Wonder Woman's Sex Adventures Ch. 07

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Wonder Woman plans to go after Green Lantern.
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Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/10/2023
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***My seventh entry of my Wonder Woman sexual adventures series. If you enjoy this story, please check out the others I have written.

The characters in this story were written with the creative liberties of the author. This is fan-fiction and does not reflect how the characters that are portrayed in the actual comic books.


Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman, fought with great fury. Her enemies had never seen her so violent and were scared for their lives. Gorilla Grodd urged his gorilla minions to keep fighting, but too many of them had been beaten too hard to continue fighting. Grodd used as much of his mental control over them as possible to continue their fight.

Mari McCabe, also known as Vixen, was also on the scene fighting Grodd's forces, but she was not as harsh with them as Diana was. She took down her opponents easily but didn't leave any broken bodies in her path. She had never seen Diana act so viciously in battle before, and for the first time ever, she was feeling sorry for her enemies.

With most of the Justice League busy in space, he assumed it would be a good time to launch his assault on Miami. He knew he still had to deal with the U.S. military and a few leftover superheroes, but he assumed they would be easily dealt with by his forces.

The military came first to fend off Grodd's army. They did well in the beginning, but Grodd's advanced technology was on the verge of breaking through the front line. The army commanders were worried they were going to lose the battle until Wonder Woman and Vixen came to help. They were amazed at how merciless Wonder Woman was against Grodd's army.

Grodd had fought Wonder Woman many times before, but he had never seen her behave so wildly. She was very destructive and chaotic. In an instant, she had destroyed several of his fighter jets and battle vehicles. With his forces decimated, he had no choice but to call for a retreat.

"Soldiers! Return to base," he called out to them. "We will meet again, Wonder Woman!"

Grodd's remaining forces gathered as many wounded compatriots as they could and retreated to their naval ships, sailing out to sea. The U.S. navy ships went after them, destroying Grodd's ships one by one.

Wonder Woman tried to fly after them, but she was stopped by Vixen.

"They're gone, Diana," she told her. "Let them go; they won't be bothering anybody for now."

"They could still come back," said Diana. "We should destroy them now."

"Dammit, what's gotten into you?" Vixen asked. "You always enjoy a good fight, but I have never seen you act like such a madwoman in the field before."

"Back off, Vixen, or you will see how crazy I can get," Diana warned her.

"Do you want to go a few rounds with me? Because I'm willing if you are," Vixen replied while taking a fighting stance. "Either way, I'm not going anywhere until you have the talk with me."

Diana settled down as she didn't want to fight her friend. She asked her to follow her away from the shores where the military was cleaning up the mess from what was left from the battle, mostly the broken bodies of Grodd's soldiers that he left behind. They were upset to be captured but glad they didn't have to fight Wonder Woman anymore.

They got to Diana's top-floor penthouse, sneaking into the window to make sure no one would see her flying in and realize that their neighbor was actually Wonder Woman. Diana poured herself and Vixen a glass of wine, and they sat down on her couch to drink and have a long talk about what she's been going through.

"I'm sorry for my behavior," said Diana. "I haven't seen Steve Trevor in a long time. He has been on an undercover mission that was supposed to last only a few months, but now it's being extended even longer."

"So, you miss him, is that it?" Vixen asked.

"Yes," Diana replied. "Also, I'm horny."

Vixen laughed. "You're horny? That's why you're acting crazy?"

"Wouldn't you if you hadn't had a good dick in months?"

"Then go get one," said Vixen. "I know you and Steve have an arrangement. Call up Batman, Superman, or whoever and get a dick in you before you go crazy and actually kill somebody."

Diana began to tell her how the men she usually has sexual liaisons with were unavailable. Superman was trying to be more faithful to Lois Lane, Aquaman has been focusing on some new threats to the ocean, Batman has been extra moody for her lately, and the others were either out in space on a mission or she just wasn't interested in them at all.

"What about women?" asked Vixen. "Maybe you could go back to Themyscira for a weekend to be with some of those sexy Amazons over there. Or you and I can give it a shot in the bedroom; I always wanted to get my hands on that sweet ass of yours."

Diana was taken by surprise by what Vixen had just said.

"I didn't know you also liked women," said Diana.

"I mostly go after men, but I like to play around with a beautiful lady once in a while."

Diana took a good look at the sexy African-American woman sitting beside her. She had short braided hair and wore a skintight orange and black uniform, with the front cut low enough to reveal much of her large breasts. She definitely liked what she was seeing. She didn't plan to have sex with a woman tonight, but she was definitely going to take that opportunity.

"Not a bad idea; I would definitely love to have sex with you," said Diana. "But afterwards, the problem remains that I haven't been fucked by a man for months, and it's killing me."

"You're hungry for dick, I get it. We've all been there," said Vixen, empathizing with Diana's situation. "But if one of your regulars isn't available, then go get yourself a new dick. There's got to be someone in the Justice League you haven't had sex with yet. It shouldn't be hard for you to convince one of them to fuck you. You're Wonder Woman, after all. Any one of them would kill for a chance to be with you."

"Sure, it would be very easy for me to convince one of them to fuck me, but I can't just go after one of them like that," Diana replied. "I created a reputation as a strong and powerful woman. It would make me look weak and desperate if I went after a man like that. It's better if they come after me."

Vixen drank her tea and thought about how to help Diana. She understood Diana's need for sex all too well; if she had gone too long without a dick in her, she would have gone crazy too. And, based on how erratic Diana was during their fight against Grodd's army, she reasoned that she needed to get laid quickly before she killed someone.

"There is a way to make the man come to you; it's perfect for our line of work, but it will take some cunning," said Vixen.

"I enjoy a little cunning. Tell me your idea," said Diana.

"There was a brief period where Nightwing and I broke up," she began to say. "We still worked together on Justice League missions, but we weren't on speaking terms."

"But eventually you two got back together, as you always do," said Diana.

"But that time was different. We didn't get back together for almost a year," said Vixen. "It wasn't until we somehow managed to go on a mission together, all by ourselves, and got into a major fight with Atrocitus, leader of the Red Lantern Corps."

"That guy is deadly. I'm glad you had help," said Diana.

"Me too," Vixen replied. "Anyway, after we defeated him, we went out to celebrate with a few drinks, just as friends. But then one thing led to another, and we had sex that night and got back together. Until we broke up again a few months later, that is."

"You're saying a team-up to take down a bad guy is a good way to lead to a hookup?"

"It's the whole adventure and danger of it all that makes the connection between the two heroes," said Vixen. "And if there's already a sexual connection between the two of them, that makes things even better."

Diana thought about it and realized how right Vixen was. There were many times in the past where she watched one of her male co-workers fight somebody, and she would get aroused watching them. And after a battle, they couldn't stop flirting with her and sometimes tried to ask her out.

"This could work," said Diana. "A good team-up between superheroes to take down a villain who was about to hatch an evil plan was always a good bonding experience. And if it could lead to something else afterwards, that's a good bonus."

"And when you're done with whoever it is you fool around with, please send him my way," said Vixen.

"You are a naughty one, aren't you?" Diana said with a seductive smile.

"Give me a chance, and I'll show you how naughty I can be."

They both ran to Diana's bedroom, shedding their uniforms along the way, and made love all night. They fooled around again the next morning, and afterwards, Diana made them both breakfast before Vixen had to leave. Sex with Vixen was a good sexual release that Diana desperately needed, and it helped to calm her down. Now that she'd gotten that out of her system, her goal was to find a man with whom she could have sex.

Later that day, she decided to get started on her plan. She searched through her laptop, which had an encrypted connection to the Justice League's main computer. She searched through all the recent reports of supervillain incidents and sightings. She wanted to find something among them to use as an excuse to ask for someone's help with.

She finally found a report about a few sightings of Metallo in Portland. He was one of Superman's main villains, and right now she couldn't go after him, at least not for a while. But he was still dangerous enough to ask for help from another member of the Justice League.

She also liked the idea of going after Metallo and taking him to a highly secure prison for criminals of his stature. Despite her reasons for going after Metallo, she still liked the idea of taking down a dangerous villain such as him before he had the chance to do something disastrous.

She perused the league's active roster to see who was available at the moment. It wasn't long until she found Hal Jorda, aka the Green Lantern. She always thought he was sexy, and he was one of the few men in the league she hadn't slept with.

She logged on to her Facebook account and checked out Hal's Facebook page. There were no pictures of him as the Green Lantern, obviously, but he still looked good in his civilian clothes. She especially liked his beach photos and admired his well-toned body. She was getting very excited at the concept of getting him into bed with her.

She put on one of her uniforms, one that showed some extra cleavage in it. When she was ready, she called Hal on her Justice League communicator for a video chat. He picked up after a few rings, looking very excited to see Diana. Diana had the communicator angled in a way to give him a good look at her cleavage without making it too obvious what she was doing.

"Hey, Wonder Woman," he said, trying to act cool about getting a call from her while not trying to focus on looking too much at her cleavage.

"Hello, Hal," she said with a big smile.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I called because I need some help taking down Metallo," said Diana.

"Metallo? That's one of Superman's archenemies. Why not call him? He'd love to take him down."

"He's busy at the moment, but it's no big deal. We all fight each other's main villains all the time."

"Good point. Last week I had to take on Bane," said Hal. "What's Metallo up to?"

"I have no idea, but we should catch him before he actually tries anything," she replied. "I'll send you the coordinates. Meet me there in half an hour."

She hung up without saying goodbye; it was a good way of showing how she was more in charge and that he had to follow her.

Diana got to the coordinates before him. A few minutes later, Hal Jordan showed up in his Green Lantern uniform and was engulfed in the bright green light of his powers. He floated down next to her, and they greeted each other.

"Are you sure he's here?" Hal asked. "This place is completely abandoned."

"Metallo was last sighted in this area," Diana replied. "And if there's one thing we have both learned over the years, it's that abandoned military bases always hold some kind of dangerous secret that a villain has discovered and wants to exploit for their own nefarious purposes."

"That does seem to happen a lot," said Hal.

Diana walked right in front of him; she wore the uniform that showed a little more of her ass cheeks, and she wanted Hal to get a good view of her backside. She couldn't see it, but she could feel him checking out her ass and getting turned on.

"So, um... how do you want to do this?" he asked, trying to concentrate on the mission and not just on Diana's incredible ass.

"I think we should split up to look for him," she suggested. "We can cover more ground that way."

He turned bright green and flew off very fast.

"Don't be in a rush. If he is here, we need a plan to take him down," said Diana.

"Don't worry, babe, I got this," he replied as he flew away at superspeed.

Diana was surprised that he called her "babe" so confidently. Most of the men she works with know her well enough not to call her that. She let it go because she knew he was trying to show off for her, which meant her plan was working.

Diana didn't want to feel completely useless, so she flew off on her own to search the grounds. She wasn't entirely sure if Metallo would actually be there. Even if he wasn't there, she could still use the situation to her advantage to seduce the Green Lantern. It wouldn't be hard for her; she knew all too well the effect she had on men and how easy it was to sway them.

After about twenty minutes of searching and finding nothing, she thought of calling Hal to let him know they should expand their search to other areas outside of the military base. That's when she heard a major explosion and flew over the base to see what it was. On the other side of where she was, she saw a big fireball coming from a large building and flew right towards it.

When she got there, she found Green Lantern in a fierce battle with Metallo, the large, armored cyborg with a kryptonite power source. When Wonder Woman landed, Metallo began firing a kryptonite-based energy blast at both of them as Hal created a force field to repel the blasts.

"What are you two doing here?" Metallo yelled at them. "How did you find me?"

"It wasn't hard for someone like you to be sighted," said Wonder Woman. "And it didn't take long for us to figure out where you might be hiding."

"What are you doing at this base?" Green Lantern asked. "What are you up to here?"

"I wasn't up to anything," Metallo replied. "I was just hiding out here because I'm a wanted criminal."

"You expect us to believe there's nothing here that you want?" Diana asked.

"Actually, I found nothing while I was looking around for him," Hal said privately to Diana. "Did you find anything?"

"No, I also found nothing," she replied. "Maybe he's telling the truth."

"Wow, that's a first for a villain," Hal replied.

They resumed their battle with Metallo. He was a formidable foe, and his Kryptonite energy blasts were making it difficult for them to get close to him. When they did get close enough to him, he was still able to fight them off with his incredible strength and armor. He also fought several members of the Justice League to learn how to fend them off.

Besides firing green light blasts of his own, Hal also created constructs from his mind to battle him, such as a large wrecking ball or a battle tank. Diana fought him with her own fighting skills, landing several deadly blows against Metallo, but he was always quick to adapt to her moves. She was a little impressed with how he was able to fight both her and Green Lantern at the same time, but she knew it was only because of his cybernetic abilities that helped him calculate and adapt new moves to fight them; without his cybernetics, he wouldn't have fought them so well.

The battle went on forever, and the three of them ended up destroying more than half of the abandoned military base. Metallo was furious at losing his hideout. He had a good entertainment center set up in one of the bunkers, which was now destroyed.

Green Lantern reasoned that because Metallo was distracted, he could easily take him out. Metallo foresaw this and delivered a massive uppercut that knocked Hal back 100 feet. Thankfully, he created a green light shell around him just in time to soften the blow, but it still hurt him a lot.

With Green Lantern down, Metallo attempted to fire a full kryptonite blast at him. Wonder Woman got in front of him just in time before the blast hit him and deflected it with her bracelets. While she was taking in the full power of the blast, Green Lantern flew up and came right at Metallo; he created a giant green fist and, with every ounce of his will, he smashed the giant fist right into Metallo.

With the energy blast ending, Wonder Woman rejoined Hal in the fight against Metallo. It took a lot of time, but with some efficient teamwork, they managed to take down Metallo together, destroying much of his body, including his energy-projecting weapons.

They held Metallo until the proper authorities came to take him away, then they flew away into the sky.

"That was a great battle," said Diana. "Thank you for joining me."

"It was a pleasure to help whenever I could," said Hal.

"You want to go for a drink to celebrate?" asked Diana. "I got a large batch of ale on my last trip back to Themyscira."

Hal was surprised. "Amazon beer? That's something I'd like to try."

They made their way to Diana's penthouse suite. She got them each a beer, and they drank it up. Hal complimented her people on making great beer; he assumed that because they were mostly Greek, they would be more into wine. She told him that the Amazons also make excellent wine and promised to bring him some the next time she returned to visit.

They sat on the couch, drinking, still in their uniforms, and just having a casual discussion.

"How's Steve, by the way?" Hal asked.

"Still away on his mission," she replied. "He contacts me regularly so we can keep in touch, but there are times when he mostly has to go radio silent."

"That sucks," said Hal. "I guess that's why you went through all this to get me here in your penthouse."

Diana was drinking her beer when he made that revelation, and she nearly spat it out of her mouth from the shock of it.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"That's what this was all about, wasn't it?" said Hal. "I'm sure you just got lucky with finding Metallo as someone to convince me to help you defeat and turn over to the authorities, but the real plan was to get me here all along, am I right?"

Diana blushed with embarrassment. She was sure she was being clever the whole time. She wanted to get him into bed with her but didn't want to make herself appear desperate by doing so.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"First of all, Superman was available," said Hal. "I was talking to him yesterday. He had nothing going on for the first time in weeks, so I knew you were lying from the beginning about that."

"Oops," said Diana. She didn't expect Hal to be talking to Clark recently.

"And then there's your uniform."

"My uniform?" Diana asked, surprised.

"You're showing way too much tits and ass," he replied. "Don't get me wrong, I love it, but you would never wear something so impractical for a mission."

"You're quite the detective," she said with a smile.

"Don't tell Batman you called me that; he'll get jealous," Hal said with a chuckle. "The question is, why did you go through all of this? You should've known I would've loved the idea of getting together with you."

Diana was embarrassed, but she confessed her reasons. Just like she told Vixen the day before, she hadn't been with a man in a while, and she didn't want to just go after a man; she was afraid it would look desperate and it might ruin her reputation. Then she told Hal the plan Vixen had suggested she try, and it all became clear to him.