Women's Studies Ch. 02


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Sally Brown, she's the gal for me, girls

Roll girls, roll girls roll

Sally Brown, she's the gal for me, girls

Way high, Miss Sally Brown

She's lovely on the foreyard, and she's lovely down below, girls

Roll girls, roll girls roll

She's lovely 'cause she loves me, that's all I want to know, girls

Way high, Miss Sally Brown...

It seemed that they had changed some of the words, making it pretty vulgar, and very lesbian. Some of the younger girls were blushing, listening to a song implying girl on girl sex being sang by women from an all-girls school, but surprisingly some of the younger ones seem to be jumping in for the refrain. If some of these girls hadn't expected there to be a little girl on girl activities in college, let alone an all-girls one, they were in for a surprise.

Audrey and I joined the mob and we made the five-minute walk to the club. As we approached, I noticed four huge bouncers standing at the front entrance and a line of almost fifty people (mostly men), being held back from entering. It seemed that the girls from the University had first dibs. Just another perk of being Lexi, I thought.

"Under 21 on that side," one of the giants shouted. "21 and over on this side."

The bouncers all had ID scanners and were checking faces to their pictures, so Audrey and I split up hoping to avoid someone from noticing that they had seen the same ID twice. I was a little worried that they would see through me. Not that I was a guy using a girl's ID, but that I didn't look exactly like my sister's picture with my new haircut. All of that anxiety was for naught though. They quickly passed me into the club and gave me my wristband.

The club was just as I remembered it from my first day in town. Hardwood floors and wood trimming on the walls, complete with a wooden L shaped bar. The ambiance definitely suited its name and reminded me of an old library, but without the shelves. There was a barrier in between the dance area and the bar to keep the underage crowd away from the alcohol and a smattering of tables in both sections.

It was eerily quiet as the rest of the girls came in. No music was playing, and the house lighting was up, making the bar overly bright. Once all the girls were inside, one of the older girls climbed up to the stage.

"Good evening ladies," she began. "Welcome to The Library, and welcome to Mayweather." She paused for the cheers to calm down. "A couple of announcements to make before we get things rolling. Number one is that, thanks to the great placement of our favorite watering hole, our school has one of the lowest drunk driving percentages in the nation. This place is like our home, so respect it and the people who work here. They treat us like family and provide a great place to come and lower our stress levels."

Some of the younger students held back, but the older ones let loose, cheering the club and staff. Apparently, they knew how great this place was.

"One thing our school isn't so great with is pregnancy." There were a few agreeing murmurs from the crowd now. "This is not a boarding school that locks you down, you can leave the campus whenever you want. You don't need to get as much sex as you can out of your system before classes start Monday. That being said, use protection. If you need some ask me or a dorm supervisor. It's awkward, I know, but so is having to explain to your guidance counselor that you're dropping out in February because you're six months pregnant." She let that hang out there for a few seconds to make sure everyone soaked it in. "With all that out of the way...let's get this party started!" she shouted.

As soon as she finished, the lights dimmed, and the house music came on with a cheer from the girls. It also seemed that the outsiders were now allowed in. I wasn't quite sure what to think about a bunch of guys swarming a club clearly co-opted by an all-girls college. As a guy I thought it was a good idea, but as Lexi it seemed a little more than skeezy. They probably thought we were all desperate and that it would be like fishing with dynamite.

Audrey and I found Abigail with Kennedy and Skylar. They had obviously had their own fake I.D.'s and were already starting on their first round. Both Skylar and Kennedy were sporting tight little black dresses, showing off their form perfectly. While Kennedy's dress was strapless, Skylar's had a halter top needing a little more support for her larger breasts.

"I absolutely love your dress Abigail" Audrey exclaimed. "You wear it very well too."

"Thank you," she said, blushing and looking down.

I was seriously worried that she knew who Audrey was now. It was either that, or a severe girl-crush. A girl-crush we could handle, but if she put it together, she would notice my same last name. I would prefer that everyone knew as little of my personal life as possible.

"Drinks!" I said loudly. "We need drinks!"

"What do you want hun?" Audrey said getting up.

"A rum and coke...A stiff one," I amended, only to hear some giggles from our party.

"So, what do you guys think so far?" I asked, trying to break the ice.

"It's great so far," Skylar said first. "It's a full scholarship, so I wouldn't complain even if it was horrible."

"The campus looks amazing. It's like walking through a picture that someone took of the past," Abigail said. Then more quietly. "My mom went here, and it looks just like she described it."

"It's definitely interesting," Kennedy commented slamming the rest of her beer. "There is some potential, I'll give it that." Exactly what potential was left unsaid.

With Audrey's return the conversation digressed towards fashion, makeup and boys. After a few drinks the girls were quite frank about their sexual past which caught me off guard. Some of their admissions were a surprise, like the fact that Abigail was still a virgin. That gorgeous, and still untouched? At this day and age she was damn near a unicorn, a mythical creature you only hear tell of in traveler's tales.

"The only sex I've had has been with Fred, my vibrator," she admitted with a little blush. "He is quite good though. Never leaves me hanging."

Other reveals were not so surprising, such as Skylar having quite a lot of experience, starting her freshman year in high school. Kennedy was quiet for the most part but from the looks she was giving all of us she was playing for the Girls Team, and didn't want to spook the deer before she could get us used to her touch.

Once we were sufficiently drunk enough, we made our way onto the dance floor and commenced to dance as only drunk girls could. With liberal grinding and our hands in the air, we shimmied and shook celebrating our womanhood. By now I was drunk enough to forget that I was a guy and just let myself enjoy the experience.

At 11 o' clock the house music was replaced by a DJ who spun his turn tables, his beats working us up into a lather. He seemed to specialize in rock and hip-hop mashups which fit the mood perfectly.

Kennedy seemed to be having the time of her life, sandwiched in between Audrey and another girl with long thick black hair that I had yet to meet. She was beautiful though with striking blue eyes and seemed to be rather free with her hands on Kennedy's body. My sister seemed to have picked up on the score and was having a good time giving Kennedy a thrill.

Throughout the night we slipped back and forth between the bar and the dance floor trying to either maintain or increase our alcohol levels. I know Skylar was increasing. She had two guys wrapped around her fingertips making sure she didn't want for anything. Seeing where that was heading, I stopped by a fishbowl at the bar and grabbed a condom courtesy of Durex's generous donation to the health department and made my way over to her.

"Hey babe!" I said giving her a hug and discreetly slipping the condom into her halter. "Just in case." I whispered, patting it over the cloth. She just smiled at me, not really able to say anything with her guys next to her. I really hope she will only need one or they're going to have to share, I thought to myself laughing at the visual of the second guy having to wash it out before reusing it.

Wanting some sister time, I co-opted Audrey with Kennedy. It was a great time all-in-all, even with some minor incidents. Some girl trying to give Abigail shit about her dress being the worst.

"Don't you think you're a little over dressed?" She said snottily. "Think you're too good for us or something?"

"Oh, she is too good for you sweetheart," Audrey said in her most sympathetic voice, mocking her.

"Are you jealous?" I asked on top of her. "Do you wish you were wearing that dress...or do you just wish you could get her out of it?" I paused to let it sink in for her drunk brain. "Quit being a bitch and go find some friends."

"Don't worry, you look great doll. Everyone in here wants a piece of you," I said to Abigail. "Even the guys."

After that little mishap, she seemed to gain a little more confidence. Probably realizing that we were friends, and had her back, she began to open up...or it could have been the shots of tequila my sister kept buying for us. Either way, she squeezed in with us and Kennedy and really let herself go. What began as a semi-erotic dance session between girlfriends slowly deteriorated into grinding and heavy petting. This was a situation I was not yet mentally equipped to handle. I knew this from experience and I really wasn't ready for Lexi Junior to make her famous debut.

"I need a little break," I yelled to Audrey over the music. "I'll be back in a couple minutes."

"I'll come with you," Audrey said producing a round of 'Awws' from the other girls. She was definitely the life of our little party. Slipping her arm into mine we made our way off the dance floor.

"Getting a little too worked up out there?" she asked discreetly.

"That obvious?" I asked.

"To me yeah. You looked a little panicked there for a second," she said with a chuckle. She found the inconvenience of my erections highly amusing. "You want to take a walk outside?"

"Yeah, some fresh air would be nice," I told her, letting her lead me out the back.

It was pretty late, but it was still incredibly warm out. It was about as warm outside as it was surrounded by all of that body heat on the dance floor. The back of the club was quiet and dimly lit. Audrey, still with her arm in mine, led us away from the dumpsters and towards the far end of the back of the club.

"Kennedy really seems taken with you," I said, trying to sound casual.

"Jealous?" she shot back

Well that failed I thought. Aloud, "Maybe a little," I admitted.

"Don't worry Lover Girl, I've got plans for you and they don't involve sharing," she said, pushing me to the side of a storage house set a little way from the building. "At least not yet."

With me pressed against the wall, she kissed me hard, grinding herself into me. Unsatisfied with what she felt, her hand dipped down as fast as a viper under my dress and fished into my panties freeing my cock. After the walk and now this blitzkrieg on my genitals, I was still growing, and she was rough with her encouragement with both her hands and mouth. She had a firm grip on my hair, pulling my head to the side as she licked and bit on my neck and shoulder like some psychotic vampire slut, all while mercilessly tugging on my growing cock.

"AHHHH! Fuck!" I let out, grabbing her and flipping our position, slamming her forcefully into the wall. While she was still processing what happened I reached under her dress and slipped her panties down her legs. Having no pockets, I hooked them into the waist band of my own underwear. It was done in a flash and I was back on her, pressing my lips to hers, and letting my fingers toy with her wet sex. The insides of her thighs were already slick with arousal, and the smallest touches brought her moans vibrating into my mouth.

Not able to wait, she grabbed my shoulders and jumped up, wrapping her legs around my waist. I could feel the heat of her pussy radiating just above my cock. I thought for a half a second about teasing her, but this wasn't a time to fuck around. All of that dancing and grinding was all the foreplay either of us needed right now. I pressed her against the wall and slid her down slowly until I felt her wet folds press against my tip. Once I was sure we had aligned, I let her down hard and fast.

"Oh!" she said in surprise, as I quickly buried myself to the hilt inside of her. She did an admirable job of staying quiet as I began working into her hard and fast. Normally very vocal about her pleasure, she kept herself to quiet moans into my mouth occasionally broken by a small chant...or maybe it was a prayer, of 'fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.'

Normally I don't think I would have been able to hold her weight for this long, but with her pressed hard against the wall, and her legs holding onto my hips so well, she made me feel like superman. I was the Lance Armstrong of fucking...except I had two balls. I could go for miles!

"Oh God" she whispered squeezing her eyes shut. "Ah, ah, uuuuunn!" she screamed, muffling the sounds by biting down on my exposed shoulder.

I didn't even slow my pace for her, I just continued railing into her like this was going to be my last pussy. Which it might very well be with me having to keep my dick a secret. This fuck was like an apology and a celebration for my star player and he was making the most of it.

When she recovered, she eased up and let go of her animal like grip on my shoulder and smiled at me. I couldn't help it, I just started laughing. I didn't know what it was exactly, but it just snuck up on me. It might have been the fact that I was a guy dressed as a girl screwing a girl behind a nightclub in a way that I've never dreamed of, or it could be that she was my sister who just so happens to be a Playboy Playmate. Or maybe it was as simple as how cute and dazed she looked after I just fucked her through an amazing climax. It could have been all of it or none of it, I just didn't know. She must have felt the humor as well because she started laughing too.

"Some detour our lives took, huh?" I asked still fucking into her.

"You're telling me," she said, pulling me in for another kiss. I wasn't going to complain. I loved the feel of her lips on mine, and how soft her tongue was, and how I could feel her smile while our lips touched.

It didn't take long for her to start moaning into my mouth again. I could feel her pussy flexing around my cock, a steady rhythm slowly coaxing me towards my own orgasm.

Our sweat and fluids were making our hips and thighs slick, making it harder for Audrey to grip me. I held her tighter and continued my rapid assault on her velvet folds, her pulsating pussy steadily milking me. Audrey seemed to be reaching her crescendo again and I was right behind her. I tried to savor this moment, of the both of us on the cusp of orgasm. The beauty of our connected bodies desperate and screaming for release. Waiting for that moment that signals no return, guaranteeing us our moment of bliss.

"Hey guys, I was looking all...Oh shit. My bad." I looked quickly and saw it was Kennedy. Shit. Fuck. Fucking fuck. Mother fucking...FUCK! My articulate mind failed me.

"Don't let me interrupt you ladies." Kennedy had already turned around and was rounding the corner before I had paused for more than a moment.

I looked down and saw that we were blessedly covered by the skirts of our dresses, and without missing another beat I got back to nailing my sister.

"Oh fuck. Did she see?" Audrey asked moaning.

"You mean did she see that I'm a girl with a nice big cock who was fucking her sister good?" I whispered into her ear.

"Oh, fuck baby," she cried out. "Don't fuck with me."

"She saw two hot girls having a go at each other behind a club. That's all," I assured her. "But don't think for a second I won't fuck with you sis."

Her orgasm nearing again after the shock, she became more frantic, desperate not to let this one slip through her fingers. Thrust after thrust, I gave her all I had. Making sure to drag my pelvic bone across her clit at every opportunity. Hoping to help her along, I started whispering in her ear dirty little things about how hot she looked with her sister's cock fucking her. How I wanted to share her with Kennedy and watch her devour that young girl's pussy while I fucked her from behind.

This recital was even working for me. I was panting into her ear, out of breath. She felt so amazing and tight around me, and her pussy was still doing that squeezing thing around my cock, but now at a more rapid pace...

And then I told her how I wanted to seduce Abigail with her and watch that innocent beauty taste her first pussy...Audrey's pussy.

Audrey came.

Her voice was gone with exhaustion and she was left with only a silent scream, like wind through the trees. With her pussy walls contracting in spasms, assaulting my cock, I was done. Three thrusts after she started cumming I began blasting her insides with my seed, painting her cervix a pearly white.

We held each other tight, unmoving, waiting for the rapture to finish washing over us, not daring to move and risk ending it prematurely. Finally, I eased out of her and we both slumped against the wall with exhaustion.

"Oh God, I could use a cigarette after that," Audrey said. Then she started laughing hysterically. "I have cum and pussy juice...running down my legs. I'm covered in sweat...and I smell like a whore house...and you're barely in a better state than I am."

After having a nice laugh together, she calmed down again and I fished her panties out of the waist band of my own. Getting a good look at them, they were a black mesh G-string with the smallest amount of cloth conceivable. I handed them back to her, receiving another small laugh.

"I don't think these are going to be of any help after the mess you made of my pussy," she said. "You don't happen to have some napkins hidden in there somewhere, do you?"

"Nope," I apologized.

"Let's get out of here," she said after another long pause. "I can't go back in there like this."

I took her hand in mine and we left. We made our way around the outside of the club and headed back towards my car in the campus parking lot.

"You know we're pretty fucked up as human beings, right?" she asked as we walked in the night.

"You're telling me," I said.

We walked to my car in silence, hand in hand like lovers, with Audrey clutching her panties in her off hand and my sperm and her fluids running down her legs, shining in the moonlight.

*** *** ***

Having sobered up during our spirited and public romp, Audrey was okay to drive and, we went back to her motel. I had thought about staying in my dorm room, but if this was her last night here for a while, I wanted to spend it with her.

We had sex again that night. Not like crazed animals like usual, but as lovers. It was slow, gentle and deeply sensual, and afterward we held each other as we fell asleep. It felt like a goodbye and a thank you all at the same time. Audrey had shown me so much and awakened something within me that I didn't know if I would be able to let go of. And I don't just mean the sex. She had found Lexi, and in a way freed me from my miserable life as Alex. I knew I would see Audrey again, and not just tomorrow before I took her to the airport. She would visit, and I would see her at home on holidays. Even knowing this, it still felt like a huge loss.

We slept late and Audrey had to rush and shower all of our sex off of her before her flight, which left me no time for one myself due to the checkout time.

"It serves you right," Audrey said to me as she hurried to do her makeup and hair. "You got us into this mess."