Women's Studies Ch. 13


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"Hello ladies!" he chimed, hitting the meter and pulling away. "Back to campus?"

"That would be great, Todd," I told him.

"You guys have a good night?" he asked, pulling onto the main street.

I waited for the others to reply, but then I noticed that they hadn't wasted any time getting back to where they had been in the club. I was sure, even as dim as it was in the back seat, that Todd could clearly see Abigail fingering Kennedy between us in the mirror, but it wasn't like he hadn't seen this same thing from us before.

"Oh!" I exclaimed quietly before answering him. "Yeah, we had a pretty good night,"

Whether it was the tone of my voice that indicated an avoidance to conversation, or that he was too consumed with trying to watch the show in the mirror while still keeping us alive, the car became quiet, leaving only the low sounds of the tires on the road and the heavy breathing coming from Kennedy.

When we pulled onto the freeway things got interesting. Kennedy's hand slipped between my legs and trailed the short distance to my crotch. My eyes immediately flashed towards the mirror, catching Todd's gaze on me for a moment before his eyes darted away. I held to her wrist tightly, trying to discourage her, but she was having none of it.

She pressed on as I watched the mirror for his eyes, and I slowly gave in. Her fingers brushed my panties, sending tingles across my skin. She fumbled around as she pulled them to the side and tried to fish out my aching cock. Against my better judgment, I lifted off the seat enough to give her access, and her fingers slipped around my shaft, pulling me out fully.

My skirt was so short, it barely covered anything as it was. Releasing her wrist, I used both of my hands to tug it as straight as possible to hide myself from view. Free, and horny as hell, my cock became steel in moments. Kennedy began to gently stroke me, full and long, and there was nothing I could do to hide the inch or so of cock that poked out of my skirt bottom.

I had only taken my eyes off the mirror for a moment to check if I was covered, but when my eyes returned, Todd's seemed locked onto my lower half. He never glanced up at my eyes once as he continued to split his attention dangerously between Kennedy stroking me, and the road.

Under Kennedy's deftly teasing touch, along with my overwhelming desire to cum, I found it hard to focus on anything. I lost my sense of time as she edged me to perfection, getting me so close before stopping to squeeze me tightly until I calmed down just enough to start it all over again.

Kennedy came moments before we arrived on campus, strangling my cock with a death grip as she called out, unashamed in her bliss. Panting heavily, she still clung to my exposed shaft as we rolled to a stop and asked the man how much we owed him.

"This one's on the house," he smiled. "Just remember to call the next time you need a ride."

"Will do, Todd," she smiled reaching over Abigail to open the door, ushering our friend out.

I scooted out awkwardly, trying to cover as much of my cock as I could with my sorry excuse for a skirt. Todd was kind enough to wait a few moments while Kennedy fixed her dress, and I tried desperately to hide my throbbing lady parts. It seemed an impossible task. In this state, there was zero hope of putting Pandora back in her box without some form of release. Even tucked to the side in my panties, the bulge was painfully obvious. After fidgeting for too long a time, I just used my left hand to hold the hem of my skirt while pressing my forearm into my bulge to lower its profile.

"Thanks again, Todd," Abigail said, finally shutting the rear door.

"No ladies, thank you!" he smiled out his window, giving us a little salute before pulling away.

"You're such a bitch, Kennedy," I said flatly. "You could at least have let me cum. Now I have the world's most obvious girl boner."

"It's not that obvious," Kennedy scoffed.

Abigail looked me over, and then looked to Kennedy with a knowing smirk. "We better walk in front of her."

I could feel my pulse throbbing against my arm through my skirt. Kennedy thought the whole thing was hilarious, naturally. Thankfully, Abigail took it a little more seriously and did a good job blocking anyone's sight lines to my cock.

With the nice long walk to cool off a little, I no longer felt ready to pop at the slightest provocation, but I was still in need, and it looked like Abigail was as well, to a lesser extent. The only one to cum so far tonight had been Kennedy. Feeling a little passive aggressive, I shouldered past her once we reached our room, and pulled Abigail into a full-on lip lock. My hands were all over her, pulling away at her dress. She immediately returned the favor and we stripped each other quickly. Once we were naked, I pushed Abigail roughly onto the bed.

"Ahem!" Kennedy cleared her throat loudly. "I thought I wasn't going to have to service myself tonight?"

"Didn't say anything about servicing you first," I mumbled between kisses as I slipped between Abigail's creamy thighs and speared her wet pussy in one thrust.

"Maybe next time you won't be such a tease!" Abigail said, squealing out the final words as I thrust deep.

She made the cutest noises into my mouth as our bodies rocked together. Kennedy seemed a little upset, but I focused all my attention on Abby. I knew I wouldn't let Kennedy down. She still deserved a good fucking, and she was going to get one.

After a few minutes, Abigail pressed me away and turned over onto all fours. She adored making love, but a growing part inside of her liked to just be fucked...hard and raw. I had no objections to fulfilling either desire.

As soon as she was propped up for me, I pressed right back into her in one thrust, and set up a steady rhythm, intent to punish her little pussy. I was at it for a minute or two when Kennedy spooked me, crawling up from behind. Her soft hands caressed my body as I fucked our friend in front of her.

"I don't like being left out," she purred into my ear as she moved closer, pressing her firm breasts into my back. That's when I felt it, something hard and slick sliding down the cleft of my ass to rest near my pucker.

"You're the one who said they wanted to get fucked tonight," she said before pressing her rubber cock into my eager hole.

I thrust hard, burying myself into Abigail as Kennedy slowly slid every inch of her strap on into my ass. A long throaty moan escaped my lips, and I felt my cock grow even harder, if that was possible.

"Oh fuck!" I cooed pleasurably.

"What's going on back there?" Abigail asked, tossing her long brown hair to the side as she looked over her shoulder.

"Nothing you need to worry about," Kennedy smiled, pulling out sharply only to thrust back in with enough force to ram me roughly into Abigail.

"Oh!" we cried out in unison.

"You know, I've always wished I could fuck Abigail with your dick," Kennedy laughed. "I guess this counts." With that, she pulled out again, dragging me back with her as she slid out and slammed back into me, filling me up, the resulting force sending me forward to thrust back into Abigail.

The slapping of flesh rang out, along with our cries, and Kennedy punished us with all the effort she could muster. I was so far gone in pleasure that if Kennedy wasn't the leading force in our coupling, I wouldn't have had the foresight to thrust into Abigail. Kennedy was hammering hard onto my g-spot with every earth quaking thrust. I was delirious. The pleasure crept slowly towards its peak and past. Just when I thought it was too much, the Gods saw fit to grant me release, and I spewed my load all over Abigail's insides.

Absolutely spent, I fell forward onto Abigail and Kennedy followed me, giving me a few more punishing thrusts into my trembling body before collapsing as well.

"I'm sorry, Abby. I couldn't hold it back," I apologized.

"What are you sorry for?" she asked.

"You didn't cum," I said.

"I came a long time ago!" she laughed. "Why the hell didn't we try this before now? You were hard as steel! I could feel every bump, every vein. God, it was incredible!

"I think I'm next!" Kennedy said slipping out of me and working off the straps. "Abby, batter up!"

"Oh, no!" I whined. "My poor pussy needs a break," I reached back to gently touch my warm, well-fucked hole.

"That's no fair," she pouted on her knees next to mine and Abby's tangle. "You said I would get mine."

"You will, just give me five minutes to recover from that," I said, still trying to catch my breath.

"Fine, but if you're not ready in five, I'm tying you up and having my way with you."

"I want in on that," Abigail laughed underneath me.

True to my word, I made sure to thank Kennedy for her night of freedom. I fucked her sore while Abigail made her lick my cum from her pussy. Having already cum recently, Kennedy's reward lasted for some time until she begged me to stop.

*** *** ***

"Ughhh!" I moaned, annoyed as I tried to shake off Kennedy's roaming hands.

I was still half asleep and trying to find my way back to the other half. I couldn't see her with my head buried underneath the covers, but I knew it was her just by the way her greedy paws slid over my skin.

"Stop it!" I whined groggily.

"Are you sure?" Kennedy finally spoke up, her hand tickling as it traced down my spine to my naked ass. "We got the whole room to ourselves. Abigail's in class, and I'm sure everyone else in the suite is as well. You sure you don't want to play with me?" her fingers ran further down my crack to rub gentle circles around my sore pucker.

"I'm too sore," I pouted, knowing she was never going to let me go back to sleep.

"I could be gentle," she proposed, kissing me softly on the shoulder.

I moaned in irritation as she kissed slowly down my back. I was annoyed, but I did like what she was doing. I let out a long sigh when she reached the curve of my ass. I felt her body shifting around, and I felt the sheets move as she lifted them off my legs, pulling them up and exposing my ass. Next, she spread my legs a little, and her kisses continued. This time starting from the bottoms of my thighs and working her way up.

It was almost like a massage with how relaxed I began to feel. The touch of her hands and lips on my skin seduced me out of my irritable state in no time. My heartbeat quickened the closer she got to my hole. She would get so close to it and then switch to a farther point on the other side and work her way back in. When her lips finally touched the edge of it, I moaned in satisfaction, only to gasp when I felt her wet tongue snake out across my delicate knot.

I could hear her giggle behind me before I felt her tongue flick out again. God, it felt divine. Soon, she was licking away sensually just like she was eating a pussy, which she might as well have been. My pussy.

My breathing quickened, and I could feel her spit slowly trickling down and over my exposed balls. She took her torturous time until she eventually slipped a finger inside, and then another. As rough as she was last night, this was the complete opposite. She was sweet and gentle.

"How's my girl doing up there?" she asked as she fingered me.

I could only moan in response.

"I told you I would be sweet. Look, I even kissed it better," she said, flicking her tongue along the cleft of my ass for emphasis.

I could feel her changing position again, she slid my legs back together, so they were laying straight, and straddled them. She inched her way up towards my ass, and grabbing a pillow, stuffed it underneath my hips, propping up my ass and putting a natural arch in my back.

"Just relax baby. Kennedy's gonna make you feel real good," she cooed, just before I felt the tip of her cock pressing gently against my hole.

By now, I was so worked up and ready for it. My ass willingly accepted the intrusion, and she slid slowly inside. I couldn't stop the humming, purring sound emanating from my throat as she slowly made love to my ass. She had her hands pressing down hard on my lower back for support as she rocked her hips, gently gyrating against me.

With all my heavy breathing, and the heat Kennedy was building up in me, I began to suffocate under those sheets. Finally moving on my own, I reached up and pulled the covers from over my face.

"Good morning!" Kennedy giggled as she continued to sensually fuck me.

She was hitting all the right spots on her own, and I had nothing to do but wait and enjoy the pleasure she was giving me. As long as she kept it up, I was in for one hell of an orgasm.

"I think my girl likes this," Kennedy cooed back at me.

Hugging my pillow tightly, I gasped as her cock brushed harder against my g-spot. I couldn't stop the naughty pleasure sounds I was making, and my ass was now rocking back into her all on its own. In what felt like no time, and entirely too long, I felt it begin.

Each gentle stroke of her cock along my sweet spot added just a bit more pleasure. That blissful warm feeling began to fill my body. My moaning grew louder, no longer a soft purr, but a rising racket that ricocheted off every hard surface. My hips began squirming, desperately trying to thrust back in earnest, anything in an attempt to reach out for my coming climax. It was no use though. With Kennedy mounted so surely, there was literally nothing I could do to drive this pleasure train faster.

"That's it, baby," Kennedy said soothingly. "Let go and cum for me."

I squeezed my pillow tightly to my face, my fingers digging into anything they could as the waves finally crashed down. Unrestrained cries escaped my lips as I came, and my vision went white.

When I came back to my senses, my ass was empty, and I could feel the warm puddle beneath me where I had cum all over myself. Even with my orgasm fading, a pleasurable tingle remained. If this wasn't a fluke, I might have just found a new favorite position.

"How was that for a wakeup call?" Kennedy asked, stroking my skin and kissing me on my shoulder.

"Best morning ever!" I laughed, stretching as I turned to face her.

"I thought you might enjoy that," she smirked. "What about that thing I did with my tongue?"

"I loved it!" I blushed, pulling my hand up over my mouth a little embarrassed.

"I could be tempted to do it again for you," she said. "It makes me feel naughty, but I kind of like it."

"You like something that makes you feel naughty?" I asked amused. "I would have never guessed."

"Hey, I know what we can do!" Kennedy said sarcastically. "How about we not tease the girl that made you cream yourself in such a spectacular fashion!" she finished with a smirk.

We laid together, me still on my stomach while Kennedy pet me soothingly.

"So, I was wondering..." Kennedy began after a bit. I could tell she was trying to bring up an awkward topic. "You know how you said we wouldn't be able to get my file until the end of the year?"

"Stop," I said, feeling my tingly feeling evaporating. "Did you do all of this to try and butter me up, so I would change my mind?" I asked, feeling slightly angry at her attempt to manipulate me.

"No!" she defended. "Well, not completely," she amended. "I actually had a lot of fun."

"I did too," I said, unable to keep the rising heat out of my voice. "but no amount of orgasms is going to change the fact that if we try doing it now, it will be all risk and no reward."

"I know," she sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just... God, I'm so fucking frustrated! It's not like I've been waiting for this my whole life, you know. Mom, why don't I have a daddy? You do, Kennedy. It's just complicated and you can't know who he is," Kennedy said in a mimicking tone.

"Every year for my birthday I would have a party and all of my friends would come. There would be cake, and balloons, and music, and they were the best parties of any of my friends. Did I have a good time?" she asked. "No, I spent my whole party glancing to the door, hoping that this year, my father would surprise me. At this point I don't even care about him. He can go to hell for all I care. He never wanted me, and sending money is just a way to make himself feel less guilty for knocking up my mom and creating a kid he never wanted. I just need to know who he is. Maybe then I'll know why he never loved me."

Tears began streaming down Kennedy's face and I pulled her into my arms and held her as she wept. I stroked her back and soothed her as I rocked her in my arms.

"How could he not love you?" I asked. "Have you met you? I knew I loved you after that first day with you. You're wild and adventurous...You're a powerful woman, and any man would be proud to call you his daughter."

"Then why the secrets?" she sobbed. "Why can't I know him?"

"I don't know, Baby," I told her. "But if he hasn't said anything, I'm sure he has a good reason. You might not understand it now, but maybe one day you will."

I didn't know if that was what she wanted to hear, but it was all I had for her at the moment. I knew finding out the identity of her father was a big deal to her, but I had assumed it was more of an obsession. She never really showed how much she was hurting inside. I held her for a while longer as she cried herself out.

"I'm sorry about that," she said reaching to scrub her eyes. "I feel like a wreck."

"You have nothing to be sorry about," I told her. "We all need a good cry sometimes. We're not men, we're allowed to do that."

She smiled at me ruefully, "I love you, you know that?"

"Oh, I'm well aware, babe. I love you too," I said, giving her a sweet kiss on the lips.

"I'm just going to get my shit together and-" Kennedy began rolling off the bed. "EW!"

I couldn't stop laughing. While I was holding her, and she was crying, my cum had dried gluing us together, and as she rolled away the sticky mess peeled apart.

"Come on, that's hardly the first time you got a little cum on you," I chided.

"It's different when you're not expecting it," she said.

"Hello, we just fucked," I laughed. "Cum is a fundamental byproduct."

"You know what...Whatever," she smiled, grabbing a towel and scrubbing my spunk from her skin. "You're lucky I like your cum."

Realizing how much of a mess I was, and having a class coming up soon, I needed to get cleaned up myself.

"Is it okay if I leave you?" I asked. I didn't want to run out on her if she still needed me. "I have a class in an hour, and I need a shower before I get ready."

"Can I come with you?" she asked.

"Do you even have to ask?" I replied, holding out my hand.

I slipped on a pair of panties and grabbed a towel, and together we headed down to the showers. I held her hand the whole way. A few girls saw us and some even made looks, but I really didn't care. My friend was hurting, and besides I was getting sick and tired of living life by other peoples' terms.

Together, we washed my cum and our combined sweat from our bodies. For once, there was nothing overtly sexual about us washing each other. Even when we held each other under the stream and kissed. It was more a symbol of our affection for each other than any sort of lust.

*** *** ***

My classes for the day were fairly boring. I took copious notes, only to keep myself from drifting off into daydreams. I was thinking about Kennedy. I had shot Abigail a text just before my first class telling her that Kennedy was having a hard time, and to make sure to show her the love when she saw her.

Kennedy was a tough cookie. I was sure that this would pass, and she would be back to her usual self, but seeing her hurt like that broke my heart. I tried to think of alternatives, other ways to get what she wanted that I might have overlooked. I was sure I had thought through all the possibilities, and unless we wanted to repel down the side of the building and pray for luck that his window was unlocked, the plan we had was the best. I looked down to realize I was sketching the keypad to Decker's office. So much for taking notes to stay focused.