Wishes Do Come True


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Scott took his place at the lectern and the crowd of people quieted. "I want to thank everyone who had a hand in making this the most successful merger in our history. I'm not going to talk any more business tonight. My wife has given me orders that this is to be a fun night. Placards are on the tables. We want corresponding members of each side to get to know each other. There are two banking couples and two investment couples at each table. Please don't change tables. When the dance starts, you may change if you wish. Until then, take some time to get to know one another. After today, we'll have a better idea with whom we're working. Now I would like you to move through the doors at the left and in to the banquet hall. Dinner will be served as soon as everyone has found their seat."

Jenny was amazed at the transformation of the banquet hall. Divider walls had been opened to accommodate the dozen or so tables around the edge of a dance floor and band area. Beautiful decorations in gold and black were on the walls and tables. Black table cloths with gold-edged white china sat on the tables with gold silverware. A deep blood red rose was placed at every other chair where the ladies would sit. Candles were on each table. Jenny's outfit and nails could not have gone better if she had known the color theme beforehand. Once everyone was seated, waiters appeared with shrimp cocktails. By the end of the meal, Jenny wondered if she would even be able to move, let alone dance. Everyone had the same sentiment.

Claire stopped several talks about the merger until she realized the men just couldn't help it, so she gave up and added to the conversation. She proved to understand a lot about the problems of merging two related yet different companies into one. Jenny talked about the personnel problems that could surface and knew the HR departments would have a challenge keeping all employees happy. She added that she had learned a customer wasn't always just the traditional customer. Co-workers and vendors were also customers. In case the newly merged company decided to offer a workshop on the topic, she recommended contacting an author whose book she had edited.

Dessert was a flaming cherry chocolate concoction that just melted in your mouth. Jenny thought she might have orgasm right there. Jamie watched her, knowing her weakness for chocolate, snickering as she stifled a moan. The only thing that saved her was the three other women doing the same thing. When they all looked at one another, all four broke out in laugher. After dessert was consumed, they all excused themselves and went to the ladies' room where they managed to get their laughter under control before returning to the table. No one at their table changed seats for the dance although the men mingled because of their positions.

No wonder the dance started so late. It took that long to get through the several-course meal. Wine had been served with each course, but Jenny was careful not to drink a lot. She wasn't used to drinking and knew she would be drunk before the main course if she over-indulged. She wanted to enjoy the dance. The last time she'd been to a dance was at a cousin's wedding. Even at Beth's wedding, Brian had only danced once and, even then, it was the traditional dance done by the parents of the happy couple.

After the tables had been cleared, the lights were dimmed, making the ceiling look like a beautiful night sky with twinkling stars. If the 'ohhhhs' and 'ahhhhs' were any indication, Jenny was not the only one impressed. The DJ announced the first dance would be a slow one to let the meal settle. Jamie pulled Jenny to her feet and asked if he could have this dance, whispering in her ear 'with the most beautiful lady present'.

"I haven't danced for years. Please forgive me if I step on your toes." Jenny whispered into Jamie's ear when he bent to brush a kiss on her neck.

"We could pretend you're five and you could put your feet on mine if you're worried," he laughed. She poked him in the ribs, which only made him chuckle more.

"You'll do fine. It's like riding a bike. You'll get the hang of it in just a minute or two."

Jamie was right. They seemed to blend together effortlessly like they had been dancing together for years. Jenny was sure she had died and gone to heaven. Jamie was a beautiful dancer and, after a few minutes, Jenny molded into his rhythm. The next dance, Scott and Jamie exchanged partners. The investment leader claimed Jenny for a dance. Jenny liked him from the beginning. He was a lot like Scott, only a little older.

"Mr. Vannoy is a very lucky man. You're a very beautiful woman. I'd say the only woman to give you any competition this evening would be Mr. Roberts' wife. Even the younger women here tonight are not as lovely as either of you."

"Thank you, Mr. Carlson. That is very kind although I'm not sure everyone would agree with you."

"Please call me Victor."

"If you will call me Jenny?"

"I'd be happy to, Jenny. Scott is very lucky to have Jamie on his team. They worked very hard together to make this merger work. I'm not sure I would have been as happy with the results if they had not been the head of their team."

"Jamie has a great deal of respect for you, too, Mr. Carlson, hmm, Victor," Jenny added with a smile. "And I know he thinks the world of Scott. I've only just meet Scott, but I feel sure he is just as pleased with your work in this merger."

The next dance brought Jenny back to Jamie. "I've missed you. Did you and Mr. Carlson get along okay?"

"He's very nice, very much like Scott."

"That's one of the reasons the merger went so well. Victor and Scott hit it off right away and had the same goals. Victor, of course, is older and he didn't have a strong VP to lead the company the way he wanted it to go. Jason Clark came in just as the merger was beginning to take shape and it helped because he's stronger in finance than the first VP Victor had. He'll do well, even after Victor retires in a few years."

A little later, Jenny excused herself to go the powder room. When she came out, Greg Lawson was leaning against the wall.

"It seems luck is not on my side tonight. I would have preferred to be at the same table with you. We could have caught up and the view would have been much better."

"Wendy is very nice looking, Greg."

"She can't hold a candle to you. She's a cow, hasn't kept herself up at all. You're much prettier now than when you were in high school." The music for a slow dance started. Greg took her hand and said, "May I have this dance? I've waited all night for the chance."

Jenny let him lead her to the dance floor, feeling safer with the crowd than in the hall. He tried to hold her too tightly. When that didn't work, he tried to dance her to the terrace doors.

"May I cut in?" Jamie said, smiling as he tapped Greg's shoulder. Greg gave Jenny up with a scowl and said, "Later."

Jenny was visibly relieved and smiled up at Jamie, who said, "I've been watching him. When he left shortly after you did, I figured he was going after you. I saw him lead you to the dance floor. When I noticed you become very stiff, I thought it was time to cut in." Jamie stroked her back. "You're so beautiful tonight, Jenny. It's no wonder he's after you."

Jenny smiled and went up on her toes to brush her lips across his. It was nice to be wanted after so long. She felt thirty again. Jamie had watched to make sure Greg didn't do anything to upset her. She nearly sighed out loud. Brian would have been glad someone else was dancing with her just so he wouldn't have to dance.

"What did he say to you?"

"He had just started asking about the years from high school to now. He asked about Brian. You couldn't have cut in at a more perfect time. I didn't have to answer that one."

Jamie walked Jenny to the terrace after the dance, pulled her into his arms, kissed her, and then said, "Let's go to bed. Every man who has danced with you has made me jealous. To dance with you means they all had their hand on your bare back. I hadn't thought of that when we got you this dress. I guess I thought I would be the only one to put my hand on that soft skin."

Jenny laughed, "Greg let his hand slip under the material even lower. I told him if he didn't want to lose his hand or have his nuts rammed up to his nose, he'd best remove his hand."

"I'm proud of you, honey. He won't get a chance to dance with you again." Jamie was now chuckling at the thought of Lawson's nut coming out of his nose. They moved back to the room and mingled with employees of each side. "We'll leave as soon as we can. I'm too involved in the merger to leave too soon."

"I don't want to leave. I haven't been dancing for a long time and you need to be here. It's good for your career." Jamie marveled at Jenny perception. Lyn would never have given his career a thought.

At twelve forty-five, Jenny, Jamie, Claire, and Scott left to go to their respective rooms. Scott had asked if there had been any problems and Jamie told him what Jenny had said to Greg. Scott nearly bent over laughing. "Good girl" was his comment.

They made arrangements to meet for a late brunch. Scott and Claire would then start back to Indianapolis and their teenagers. Claire was certain her mom would be glad to see them. It wasn't like the kids couldn't take care of themselves, but Claire felt better when someone was there to make meals and keep tabs on them.


Half way through brunch, Greg walked in with Wendy and they took a seat across the way. Jenny was surprised that he hadn't tried to come over and sit with them until she took a sideway glance at Wendy. She was sure Wendy had a black eye.

"Jamie, sneak a peek at Wendy. I think she has a black eye."

Claire leaned forward and whispered, "I'm sure it's a black eye. I need to get her alone. Can you guys do some diversion work?"

Claire said she knew the signs of a battered wife. She had to do something.

About the time the guys made a quick plan, Wendy got up and went to the restroom. Claire quickly said to forget the plan and rose from her chair, telling Jenny to stay at the table. Too many people would only hinder Wendy saying any thing.

Greg was confident that Wendy would say that she fell if anyone asked about her eye. He didn't realize Claire was on her way to speak with Wendy about the bruise. Of course, he didn't know Claire's history; very few people did.

Greg casually walked over to their table and said, "Looks like our ladies have left us for a minute or two. May I sit down?" Scott nodded and Greg continued, "You look very nice this morning, Jenny." Then back to Scott, "I thought the thing last night went very well, didn't you, Scott?" Although his comments were directed to Scott, he continued to watch Jenny. It was a good thing she was already holding Jamie's hand because she could feel him getting tense.

Just about the time Jenny thought she may throw up because of Greg's presence, Claire returned and he had to give up his seat. Wendy had gone directly back to their own table.

Jamie and Jenny discussed the couple on their drive back to Jenny's house. When Greg had finally left their table, Claire told them Wendy had admitted that Greg had hit her, but according to her, it was only because he had drank little too much. Claire said she hoped she had convinced Wendy to call her if she needed help.

"Okay, sweetheart. You wanted to talk to me about something serious?" Jamie wanted to get back to the conversation started in their room before last night's dinner.

"I know you've said things about us being together. I just wanted to know, well, what is it you want? I don't mean now right now, but what do you want for the future. Where to you see us going?"

"Honey, you know exactly what I want. I want you. Not just for today or tomorrow, but for the long haul. I love you, Jenny, and I want you to marry me. And don't tell me again that you're older. Three years is not that much; it's nothing. I love you. And not just for sex. You're everything I want. Look how you handled yourself this weekend. Everyone fell in love with you. You had Victor eating out of your hand."

"I just needed to be sure. I have been thinking that maybe it's time to seriously consider, er, leaving Brian. But it's hard; we've been together for so long. I don't want to hurt him or the kids."

Jamie smiled to Jenny. At last she had said what he wanted to hear. "I'll give you the time you need. I'll be here when you need me. You just gave me a terrific Christmas present—hope."

Chapter 7 - Jamie's wishes come true when Jenny gets a shock

"Vannoy," Jamie growled into the phone as he glanced down at the 9 x 12 inch mailing envelope in his hand.

"Jamie...Jamie..." Jenny sobbed into his ear.

"Jenny, what's wrong? Are you all right?" Jamie came to attention and sat straight up in his chair. "Jenny?"

"Are...you... coming straight home?" Jenny could hardly get the words out through her sobs.

"Jenny, where are you? I'll leave now!"

"I'm...in front of...of...your house."

"I'm leaving now!"

Jamie picked up his coat and told his secretary he was leaving. He walked to his car, wondering what was wrong. It was the Friday following their Louisville weekend. It had been perfect, both professionally and personally. The only way it could have been better is if Jenny were his all the time.

Had she finally asked Brian for a divorce? Or more likely, looking at the envelope in his hand, had Brian asked Jenny for a divorce? He hoped that one of those options was what was wrong with her. At least he knew she wasn't hurt or, as upset as she was, that she wasn't traveling. Instead, she was in her car in front of his house only minutes away.

Three hours earlier, Scott had entered his office, telling him for the umpteenth time that he had done a great job on the merger. This time, though, he had stopped in mid-sentence and asked what was wrong.

Jamie asked Scott if he remembered asking Jamie five months ago to leave his personal problems at home, but to come to him if he could help. Scott nodded and asked if his mood today had something to do with Jenny. Scott had liked Jenny the minute he met her last weekend. Claire liked her, too, and Scott knew Claire's instincts were almost always right. Jenny was just what Jamie needed and it was so obvious that they were in love.

Jamie told Scott that he had known Jenny years before when they worked for the same company and had become friends. Friendship was all Jamie stressed. Then several months ago they met by chance, one thing led to another and they had fallen in love. Jamie didn't tell Scott that Jenny had been looking for him to start an affair. He smiled a little when he thought of that first day. Then he told Scott that he wanted to make Jenny his wife, but she was married. He said that "Jenny and Brian shared grandchildren" as Jenny puts it, but not much else. She felt she couldn't leave Brian after all these years. Jamie confessed that Jenny resisted seeing him, but he persisted. He didn't want Scott to think badly of Jenny for having an affair while married to another man.

Jamie told Scott that he thought he loved Jenny years ago. They didn't do anything about it then, but he wouldn't lose her the second time. Her marriage back then, like his, was in trouble, but she fought to make hers work. Now she and Brian basically lived in the same house, leading separate lives. He also told Scott that Jenny thought their age difference was a problem. It wasn't, he assured Scott. He said that the reason that he and Jenny had been able to see each other so often was that her husband was going out of town more and more regularly.

Then he gave Scott the envelope he was holding. It contained proof that Brian was not only having an affair of his own, but with a much younger pregnant woman in Texas.

"I want to tell her, but I'm afraid that, even though Brian is scum, she'll be mad that I had him investigated. She's said all along that she didn't want Brian to know about us and that she didn't want a divorce. Until last week, that is. She finally said she thought their marriage should end."

"I can see you have a problem. You must have suspected something or you wouldn't have had him tailed." Scott paused for a moment and then continued. "I can tell you that neither Claire nor I have seen two people more in love than the two of you. She's a perfect compliment to you and she held her own in every conversation even with the CEO of Miller Investments." Scott smiled. "Claire really liked her and she's seldom wrong about anyone. And like my Claire, she would be an asset for work. After watching the two of you, I think she would be a wonderful woman to come home to after a hard day at work." He shook his head. "I don't know what to tell you about this though," as he handed the envelope back to Jamie. "Maybe you should just sit on it awhile and see what develops. This Brian may ask her for a divorce if that gal is carrying his kid."

"Yeah, that would solve the problem all right," Jamie sighed. "I don't know how much longer I can wait. I miss her so much when she's not with me."

"Well, if comes to divorce and I can't think it can go any other way, call me. I have a very good friend who can handle it. Jenny's been married to this guy too long not to come out of a divorce with everything she deserves—even if her husband is not the only one having an affair. I don't and I won't condemn you, Jamie. Sometimes marriages just don't last. After meeting Jenny and seeing the two of you together, well...call me if you need my friend's name. Call me even if it's at night or the weekend. I'll give him a call."

Scott paused a moment, then continued. "Did you know that Claire was married before? That's why we waited so long to have kids. She was afraid. Her ex was son of a bitch. He used her as a punching bag. She was a mess when I met her. She went back to school, got her confidence back, and married me. She made me the happiest man in the world. That's why she's worried about Lawson's wife. She sees the signs. That's why she wanted to talk to Wendy last weekend. Hang in there. If you need to talk, my door is always open."

"Jenny is concerned about Wendy, too. And at least I don't have to worry about Brian hitting her."

Jamie slipped the envelope into his inside jacket pocket. He wanted it with him in case the opportunity arose to use it.

He pulled into his drive, opened the garage door, and drove inside. Jenny had started her car when he turned the corner and drove into the garage beside him. As soon as Jamie opened her door and started to pull her out, she started sobbing again. Jamie got her inside and led her to the couch. He sat down and pulled her on his lap. They sat like that for nearly fifteen minutes before Jenny's tears stopped and she began to get control herself. Jamie whispered comforting words and rubbed her back. It was another few minutes before Jenny told him about Brian.

"Brian called on Monday and said that his business was going to take a little longer this week and he wouldn't be home until Thursday—yesterday. I had such a wonderful weekend; I guess I was kind of happy he wasn't coming home. It would give me four days to get you to the back of my mind and act more normal when he came home. I just floated through the next couple of days.

"He came in yesterday. There were no preliminaries, no trying to skirt the issues, no warning. He wants a divorce as soon as possible. He's already seen a lawyer. I have a copy of the agreement. It seems he's in love with a woman from their Austin office. He's been seeing her for more than three years. And isn't this a hoot, at first he didn't want a divorce for the same reasons that I told you I didn't want one. But lately, he has realized that 'our marriage is a sham'. A 'sham' that's what he called it. He doesn't want to be part of it anymore. He wants to marry this gal. Jamie, I don't think it's his first affair. I can't put my figure on it, but some of the things he said..." Jenny shook her head as she tried to remember just what Brian had said that lead her to believe this wasn't his first affair. After a pause, she whispered, "I was so shocked!"