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"Wooow," she said, as she writhed. "Wow wow wow."

Phillip said nothing. His chest rose and fell as he lay there, arms splayed at his sides. Caitlyn brought one foot forward, planted it, and lifted herself very slowly. She wanted to savor that moment when the head left her, and it did not disappoint. As soon as she was clear, she slid back so that she was straddling his knees, pulled the condom off, and took him into her mouth. His shaft had softened considerably, already, and his cum and precum were slathered up and down the length of it. He might not have been quite as long as she was, but he was definitely long enough and that was all that mattered.

She was lost in her work, bathing every square inch of his cock in attention, when he reached down for her. In a heartbeat, she was face-to-face with him, and he was kissing her! Her initial surprise faded when she remembered that it probably wasn't the first time he'd tasted cum, and as she settled on top of him she was thrilled at the way their bodies fit together.

"That was incredible," he gasped, in between kisses. "You're incredible."

She bit his lip and laughed. "I think I could listen to you say that all day."

"Your body, it's..."

With a smile, Caitlyn sat up so that she straddled his lowest ribs. A few of her sweat-matted curls clung to her forehead, and the rest of them tickled at her shoulders and upper back. His hands hovered in the air just over her thighs, like touching her would somehow break the moment, but she took his hands and brought them to her breasts.

"These don't... do you have implants?" Then his eyes widened. "Should I not have asked that?"

Caitlyn laughed. "They're enhanced, a little. I had a graft. They put a little bit of fat into them, and most of it stayed."

He groped them more and more, gripping the whole of them in his palms. Her nipples were still a painful kind of hard, and his coarse palms felt amazing.

"Most trans women don't opt for this type because there's a fair chance that the body will just absorb the fat and put it back where it was." It was hard to stay on topic as he massaged her, and it felt so good. She bit her lip and smiled. "I took a risk."

"You like biting things," he said, as he watched her.

She felt her skin flush with warmth. "I may or may not have a bit of an oral fixation, yes."

He nodded, and then his hands moved down. She was sad, for a moment, that he wasn't still touching her breasts, but once she got past the disappointment she realized where he was going and the feeling was replaced with excitement.

"Look at you," he said, and he did.

And every second that he did filled her with so much anxious excitement. She'd been wanted before, clients had been very clear about that, but this was somehow more different. More intense. More personal. It left her feeling a little vulnerable, but instead of hiding from that she leaned into it.

"And this," he said. He cradled her shaft in the webbing of his thumb, lifting it up and to the side. "Have you ever seen how, like, some women do jumping jacks on video? And it's just about their boobs?"

Caitlyn's heart jumped into her throat.

"The way this moves, when you're on top... it's... beautiful."

In a last ditch effort to avoid an overload of embarrassed excitement, she blurted, "It's so pretty, you could suck it with the lights on."

Phillip's full-body laugh was incredible. She felt his chest rocking between her thighs, and she just wanted to squeeze him and absorb it all. She chuckled, unable to stop the blush from coming anyway, and shook her head. "I didn't come up with that. I think Tracy Morgan said that."

"Well, I'll tell you what," he said. "If his dick is half as pretty as yours, it's still true."

He reached under her, palms curled under her ass, and shunted her up. She squealed, nearly losing her balance, and her ass settled on the upper part of his chest.

"Is it okay if I do this?" he asked, looking up at her. The tip of her cock hovered near his chin. She gave a hesitant nod, and bit her lip again as he craned down to meet her.

Phillip's tongue felt better than her own ever had. He didn't go for depth, just attention at the tip. His tongue moved in waves, over and around. The downward curve perfectly suited the angle, sloping directly between his lips. After a minute, she even began to grind just a bit, out of sheer animal instinct.

"Hey," she said dreamily, some time later. She'd lost track of the moment, and her body felt amazingly loose and relaxed. When he looked up at her, she realized that she didn't know how long he'd been going. She slid off of him, and moved to lay on her side beside him with her head propped up in the palm of her hand. As soon as she was settled, Phillip moved onto his side to mirror her. His pecs were beautifully shaped, and the way they moved as he twisted his body this way and that was lovely.

"Hey yourself."

There was a solid foot of space between them, up and down the lengths of their bodies. Of course, his body extended a fair amount past hers, even with her toes pointed.

"How're you doing?" he asked. "Was that too much?"

"Oh my god," she laughed, "you are adorable." She reached over, and laid her hand on his chest.

"Am I asking that too much?"

She smiled, shook her head, and leaned into the space to kiss him gently on the lips. "Just the right amount."

"Okay good," he said, eyelids staying low over his eyes. "I was really nervous when you came over tonight. I really wanted it to be special."

"And that was before I dropped the bomb on you," she said, smiling broadly.

He shrugged, and it did wonderful things to his delts and traps. "I'm sorry it was... I usually last longer than that."

At this, Caitlyn rolled onto her back laughing.

"What?" Phillip said, truly sounding nervous.

She just shook her head, smiling and staring up at the ceiling.

"And don't just tell me I'm adorable! What?"

She couldn't figure out how to explain. Everything she thought of was either underwhelming, or didn't capture the entirety of how she felt. Then she had an idea.

"Wait here," she said, suddenly sitting up.

Phillip stared after her as she bounced off the bed and walked swiftly out into the living space. She rooted around in her purse and returned a minute later carrying her phone. Then she sat down next to him, so that his head was next to her side, and held her phone in her palm. It rang once, loudly, and the tinny speakerphone struggled to fill the room with sound.

"Hey! I was just gonna call you!"

Caitlyn furrowed her brow and looked over at him, and then gasped when she looked at her phone. "Oh my god. It's that late?"

"Yeah," Tori said, lacing that one single word with a lot of worried meaning.

"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!"

"It's okay," she said, in that way she did sometimes when it wasn't okay and would likely result in a conversation later.

"Hey, so... um—"

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," Caitlyn said quickly. "Yeah. It's just that... I wasn't entirely honest with you earlier."

"What?" Sharp annoyance.

"Tonight wasn't a client. It was... a date."


"And... it's going really well."


"Like, really well."

"Wait, it's still going?"

"Yeah," Caitlyn said, laughing a little as she said it.

"Uh-huh." Curious, rather than unimpressed.

"Like, really well."

"Wait, how well?"

"Really well." She turned and laughed quietly. Phillip was just watching her, but his eyes were smiling.

"Okay," Tori said. "Um... well this is new."

"Very new."

"Alright. Uh... call me in the morning? Or whenever you leave? Wake me up. I don't care."

"I will."

"Okay, um... good... luck?"

Caitlyn laughed, shook her head, and said, "Bye."


Phillip leaned in close, and kissed the side of her hip. "You didn't need to do that."

"Now you listen here," she said, twisting and giving him the most severe arch in her brow that she could manage. "You ask as much and as often as you like. You got it?"

He raised a flattened hand to his brow and saluted her, and she grinned.

"I think I could go again," he said, "in another minute. Are you... okay to keep going?"

She nodded, and then again more vigorously. Her curls bounced around her head, and she giggled at the boisterous exuberance with which he shot up off the bed and raced to the dresser, where the rest of the pack was. Caitlyn quickly scooted back onto the bed, spread her legs again, and gave her shaft a few good tugs. It was already warmed up, but it responded to her touch. Probably more from watching him, naked, putting on another condom without needing to be asked. Very thoughtful, she thought. With one hand, she reached down and pulled her balls to the side, and with the other, she curled her cock down between her cheeks.

Phillip looked up as he was rolling the condom on the last little bit, and again he froze. She loved doing that to him. She might not ever be able to do it again, as this was her last party trick, but it was a doozy. She groaned as she pushed the head of her cock into her own ass, working the whole thing with her palm. Once her balls were well out of the way, she used both hands to push. The harder she became, the more she had to fight it to keep it inside, but that resistance stretched her just a little more.

It was slow going, working in a little bit more with every heartbeat. One hand slid down along the length, pushing as it went, while the other hand started again at the root. Phillip crawled onto the bed on all fours, seemingly hypnotized, and she let out a delighted coo when he kissed one of her balls.

He didn't say anything as he watched. Caitlyn just kept going, working the now-mostly-hard shaft in as deep as she could go. After a minute, Phillip squirted a dab of lube onto his finger, and slid it in alongside her cock, and she moaned long and low. He worked the finger in and out, sawing around the side, pulled it out, added a little more lube, and repeated the process. Twice.

Just when she didn't think she could take it anymore, when her shaft was reaching an aching level of hardness while bent the wrong way, he ran his tongue over her balls, and she lost it. Her eyes rolled up under the lids when he wrapped his lips around one of them and sucked it in. His finger worked all the way around her shaft, and she didn't even notice when it became too hard to stay in because those two fingers immediately found her prostate.

And he was staring at her. Those two pale green eyes were fixed on her, across the entirety of her body, and it filled her with such a squirming excitement that she found it impossible to contain. She tried to scoot further up the bed, away from him, but those fingers and his tongue followed. Failing that, she grabbed her shaft and gave it a few quick tugs, but that obscured her view of him.

"Fuck me," she whined. "Please!"

He rose to his knees and pressed his hands against the backs of her thighs. Caitlyn reached down to guide him, and her cries filled the room as he entered her again. He moved slow, from tip to root. Every time his head came near the rings, the stretch and swell almost made her cry. It was wonderful. She took up her right nipple in her left hand and tried again to stroke herself again, and this time it was perfect. Phillip's thrusts were gentle enough that she could keep a rhythm, and her body responded. The surge in her core threatened to overwhelm her, and she let it. Two ropes of her thin, saline cum arced across her chest, with a fair bit more dribbling out less spectacularly into and around her belly button.

Phillip leaned over her, still fully inside of her, to kiss her as she spiraled down from her frenzied peak. She brought her legs around him, hooking at the ankles, and grabbed his head. She never wanted that kiss to end. Never ever.

And then she was crying for a completely different reason.


The clock read four-ten when Caitlyn woke with a start. She'd been having an incredibly intense dream that made complete sense when she realized that Phillip was laying between her legs and fellating her. There was just enough light coming in from a night light in the bathroom to understand what was in front of her. He paused when he noticed her writhing, and pulled back with a smile.

"Sorry not sorry," he said.

"What are you doing?" she drawled, rubbing her eyes one at a time. "Three times wasn't enough?"

"I could go again," he said sheepishly, "but truth be told, this is really what I wanted to be doing."

She couldn't help but laugh deliriously. "You wanted to go down on me?"

Even in the low light, she could see him blushing. "I... um... so, like... this is my thing."

Caitlyn blinked, and shook her head. "Giving head is your thing?"

"I, um... I like every part of it. It's... It was how I finally knew."

It took her blinking and staring at him for several seconds to remember, when they were talking that first time, that he'd admitted he was attracted to men. Every moment since then had felt like a fairly normal, hetero experience to her, but she realized that was her own bias coloring the memories. She wanted to be seen, and treated, as a woman, and so she saw his courteousness and attentiveness as simply meeting her hetero expectations...

...but it was more complex. And so was he. Once again she found herself re-evaluating him, only this time she was trying to do it while he had half of her shaft inside of his mouth...

...and then the whole thing! Caitlyn's eyes opened wide, and she made a strangled cry as she watched him kiss her groin and lick at the root.

He made an incomprehensible sound as he popped back up, and smiled wide as he gasped for air. "I wasn't sure I'd be able to do that, but now that I know I can I'm just..." He licked his lips and looked up at her. His chest rose and fell quickly as he tried to catch his breath. "Is this okay? Even if you don't, or can't, finish, does this... Is this alright?"

"I don't know," she said, playfully. "I was asleep for most of it. Maybe do it a little more?"

He smiled. And then he did.

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ShortyMacShortyMacover 2 years ago

Great story, So well written. Really got me turned on. Thanks You are an awesome writer.

apocalyptic_chorusapocalyptic_chorusover 2 years ago

Doc Awk (absolutely could not help the pun as it came to me) - I've read through a lot of your work on and off over the last year and there is just this absolutely beautiful ache to so much of it. Not to say that everything isn't beautifully written, paced, and plotted, but it's that ache that just feels so very human that keeps me coming back and falling a little in love with each of your pieces. You have a lovely brain.

AwkwardMDAwkwardMDover 2 years agoAuthor

There was, recently posted, an anonymous comment by a transgendered or cross dressing reader. I'm sorry, but I had to delete your comment. If you ever need to talk, you can reach out to me through my author page. Leave an email address and send me feedback. I will respond.

AlexBaileyAlexBaileyalmost 4 years ago
Great line

"The hardest part of my job," she said, holding his gaze, "is hearing exactly what I want to hear."

-- That line is beautifully loaded.

Great piece.

tonitemptstonitemptsabout 4 years ago

Just a well written beautiful story. Thank you. I enjoyed that very much.

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