With Strings Attached Ch. 22


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When Nicole suggested I go with my clones to their hotel room I was already mentally prepared, having convinced myself that I had to do this for Nicole and not myself. Entering the elevator I grabbed my two clones by the waist and pulled them both in for a three way kiss just as I had been trained. When playing with novices it is important to keep both engaged so neither feels less important or left out.

Once we entered their room, I left both at the door and walked towards the center, unzipping my dress as I walked. Upon reaching the foot of the bed I let the dress slide off of my shoulders, exposing the fact that I was not wearing any panties. Turning around I faced my two new lovers in only my heels, seeing the look of lust in their eyes as they drink me in before we continued this perverted fantasy, a fantasy I'm tasked with fulfilling.

The girls got the hint when I placed my hands on my hips and giving each other a mischievous smile they reached back and unzipped their dresses. As I watched their arms move down their backs, I nervously slid my hands over my naked hips. These girls like to pretend they are one so I will be the center of attention in this threesome, coordinating my pleasure as opposed to their's. As their dresses fell to the floor their bodies came into view, covered only by a pair of black panties, keeping me as the only fully naked one. I have always been a little self conscious about my breasts, being small they never met the societal ideal. However looking at the two copies before me they looked perfect. The small pear shaped breasts fit their petite bodies making them look more like models than pin ups. Raising my hand I slowly rub my own nipple and thought I was being a bit hard on myself as these two women looked perfect.

Knowing that letting things stop can kill the mood, I took a deep breath and approached the two girls. They remained motionless, expecting me to take the initiative. Needing to engage with both of them, I reached out with both hands and caressed their breasts. Like my own they are very firm, not soft and malleable like Vicky's or Nicole's. They are compact, easily fitting into the palms of my small hands. Dancing to my touch they let out a soft moan as they turn to kiss each other.

Taking my cue I drop to my knees and caress the outer hip of each girl. Their skin is soft and smooth, twitching from the slow strokes of my hands. I give each a kiss at the top of their panties, inciting a giggle as they continue to kiss. Grasping the tight bands wrapping around Aurora's hips I pull the thong to her ankles allowing the aroma of her arousal to escape and exposing her neatly trimmed blonde bush. The smell instantly caused my pussy to clench, signalling my own arousal. Her clit was stiff and her lips were engorged as her juices slowly seeped out to cover her groin. Licking my lips I could not help but move in for a taste, smooth and creamy, different from my own, lessening to perception we are identical. Doing the same for Belle I see her neatly trimmed landing strip leading to her mound before tasting her slightly cinnamon flavor. Being the only one completely shaved I resigned myself to the fact that even without clothes I'm still the most exposed.

Knowing that I had to keep the momentum moving, I guided my copies to the bed where they laid down and continued to kiss. Letting them get comfortable with the progression I simply watched, slowing stroking my hands up and down their sides, caressing the small of their backs and fondling their asses. Seeing their juices begin to flow again I carefully push their bodies apart, giving me access. Sliding my hands around their hips I gently rub my fingers over their mounds before sliding my index fingers between their lips towards the entrance of their vaginas.

Muffled whimpers escape their mouths as my fingers begin to explore their inner sanctums. Adding a second finger, the soft sponginess of their well lubricated inner walls grip my fingers as I bring them both to climax, their pussies clenching down as my hands become covered in their cum. Withdrawing my fingers I begin to clean them with my mouth as my clones attempt to catch their breath still in each others arms. As I savor their fluids I see them turn their lust filled gaze towards me.

I'm almost attacked as both girls fought to kiss me, their hands roving over my whole body. Then, pinned on my back, each girl takes a nipple in her mouth and begins to nibble and suckle. I moan in pleasure as my sensitive breasts are overwhelmed. With my hands pinned to my sides I cannot get them around my two attackers to reach my own crotch and have to rely on their roaming hands, a whimper escaping my lips as one of their fingers makes contact with my clit. Sensing my need, the girls hands homed in on my pussy as they started to attack it with equal vigour.

I was awoken by an elbow bumping into my face, my head pounding from the hangover as the memories from last night seeped back. Meeting my blonde and brunette twins at the bar, the dancing, the flirting, the groping, the kissing and the sex. Returning to their hotel room I was effectively double teamed, having to pleasure both girls at once and having both girls pleasure me. The dueling went back and forth until they both fell asleep and I dropped off immediately after.

Now sober I did not want to have to deal with the two sleeping nymphs and carefully rolled off of the bed. I picked up the first dress I saw and slipped it on along with a pair of discarded black heels, knowing that neither were probably mine. I just wanted to get out of the room before they woke up.

Amateur Night

However my attempt to get away from my two doppelgangers was short lived, as Nicole got their contact information yesterday. The Britney's, yes, they both shared the same first name, were invited to join us on tonight's adventure, an amateur stripper competition. Nicole thought it would be great if the three of us were paired up with a matching hair colored partner. The blonde Britney, who I nicknamed Aurora would strip for Vicky, the brunette Britney, I named Belle, would dance for Nicole, and I would be dancing for April. A professional stripper going by the stage name Ruby, April had been pretending to be my sister since our first encounter and while we were having a supposed secret affair, Nicole knew of it and actually insisted I do it. Now I had to strip for, who everyone one in our group believed to be, my older sister.

Nicole had brought an outfit specifically for my routine. A pair of dark blue court shoes with light blue sport socks covered my feet. A short dark blue skater skirt, meeting the pinkie rule, with a thin black belt wrapped around my waist covering a pair of dark blue boy shorts with side rip panels and a light blue thong. A figure hugging light blue short sleeved crop top with front buttons, sports bra and a light blue headband completed my outfit. With a stripper pole and small stage in her condo April had spent months teaching me the art of exotic dancing. That dancing for women is very different than dancing for men. Where the latter is all visual the former is mostly mental. A woman dancing for women is all show, it's the mood more than the visual. As such my outfit is sexy and flirty as opposed to raunchy.

Looking around I see they arranged us in a semicircle on the dance floor. I was a little to the left end, the two Britney's were to my right with April, my "client", sitting in a chair before me.

"Ladies, we are about to begin," announced the mistress of ceremonies as she drew the crowd's attention. "Today we have 36 sexy ladies who think they have what it takes to be a stripper, all competing for $500 in prize money. The rules are simple; we will play three songs and they will strip. At the end of the first song our judges will remove 18 girls. At the end of the second song there will be only 9 left and at the end of the third song you will vote for the best stripper!"

The crowd cheered and clapped as I tried not to think of what I was about to do, take my clothes off in front of several hundred women. I knew the format, I had to tease my way into the final round and the last song where I needed to win the crowd's attention.

"However," continued the speaker, "house rules apply. While the strippers can touch the clients they cannot grope or fondle. Also the clients cannot touch the stripers. Are we ready? Music!"

As the song started playing I danced to the beat, shaking my ass and letting my skirt fly. While many of the girls began by taking off their clothes I toyed with my client and the crowd, teasing them on what was to come. At about half way through the song I knew I had to get the approval of the judges. Doing a quick spin like a figure skater, I moved out to the center of the floor. Coming to a stop, away from all the other contestants, I undo the belt buckle and quickly pull the leather belt off. The resulting snap grabbed the attention of everyone as the belt became a prop for my performance. With a runway models strut I walked back to April, the belt hanging loosely by my side. Upon reaching the chair I slid the belt through the buckle and placed the loop over Aprils head, making a collar and a leash, and making the first cut.

As the second song started most of my competition were already naked or nearly there, leaving me the only one with major items to shed. Holding the end of April's tether, I stepped back and continued to run my hands over my body to the music. Releasing the belt I turned around and bending at the waist pulled my skirt down, revealing the dark blue underwear. The crowd cheered as they were now mostly vested in my show. Removing the skirt was not random, with small breasts my ass is my best feature and giving them a glimpse of it first kept them interested. I feel the music as I move my hips showing off my butt to its best advantage. Before my performance became stale I stepped back and pulled my shirt apart, exposing my bra to the cheers of the crowd as I swung it around over my head.

"All right ladies pay attention," barked the speaker. "We have our final nine and you get to choose the winner!"

With the start of the third song several of the dancers to my left and right are gone, giving me more room to perform. Dropping to my knees I crawl back towards April, my ass on display for the crowd. Reaching her legs, I bend down and place a soft kiss on each of her feet, causing the crowd to cheer yet again.

Placing my hands on her knees, I push myself up doing a handstand on her lap and scissoring my legs to form a T shape, giving April a close up view of my crotch. Twisting I drop my feet to the floor and in one move pull the boy shirts off exposing the thong beneath. Bending at the waist I show my ass to the crowd again. Reaching out I grasp the end of the belt and pull April forward until her face is just in front of mine. Taking my panties I place them in front of her mouth where she takes them with her teeth. As the song comes close to an end I pull off my bra exposing my breasts to the audience.

"All right ladies was that exciting or what?" asked the speaker as she returned to the center of the dance floor.

The cheer of the crowd answered her question.

One by one she asked for the crowds vote by applause. Each got a cheer and applause. When she announced me I did a deep ballet bow to the roar of the crowd, clearly winning the competition.

Kissing Contest

"Names?" asked the young woman sitting at the table.

"April and Alice Bless," replied April giving me a wink.

Bless was my last name and while everyone, except for Nicole, believed we were sisters, hearing her use it as hers always made me quiver. Sort of made our relationship official. Nicole was officially my girlfriend, officially my mistress. April was my big sister or how everyone knew us. She was also my mistress, not in the same sense as Nicole is my dom, but the woman I'm supposedly having an affair with. It was just unknown to me just how far Nicole and April were taking it. Yes I knew April and Nicole were probably having sex but I did not know Nicole was also having an affair with my mother or that she had introduced April to my mother as well. Making April the mistress in four relationships, mine and Nicole's both sides, my mother and Nicole and my mother and father. Furthermore my mother's office now believed that April was me and April started a further affair, as me, with one of my moms co-workers. Nicole knew about everything and loved it.

"So you two are married?" Asked the woman.

"No, we're sisters," proclaimed April proudly as she grasped my hand. I could only blush and look at the floor picturing the look on the woman's face as she heard the news.

"Biological sisters," clarified the woman.

"Yes," answered April.

"You do know this is a kissing contest right?" asked the woman nervously.

"Yes we do," replied April calmly, knowing what she was doing to the woman.

"And that you are signing up to be a partner. With your sister. Kissing partners," the woman letting the obvious statement hang.

"Yes we know," answered April, opening up her big reveal. "We are very... close. Always have been and have kissed many times before. You can say we like being naughty."

"Well that you certainly are," responded the woman with a slight laugh. "Here are your numbers, good luck."

I stood on what normally was the dance floor holding April's hand, a #27 pinned to my back. Just one of dozens of lesbian couples participating in the contest, a kissing contest for women only. Looking around, I think about why I should not be here. I'm not a lesbian and did not want to kiss a girl. April is my pretend sister and sister's do not kiss. It's as if I'm breaking every taboo just because that is what everyone wants and expects from me.

"Okay, welcome everyone to our Thursday Girls Only Spring Break Kissing Contest," announced the woman. "The rules are simple, each couple must continuously kiss, meaning lips or tongues must be touching at all times, any separation will remove you from the competition. The contestants will have a break every hour from quarter to, to the top of the hour. If you need to pee, eat, or drink you do it at this time. Lets just hope our couples are comfortable kissing each other as they will probably be doing it for a very long time."

As she made that last statement I knew she was referring to April and me. How perverted do you have to be to enter a kissing contest with your sister? Turning to April I could see the look of lust in her eyes, the thought that she was about to be intimate with her sister was turning her on. Closing the distance, April slipped her left hand into my right back pocket and rested her right on my left shoulder cradling the back of my head. Nervously I copied her position.

Like yesterday we came dressed for the event. This being a test of endurance as opposed to a popularity contest, we dressed for comfort, April in court shoes and me in three inch wedge heels. It made us about the same height, but comfortable when standing for long periods of time. Both of us were wearing denim shorts, tight tee shirts and sports bras for the rest of our outfits. With our hair up in ponytails, we could hold these positions all day without any physical strain.

As the crowd started to countdown to noon and the official start we leaned against each other, tightening our embrace and pressing our breasts together. Seeing the mischievous smile on April's face caused me to make one of my own. She bent forward, slowly her smile morphing as her lips approached mine. Our kiss started before the buzzer, a fact some of the other couples failed to understand and were disqualified. Our tongues brushed each others lightly as the soft affectionate kiss progressed. Soon we were kissing like lovers, our mouths open and our tongues deep into each others mouths. April's hand tightened its grip around the back of my neck, locking me in position as her other hand squeezed my ass through my pocket.

I could feel my nipples harden from her actions, and my engorging pussy lips rubbing against the fabric concealing them as my arousal grew. I had to fight to keep control. My mind was telling me I was heterosexual and kissing another girl infront of a large crowd who thought we were sisters, while a thrill shot through me as my body responded to the lewd act, accepting the stimulation it now associated with sexual pleasure.

One of the first things Nicole insisted I learn was how to be a good kisser. Having never kissed anyone, boy or girl, Nicole took it as her mission to mold me into the perfect lover. With no other benchmarks I now referenced everything on other females. Freed from having to determine how the male mind and body worked I was trained only in female arousal and as such, my own body started to get the same reactions I was working to achieve in my female partners.

Mentally I was humiliated by my actions and the display we were making before this crowd, while my body gathered pleasure from our activity, ignoring everything around us. Forced to continue, I choose to have my mind surrender, letting my body's lust and emotions carry me through.

By five o'clock half of the couples had dropped out, and by nine there were only five. Now small enough, the bar moved us up on their small stage as the spectators danced on the floor below. It wasn't until 1:30 in the morning, a full 13 1/2 hours after we started, that the last couple gave up, leaving April and I as the victors.

Body Paint

Leaving the beach I was a little nervous for what Nicole had planned for our last day. Over the past week Nicole had me kiss several hundred women for $1 each, make a public display and bed two girls who looked exactly like me if not for the hair, perform a stripper routine, and spend a whole day doing nothing but kiss April. Outside of public bondage I could not think of anything else. But of course Nicole could.

"Here we are," announced Nicole, stopping before a tent.

Looking up I saw pictures of animal painted faces and colorful bodies. In the back corner was a rather butch looking woman with what looked like a little paint gun, creating a tiger on a girls stomach.

"Are you interested in some body painting today?" inquired a woman in a pair of paint splattered overalls and shirt.

"Yes, my girlfriend Alice here was wondering if you can do some illusionary art," responded Nicole.

"What do you exactly mean by illusionary?" asked the woman as she looked me up and down.

After about an hour and a half the woman was finished, not that she had a lot to paint or that it needed a lot of detail, it just needed to look like a real bikini.

After I had stripped naked, the woman went to work. First she wrapped a black string around my chest, just below my breasts and tied it off behind my back. Two more strings were placed above my crotch and ass and similarly tied together over my hips, using some contact glue to hold them in place. She then carefully glued more strings, creating an outline of a triangle around each breast with the outer strings extending up and tied together behind my neck. Looking at myself in the mirror I saw what looked like the outline of a string bikini.

Then using some base paint that had some texture, she sprayed it over my breasts and crotch, making sure it was thickest around my nipples and outer labia. Once they were camouflaged, she went to work. The black latex spray paint felt cool as it made contact with my ass, first filling in my crack and then fanning out over my buttocks until it reached the string. Moving to my front she proceeded to do the same over my crotch using cardboard curves to ensure clean lines as she filled in what was supposed to be the bottom of my suit and the tringles over my breasts. Then using some red paint, she added some depth with curves and swirls. The end result was my breasts looked rounder and my nipples less noticeable. Similar lines helped cover my crotch. Over my rear, subtle painted on creases made it look like my suit was designed to ride into my ass.