just big enough for the two women to comfortably stand in.

Bethaline quirked an eyebrow.

Lillitu looked up at her with promising eyes and jerked her fingers up, beckoning Bethaline to join her in the secret room. When both women were snugly inside, Lillitu slid the bookcase over them with a quiet little click, and darkness came over them, except for two little lights coming from holes in the wall.

Very distinct, sensual moans, and ardently devoted words were very audible.

With a whisper, Lillitu reminded her, "Don't be loud, or we'll be discovered."

She couldn't quite see Bethaline's face, but she knew the uppity woman was probably furious ... yet delighted, to be ordered about.

"Wait a moment," Lillitu whispered as she put her eye to one of the holes. She was reminded of her wilder times with Erdgar, back before he was betrothed to Bethaline. They had some interesting parties.

There was a decent view before her eye. True to his loving nature, Erdgar had his wife's skirts up as she sat on a bed, and although his body was blocking the view of the contact, his actions were fairly obvious. He was stroking Danetta with his fingers, and Danetta was loving it. Her spread legs were flinching and rocking. Her hands were clawing at the mattress.

Her voice was thick and sugary. "Oh, Erdgar!"

Lillitu smirked and whispered, "Take a look."

Bethaline obeyed, but she gave a disgusted sniff.

"Wait. You'll understand my point soon."

Bethaline sniffed again, but she kept on starting through the tiny hole.

"Do you want my cock, Darling?" That was Erdgar.

Danetta's voice turned as thin as a spider's web, and just as clingy. "Yes! Yes! It's always so thick in me!"

Erdgar hissed out, "Damn!" Then he adjusted his clothing. His buttocks, which were still as handsome as any other athletic man's, were soon visible. Then he gripped Danetta's wide hips and rammed into her.

"Aaaahhhh! Ohhhh ... Erdgar!" Danetta's arms went around her husband's neck and shoulders. Her rings sparkled in the candlelight.

They moved together for a few moments, exclaiming to each other, murmuring to each other, even cursing each other, but only in jest. Then Erdgar did something that was only slightly surprising. He stopped. He actually pulled himself out of her before he was finished. Then he bent down to his knees, and he put his head between Danetta's thighs.

A soft little gasp came from Bethaline.

Lillitu believed that her wish was coming true.

Danetta's blushing head was tilted back. Her neckline had been loosened and pushed down. Her nipples looked sharp enough to cut anything. Her breasts heaved.

"Erdgar! Oh! Oh!"

Lillitu tapped Bethaline's arm and slid the bookcase aside. She had to tug on Bethaline's arm to get her to come out. Lillitu closed the bookcase over the hidden room. Then she practically dragged Bethaline all the way to the townhouse's main exit.

Poor Bethaline's face was red. Her breath was shaky. Her eyes were glazed over with what Lillitu knew was lust.

Lillitu looked up at Bethaline with the coldest, cruelest smile she could ever remember showing to a person.

"That could have been you."

Bethaline blinked at her. "What?"

It was time to kick the bitch right in her lower belly.

"You didn't understand enough of carnal desire. You didn't understand how skilled, how loving Erdgar was and is." Lillitu reached up and dug her fingers and thumb into the taller woman's chin and jaw, pulling her face down. "I love that man dearly, so dearly, and you ... you stupid, impertinent little piece of shit," and here Bethaline's eyes widened as they leaked out tears, "you broke his heart when he needed you the most. You stole away his courage and made it so that he'd never have anything to do with you ever again."

Lillitu shoved Bethaline aside with so much force that Bethaline cried out, tripped, and fell. She pressed her hand to her wet face and stared at the floor.

"You've ruined yourself," Lillitu continued, tilting her head. Her voice was a poisoned breeze on a cold day. "You're now engaged to marry a man who cares little for you, and the man who once adored you is madly in love with another. His Duchess doesn't only enjoy decadence. She also enjoys a husband that can satisfy her body." Lillitu snorted out a spiteful laugh. "Why, I do believe her body is similar to yours, curved, hourglass-like."

She opened the door and pointed to the streets, and she ordered quietly, "Now, get out. Don't ever come to my house again. I don't want to see your disgusting face ever again."

Bethaline's jaw dropped. She gazed up at Lillitu with a pathetic, pleading emotion in her eyes.

Lillitu's voice rose. "Get the fuck out!"

"No!" Bethaline's voice was uneven.

Lillitu grabbed her by her sleeve and threw her out of the house. Then she slammed the door and locked it.

At first, there was desperate knocking. Eventually, though, Bethaline gave up.

A good half an hour passed before the married couple emerged from the guest room, claiming they had taken a "very refreshing nap."

Lillitu explained that Bethaline had left in a hurry, and then she smiled as the couple also left.

Wish. Motherfucking. Granted.

And the following morning, Lillitu was preparing for a short walk on the streets. Her boot only just touched the steps at the entrance when she noticed the wish loving old woman waving at her.

"My Lady, has your wish been granted?" the old woman asked, walking up to her.

Confidently, Lillitu replied, "Yes. I've granted my own wish."

"So, you don't think you need the gods, eh?"

Lillitu smiled down at her. "Does it really matter? I've yet to see any evidence for their existence. Why should I rely on them?"

The old woman nodded. "Fair point, My Lady. Fair point. Have a good morning!" She waved her hand and walked off, sneezing all the way.


Winter came. Snow was all around the country.

The Duke and Duchess of the Duvanu province enjoyed their lives in their great castle, sometimes visiting Lealna for shopping, festivals, and other silly things. One day, though, Danetta received a letter from Lillitu. Danetta's father had died from alcohol poisoning. That meant a funeral was necessary.

Erdgar was content to spend a lavish amount on the funeral, just to appease his wife's sense of loyalty. The coffin Batren Saivio's corpse was laid in was made of rich wood and glistening silver. They took the opportunity to exhume Danetta's mother's corpse and place it into a similar coffin. The two coffins were placed in a concrete burial chamber designed only for this couple. The plot of land holding the chamber was in a pretty graveyard in Lealna. Once the chamber was sealed, Danetta spent a few minutes kneeling in the snow, praying for her father's soul.

Eventually, Erdgar pushed himself through the snow to get to her. He pulled her fur-lined hood over her head and told her that she'd done enough. It wouldn't do to freeze to death. Danetta nodded and got to her feet, crunching the snow about.

As they rode back to the castle, Danetta wondered about Lady Bransted. She had broken off her engagement very early on in the relationship. While she had been searching for a new possible husband, many men weren't interested, because Lady Bransted had earned a reputation for being fickle. Could she ever find a suitable husband?

As for Duke Bransted, he'd have an easier time. Danetta heard that he'd taken a new lover, a young actress, but there were still plenty of women flocking to him. At least he had lost interest in Danetta. That was a relaxing thought.

When Danetta was in her home, sitting near a fireplace in her bedroom, her husband nuzzled her cheek from behind and whispered little love words to her. It was then that Danetta revealed she was pregnant. Erdgar was so happy that he lifted her up and carried her to her bed.

And, of course, a great deal of pleasure was had.


The End


Author's Note: There will be a sequel, in case you were interested, and I understand if you're not. It will be called, "Pale Painter." I hope to expand on Duke Adurant's parents just a bit, but mostly I'll focus on a completely new character who has a wish for Threne to grant. Maybe in a third installment (if that's the proper word?) I'll focus on that Duke of Bransted. I don't want to leave him alone completely. Also, I want to give up information on Threne, but not too much information. I'm still trying to figure out how much time should be devoted to him. Thank you so much for reading my stories. I know they aren't very good, but I want to keep practicing anyway. I appreciate any and all feedback, even the negative comments. Let's face it. I need negative comments so I can learn what I do wrong, and I know I tend to do a lot wrong. Thanks again!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Aren't very good?

I think the only gripe a reader of this story on this site might have is that it is somewhat lacking in the intimate and thorough description of what sex acts occur, and also the infrequency of those acts. I am thoroughly pleased with the story itself and the characters therein. I am also quite impressed with how easily I was able to believe that I had been transported back into the time period you chose, except that I think several of the 'dirty' words probably didn't exist in that era's lexicon.

To be honest, I often find myself drawn to the Sci-fi/Fantasy category for a good story and I find that a good wank is nothing more than icing on the cake, so I loved this story. I think if you wish to really dial in on what would make your stories more erotic would be if you spent more time describing in every minute detail how the characters' orgasms feel to them. Draw out the description some so that your reader can time their own release to that of the characters. Especially if you choose to have a male character cum inside a female character (actually, I could assume this would also apply to two men, but I can't relate to a gay situation so I can't really comment).

SurlygitSurlygitabout 6 years ago
A great start to a series

You have a knack for writing that reminds me of Raymond Feist, complex passages of time told in a line or two with only what is important to the character.

I would have liked a scene close to the the end from Threne's point of view to see how he/she felt about the whole thing and what "three years" meant. 3 to 5 lines after Lillitu's scene would have been perfect

bloodandsandbloodandsandabout 6 years ago

Bethaline needs her wish granted. IMO she's been in love with Lillitu this whole time. It would be great to see character growth on her part. Learning to be kind. Lilitu also must learn the error in her way of treating Bethaline so harshly when the reason Beth was not into staying with men is because she's a lesbian who has been in love with Lili for years.

dreamer3366dreamer3366almost 7 years ago

Please write more. I truly enjoyed this series. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Well written

You have an excellent grasp of language and diction. The story's conclusion -if it is concluded- (I'm still holding hope for Lillitu.) was satisfying.

The only places where it seemed to drag was the extreme deference the couple had towards each other early on. That seemed stilted and overly formal. I know this was a device used to emphasize the courtly setting of the piece and show a gradual attraction, but it was still an annoying feature of both characters. Good dialogue should be playful. Even when a character isn't free to voice their true feelings there are subtle ways to show disdain, lust, fear through body language, words left unsaid, and description of word delivery.

I look forward to reading more from you.

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