Working in France, The Summer Job


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"Dye," Helen explained, "it changes to blue when it gets wet. Would you like me to show you Jenny's vulva? she asked. She was running a finger along the folds. I was enthusiastic. She named all the parts for me, the labia, the hood, the clitoris and she gave it a tickle. Jenny laughed. She pushed two fingers in deep and said it was her vagina. Jenny was watching me. Then Helen asked me to show her. I was coping well. When I said clitoris Helen told me to give it a little tickle. She also asked me to put two fingers inside and try to touch everything. Jenny raised her head to say they were trying to get rid of my shyness. We then put an incontinence pad on Jenny and she got up off the table.

"Your turn," Jenny said. I took off my pants and got onto the table. Jenny had a very good look at me. She said I needed a shave so the dye would work and left for a moment. She returned with a razor, squirted on some shaving foam and started to shave me. My cock quickly became erect. Helen said it was a problem and asked if I minded her draining it. I told her I didn't mind. I was surprised she didn't have a machine and used her hand. Jenny watched and complimented me on the quantity I squirted. When that was done I was catheterised, painted and incontinence pants were put on. The idea of the research was to discover what happens when the incontinence pads absorb urine as it constantly dribbles out. Jenny added that the catheter they were experimenting with had silver colloids because silver apparently suppresses bacterial infection.

Jenny told me it was lunch time and lunch was supplied. Every employee contributed a small amount each month and the research wasn't disrupted by people having to change to go to a shop. That was the last day I took sandwiches to work. It was strange watching everyone in incontinence pants and be in them myself. While we ate Jenny told me more of company expectations. They wanted all their employees to be sensitive to the needs of others. While they didn't want shy people they didn't want brash people either. She said confidentiality was important. Everything at work was confidential. If I ever spoke out of turn I'd lose my job and be sued instantly. She explained it was to protect everyone in the company and whether I was employed by the company or not the same applied. I was encouraged to be interested and involved but everything had to remain "here".

A woman nearby had problems with her catheter. She had her incontinence pants at her ankles and was moving the catheter trying to make it more comfortable. She asked the man she was with for help and we watched as they solved the problem. Neither of them was shy.

After lunch, I was taken to the machine I was to work with. It glued the layers of the incontinence pants together.

For two months I worked the machines. It wasn't difficult but it was tiring. I threw myself into learning about the company and its products. I discovered it wasn't as profitable as I would have expected. It didn't have enough money to promote itself on the media and had a very small financial base. The competition was fierce. I was surprised by how many competitors there were and I thought we had the superior product. It was the dedication of the employees that kept it alive. Everyone knew of the importance of the products and the value of their jobs. I learned that Jenny had no income for herself. I suggested at a meeting we could look at making them more attractive while keeping the functionality. Some one else had a better idea and that was to make them washable rather than disposable. We researched washing machines that also tumble dried. When incontinence pants were wet they could be washed and dried. Every few months the alginates could be replaced. It would help long term users cope financially.

The research started and took ages. Every detail was meticulously researched. We all participated. People lined up and stood for the fifteen minutes as they waited for their pants. As they waited they checked each other's skin, looking for rashes and excoriation. We discovered things we hadn't expected. Alginates couldn't be used because they broke up to be dust and in tumble driers it was dangerous, it could self ignite. Apprehension began to set in until someone said it was a good thing because our product will be different enough to patent. Initially the pads would be a lot more expensive because they couldn't be glued together, they'd have to be sewn. We expected they would need to be washed three times to be cheaper than using disposable pads. We also wanted them to be made of natural fibres. Cotton, wool, linen, hemp, silk and bamboo fibres were extensively tested but none were as absorbent as alginates.

Then we looked into the different weaves of the fibres and hit jackpot. With five layers we had a superior product that could be composted entirely after service. Everyone was thrilled, excited and eager to develop it. After a few months enough of them had been made for all of us to be wearing them. They were comfortable. Even the women thought they were and commented that the lack of a midline seam was wonderful because there was nothing to catch and chafe in their vulvas. The design was similar to that of jodhpurs, like people who have horses often wear. Best of all about the comfort was there was no collapse of alginate into the crutch of the pants to form an uncomfortably squishy ball between one's legs.

While Research and Development worked we looked at marketing them. Patents were applied for in forty eight countries. It was complicated and risky. News got out about our new product and a competitor tried to take us over. Jenny went to her accountants and was told the better move was for her to take them over. Jenny had nothing to buy them with though. There was a meeting and we decided within the company to offer shares. Any employee could buy shares. I told Mum about it and together we bought twenty six. It wasn't a lot but it helped and was all we could afford. Mum seemed to know about it but didn't say anything.

W We soon launched a successful take over. They had good sewing machinists and that was very good. They also had products they were making that we weren't. The fit was good financially. The only problem was they had a lot of sanctimonious people working for them and did little research and development. Jenny hated the sanctimony and we implemented a program to get rid of it.

We built a stockpile of the new product. Jenny went to conferences in eight different countries to create interest in our product. She took a lawyer and marketing consultant with her. At the same time we started to create media interest. With a few others, I went to parachute with only the incontinence pants on. That the women with me did it topless certainly created interest. We went to shopping centres and wore them so everyone could see. We had brochures that explained them. The campaign was a huge success. It helped that the cut of the pants was attractive. With the increased interest in our product we needed more people in sales. I was transferred to the sales department and paired with a woman went to new clients in their homes to introduce the incontinence pants to them. Incontinence is normally a very hidden problem and we were uncovering it. I never imagined so many adults could be incontinent.

When we went to people's homes we always offered to give a demonstration. It was important to know how to put them on because they failed to be effective if it wasn't done properly. A part of research was to investigate every complaint. Almost every complaint came from a misunderstanding about our product. Company policy was to do everything possible to educate the carer. For a while plastic, life sized dummies were used but they proved to be inadequate because they gave no indication of how tightly the incontinence pants should be applied.

The carer could choose to try fitting the patient with them or learn how to do it with either of us. Mostly, the patients were men and the carer would learn by putting the pants on me while Leone, my sales partner, gave instruction. Sometimes the carers were shy and refused the offer. Others found it difficult not to be enthusiastic.

We would spread a clean sheet over a carpeted floor, I'd remove both pairs of pants and the carer would be shown. They loved learning that the penis must be pointed down. They were often sneaky and after taking hold of my penis would ask a question. While my penis was still being held Leone would answer. She thought it was funny if she took a long time with her answer. Then the carer often asked a second and even a third question while continuing to hold and stroke my dick. By that time I was always erect and it was very difficult to point my dick down. Leone then explained it showed why it's so important to have a real demonstration, people aren't predictable. She'd tell them it's very difficult to void with an erect penis and if they waited it would deflate and could be pointed down. The carer would pretend to struggle with it and very quickly I'd be ejaculating as Leone delicately caught it with a tissue. The carer then pretended complete surprise and apologised profusely.

A few didn't bother with games. They simply gave me a hand job as a remedy for my misbehaving penis. Every man on the sales team had the same problem. Their female sales partners thought it funny. Many times we had to make repeat visits because of the carer's declared uncertainty about applying the pants. On the second and third occasions they were much quicker to get what they wanted. We always told them about the problem of sexual dependency. Patients often became dependent on their carers for orgasms.

Sometimes, the patient would be a woman and the carer a man. Leone would be on the clean sheet and I'd show him her urethral opening so he knew where it was in relation to the pants. Often, they'd confuse the urethral meatus with the clitoris. We always laughed after. We became very disinhibited in some ways and more inhibited in others. Leone never showed me her tits. I knew better than to ask. We didn't do anything more than look and touch. Their professional standard was to do what was necessary and go no further. Leone also never talked of her husband.

At the end of summer we had a party in the factory. I was told confidentiality was essential. Every year the company had the party for its employees. They were considering having two a year but for now it was only the one, held at the end of Summer when it was warm. It was intended to resolve the sexual tension that accumulated over the year. Machinery was pushed to the side and tables full of food set up. Clothes were left at the door and we wandered around talking and laughing. It was lovely how free everyone could be.

Jenny stood and gave a speech about how the company was doing and thanked everyone for their effort. Then she said that as usual what happens here stays here, there is no sanctimony and everyone should enjoy themselves. Now for the door prize," and she explained. "I guess that at times everyone has said, "Fuck the boss," and now is the chance to be first. There was laughter and some hoots to say it wasn't true. From a container that appeared to be a pair of incontinence pants with the legs sewn up someone drew a piece of paper and Mick cheered when his name was read out. As he was walking to the stage she said anyone can be the door prize. Anyone who would like to be can put their name in the tin and she pointed, "pink for girls and blue for boys." There was a surge of people moving towards the tins. Leone gave me a push. I stayed where I was. She whispered in my ear. "I want you to be my door prize," and she grinned. She pushed me again.

"Why don't you put your name in?" I asked.

"Because it's in already," and she laughed. She spread her legs and showed her vulva. "See. Ready, willing and able." She laughed. I saw Doctor Pheelman rushing to the pink tin. "I'll put your name in if you'd like me to," Leone said, "I love being fucked with everyone watching. I'm hoping I'll pick your name or you'll pick mine." I gave her a kiss and went to the blue tin, wrote my name on a slip of blue paper and put it in. Jenny was getting settled on an examination table. Her knees were up and spread, we all could see her vulva, it looked moist and delightfully pink. She lifted her head and looked around.

"Come on Mick, I'm ready." He walked towards her, his dick bobbed. He stood between her knees and blocked our view of her vulva. We watched as he pushed forward.

"Ooh, yes," we heard Jenny say. We watched as his balls began to swing. Jenny moaned. Her moans kept pace with his thrusts. He grunted, his body stiffened and she screamed. We watched his knees buckle and soon he was on his knees in front of her. We saw her vulva with semen oozing from it and splashed around. It took both of them some time to settle. When he stood and faced us his imposing dick had shrunk into wet wrinkles. Jenny got up and went to the blue tin, plunged her hand in and came up with George. He gave a whoop as she called his name and left the stage to join him. Leone was quick to get up onto the stage and plunge her hand into the tin.

"Harry," she called and he ran to be beside her. She gave me a quick look of apology. One after the other, women drew names from the tin. Eventually I heard my name. Wendy from sales had my little piece of paper. We picked our way around the bodies writhing on the floor and met in the middle. She gave a quick kiss and pulled me by my dick to the edge of the room. She grinned.

"I was hoping for you," she said. At every team meeting I've been hoping. I love your dick." She took it into her mouth and bobbed her head for a while. I pushed her back, got on my knees and lay her down. I'd never had the opportunity to see her and wanted to now. I remembered her putting incontinence pants on me in a training session. She'd been slow and thorough as she played with my dick and teased until I ejaculated. It had been fun for both of us. There wasn't time for me to put incontinence pants on her. I think both of us were disappointed. I'd planned to have a very good "look". After, she told me she hoped to reciprocate soon. We were always too busy. She pulled me over her and we fucked. It was beautiful. Again we were too busy for more. Leone found me. Semen was running down her thighs. She proudly showed me and looked at the mess I'd left on Wendy. More names were being read out.

"Wendy." She quickly got to her feet and ran to meet Ken. Leone picked up my hands and placed them on her tits. They were so firm and beautiful.

"I want you to enjoy these," she told me. "I also want to fuck. Greedy, aren't I." She had her hand around my balls and smiled so delightfully. "You know, you have to go and pick a name from the pink tin? I'm hoping it's my name." She gave me a kiss and pushed me to go and get the name. I put my hand in and pulled out a name. "Martha," I read out with a loud voice. Again, Leone and I looked at each other with some disappointment.

Martha is an older woman, very attractive and full of energy. She works in the manufacture section. I saw her running towards me, her large breasts cannoned around and she greeted me with a kiss.

"I'm here," she said, "Help yourself. I plan to." and she had my balls in her hands. I played with her tits for a while as she sucked my balls. I wanted to get on the floor, I was tired of standing. It was a lot better on the floor. I did a tour of her vulva. My fingers led the way. Her labia were big and her clitoris was beautiful. I rubbed it and she moaned. My dick was thumping and she pushed me away so I was on my back and rode me like she was a jockey as her bum went up and down. I watched her tits bounce. It didn't take her long to have me squirting inside her.

"Another notch on my bedpost," she said as she giggled. "I wanted It, ever since your medical. You looked so beautiful naked and shy, with your dick so big and ready." She left me and I wandered around. So many people were being enthusiastically fucked. The smell of sex was almost overwhelming. I saw Doctor Pheelman nearby, she was on her back being fucked by a guy from sales. When he stood I could see her vulva. It was big and red from the pounding she'd received and generously coated with semen. Much better than on the computer. She saw me looking, grinned and reached up to hold my balls. Slowly, she pulled me down and started to suck my cock. I held her tits and played with her nipples. I wasn't enough of a contortionist to do more. Her grip on my balls was firm. She was determined. It wasn't long, she was drinking and I was trying to stop her because of the hypersensitivity. She looked at me, paused and started to laugh, then coughed and sprayed my semen all over me. It made her laugh even more and she was trying to apologise.

"I'm... I'm...," she coughed and sprayed me again, "sorry." She told me when she settled, it had been very difficult restraining herself during my medical and here I am. She only had to reach up and pluck me like plums from a tree. "Next party, we'll fuck," she said. "I'm too sore now. Sorry."

Jenny's secretary, Ethel, was pushing a trolley full of warm, wet towels around and people were taking them to clean themselves. She was the only one there to have a full bush of pubic hair. Apparently, she frequently complained of missing out and wanted to be shaved like everyone else. Often, she didn't wear a bra and most of her shirts were transparent or showed a huge cleavage. As the company's window to the world she couldn't wear incontinence pants so she couldn't participate in the product trials. She always had a coat nearby in case she needed to cover up. I sometimes saw her in the toilet. She stopped to say hello and said she needed me to fill out a few things at reception and smiled as she said "including myself." Of all the vulvas on the computer hers was the most popular because of the pubic hair. She said it was very small compensation and she'd much prefer to have it shaved and played with like everyone else. If only she wasn't so damn busy all the time.

Leone was walking past. I called her and she looked up to find me.

"Here I am," I called as I waved. She was quickly beside me and said she had six more notches to carve into her bed post. We laughed. I told her I only had three. She said she was disappointed none of the notches were for me but she was too sore now. For a first timer I'd apparently done well. I think she was being polite because I thought a first timer would be a target. When I asked she told me I was a target but mostly, everyone thought I'd be busy with others and they didn't have a chance. Also, everyone else had hunted for their partners. I'd simply stood so I didn't give anyone the thrill of being picked. "Next time you'll know," she said, "and I want you to pick me."

I didn't have the heart to tell them my employment would end soon. I was hoping Jenny would offer me a permanent job and wondered what Ethel wanted me for.

Food was served and everyone ate. Jenny stood and declared she'd enjoyed herself, reminded everyone that what happens here stays here and wished everyone a safe trip home.

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HectorBidonHectorBidonalmost 6 years ago
Enjoyable story

I really like your straightforward, understated style, and the depth of the world you created. The company policy of putting aside shyness for the sake of research and marketing was believable and titillating, I thought the company party at the end was a little over the top though. I could imagine everything else happening in real life, but not that. Still, nice story. Thanks.

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