"Wonder Woman" Takes it in the Ass


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Karen bit her lip, holding in whatever negative comments she had about the guy, and simply nodded instead.

When Sherry called him an hour later, she made it sound like she had come to the realization that she would never be good enough for him. That pompous asshole just accepted it at face value, never suspecting that she might have found someone better than him. It did illustrate for me and my sister why she had wanted to be with him, though.

"I thought I was ready for the kind of mature relationship I knew we'd have together," Sherry said, sighing sadly. "I just guess I'm not really ready for that kind of relationship yet."

"Oh, well," Darren replied breezily. "Maybe you'll get there eventually."

There was no sadness in his voice, no sense of loss. Darren sounded certain that he would have no trouble replacing Sherry with someone "better." I just stared at the most incredible woman I would ever meet, my heart pounding in my chest as I met her gaze. She would be mine after this phone call ended.

After she hung up, Sherry looked at the phone in her hand and her eyebrows knitted in consternation for a moment. "Wow, what an asshole," she muttered.

My sister had been sitting next to me on the couch as we witnessed that phone call. She busted up laughing, and Sherry and I both turned to look at her. I jumped reflexively when she poked me in the ribs, but Karen was grinning at Sherry.

"That's what he said about you!" she laughed.

We had to think for a second before we got it, and neither of us laughed as hard as my sister had.

"You're so bad, Karen," I chuckled, shaking my head.

She sighed theatrically, but then grinned again when Sherry came over to slide into my lap and kiss me. I was kissing Sherry back hungrily, but my eyes were still on my sister's face, smiling next to us on the couch. She waited for us to finish that first long kiss before she spoke.

"I knew it the second day after Sherry moved in," she informed us. "I never met anybody in my life who was so perfectly matched for my little brother. Then I went home for spring break and it only—"

She stopped abruptly, and her mouth snapped shut audibly. When we saw that blush creep up her neck, Sherry and I were both insatiably curious.

"What happened?" Sherry blurted before I could.

My sister looked at us and shook her head slowly for a long moment. She was still blushing when she reached over onto the coffee table and picked up her laptop.

"This is my laptop," she said slowly.

Sherry and I nodded. The way my sister was looking at my face, she expected me to figure it out just from that clue. I shook my head, letting her know I wasn't as sharp as she thought I was. Karen sighed.

"Bobby's laptop is identical to mine," she started, and then my eyes shot open and I got it.

"I grabbed your laptop by mistake?" I asked.

"Mmm-hmm," she replied. "I noticed it was missing, and went looking for it. I found it in your room." She looked up toward the ceiling thoughtfully. "Actually, you may not have borrowed mine, now that I think about it. I assumed that was what happened, but I may have seen your laptop and thought it was mine. At any rate, when I opened it up and went online I was shocked at the 'suggested sites' that popped up when I started to type in my normal homepage."

"Oh, damn," I groaned.

Sherry looked at my face and cocked hers. "Why? What did she find?"

I sighed and squeezed her, hoping my new girlfriend wouldn't be disgusted. "I was looking at a lot of anal porn," I admitted, shaking my head in embarrassment. "None of the girls I dated would even consider doing that with me, and it had started to become something of an obsession. I hope that doesn't disgust you."

It surprised me the way both of them giggled. They seemed every bit as embarrassed as I felt. Sherry turned to look at my sister.

"That was, what? A week after you borrowed my laptop?"

Karen nodded, still blushing. "You two really need to get into the habit of clearing your browser history," she chuckled. "What was insane was that both of you had the same exact video clips as your top four favorites."

I was startled to hear it, and my head jerked to face Sherry's blushing face once again. My dick hardened in my lap, and she groaned to feel it. My favorite video was of this gorgeous, big-titted blonde lying on her back as a thick cock plundered her asshole. Sherry was thinking the exact same thing.

I don't think we even excused ourselves, but my sister didn't seem to mind. Minutes later we were back in Sherry's bedroom, living out our favorite porn clip. It was the first time I got to see her naked body in all its glory, and the first time I sucked her hard nipples. Her long legs wrapped around me and encouraged me to fuck her harder and faster once she had accommodated my even harder cock.

I was surprised when Sherry gasped and I followed her gaze to the doorway. I thought we had closed the door that time, but my sister was leaning against the doorframe, panting as she thrashed her pussy with her right hand shoved down her shorts and her left hand squeezed the nipple of her completely exposed breast. I shook my head, once, and turned back to Sherry's waiting breasts.

That image was seared into my brain, though, and it was never going to leave completely. My sister had looked impossibly sexy and wanton as she had watched me fucking Sherry's horny asshole. Sherry looked up at me and licked her lips before giving me a wicked grin.

"Oh, God, Bobby!" she groaned. "Did you just get harder inside my ass from looking at your sister?!?"

I stared at her. At first, I wanted to protest—to say something to defend myself. Then I tried not to laugh when I heard my sister moaning, "Oh my God!" from behind me. The frantic, wet sounds she was making inside her shorts let me know—let us know—that the very idea was getting her off.

I released Sherry's wet nipple and leaned up to whisper into her ear. "You're so bad," I chided her.

She grinned for a second, but then gasped when she felt my cock swelling inside her ass. My lips were touching her ear as my dick started spewing my cum into her ass. At that moment, I groaned, "Now you've got me thinking about my sister while I'm coming in your ass!"

"OH FUCK!" she screamed, and then her pussy exploded, showering me with her first ever gushing climax.

* * *

After my sister staggered away, I got up and closed the bedroom door securely. Then I used my shorts to wipe up most of the copious pussy juice that was all over Sherry's body as well as mine. Before we took a break to take a much-needed shower, though, there was that second video we needed to re-enact. When I rolled her onto her side and slid up into the bed to kneel behind her, Sherry looked up into my eyes again and nodded eagerly.

By the time we cuddled up together in her bed late that night, we had enjoyed every one of the positions and angles I had ever watched and wanted to try. We had also showered together three times in between those marathon ass-fucking sessions. Karen had left us alone so we could enjoy the rest of that night in privacy. The only time she'd interfered was when she knocked softly on the door at around eight o'clock.

"Do you two want to take a break to eat something?" she asked.

"No!" Sherry gasped. She was coming hard at that point, with my dick buried completely in her ass, and she was staring at it in the mirror.

"Maybe a little later," I groaned.

However, a little later we were still going at it, and then we were showering, and then going at it in the shower, and then we were back in the bed...

I reached around her and found Sherry's hand in the darkness, giving it a squeeze. She sighed happily and returned that squeeze.

"Would you like me to get you something to eat?" I murmured into the back of her neck.

"Not right now," she replied breathily. "I really want to fall asleep like this, with you still in my ass."

So that was what we did.

* * *

I don't know which of us woke up first. With me and Sherry, it was possible we awoke at the exact same time. We were just that in sync. When I woke up, we were already fucking again. I was completely hard and thrusting in and out of her tight, pulsating asshole. Sherry was moaning and humping her hips back to meet every one of my strokes.

I was spooned up behind her, savoring the wonderful sensations, when she turned her head and our eyes met. I pushed myself up with my right arm so I could lean over and kiss her without stopping our lovely morning ass-fuck.

"Good morning," I groaned into her lips afterward.

"Mmm. Good morning!" she replied happily.

I shook my head and smiled, punctuating each delectable thrust into her horny asshole with my words. "You...are just...so...irresistible," I groaned.

She looked deliriously happy to take every one of those thrusts. I stopped thrusting and we both looked toward the doorway when we heard my sister's voice.

"Damn, are you two still at it?" she asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

Sherry was only partially covered by the sheet, and I knew my sister could see everything when I grinned at her and took three more long, deliberate strokes into Sherry's tight asshole. Sherry was watching my sister's face when I did it, and she was blushing when she turned to look at me.

"Do you two normally watch each other having sex?" she asked softly.

"No," Karen and I replied immediately. I was shaking my head, and so was my sister. "In fact," I added, "I don't think I even let her see me naked until just now."

I frowned then, and pulled the sheet over to cover both of us. After shaking my head and thinking for a few seconds, I muttered, "Honestly, I don't know why I didn't do that as soon as I realized she was here. I used to be a fairly shy guy."

"Yeah, but you always liked teasing me," my sister said softly.

Again Sherry and I turned to look at her standing just inside the doorway. She was shaking her head and smiling as she looked at us.

"Oh, you were never mean about it, and you were quick to apologize if you hurt my feelings, but you were always a tease, Bobby."

Sherry let out a snort of laughter. I shivered as she pushed her hips back toward me insistently. I had stopped thrusting into her, but she took over and slowly worked my dick in and out of her horny asshole.

"Oh, you're one to talk, Karen," she chuckled. Her voice quavered as she continued to work me in and out of her. "You've been teasing me for months, telling me how hot your little brother is, how much he would love to fuck my ass for me."

My eyes shot open when I heard that, and I automatically turned to stare at my sister. She was wearing her own snug little white undershirt then, and her heaving breasts and hard nipples were impossible to ignore. The shirt was also short enough that it failed to cover her tiny g-string panties. The way she was blushing, I knew Sherry was telling the truth. My sister had said those things about me.

Sherry's voice took on a sing-song quality as she continued speaking while fucking her ass with my hard cock.

"We should probably take a break—oh!—after this, and take a shower. Umm! Maybe get some breakfast. As much as I would love it—unh!—we can't spend every minute with your big, hard dick in my ass."

She bit her lip and closed her eyes then, looking blissful and unbelievably gorgeous as she came. When her eyes opened afterward, she smiled and leaned up to kiss me. She giggled after Karen moaned and staggered out the door.

"Come on, let's go get that shower," she murmured, kissing me again. "I loved every second of last night, but I am starving."

My stomach grumbled, but not so loud that she could hear it. I just kissed her back and nodded, and we got out of bed. Sherry pulled a robe around her body and tied it at the waist, and I looked around for my shorts. They had gotten kicked under the edge of the bed. I pulled them on and followed her into the bathroom.

I still had to shake my head when I joined Sherry in the shower. She just looked too impossibly sexy for me to believe this moment was real. She smiled beautifully when she saw the way I looked at her. We kissed again, but did not have sex. We were both too hungry for food.

After drying off, I pulled on a big, oversized sweat shirt that came down to the middle of my thighs. It was almost funny to see my sister's expression after I put that shirt on. Disappointment warred with relief on her face, and it was as clear to Sherry as it was to me. Sherry leaned over and laid a hand softly on Karen's shoulder.

"He is your brother," she reminded her softly.

Karen looked up and nodded, but didn't look happy about it.

* * *

I figured that would be the end of the uncomfortable episode with my sister. After that, I would be careful to wear baggy clothes, and I would close and lock the bedroom door before Sherry and I had sex.

I did that right after breakfast, and Sherry cocked an eyebrow and looked at me when I did it. I merely shrugged. We both knew why I had done it. Then I opened Sherry's robe and she sighed happily as I kissed my way down her body. It was time for me to taste her wet pussy for the first time. Damn, I love the way she tastes! After her third shuddering orgasm, I looked up at her sexy, flushed face and heaving breasts and shook my head.

"I could do this all day," I murmured into her drenched folds.

"Oh, no you can't," she panted. "I need you inside me, now!"

"Mmm! Yes ma'am!" I replied.

I think we were both surprised just how good it felt when my dick slid into her wet, horny pussy for that first time. We had both been so obsessed with the desire for a good, hard ass-fuck for so long that it was all we had done prior to that morning. When my hard cock slid into the velvety perfection of her welcoming pussy, we exchanged a startled look.

"Wow, that's incredible," she whispered up at me in astonishment.

I nodded, and I'm sure I looked just as shocked and pleased in that moment. Then we were fucking, and it only got better. There was something about sharing that orgasm that felt more intimate and loving than all those times we had come from anal sex. Afterward, we held each other and kissed softly, running our hands over each others' bodies and staring into each others' eyes.

Sherry chuckled and gave me a brief smooch, then. She grinned and said, "Okay, that was incredible, but now you need to roll me over and fuck me in the ass!"

That was also incredible. After all, it is our absolute favorite thing to do.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

It would have been nice if the sister joined in!!!

roveroneroverone3 months ago

either 2nd read or third...still so scorching hot

...lucky Bobby his sister's hot roommate that just happens to LUV getting buggered and his dick just right...

and Karen likes to watch and they're both exhibitionists....

P_AndererP_Anderer3 months ago

Excellently written, thank you for your good work! I'm tending to agree with the comments regarding Karen...


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

He should have fucked his sister in her ass also! Maybe write a second chapter where he fucks Karen's ass and his mother catches them and joins in to get her ass fucked!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

PLEASE make a sequel to this story and get the sister involved !!! Thanking You in Advance !!

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