Wizard Ch. 12


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"Are you like Sadie, a priest?"

John shook his head. "In a sense, it doesn't seem so different. My Mistress has given me gifts and in return I have to provide her with power."

Helleen frowned. "I thought the greater being usually gave the power to the lesser being? Sadie prays and worships and is given the magic she uses."

"Right, well, the power I give my Mistress comes from others."

Helleen's furrowed brow told John he wasn't getting out of this conversation easily. "My Mistress is a creature of lust and sin. She's much more than that, but those are some of her greatest powers. As her servant I feed her the power I gain by, well, by sleeping with women."

Helleen blinked a few times and then began to chuckle. Her chuckle turned into a laugh before she shook her said, "You almost spanked me again with that one."

John lifted his hand and twirled his finger toward her. His magic arced out and swirled around Helleen's head. It settled on her brow like a tiara and drew tight before it melted down her face and slipped in through her nose and mouth. Helleen's lips parted in a gasp, allowing more of it to enter her.

The connection opened instantly, sharing Helleen's interest in him and the burning ache she felt for Jennaca. He heightened her senses and fanned the spark she had for him into flames that grew even brighter than those she nursed for his huntress.

Helleen's hand flew to her mouth when she realized she'd just moaned. She met John's eyes, desire and understanding warring with each other. She dropped her hand took a step toward him.

John turned his hand, making her stop. "My gifts mean I can give you a moment of pleasure unlike any you've ever had before... but it means you'll never have another like it unless it's with me."

Helleen's chest rose and fell as she panted less than a foot from him. Her athletic breasts were flushed where he could see them above her bodice.

"I must bring my Mistress power through pleasure, and I cannot bed a single woman as often as I would like or she would not survive."

"Right now I wouldn't care," Helleen said.

John nodded. "I know, that's why I can't tie a single woman to myself, I would destroy them."

She moaned again and didn't make any effort to hide it. "John... please tell me you're going to do something about this. About me... I can't..."

John reached through his connection to her. He sought to soothe her desires. Her eyes widened and she took a half step forward. She reached up for him and placed her hands on his chest. She rubbed him through his robe and slid a hand up to his shoulder and around the back of his neck.

John frowned as he struggled to smother the flames of desire in her. It wasn't working. He'd incited lust in her and it wasn't going away. He'd never turning a person off before, only on. He'd fed power into her and... "Oh damn."

"What?" she breathed as she tried to pull his head towards her for a kiss.

"It would take too long to explain," he said. He could only take power from her once her soul had yielded to him. And her soul would only yield if he gave her an orgasm. "I made a stupid mistake, forgive me, Helleen."

"Nothing to forgive," she breathed and smothered his response with her lips. John struggled against the strong woman as he kissed him. He was struggling with more than just her strength, but also his infernal nature that had marked the woman and now demanded he claim her.

"This is dangerous... foolish," John mumbled when he managed to force a few inches of distance between them.

"We're surrounded by death and danger," Helleen said. "I've never felt more alive... even my first fights in the arena were nothing next to this. I need this, John. I need you. If I die today I won't care as long as I've had you."

John's groan was sucked into her mouth. Her tongue and his battled and then they were moving even as they kissed. John was barely aware of what they were doing other than the hunger that raged through him and demanded he take this woman.

When some sense of reason returned he found they'd moved somewhere else. A boulder was behind them and his robe was only just settling to the ground. Helleen's skimpy excuse for smallclothes had dropped to her ankles and she stepped out of them even as she reached down and took John's cock in her hands. She stroked up his length and gasped before looking down and laying eyes on him for the first time.

"Now that's a spear that can spank me," she leered at him.

John chuckled and kissed her again. They sank to the ground and John rested his back against the boulder while Helleen straddled him and guided his tip to the her dripping flesh. "Go easy, it might hurt," he warned her.

Helleen grinned and slid him up and down her nether lips to spread her wetness. She shuddered and then guided him to her entrance. Her lip sucked between her teeth, she lowered herself and felt his manhood spread and split her around him.

"Saints!" she cried out as her legs locked up. She panted and stared at him. "So big!"

John nodded and pulled the armored strips of leather aside to expose their union. The hot humidity trapped beneath her skirt warmed them and made Helleen's nostrils flare. Her lip slipped from between her teeth and she hunched down a few more inches on him. John bumped something inside of her, driving her eyes wide open and her mouth to part in an 'O'.

"Almost all the way in," John said. "I'm impressed."

She groaned and fell forward against him. Helleen picked her head up from where she tucked it against his shoulder and kissed him again. John let go of her skirt and put his hand on her hips, guiding her back up and down slowly. Helleen began to whimper and pant into his mouth as he guided her motions. Soon enough she took over and began to rise and fall on her own.

John reopened the connection his magic had formed and fed more power into it. Helleen's cry was muffled by his lips. Her next downward plunge went further and deeper, shocking her into a moment of stillness. He'd gone deeper in her that time. Deeper than anyone or anything had ever been inside of her.

Helleen opened her eyes and pulled back enough to stare at John. Her mouth hung open, her mind too dazzled to form words.

John nodded. "Yes, I am," John answered.

She shuddered and sank down further on him, resting her bottom on his thighs. She began to twitch and her eyelids squeezed shut while she trembled on top of him. John held her tight with one arm, pulling her face back to his shoulder while his other hand slid between them and slipped between the strips of her skirt to tease her clit. She jumped in his lap, her muscles jerking out of her control as her body peaked and her soul exploded with joy at the never-before-imagined sensations John and his sinful magic gave her.

John captured the energy she released, catching it in a net of his own and then drinking from her soul now that it had yielded to him. His cock hardened and ached inside of her, emboldened by the influx of power that he'd gone a few days without.

Helleen's shaking subsided and, at last, she slumped against him, exhausted. John slid his arm out from between them and around her back, holding her against him and soothing her while the infernal beast inside of him was raging for him to lay her down and take her. He struggled and fought while his cock throbbed angrily inside of her.

She moaned and pushed back a little, putting a few inches between them. She blinked and stared into his eyes, her own tired and yet filled with a new light. She looked down between them and ran her hand over her bodice. "I can feel you," she mumbled. "All the way... so deep."

John smiled and nodded. "Believe me now?"

She grinned. "Oh... oh yes, I do. That was-- I mean this is amazing. No one... not ever..."

John nodded. "It's been a few days for me, I'm struggling, Helleen. I need to finish."

Her nostrils flared. "Oh.. oh! Yes, please. Finish!"

He looked at her. "I can't... well, I can, but I don't dare to finish inside of you."

She pouted. "Please? I know how to keep from being with child."

John shook his head, "It's not that. It's... something else."

She squirmed in his lap, causing them both to shiver. "What, then?"

"I would bind you to me then... like Jennaca is."

Her eyes widened. "And Artesia?"

John shook his head. "No, not Artesia. She and I... we've never been together."

"She doesn't know what she's missing," Helleen said and kissed him.

John didn't want to spoil his mood by even thinking about that. Artesia was a different sort of--

"Fuck me, John," Helleen breathed into his mouth. "Fuck me and fill me and make me yours."

John stiffened, both his body and his aching cock inside of her.

She felt it and cooed. "I felt that, Lord John. Master John. Spend yourself in me. Use your magic on me over and over, so long as we can do this again and I can be like Jennaca."

John fought back the darkness that threatened to overwhelm him. It wasn't rage, it was hungry lust and it would be so easy to just give in. Unleash the beast and take her. Fill her. Corrupt her.

"It's... it's a contract," John managed. "My Mistress is a demon, Helleen. A powerful demon. The most powerful of her kind."

"You're not an evil man," Helleen said.


"You're not," she said while sitting up and grinding herself in tiny circles around his base.

"There should be terms," he said.

She nodded. "Name them."

"What... what do you want?"

"I want this," she said and clenched her pussy as tight as she could.

John gasped.

"I want Jennaca too. I want to share her with you. To love her and be with her."

"I can't give you someone else," John said. "But I can permit and encourage it."

"Mmm, that will do," she said.

"That's it?" John asked.

"My sister," Helleen said. "Give her the chance to join us."

John nodded. He'd already been considering that anyhow. "Okay. What else?"

"Protect me-- us-- and care for us as you do for Jennaca and the others."

John snorted. "You're making this easy."

She grinned and began to add some more range to her motions. "What do you want from me, milord?"

"You will serve me for the term of this contract. One year... unless we both choose to make it longer."

"Mmm, only a year?" she pouted. "What does serving you mean?"

"Doing my bidding. Learning things if you need to learn them, undertaking tasks I give you, but never doing so mindlessly. You must think for yourself, but you must never betray me or the others in my service."

"Can I add more to it?" she panted as she began to rise and fall more and more. "I want this... you... as often as possible."

John chuckled. "There will be pleasure as often as it is safe. We will also be able to share our thoughts in times of great need, even over great distances."

"We can talk now," she said.

"No, I mean we can talk without talking."

"Oh! I like that... can you read my thoughts? Will you know how badly I want you?"

John chuckled.

"Will I know your thoughts too?"


"Mmm, that sounds maddening. Teasing. I want it. I want you, John. Now fuck me proper and seal this contract."

John caught her up in his arms and rolled them over. Helleen cried out in delight and then lost her breath as he landed on her and buried himself to the root. He drew back and filled her again, driving into her without mercy as his dark nature overwhelmed him and took charge.

John floated in the darkness. He saw Helleen's joy-stricken face floating and heard her panting and his grunting. He strained as the pressure swelled and grew, yet it seemed like it was happening to someone else and not him. Then, at last, the darkness cleared away and John found he was staring into Helleen's face while his cock surged and slammed home inside of her so deep he was sure they'd both have bruises from the impact.

All thoughts of bruises was washed away by the fire that raced up his shaft and burst inside of her. His magic-infused cum painted her womb and, in that first instant, sealed the bond between them. John's mind exploded with complete awareness of her as she trembled and climaxed a second time. He felt her ecstasy just as he felt every experience she'd ever had. Her first kiss. Her first fight. Her first time being stabbed in the thigh. Her first woman. Her first man. And every second, third, and so one until the time of their union.

When he came back to his senses he found he was staring down at her, his arms locked stiff at the elbows while Helleen's head lolled to the side. Drool ran down her cheek. Her legs were splayed to the side and she was breathing softly beneath him. He was still hard inside of her. More than that, he could feel his seed packing her full. It would remain inside her, connecting them and enforcing the terms of their contract.

John let out a long sigh and lifted his head. He was panting in spite of the incredible surge of power he'd received from her. Helleen would be dead from the back to back intense orgasms he'd given her -- the orgasms and the power he'd drank from her, had he not given her back some of his energy to keep her alive. That exchange had enforced the contract. It was the ink with which it was signed.

John blinked as he began to make sense of their surroundings. The sun had dipped below the mountains, casting them into shadows. In those shadows he saw a face. A face with gleaming slanted black eyes and a snout tipped with the slits of two reptilian nostrils. Short horns rose from the back and side of its head, protecting it from anything foolish enough to grapple or bite it.

John's eyes widened. He'd wanted to see one... and here it was. The creature's mouth opened and he saw the sharp rows of teeth. Sharp enough and tightly packed enough to tear out a chunk of flesh from a person's leg.

Mouth still open, the creature sprang forward at them like a stone shot from a catapult.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Too bad that I can read faster than you write the next chapter. So be it, I will patiently wait for more. Thanks for your time and effort!

laughdruidlaughdruidalmost 3 years ago

What a tease, I really enjoy this story but just as I get into it, the chapter ends.

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