Women's Studies Ch. 14


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"Ah-hem," Skylar cleared her throat, pulling Kennedy's attention.

While Kennedy was looking around, she hadn't even noticed what Skylar was doing. Casual as could be, she was standing next to the bookshelf, but it was different now. Part of it was pulled out slightly exposing a room hidden on the other side. Part of the bookcase itself appeared to be fastened seamlessly to a door that was now cracked open.

"Well, my breaks over," Skylar said, peering into the secret room meaningfully. "I'm going to go back to making the rounds. Have a good night Miss Monroe."

"Wait," Kennedy stopped her as she was leaving. "What's in there?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she smiled conspiratorially. "I was never here." With that, she slipped out of the study, closing the door behind her.

Kennedy only paused for the click of the door closing behind Skylar before pulling the hidden door further open. It was dark inside, and she fumbled along the walls for a light switch. They seemed to be covered with pieces of paper. It wasn't until a cord brushed her shoulder that she realized there wasn't a wall switch and pulled on it.

Light filled the dark room, and it took a moment to realize what she was seeing. The room was no bigger than her walk-in closet, and the walls were covered with pictures. There were so many of them. They were bunched together as tight as could be managed, sometimes overlapping, only holding one subject in focus. Her breath caught as she stepped closer, her fingers gently brushing against a photo that must have been taken at least fourteen years ago. It was her as a child. She recognized where it was taken too. It had been one of those indoor amusement parks for kids that had been popular back then. In the picture a tiny Kennedy was playing with another small girl with her dark brown hair in pigtails. In the background stood a man in slacks and a neat polo smiling...It was Mr. Lockwood! And from what she had seen of the other pictures in his office, that little girl was Abigail. It felt like her heart had stopped and her stomach had leapt into her chest.

Finally, she was able to tear her eyes away from the photo to look at the others. Every single picture held her face. Some were of significant moments in her life, but most were just candid photos from her everyday life. T-Ball games when she was small, her eating with friends at a mall food court, her sitting at a bus stop flipping through songs on her iPod, completely random. There were others though, more of her birthdays, a picture of her at the fifth-grade science fair when she won second place. More and more of them popped up as she scanned the walls. She slowly moved around the room, trying to take them all in, when she came to a picture of her in her cap and gown from graduation a little less than a year ago. It had been a mad house with all the students and all of their family members. Behind her was a mass of people, but one person stood out sharply even with the ballcap on his head. Mr. Lockwood looked as if he was photo bombing her, just barely leaning into the frame with a ridiculous grin from ear to ear and two thumbs up on either side of his face.

Kennedy let out a choked laugh at the silliness and realized the she had been crying. Her cheeks were wet, and more tears were still flowing, but it was hard to care at that moment. Her entire life was on these walls. Maybe not every moment, but looking from picture to picture, it was as if she was watching herself grow up. There must have been at least a thousand photos...more. Plucking the picture from the wall, she sat down right on the floor.

My dad! The thought made the tears flow even harder. He looked so goofy in that picture, but also proud. Proud of her. Maybe she wasn't the embarrassing secret she had been worrying about. Glancing back up to peer at the walls again, Kennedy couldn't help but feel that he had been there, watching over her for her entire life.

Flipping up the bottom of her shirt, she dabbed the tears from her face. Her heart was still all aflutter, and she didn't think it would stop any time soon, but for the first time in what felt like a long time she felt happiness, and she would not let her tears ruin it.

She sat staring for a long while until she finally convinced herself that she could always come back. Hesitating before turning out the light, she stared at the photo in her hand. She knew she should put it back, but she didn't want to let it go. He has so many of them, he won't miss just one, will he? In a snap decision, she shut out the light and left with the picture still in hand. If she changed her mind later, she could always put it back. She was sure she would be coming back to this room.

Kennedy carefully closed the bookcase, turned out the light to the study and left. She was so distracted, looking at the photograph that she became lost several times before she found the back staircase. The house was a maze as it was, and she wasn't sure she would be able to find her own rooms unless she came from that direction. She was walking down the second-floor hall, turning down the South Wing, when she ran headlong into Abigail in a red silk dressing robe, obviously headed for the kitchen.

Bouncing back from each other, Kennedy quickly hid the photo in her back pocket. It was startling finding anyone else walking these halls at this time of night, let alone Abigail. They had spent all of this time quietly avoiding one another over the past couple of days, and now they were standing face to face. Abigail's eyes were as wide as Kennedy's must have been, and filled with a worried shock.

An hour or so ago, Kennedy might have simply walked away from such an encounter, but after seeing her father's study, nothing could dampen her good mood. Without thinking, she pulled Abigail into a tight hug that startled both of them. A brief thought came that she should release her, but with Abigail's scent filling her senses, a soft vanilla and lavender, mixed with something else that was purely Abigail, she couldn't make herself. That scent felt like home.

Abigail recovered from her shock, and slowly brought her hands up to return her embrace. Kennedy wasn't sure how long they stood holding each other, but the longer it went, the more she became aware of Abigail's body against hers. Her soft curves and hard body made a delightful combination, and she could even feel the body heat emanating from her through the flimsy robe. All of those sensations mixed together stirring up memories of times that felt like forever ago. Times when they were alone, or with Lexi, with nothing between them but their skin.

She was nearly lightheaded. After so long a depression, tonight she felt like she was floating. This close to Abigail again, she knew what she wanted, and it took only a moment to decide that it was worth the risk. Turning her head slightly, Kennedy planted a soft kiss on Abigail's neck, waiting with held breath for a reaction. When Abigail did nothing, she set another kiss on her smooth skin, then another. Abigail's hold on her never lessened, and the trail of kisses worked their way up until she was nibbling on the girl's ear.

A soft gasp slipped through Abigail's lips, and instead of pulling away, she only held on tighter. Knowing that Abigail wasn't running from her, or trying to stop what was happening, she became bolder, quickly planting her lips on Abigail's. Abigail didn't even hesitate to return the kiss, reaching her tongue out to meet Kennedy's; each showing just as much passion.

Stumbling, but not letting their lips part, Kennedy turned them and shoved Abigail up against the wall, eliciting a sexy purr from the other girl. Eagerness getting the best of her, she pulled at the ties that held the silk robe together. Beneath it, Abigail wore only her underwear, the matching black lace panty set making her pale skin seem to shine in the dim light.

Kennedy's fingers touched that glowing skin, feeling the warmth coming off of her in waves. Her fingers trailed down slowly, over Abigail's breasts, swelling with every gasping breath, down over a smooth flat stomach, tracing the faint lines of her tensing muscles. When her fingertips reached the hem of Abigail's panties, her hips lurched forward expectantly. Kennedy's hand slipped beneath, a deep need blinding out anything that wasn't the two of them and this moment. Fingers teased as they slowly tickled soft flesh. A light brush over her clit as her finger slid lower to her wetness. A flood of arousal met her fingers, slicking them and dampening her own panties further.

Abigail was slumped against the wall and her silk robe had fallen carelessly off her shoulders to gather at the elbow. Kennedy ran slow pleasurable circles around Abigail's clit, muffling the sound of her sister's moans with a kiss. Abigail's leg lifted of its own accord, giving her even better access, allowing Kennedy to slip a finger deep inside of her wet pussy, and then another. The way Abigail was undulating, fucking her fingers, Kennedy could tell that she was close. A light filled her eyes, and she increased her efforts. She loved watching the other girl cum.

Wait!" Abigail gasped, unable to stop her voice from sounding like anything but a moan. "No. Stop!" she pleaded.

Kennedy knew she should listen, knew she should stop, but she couldn't. Abigail was still riding her fingers, helping plunge them as deep inside as they would go. She might have been thinking of stopping this, but Kennedy was sure she could convince her that this was right, sisters or not. She broke their kiss, hoping to soothe Abigail and convince her that this was okay, that it was right.

Before she could speak, Abigail pushed her away gasping. Her hands went quickly to her robe, resetting it on her shoulders and tying it back at the waist. Her eyes darted nervously down the hall.

We can't..." she said, gulping down a breath. Kennedy's heart clutched, but before the sadness could overcome the lust that still filled her to bursting, Abigail steadied herself. "Not here." With no other word, she grabbed Kennedy's hand and pulled her down the hall at a near run, their feet padding softly on the red carpet runners. Past her own rooms they went until Abigail opened a door at the end of the hall, pulling Kennedy in behind her.

Before the door could finish slamming shut, Abigail was already tearing off her robe and throwing it to the ground, and before Kennedy could react, she was slammed against the door. Abigail kissed her hard while her hands frantically tore at her tank top, nearly ripping it before it was over her head and free of her arms.

The cool air hit Kennedy's bare breasts making her nipples harden even more than her arousal could. The desperate passion in Abigail infected her, and she was just as eagerly snapping the clasp at her sister's bra and yanking those black panties down her hips.

With fingers gripped inside the waistband of Kennedy's pajamas, Abigail sunk to her knees pulling pants and panties alike to the floor. Not waiting for Kennedy's assent, her head dove between her thighs. A hand hooked under one of Kennedy's knees, pulling it up to rest on her shoulder. Kennedy could do nothing but sag against the door as Abigail thrashed her tongue across her clit and slurped the nectar from her dripping folds. Suddenly two fingers were inside of her stroking that sweet, sweet spot, driving her towards her climax at a fury. Uncontrollably, her hips were darting forward to meet each thrust of Abigail's fingers. When Abigail began to moan around her clit, she lost herself. Her entire body trembled, and her legs threatened to give out. If Abigail wasn't half supporting her, she would have fallen to the floor long ago.

Rising to her feet, Abigail pressed her wet lips to Kennedy, sharing the taste of her arousal. It was a sweet kiss, tongues gliding gently together as Kennedy caught her breath and bearings. When her eyes opened, Abigail was smiling at her, a pleased look to that slightly tilted gaze.

"I've missed you!" Kennedy breathed happily.

"I missed you too," Abigail smiled. "We've got some time to make up for." Her fingers tangled in Kennedy's tousled hair, she gave a slight but determined pull as she led the other girl from the sitting room into her bedroom. She pulled Kennedy all the way to the bed and then shoved her onto it before quickly climbing up to straddle her waist.

The dominance Abigail was showing was a little frightening, but it only excited Kennedy more. This girl was going to take from her what she wanted, and she couldn't see a world where she would not give it freely.

"I thought you might not have wanted...this," Kennedy said, immediately regretting bringing up the one topic that might bring Abigail out of this lust fueled encounter.

"I have to admit, I was afraid," Abigail confessed as she settled down on Kennedy's tummy. "When I found out you were my sister, I was afraid that my feelings would change, that if you touched me again it would feel...wrong. When you kissed me, I felt this wave of relief," she sighed gratefully.

"So, this isn't weird for you?" Kennedy asked hopefully. She could feel a wet spot forming on her skin from Abigail.

"Because you're my sister?" Abigail asked. "I've thought of you as a sister for a long time before we learned the truth, and we still loved each other." The way she undulated her hips slightly told Kennedy that the love she spoke of was anything but familial. "Now that I know, it does...add a little something extra to it," she blushed. "Now I understand Lexi and Audrey."

Kennedy just stared at her. Abigail had a shy smile on her lips, but her eyes never left Kennedy's.

"Now if you don't mind," Abigail said, inching her way up until her pussy hung just above Kennedy's lips, glistening from the moonlight seeping in from the window. "I really want my sister to lick my pussy," she said with a wicked smile.

With both hands holding onto the headboard, she lowered her mound to Kennedy's lips, and had to tighten her grip as Kennedy assaulted her. Kennedy's hands roamed her body as she plied that tongue over her sister's sweet pussy. Abigail rode her face like a woman possessed, barely able to stifle her moans. When her orgasm finally came, it was with a muffled scream, both of her hands pressed to her mouth, trying to trap the sound.

*** *** ***

"Hey!" a sharp voice called through her dream. "Hey! Wake up!" the world lurched back and forth until her eyes finally snapped open to see Skylar shaking her.

It took only a second to realize that this wasn't her room, not with all the extra furnishings and odd paintings on the walls. Out of reflex, she pulled the white comforter up to her chin. A glance to her side showed how useless that gesture was. Abigail was just stirring awake as well, and not a single part of the comforter covered her beautifully naked body.

When Abigail finally noticed Skylar, and realized her and Kennedy were naked together in bed, she scrambled to cover herself with what remained of the comforter while trying to not let it seem like she was crawling under the covers with her sister. Deep blushes stained her cheeks, and her mouth opened as if trying to explain.

"No time for that," Skylar said dismissing their embarrassment, as if this was the kind of scene she witnessed every day. "There's been news from the search parties."

They both sat bolt upright, for a moment forgetting their scandalous situation.

"What news?" they both said on top of each other.

"There was a signal from the transponder, but only for a second," she said, then with a little heat in her voice, "Those so-called advisors are saying it's just a ghost blip, a random chirp from the machine. But I'm not so sure. You both need to get down there and get a handle on this," she continued. "The signal is six miles outside the search area, and they plan to pretty much ignore it."

Why they would ignore it, even if it was a thin lead, she had no idea, but she trusted Skylar. Disregarding modesty, she hopped out of bed in search of her clothing, and Abigail wasn't far behind her.

"Before you two go hurrying downstairs, you might want to wash your...everything," Skylar finished giving them a smirking look. "You both smell like pussy." Before they could even comment, she began heading out. "I'll try to talk some sense into them while you get sorted, but don't drag your feet about it."

With a backwards wave, she shut the door behind her and both girls scrambled to the showers. Skylar was right, they smelled like the morning after a sorority sex party.

*** Lexi ***

I sat waiting nervously outside the Deans office. This was it. This was really happening. I had known that I needed to do something to get away from Decker and now it was really happening. I would most likely still never be allowed back at Mayweather, but that was a small price to pay, however much it would hurt. Not going to jail was the real victory. They had been in there for a while, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought of terror filling Decker's eyes as the charges were laid against him.

Yesterday, when I had gone to Decker's office, I had set the voice recorder on my phone before going in. It was a useful app to record lectures for Kennedy when she decided to skip a class that we shared, or to just go back and listen to them myself. The way he liked to talk, and rub it in how little of a choice I had in his little arrangement, it had been easy. The not-so-easy part was having someone else listen to it...to know what I was being forced to do, even if they couldn't see a thing.

Mrs. Holland was the only person on the faculty that I could trust to help me with my problem. She taught Gender Studies and had always been very outspoken about gender equality and gender rights. If anyone would understand my situation, being transgender, and at an all-girls college, she would.

Her office hours were from 10am until noon on Thursdays, and I was standing outside waiting for her at 10am sharp. It had been a little hard to explain to her my situation, and a light had shown in her eyes when I came out to her, but that shine quickly faded when I told her how the Assistant Dean had found out and had been blackmailing me into having sex with him. By then she had a sad look on her face. It got even worse when I played the tape for her.

Decker: You're late. Shut the door!

The click of a door then a long pause

Decker: You should have been here fifteen minutes ago, and now I have to make a conference call.

Lexi: How long are you going to make me do this?

Decker: Until I get bored of you. You wouldn't want that, now would you? To go to jail? For everyone to know what a perverted little girly-boy you are?

Lexi: No.

Decker: Then quit your jabbering and get under the desk. This dick isn't going to suck itself!

Sounds of shuffling and then the distinct sound of a zipper being drawn...

Mrs. Holland listened to the whole twenty minutes of it while I tried not to exist. It wasn't possible though. Not with her sad damp eyes, barely holding back tears for me. The rest of the tape was a combination of slurping sounds and Decker's voice while he conducted his conference call. Letting her hear that tape felt even harder than what I had to endure on that recording. And now the Dean of the school had heard it too, and doubtless countless authorities would hear it before Decker was sent off to prison. That's where he would go, Mrs. Holland was sure of it. I hadn't thought about it much, but whether I consented or not, it was rape. His power and position at the school precluded any question of whether I was a willing participant, and if it did not, he was on tape, threatening me with jail and expulsion if I didn't do as he wanted.