With Strings Attached Ch. 11


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"Very good puppet," breathed Nicole as she held on to Alice's head now more for support than to keep it in place. "Now lick me clean and we can start getting dressed."

"Yes mistress," was all Alice was able to mumble as her mouth was still trapped within Nicole pussy lips trying to keep Nicole's flow from dripping down her chin.

Relieved that the event was over Alice robotically helped Nicole dress in her erotic take on a Santa suit. First sliding a pair of red satin thong panties up Nicole's legs, she smoothed the material over her hips and ass before placing a soft kiss on the front. This was followed by a pair of sheer pantyhose and a pair of black satin tap panties. Standing up Alice took the red velvet dress from its hanger and gently slid it over Nicole. Making sure that her arms slipped through the off-the-shoulder straps and draped over her body. Pressing her hand firmly over Nicole's ass Alice slowly pulled the zipper up the dress stretching the velvet and tightening the body lace. A two inch wide black patent belt was placed around her waist enhancing her figure and was finished off with a pair of knee high black patent stiletto boots with white fur around the top.

"What do you think," inquired Nicole in a sultry voice as she turned and faced Alice, bent foreword with her breasts very much on display.

"I think you look sexy," answered Alice, not wanting to upset Nicole again. She could not believe the sight before her. The hem of the dress was obscenely short barely covering her crotch in front and exposing the bottom curve of her ass in back. In fact even the smallest movement caused her black tap panties to be displayed. Also the body lace of the dress hugged Nicole like a second skin showing every curve of her body, the fabric pulled tight over her breasts giving them a nice rounded shape while leaving the tops bare.

"I'm pleased you like it puppet," exclaimed Nicole as she looked at herself in the mirrored closet. "Do you like the way it shows off my body?"

"Yes, mistress," stated Alice as she thought it showed too much off. She was here to have Christmas dinner with her parents and she was dressed like she was about to attend some sexy collage Christmas party. But what really worried Alice was what she was going to have to wear. Nicole usually wanted her to be a little more exposed and thus the center of attention and by Nicole's level of exposure her costume would have to be truly obscene.

Alice watched Nicole walk across the room to where the other garment bag sat. Her eyes first drawn to Nicole's breasts as they bounced with every step she took fighting their confinement. As Nicole passed her eyes fell to Nicole's ass as the hem of the dress offered glimpses of her black velvet covered ass. Alice's eyes remained fixated on Nicole's bottom as she bent over the bed to reach for the second garment bag. Hearing the zipper being opened Alice's eyes left Nicole's body drawn to the source of the sound.

"Here we go puppet," announced Nicole as she pulled Alice's outfit out.

Upon seeing the elf themed costume Alice's fears about Nicole continuing to dress her provocatively were confirmed. The two items Nicole held up were a short green a-line skirt with a saw tooth hem and a red under bust corset that would leave her breasts exposed.

"It looks a little revealing," replied Alice nervously.

"Don't worry;" answered Nicole with a smirk on her face, "There are a few other items."

Alice quietly pulled up the green thigh high stockings and green skirt, the hem falling well within the pinkie rule. As the corset was secured around her waist Alice was extremely nervous her breasts would remain exposed for her parents to see. The red corset ended just under her mounds with a small pointed section rising up between them and tightened her waist into an hourglass shape. Alice stood mindlessly staring at her image in the closet mirror as Nicole slipped red ankle boots on her feet and the green elf hat on her head. However Alice was relieved when she saw Nicole approaching and draping a small capelet over her shoulders, securing it around her neck, the apprehension of not wearing panties in front of her parents completely forgotten as she looked at her reflection. Before her stood a girl dressed as Christmas elf, the skirt adding a bit of sexiness and as long as she kept her arms to her sides the elbow length capelet only exposed the tip of the corset rising between her breasts, giving the illusion they were covered as well. However any quick turns or large movements of her arms would expose her breasts to anyone looking.

"There you go puppet," whispered Nicole as she looked at there reflection from behind Alice. "To the entire world you look like a beautiful girl ready for a night of caroling. You could even go to church in that outfit and no one would give you a second look."

As Alice looked at there reflection it was easy to assume that Nicole was dressed more provocatively of the two, with a fair amount of cleavage showing and her panties visible under the short skirt whereas Alice looked like she was going to work at the local mall in their Santa display. But even though she was completely covered Alice still felt completely naked and knew while Nicole's outfit left little to the imagination hers left her completely exposed.

"You make one cute elf," whispered Nicole as her hand disappeared under the capelet.

"Yes mistress," squeaked Alice as she felt Nicole's fingers dance across her exposed breast, her nail tracing circles around her hardening nipple. She wanted to pull away from her girlfriend's touch but she also didn't want to displease her girlfriend. Trying to force away her desire to escape Nicole's grasp she bit her lip as she watched the caplet move over Nicole's probing hand.

"Yet under that cute façade we have a very sexy and exposed elf, don't we," continued Nicole.

As much as she didn't want to admit it Nicole was right. Her costume was just a façade and Nicole had her exposed as usual. The only difference was this time she had a cloak of decency around her and with that thought Alice realized Nicole's plan. She was not supposed to be the center of attention, Nicole was. With Nicole being so outgoing and dressed the way she was neither parent would notice her as all eyes would be on her girlfriend. The only thing Alice did not understand was why.

Hearing her mother shout "Girls, dinner is ready" made Alice put down her comb. She had been brushing Nicole's hair after she helped apply her makeup and stood at attention as Nicole placed the red Santa hat on her head.

"Showtime, puppet," announced Nicole as she took Alice's hand and led her from the room.

After making the announcement Janet waited anxiously at the bottom of the stairs. Ever since Nicole arrived her excitement level had gone up greatly and she had to go upstairs earlier to change her panties of a second time that day. That is when she heard the soft moans coming from Alice's room and just hand to stop and listen for a few minutes. Janet let out a slight giggle as she understood what was going on just behind the door and she had to fight her urge to finger herself right outside of her daughter's room.

Hearing the telltale clicks of a woman's high heeled shoe Janet focused her eyes at the top o the stairs holding her breath for the first glimpse of her dinner guest. As Nicole appeared at the top of the stairs Janet let out a gasp and openly gawked at the lovely creature approaching her. Everything about the girl radiated confidence and sexiness; from her leather boots to her exposed legs and black underwear that stuck out in stark contrast to her thighs and red dress. Janet's expression turned to that of a smile as Nicole reached the bottom of the stairs and her focus changed from Nicole's legs to her flirty smile and ample bust on display which jiggled with each step.

"We're ready for dinner," cooed Nicole as she brushed past Janet with Alice in tow.

Janet could not repress the sharp twinge of excitement that radiated from her breasts and clit as she followed the young woman to the dining room. Her eyes once again locked on the very short skirt as she watched it dance back and forth to the wiggle of Nicole's ass, her heart jumping with excitement every time Nicole's black panties came into view.


Alice sat nervously at the dinning room table, quietly picking at her food as the conversation and laughter echoed around her. The whole situation seemed so surreal to her Here she was, sitting down to Christmas dinner feeling like she was hiding her nudity from her family while her girl friend, who was unquestionably dressed inappropriately for a family dinner, flirted with her mother. The only positive was that both of her parent's attention was focused on Nicole and she was not required to participate in the banter going on, mainly between her mother and Nicole. In fact the two seemed to very much prefer to keep her and her father on the sidelines.

It was bad enough that she had to be intimate with Nicole and do all of the other perverse things she wanted as well as any other willing woman but the thought of her mother taking part in any way terrified her. As she silently watched the drama unfold before her all Alice could think about was what Nicole was planning. Nothing seemed to be beyond the realm of possibilities and this made Alice even more uncomfortable. She was already having an affair with her pretend sister and now Nicole seemed very interested in endearing her mother's attention. However Alice's emotional turmoil came to an end with her father announcing that it was time to open presents.

"Yes, lets," stated Alice quickly. As much as she did not want to be in Nicole's spotlight, she wanted her mother in it even less. However her eager response brought her mother's and Nicole's questioning stares at her instead of her father. "It's just I cannot wait for Nicole to see what I got her," continued Alice nervous at the questioning gaze she was receiving.

"I just love your enthusiasm," giggled Nicole, "and I guess we have been hogging the conversation and leaving these two in the cold. Besides we can always continue our conversation at another time, when we would not be stealing time away from our significant others. Thank you for a wonderful meal, I truly enjoyed the experience."

"It was my pleasure," chirped Janet as she watched Nicole get up from her chair. "Besides you were a major part in making this dinner so..... festive."

Her mother's remark sent a shiver down Alice's back. Nicole had stolen the spotlight, a spotlight she now shared with her lover and to which she was once again a main player in the drama. Taking her girlfriends hand Alice carefully rose from her chair and followed Nicole's lead to the family room.

Janet simply stood up from her chair; her eyes focused on the backside of the young girl butterflies dancing in her stomach. She was mesmerized by the shine of her nylon covered legs and listened to their whisper and zip as her thighs brushed against one another as if it was a love song. She studied the wiggle of her hips and tried to will the hem of the skirt to sway and flutter a little more to give her another glimpse of that incredible ass encased in black. So taken by the sight that she was unable to release her attention or see that her husband was in the same state until the two girls turned the corner.

In pursuit, both Janet and Paul followed the two lovers into the living room were they found Alice sitting in the corner of the couch and Nicole next to her, thigh to thigh. Paul, wanting the best view of the sexy Santa, walked past the girls to his chair and sat facing the couch. Janet, seeing to opportunity, strutted to the couch and sat beside her flirty friend.

"Well now that everyone is here why don't you get me that present you are so anxious to give me," stated Nicole.

Nervously Alice walked over to the tree and picked up the small present purchased for Nicole. Alice really didn't want to buy anything for her girlfriend but while shopping with her mother, Janet found the cutest hart locket and purchased it for Nicole.

"It's beautiful," stated Nicole as she looked at the picture of Alice in a classic little mermaid pose inserted within the locket.

"Now I want you to go over and get that box, and bring it here to open," ordered Nicole.

Her heart pounding, Alice slowly unwrapped the box as Nicole stroked her nylon covered thigh. Lifting the top off Alice peered into the box the room dead silent as she gazed at the golden items within.

Sitting within the box were four gold rings. One large oval shaped ring that dropped down in the front and a circular one with a similar dip sitting within it. Sitting above the oval like two mouse ears were two smaller circular rings. Each was elaborately decorated with small red crystals and small metal stubs dangling on the outside of each.

"Do you like them?" inquired Nicole.

"Yes very much," whispered Alice somewhat hesitantly, not fully understanding what they were.

"Stand up and let me help you put them on," commanded Nicole.

In a trance Alice watch as Nicole clasped each of the small rings around her wrists and the large oval snuggly around her waist. Standing before her with a smile on her face Nicole slowly lifted the finial ring and placed it around her neck with a small click sound. Leaning in Nicole gently kissed her on the lips whispering, "The key to those will fit nicely into the locket you gave me."

"Key!" thought Alice in near panic as she pulled away from Nicole to look at the two shackles that now enclosed her wrists as well as her waist and neck. Nicole had not only bought her restraints for Christmas but locked them on her in front of her parents. A quick glance around the room showed Alice that neither fully understood what Nicole had done but now she was not only naked before her family but restrained as well.

"Alice! Say thank you to your girlfriend," stated Janet.

"Thank you Nicole, they're beautiful," replied Alice in a little girl voice.

"Your welcome, Alice," replied Nicole. "Now why don't you get that nice long present over there and being it back. Your mother and I spotted it while shopping and I thought they would be the for you. However your mother wasn't so sure so let's see who's right."

Turning Alice walked back towards the tree and the present Nicole pointed out. Even with her mother and Nicole talking in the background all Alice could clearly hear was the sound of the stubs clanging as she moved. Retrieving the box Alice returned to the couch this time sitting between her lover and her mother.

Under the gaze of both women in the room Alice opened the box releasing a strong leather smell. Pulling back the tissue paper a pair of high black leather boots with a three inch heel.

"When Nicole pointed out these boots to me I thought she was teasing," stated Janet. "In the past you always referred to them as something only hookers or strippers would wear. When Nicole told me that you actually liked wearing thigh high boots and were actually wearing mine when you two met I was a little surprised. However she insisted you would like them."

"Nicole was right mother," whispered Alice as she thought about the shackles she was wearing. "It is the perfect gift."

"Well I guess your girlfriend knows you best," laughed Janet.

"Lets just say I saw her in a whole new light," replied Nicole as she patted Alice's knee. "Now stand up and let's see how they fit."

Obediently Alice stood in front of the couch as Nicole first took her slippers off. Placing her hand on Nicole's shoulder for support Alice lifted her right leg and pointed her foot down to fit into the tight boot and then the left. Standing straight Alice felt the boot being pulled up her leg and then the sipper being sliding up pulling the leather tight against her legs almost to the bottom of her skirt, once finished Nicole ran her hands up and down as if to smooth out the leather.

With a quick hit on her ass Alice jerked forward and started to walk across the room. To Alice the whole experience was like learning to walk all over again. The boots were tight and encased her legs well past mid thigh making it hard for her to bend her knees and definitely restricting her ability to crouch down. And while she had worn high heels before she was still not very experienced and combined with the fear to not have her arms leave her sides made the first strides look very comical.

"Alice it looks like you need some practice wearing those boots so why don't you get the presents and deliver them like a good elf," stated Nicole as she moved next to her mother.

And with that command Alice became the official Christmas elf retrieving and delivering the presents as Nicole directed. Around the room it went with each person opening their gift; presents from her parents to each other, a smart phone for her and a book on photography for Nicole. Embarrassingly a copy of Playboy announcing a subscription in her name, to which her parents playfully threatened that the other could not look at it. All the while Alice feeling anxious about the presents left and what they contained.

At Nicole's direction Alice picked up the two presents April had given her and nervously handed one to her mother and one to Nicole. Alice could only stand before the two women as they each unwrapped the present April had purchased for them in her name.

"The Kamasutra!' exclaimed Janet with a smile on her face, "Honey, are you trying to tell your father and I something?"

Alice could only stand in front of her mother paralyzed with shame. Even with all the things Nicole had done to her and made her do this had topped them. Everything else was done with Nicole or for the most part strangers who saw her as a willing slut and agreed to engage her. But these were her parents, the people who raised her from a little baby and even though her mother had enjoyed teasing her about her lesbian past she was still her mother.

"Actually with all the talk you have been giving Alice over the years about your lesbian past we thought you may need some help with the opposite sex," injected Nicole her hand moving to touch the book and Janet's arm.

"Did you hear that Paul" asked Janet, "our sweet innocent daughter thinks we may need some help?"

"Actually she said you may need some help with the opposite sex," laughed Paul, his eyes still riveted on Nicole's hand as she gently stroked his wife's arm.

"Well I suppose it's never too late to learn some new tricks" inquired Janet", right Alice?"

"Yes mother," squeaked Alice.

"Well sweetie it's your turn," stated Janet as she placed her hand on Nicole's knee and started to rub her nylon covered thigh with her fingers.

Without so much as a flinch of her leg Nicole casually started to unwrap the thin rectangular box. With the last of the paper removed Nicole opened the lid to a loud gasp from Alice and laugh from her mother.

Alice stared down at Nicole's hand in disbelief. The small leather loop already rested around her wrist as her well manicured fingers wrapped around the ornate sterling sliver handle. The long leather shaft with a swirl extending to a small leather square at the end. April bought a riding crop for her to give to her girlfriend and lover in front of her parents. Alice didn't think she could have been more humiliated than when her mother unwrapped the book but she was wrong. Here was her girlfriend dressed in a very sexy costume, sitting next to her mother, holding up a riding crop she had received as a gift from her.

"And what type of help are you offering your girlfriend," ask Janet with a smile on her face.

"Well... I thought .... I mean...," Alice began to stutter.