Witness Protection Ch. 11


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"Ohh man I'm sorry" he replied.

The two kissed, snuggled, talked, and of course...played with one another until retiring around midnight to bed. Snuggling under the covers, she knew he was a heavier sleeper and she being the opposite, she was up part of the night. More specifically, she woke up around 4:30 am and wide eyed as she was, she slipped out of bed, made coffee, and had one cup. After eating a couple mints, she quietly slipped back in bed and watched him.

He was soundly asleep; while looking at him and seeing what she considered an angelic face, she was tempted to have fun. She did exactly that. She pulled back the covers so he was also completely exposed other then the pajama's he wore. Sitting close by his mid-section, she reached for the pajama bottoms. She unsnapped them and carefully held his limp penis. She smiled but he was fast asleep. Carefully as he breathed heavily while sleeping she decided to try and slip them off completely.

Somehow she was successful as she removed his pj's off his legs. The grin that appeared on her face was one of childish delight. She was full of herself. She couldn't have been prouder and she wanted to giggle like a little kid too.

He slept soundly and never the wiser seeing as though he was in never-never land. Looking at his sleeping limpness, her hands had to be warm. That was a must. First, she cradled her hands between her thighs where she was probably the warmest. Then she covered her hands with her own cotton sleepwear.

Coveting his cock in her hands, they surrounded it. She held it with pride. Quietly she lay down as best as she could and handling his penis, she opened her mouth and placed the limpness inside her mouth.

She didn't suck it nor did she do anything else...at first. The thoughts that ran through her mind and the ideas she came up with tickled her. Removing it from her mouth, she held and began licking his penis.

She licked his balls with the tip of her tongue. That's when he first moved as if he was going to wake up. He did not wake up. Holding his shaft with one hand, she fingered it with another couple of fingers on her other hand. He quietly moaned in his sleep. She got a kick out of it.

Finally she decided to put his limp shaft in her mouth again. That proved to be a good thing. In his sleep, he got hard while she quietly pleased herself by sucking a sleeping but aroused cock.

Meanwhile, a click was heard from the other room. At first Robin thought she heard something and stopped while holding his cock in her mouth. She wasn't about to get up and look around. She was enjoying herself too much. No lights turned on and she didn't hear any banging or any other sounds such as footsteps.

Tom began waking up while Robin quietly pleased herself and eventually him too as she romanced his cock with her tongue and throat. She didn't see it, but a smile showed up on his face. He wasn't startled and all he muttered was "Mmmmmm."

She turned with cock in mouth, smiled, and winked. He winked back as she slowly and assuredly brought him to a hardened state.

Meanwhile, Caryn stopped without making one sound at all outside the doorway and watched from the darkness as her to be roommate did a man she didn't know. All Caryn knew was that Robin was skipping out on the seminars and replacing them with the best damn thing on earth...sex with a good-looking man.

She watched and watched as Robin sucked and slurped Tom's cock. Tom got hornier and harder. He moaned in pleasure while her tongue and mouth brought an early morning surprise. Was she ready to fuck him, because he knew he was ready to fuck her? Especially with a surprising blow job at 4:30 in the morning, you bet your ass or pussy in this case he was.

Watching Robin continue going at Tom only made Caryn horny and what else would it do for a woman who jealously watched one woman with a man. Caryn was without a room. Her roommate she was supposed to stay with and her got into an argument and determined it wasn't working out for them.

Hence she came back to sleep in her original room. Since she had a key, she let herself in. Being polite, she quietly slipped away from the room and pulled a blanket over herself. She tried to sleep. She couldn't because of the sounds that vibrated from the bedroom. The pleasurable sounds that echoed out and through the main room where she lay made Caryn wish she was in there with them. Trying not to here them, she got up and went to another bedroom. It didn't help. It was even closer, but more secluded. She could here the two enjoying one another and craved to be apart of that actions, somehow and someway.

She vowed not to disturb them and kept quiet while letting herself be turned on. Since the airlines would catch a vibrator in their scans, she didn't bring one. But thanks to Robin and Tom's activity coupled with the use of a few fingers, soon enough she would be able to bring herself to a climatic orgasm.

As Tom and Robin progressed to that same stage, she on Tom and mounted over his stiff hard horny shaft, he let her lose and she upstaged him from earlier. She banged away and as fast and furious as she could while enjoying the temptations of an early Friday morning fuck.

But just as she orgasmed and screamed out as did Tom, they heard sounds from afar. Not that far off Caryn let off her own feelings of euphoria. She orgasmed just a few seconds after Tom and Robin cummed together.

"Like what the fuck" he asked as Robin's head turned towards the room. She had no clue but was worried. He jumped up and walked towards where he thought the sounds came from. He hadn't a clue. He only put on his pajama bottoms without a shirt.

There lay half naked the woman who was supposed to originally room with Robin. He called out for Robin asking her to come there. In the end, it all turned out to be a good joke because what Tom and Robin achieved allowed Caryn to achieve similar to them too.

Tom loved the prospect of a threesome, but knew better that Robin wouldn't approve of that in a million years. Regardless, Caryn was privy to something exciting although she didn't participate in it, the story alone proved to be good fodder for a get together at another time.

By midday Tom had enough and told Robin he was anxious to get home. She understood and they discussed future rendezvous with each other. He told her he love to but had reservations because truthfully, he still missed Yvonne deep, deep down.

On the flight home, checking his voice mail, he had two messages from Jennifer. "God I totally forgot about her. What an idiot."

He called soon after getting back in town and driving home. She had her problems, but he told her he did too. They met that night for a drink and shared the bullshit they both had been going through. Either way, he knew one thing and that was he knew she was going to be a great lover at some point and time.

"So, he asked her that evening at the bar umm would you umm like to uhhh go somewhere special with me and see how things go. I don't know where and I'm uhh not sure what I mean, well I do, but I would love to spend some romantic, intimate time with you if you are up to it Jennifer."

She was floored that he suggested it. He figured what the hell since he was duped too many times already. He was going to take advantage of his predicament and since they had become pretty close why not go for the gold with Jennifer. That's what he decided to do.

"My hubby, well he is at home she told Tom. He thinks I'm shopping which means I'd have to be home around 10 or 10:30. I don't know if anything's possible, but I...sure would...love to...spend a romantic evening or a day with you. Tonight wouldn't be the greatest, but I've thought about us, I don't know how many times, Tom. You are in my every thought. I dream about a day together and I think about us every day too sweetheart."

"Wow really, I had no idea Jenn. I didn't know, man I wish we could, well what about tomorrow. Could we work it out that we get together tomorrow for the day? Could honey? I'd love that Jennifer. I'd more then love it."

"Tom, ohh Thomas, I'm not sure how or when, but ohh god, while sitting in the booth at the cozy bar, I could make love right now and anywhere honey. Well it isn't warm enough outside for something like that. We would freeze our asses off, although seeing your naked ass well I've dreamt I don't know how many times seeing it."

She laughed at his compliment. They made arrangements to get together Saturday for a few hours. He told her he would arrange a nice room and would leave a message where. She totally forgot about another obligation with one of her kids she had, opting of course to spend time with Tom and see how all that went.

Finally they said their goodbyes and added a long-standing kiss to top it off. Tom, on cloud nine as he drove home, saw Yvonne's car in the driveway as he drove up.

"Shit, damn like what is she doing here? Hell it's only been, heck not even a week."

Yvonne didn't have it in her any longer to maintain her duel relationship with Del. She apologized repeatedly to Del after telling her although she liked Del and found their relationship meaningful it wasn't what she had in mind after all after reflecting on what she wanted in the long run. It upset Del, but Del would move on and if Yvonne ever felt the need to spend time with her, her door was open to Yvonne.

Meanwhile, in the short week that she ran into Gordon and he initially rejected her, she ran into him one more time the day before on Thursday afternoon. Paying cash for a 'No-tell Motel' she and Gordon spent one afternoon together. Expecting it all to feel like the one afternoon at the other hotel a few weeks prior, their little get together wasn't as fun as she would have hoped. Yeah, Gordon could fuck like a spunky acting bulldozer but there was no passion. It was simply lust for him. He needed to get his rocks off and since he knew she was around and desired him, he finally succumbed to her beauty and easily persuaded her to be his toy.

Initially she enjoyed it but as the humping continued and she absorbed the exciting energy he poured into her, her thoughts ran adrift as she longed for one and only one person. That was Tom. She orgasmed of course and she enjoyed orgasming too but since it wasn't Tom and there wasn't any true passion, it just was not the same.

He held her and she held Gordon back, but the end result was although she liked him, she didn't like or love being fucked by him. He just wasn't Thomas. She wanted her Thomas back and badly too.

That's why she flew back home. Gordon unaware she did lost touch with her. He couldn't call her at home, except her cell from a pay phone, but he opted not too. He would figure out something else and he also would wait and see if she would turn up later on.

When Tom walked in, she sat on the couch waiting for him. She said hi but was quiet and remorseful. Leery why she was there, he quietly said hi but asked what was going on.

"I've done some soul searching and realized that I've made, I don't know how many mistakes Thomas, but I'm made more then I want to admit to. Regardless, I know one thing. Well I know more then that but the main one is that I love you more then anything in the world. Even though I wanted different things, the bottom line is and always has been is that to me, you mean more then anything in the world."

"I love you too babe. I have always loved you. But my feelings aren't, well you have to understand, they just aren't as strong for you right now. I have felt things for other people and who they are does not matter. I want to remain married to you, but for now I think we should get a trial separation. I don't know where that will lead us or our marriage, but...I'm not going to take you back with open arms. I can't and won't. That's that as far as I am concerned."

"I've been fucked over too much as if in prison, practically. Yep that's right Yvonne, when you came home and told me a few months back what you wanted, our life together changed. Our marriage changed and there aint no turning back now."

"Thomas, are you serious? You don't want me any longer?"

"Hey I never said that. I still want you, but I don't feel the same about us like I used to."

"How do you feel" she asked. He went into a long speech about how did feel. He realized he still liked Yvonne a lot, but he knew he wanted to keep his options open too. So he told her he wanted a trial separation if not a divorce.

She went haywire when he mentioned a divorce. She wasn't prepared for that. That night, she slept on the couch but he only lay in bed thinking and not sleeping much. He forgot to call Jennifer and confirm any arrangements, hence leaving her hanging by mistake. By the time late morning rolled around, he realized his faux pas and called to apologize. He explained hi situation and promised her he would make it up.

Later Saturday evening, Yvonne mistakenly tried to make up with him, but it backfired on her. He didn't want anything at that point to do with her. He wanted here and there to have sex with her, but due to the situation, he didn't allow himself the pleasure as punishment to her.

A few weeks had passed and eventually he moved out, pouring himself into his work and working things out with a lawyer. He filed for a legal separation from Yvonne and when she received the papers, immediately filed for a straight out divorce instead of dealing with legal and technical as well as her emotional issues.

Before long, the divorce was pushed through and both were free to pursue what or who they wanted afterwards. Tom hadn't seen or dated anyone for any reason over the course of that period. But as soon as the divorce was final several months later, he called Jennifer first.

Jennifer knew what his situation was and for some odd reason wasn't interested in him any longer. He pursued her but was continually rejected. He slowly moved on and never had the pleasure of having sex with a woman he found attractive. He'd stop by the store she worked at and she was nice and pleasant but other then being professionally polite, she would not show Tom any personal interest. He stopped going to that store.

Robin on the other hand called him often and tried frequently to recreate what they once had several months back. He took her up on her offer because he always loved how they got along. She was a great sex partner, but the liaisons between the two were too infrequent for anything solid as relationships go.

About eleven months past and in the news was word that the mobster who was married to Karen had been taken down by Gordon's brother. His brother became a hero, but it released Gordon and especially Karen from under the realm of the WPP.

Immediately, she called Gordon and asked if she could come and see him and Yvonne. She wanted to move north because she loved that area and especially the neighborhood. He told her about him and Yvonne which only made Karen more excited about her prospects.

As soon as she was able Karen was allowed to do as she saw fit. She made arrangements to move back north and settle in near Tom.

Tom liked that idea. Tom quickly moved in on that arrangement. He began casually seeing her and eventually courting her too. However the main thing to him was after how long, she of all women was someone he hadn't become intimate and he hoped that was in her game plan too.

It was and he was in over his head with Karen. Karen and Tom eventually booked a weekend at a top notch hotel in the area and he was the one who really, truly learned what it was like to be fucked by a master.

She could strain muscles like none other only because of her sexually charming ways. Additionally, she was sensuous, creative, and undersexed for so many months, she had a lot to give to someone so why not a guy she liked such as Tom.

Tom had a relationship with Robin, but the relationship he had with Karen who moved back to town, was long standing and fruitful for several months afterwards.

One day at the mall he was shopping for some clothes. He ran into Yvonne by accident. It was initially a tense conversation, but soon they came to accept the fact that their marriage had ended and as they talked, he asked for one thing; she asked for a couple. He asked her if throughout everything they could remain at least civil.

She asked Tom, "Would you like to come over for dinner and at least have sex with me. That's all, no commitments and nothing else. All I want is to see what it's like to have sex with you again. Is that a deal, I make dinner and we have sex?"

He thought, "What the heck, sex and no obligations?" He looked at her and wondered if that was the right call. "So this isn't some plan for us to get back together is it Yvonne? I mean I don't plan on being tied down. I'm dating off and on and like where I am in life. So if you can guarantee that you don't want more, I'll be happy to come over, have dinner, and well sex you up too. It sounds good to me, if you are being honest. That's the way I like things now anyways."

"I promise to god Tom. I'll make it seem fun and romantic, just to set the mood, but afterwards, you will not see me trying to persuade you to stay the night nor see me act like we are married, okay?"

"Alright Yvonne, sounds good. I'll bring some wine, okay?"

"I'm looking forward to being sexed up by you Thomas. Hope you will do me proud."

"Ohh believe me, I'll do better then that Yvonne; I'll do much better."

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bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago

That was the best stoneypoint and the spelling should be checked in your next chapter im hoping to see if Tom and Karen gets together and Gordon and Yvonne does to also here like hearing something is spelled hear that you had in the story where tom or robin said they could here .

Pat Murray


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