Words from a Country Song Ch. 06

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Goodbye Earl.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/21/2024
Created 09/17/2023
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This one is based on the song "Goodbye Earl." It was written by Dennis Linde, and was recorded by (as they were known at the time) The Dixie Chicks, now known as simply The Chicks. All credit to them.

Thanks to UpperNorthLeft for the suggestion. If you have requests of your own, put 'em in comments or contact me through the site!

Goodbye Earl

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

Wanda had been my friend since we were kids, and my best friend since the first day of the ninth grade, when I bumped into her signing up for FFA.

"Hey, Mary Anne," she said when I came up beside her.

"Hey, Wanda!"

"So, FFA?" She gave me a glance.

"Yep. Daddy said 4-H is great and all, but I shouldn't just focus on one thing. And FFA just makes sense, if I want to learn more about what he does."

We'd known each other for most of our lives, both of us also being active in the 4-H club since elementary school. I guess I was more of a tomboy growing up and we just didn't share a lot of interests outside of the club, so we didn't hang out a lot when we were younger.

But my boobs finally showed up (all 34B of them) and I started to be interested in things other than sports, and Wanda and I became friends.

As we got closer, she came up with a terrible nickname for me. And to my horror, it stuck. Wanda decided that 'Mary Anne' was just too long, so first she shortened it to M.A. But apparently, even that was too many syllables, and she shortened it to 'Ma.' Her own mother thought it was a hoot. I was 'Ma' and she was 'Momma'. I teased Wanda's mom about who would get custody.

One time, Wanda has done something dumb - I think she forgot to set the brake on the old pickup she drove, and left it in neutral. It drifted slowly across the parking lot and bumped into Mrs. Maguire's Buick - no damage was done to either vehicle, but poor Wanda was mortified, and apologized so much that it took Mrs. Maguire twenty minutes just to calm her down.

Afterward, I said something to her mom about 'our daughter.' I was just playing, but she didn't smile. She just took my hands and made me promise that I'd always look out for Wanda.

"Sometimes... well, sometimes she doesn't always make good decisions. I'm not just talkin' about today. You know what I mean, don't you honey?"

I did. Some of the boys that Wanda dated were... Well, she usually got mad at me when I said something, but she knew I didn't like them. I usually tried to get her to double-date with me and Jake so I could keep an eye on her, but finally, he put his foot down.

"I know she's your best friend, and I know you worry about her. Hell, I don't like the guys she dates either. But you can't be with her 24/7. And I'd like to spend time with my girlfriend, okay?"

Sadly, I nodded, leaning my head against his shoulder. Taking his hand, I sighed. "I'm sorry, Jake. I know it's not fair to you. I just worry about her!"

He wrapped his arm around me. "I know, babe. Tell you what. I'll talk to the guys; ask them to keep their eyes open. I'll let you know if I hear anything?"

I sighed again and nodded. It would have to do.

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

With my folks' encouragement, I applied to a couple of colleges that had good agriculture programs. I talked to Wanda about it; I was hoping we could go together. Neither of our families could really afford it, so we researched scholarships and applied for those too.

I really didn't expect anything to happen, so you can imagine my shock when I got the acceptance letter and news that I had qualified for two different scholarships. Wanda was happy for me, but...

She said "Ma, you know without that scholarship my mom can't afford to send me to college. Don't worry, I got my job at the Walmart, and my boss says that I can apply for their training program, and maybe make assistant manager in a couple of years. I'll be all right."

Well, we cried and talked and cried some more and spent as much time together as we could.

Jake and I broke up; he was going to a different college, and we agreed that a long-distance relationship wasn't gonna work. We were only eighteen after all, and while we genuinely cared for each other, we weren't in love. I was a little sad, but not nearly as upset as I was about leaving Wanda.

The night before I had to go, we 'borrowed' a bottle of wine and stayed up late, talking. Eventually, we had to say goodnight, and we hugged and cried on each other for a long time.

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

Time went by.

She told me that she'd gotten into the training program, and I told her about my classes and professors, and no, I hadn't met anyone. She said she hadn't either, but there was one guy who might have potential.

Between sophomore and junior year, I ran into Jake over summer break. "Hey! How've you been?"

He gave me a big smile and asked me if I wanted to have lunch, and we spent some time catching up. Eventually, I asked, "Jake, what do you know about a guy named Earl Bush?"

He looked thoughtful. "Did he go to school with us?"

"Yeah, a couple years ahead, though." I described him.

"Hmmm. Maybe. I dunno, but I can ask around. Why, new boyfriend?" he smirked.

I smacked him, laughing. "No, you asshole. I haven't had time to date, other than, you know, just casual stuff. No, it's Wanda. She just started seein' him."

"Oh. Okay, anything for you, Mary Anne." He winked at me. "I'll see what I can find out."

"Thanks, Jake. You're a good friend." And I meant it. Our conversation turned to happier topics... we reminisced about high school, and I teased him about his love life, and he teased back about my lack of one, and we promised to get together again before we had to go back to our respective schools.

But things happened, as they are wont to do, and it was years before I saw him again.

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

A few weeks before I had to return to school, she called me. "Meet me at our spot?" she asked.

It was just a bench swing, hanging from an old water oak that grew by the pond behind her grandparents' house. But ever since we became friends, it's where we would go to talk, especially about important things.

When I got there, she was smiling shyly, and told me that Earl had proposed, and would I please be her maid of honor?

I hugged her so she wouldn't see my expression. What could I say? It's too soon? Are you sure? I swallowed all my objections and just said, "Of course, honey, I would be proud to."

She planned it so the wedding would be during spring break the next year; she wanted to be sure I could be there.

It was a nice wedding, small and informal. I didn't care too much for Earl's best man; we had to share a dance at the reception and he must have thought he was European - you know, Roman hands and Russian fingers - until I pulled away from him mid-dance and went to find Wanda.

Earl noticed, and he cornered me later and said, "She's my wife now, so you better keep that in mind, you hear me?" And he walked away. I just stared at him, mouth open, too stunned to come up with a reply.

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

Time went by.

It was after graduation, and I was home for a few weeks before starting my new job in Atlanta. Of course, I went to see Wanda, but when she met me for lunch at our favorite café, I knew something was up. It was 90 degrees out and she was wearing a long-sleeved dress.

A feeling of dread came over me. "Wanda, are you all right?" I went to hug her and felt her flinch. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just slipped in the shower and hurt my back, that's all," she answered.

But she wouldn't look at me.

Before I could push, she started chattering about this and that, and asking me if I was excited about the job, and I let it slide.

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

It was Christmas before I was able to come home again. This time I could see the faded bruise on her cheek that she had tried to cover with make-up.

"Damn it Wanda, don't lie to me! 'Slipped and fell' ain't gonna cut it no more! That bastard is hittin' you, ain't he?" My 'country' came out when I was mad, and I was beyond furious right now. Not at her, but...

She burst into tears. "Please, Mary Anne, he doesn't mean to, I know he loves me!"

"Ain't no excuse! Ain't never an excuse to hit you!"

She just wept.

I'd had enough. "Wanda, he ain't ever gonna stop, you know that, right?"

She wouldn't look at me.

"Right?" I repeated.

Finally, she let out a sigh and nodded.

"All right then," I said. "Now, what are our options?"

She did look at me then, when I said 'our'.

"Yeah, you heard me, bitch, you're my best friend and we're in this together!" My voice cracked a little, and she heard. She started crying again, came over and crawled onto my lap, and hugged me.

Finally, she got up and sat beside me. She took a deep breath. "I'm gonna file for divorce. You're right, I can't live like this any longer."

I let out a huge sigh of relief. "You're doing the right thing honey, and I'll support you all the way. But when you talk to the lawyer, ask about a restraining order too, okay?"

When Earl was served with the divorce petition and the restraining order, do you think he obeyed it?

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

Mama called me, frantic. "Wanda's in the hospital, Sugar, she's hurt pretty bad I think."

"Oh, no... I'm headed to the airport right now, Mama. Call me back as soon as you know more, okay?"

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

I was holding her hand when she opened her eyes. She looked at me, and we both started to cry. In fits and starts, broken by fits of weeping, she told me the whole story. I mean, the whole thing, starting all the way back to a couple of weeks after their wedding.

"Oh, honey..." and we were both crying again.

Finally, after we'd calmed down, I looked her right in the eye. "I told you once before that he's never going to stop. But I didn't think he'd go this far. He'll probably kill you the next time."

"I know," she whispered.

"You know we have no choice, don't you?"

She nodded as she held my hand.

"Earl has to die."

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

While Wanda recovered, we plotted and we planned, and when we were satisfied, we set things in motion.

First, I went back to Atlanta. At work, I let slip that I was having trouble with insomnia, and it didn't take long for one of the other ladies to offer me some of her prescription sleeping pills. She warned me that they were addicting, and I should go see my doctor, and I promised that I would. Friday morning, I called in sick and headed back home.

Meanwhile, Earl had gotten out on bail and was awaiting trial for domestic abuse. Wanda had healed up enough to go home, and she called him and asked if they could talk.

"You hurt me bad, Earl, but even so, you're my husband and I miss you. Can we talk? Maybe come to supper on Friday, and see if we can try, and wanted to try to fix things?"

I told her she should get an Oscar for that performance.

She took a big swig of her wine, saying disgustedly that she said she needed to wash away the taste of that speech.

That afternoon, I helped her make dinner. Then I went into the back bedroom and waited.

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

Of course, he just walked in, and I heard Wanda say, "I'm so glad you're home honey, please forgive me? Look, I made all your favorites, can we eat and then maybe we can... you know..."

I was worried that he'd start in on her, but her little speech worked just fine. I settled back to wait.

When I heard Wanda say, "Earl? You feelin' all right?" I came out. His eyes were unfocused and he was swaying back and forth in his chair.

I got up close, and said, "What's the matter, Earl? Feeling funny? Eat a few too many of those black-eyed peas? I helped Wanda make them, and they tasted fine to me!"

"Yooo bish..." he slurred, flailing one arm at me. Easily avoided.

I laughed at him. "Why don't you lie down here, Earl? Take a little nap." I gave him a shove and he fell onto the floor. His head made a lovely thudding sound as it hit.

"Oops! That looked like it hurt!" I mocked.

He was barely moving, and his eyes were closed. I opened up the tarp that ironically came from the back of his own truck, spread it on the floor next to him, and we rolled him up in it.

Wanda gave it a good kick. "Nice and dark in there, ain't it, you bastard."

Somehow, we got him into the back of his truck. I jumped in and Wanda followed in my rental. What we did after that, I'll never tell, but might have included a little trip out to the lake.

Then we parked Earl's truck at the rest stop outside of town and drove back to Wanda's house. I just held her as she cried.

"I can't believe it's over. Oh, Ma, I'm finally free!"

♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬

When he didn't show up for work the following week, his boss called. "Hey Wanda, you seen Earl?"

"No, I ain't, Irwin, you know he can't come around here."

"Oh right, sorry Wanda. It's just he ain't been in to work since Friday." It was Tuesday now.

"He's probably drunk somewhere," she replied. "He ain't my problem no more."

"Sorry again, Wanda." He hung up.

Eventually, a couple deputies came by, looking for him. They searched the house high and low, but finally, they just shrugged, thanked us for our time, apologized for the intrusion, and left.

As far as we know, he's still an unsolved missing person.


I quit my job in Atlanta. Wanda and I moved in together and opened "MAW's Country Store" out on Highway 109. It was little more than a glorified road stand when we started, but we had dreams. It did well, and we slowly expanded. These days we sold all manner of things - fresh vegetables in season, homemade pies and cakes - but we were best known for the Tennessee hams that I cured myself, and for the jams and jellies that were Wanda's specialty - her most popular was strawberry. She made a traditional Southern style, as well as others that were mixed with a variety of other fruits and liqueurs.

One day, I looked up to see a small girl on her tippy-toes, reaching for a jar with a colorful label.

Moving quickly, I helped the child retrieve the item. "Careful, sweetie, wouldn't want that to fall on your toe!" I grinned at her.

The little girl giggled. "Fank you," she said sweetly, and ran over to a tall man who was inspecting some jars of honey that we got from a local beekeeper. He knelt before the girl and said, "Don't run in the store, pumpkin, okay? Oh, what do you have there?"

His voice sounded so familiar...

She handed him the jar, and he laughed. "Strawberry-cognac jam? Maybe your mom and I can try this. How about just plain strawberry for you, okay?"

She nodded, and as the man looked up, my mouth dropped open. "Jake?"

He returned my stare, which quickly turned into a big smile. "Mary Anne??"

I gave him a big hug. "Wow, what a nice surprise to see you! What brings you here?"

"In town visiting my folks. We don't get back very often, unfortunately, we've moved out west. How have you been?"

"Oh, you know. Getting by. Actually, better than getting by." I smiled.

He looked around. "Is this... your place?"

"Yep! Mine and Wanda's."

"Oh! MAW's, I get it now! Mary Anne and Wanda. Duh." He grinned.

"This is your daughter?" I asked, looking at the child, who had gone shy now and was holding onto Jake's pant leg.

He scooped her up. "This is Anna," he said to me. Turning to her, he continued, "Sweetie, this is a friend of mine from school, her name is almost like yours! Can you say hi to Mary Anne?"

She just blinked her big eyes at me, and I regarded him.

He reddened just a bit and said, "She's named after my wife's grandmother, actually. But... in my mind... she does have another namesake."

My lip quivered just a bit, and I felt my eyes welling up. "Thank you. She is adorable, and I'm so happy for you. Is she here?"

"No, she's with my folks. Maybe I'll bring her by another day."

"Please do; that sounds lovely. I'd love to meet her."

We stood there awkwardly for another moment, when another customer tried to get my attention.

"Oh, yes ma'am, my apologies, I'll be right there."

Turning back to Jake, I gave him both jars of jam. "On the house. I hope you can come back soon. Bye, sweetie!" I waved at Anna.

"Bye, Mary Anne," he said, a little wistfully.

Then he turned back. "Hey, whatever happened to Earl?"

I didn't even flinch. "No idea. He just disappeared one day, a couple of years back. It's funny, though... Nobody misses him at all."

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UpperNorthLeftUpperNorthLeft4 months ago

Thanks for the shout out. :) This remains one of my favorite country songs, and the Chicks absolutely nail it. I literally laughed out the loud the first time I heard the lyrics. The Wikipedia page for this song (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodbye_Earl) has some amusing backstory about the music video made from this song (https://youtu.be/Gw7gNf_9njs). Well done. 5*

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy4 months ago

The asshole deserved what he got!


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