World of Ranicke Bk. 03 Ch. 01


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Sorrel walked in and her tail was drooping some as she settled down in a chair. She was both tired and very worried. Her father hadn't told her yet that all they had found of Jim was his clothing and personal items. Since she didn't know that as of yet she assumed Jim had been hurt bad enough he wasn't able to make it back. That or he had been killed and they hadn't found any traces of the body.

Nora followed Sorrel in as well and was looking as tired and worried. Tonya was in her arms and asleep but her tails were hanging and her ears were back against her head. She took the little girl into the kids section and tucked her in. When she came out she walked over to Nasha and gave her a good hug and petted her hair and ears. Nasha had lost one of her brothers to the attackers. Between that and being so scared about Jim she was on the ragged edge of emotions.

Nasha leaned into her and rubbed her muzzle against Nora's chest and tried not to cry but couldn't stop the tears. The brother was a fair amount older than she but they had been close. Added to not knowing what happened to Jim it was just too much.

Sheeha walked in with Alon on her hip and he was looking tired and upset as well. She took him to the small section she slept in and tucked him in. "I will be back in a while and curl up with you Alon. For now try and sleep okay?" She nuzzled his face and gave him a gentle swipe of her tongue before pulling a light cover over him and leaving the area.

When she walked back into the central area she walked over to Nasha and Nora and gave Nora a nod. "Go eat and I will sit with Nasha and see if I can get her to eat as well." When Nora let go Sheeha wrapped her arms around the Inu and gave her a good hug. "I know Nasha, I understand your loss but we need to get you fed so you can nurse the babies." Sheeha urged her to sit down and started working on her neck and shoulders as well. "If you want you can curl up with Alon and me."

Nasha rubbed her face against Sheeha's chest and sighed as she leaned into the hug. "I will try Sheeha but..." She couldn't continue since she would start crying again. "I think I would like that, thank you." She let Sheeha urge her to the table and started nibbling the food. Rather like Dan she didn't really care what it was since nothing tasted good right now.

Once Sheeha had Nasha settled and at least nibbling on the food she walked around to Sorrel and rested her hands on her shoulders. She could feel the tension in Sorrel's muscles from the strain she was under. Being the most senior wife she had taken over Jim's responsibilities as well. Due to that Sheeha had been doing her best to take care of the children and tent. "Would you like me to brush your fur and tail before bed? It might help relax you some so you can sleep better. I can do that for all three of you if you want."

Sorrel reached up and lightly grasped Sheeha's hand and gave it a squeeze. "If you have the energy I would appreciate it and I think all of us, you included, could stand to have a bit of pampering." She leaned back against Sheeha. "Thank you for your hard work with the kids and tent. It helps me by not having to worry about it." After one last squeeze she leaned forward and started munching on the salad she had.

Dan eventually finished eating and stood. He gave Allie a good hug. "Thank you for the massage I feel better now." He glanced at Ana and she was asleep in Saulo's arms and he had to shake his head. "Take her to bed and tuck her in son. If you feel she needs it curl up with her. I trust you both to be good and I am not worried." He nodded at the boy when Saulo lowered his ears and walked out of the tent.

When he walked into Nang's caravan he had to pause for a moment since she was already in bed. One of the small stones used as lights was showing though turned down. She looked tired and stressed. For a brief moment Dan felt a burning desire to find a way to go and kill the bastard who was directing all this stuff. He knew it wasn't the transfer to this world since they had been there several weeks now. She was enjoying what she was doing and he honestly was as well. With a quiet sigh he stripped his clothes off and set them in a chair before sliding into the bed.

As he slid in Nang opened her eyes and smiled at him. She lifted the covers and once he was in slid closer to him and had to smile a bit more when all he felt was skin. "Are you tired? If so we can just cuddle but at the moment I feel the need to be touched and remember feeling alive."

Dan gave her a quiet laugh. "I am tired so I might have to just lay here and take it..." As he was talking one hand slid down her side and rested on her bottom. He felt her lift a leg and place it over his and moved closer.

Nang gave him an arch look. "If I remember the last time you pulled that on me Ana happened. Are you saying you want another child?" She was sliding her leg along his as one hand was stroking his chest. Her fingers were sensitive enough she could feel all but the faintest scars. She had always hated that but loved him for what he did.

He smiled at her and his teeth gleamed in the faint light. "Well we don't really have any birth control so it might happen anyways." He lowered his lips to hers and gently brushed them with his. For good measure he lightly ran his tongue across her lips and felt them part.

Nang closed her eyes as he kissed her and opened her mouth and licked his lips as well. Their tongues played with the other in an age old way. Both knew what they wanted and what they liked. She loved the taste of him and knew he liked the taste of her as well. While they were kissing she gently urged him on his back and straddled his hips. She could feel his erection getting larger and pressing against her nether regions.

When she urged him on his back Dan did that and once she was on top he slid his hands along her back and enjoyed the feel of her skin. That was one thing he had always loved about her. It didn't seem to matter what she had done during the day it was always soft and warm. As she leaned forward to kiss him her long hair fell forward and framed her face.

As she felt him starting to stroke her back she leaned forward to give him better access and started purring. Her lips grazed his again before she started giving light almost not there kisses to his face. She kissed his wide brow, eyelids, cheeks, and to be silly the tip of his nose. She tensed up some as his hands moved to her sides and stroked the curves of her breasts. Nang was already wet and the added stroking only made her hotter. Tonight was going to be a rather fast and furious night but she could live with that.

He closed his eyes and let a smile play on his face. Nang loved doing that and it felt rather good though occasionally it drove him up the wall. By nature he was rather forward and blunt and her playing really started that side going. They both knew what she was doing and why and neither was going to complain. As she was kissing his face he kept stroking her body. His hands stroked her arms and started on the front of her neck and shoulders.

Nang could feel his tension as she was kissing him and made a little rrr sound that he loved. While he was stroking her neck and chest she had to sit up to give him more room. Her nipples were definitely crinkled and sticking out. When his fingers found them he started to lightly twist and pull on them. She arched her back and let him play. Eventually he started using his lips and tongue on her breasts and at the moment she was so hot it brought her to an orgasm.

Dan could feel her belly tighten as she arched her back and moved his lips to one breast. Even after having two children they were still well shaped. They weren't large but nicely filled the palms of his hands. The nipples and areola were dark brown and quite perky. When she came he cupped her bottom and squeezed and stroked them.

Nang leaned forward again and gave him a firm, almost aggressive kiss. Normally she wasn't this demanding but she needed to feel his touch, feel his warmth, and get boffed senseless. The last few days had been horrible and she needed, as she had said, to feel alive and right now that meant sex. As she was thinking she was sliding her vagina against his thick penis and almost went for it. She didn't because she wanted his tongue to lath her vagina and his teeth to nibble on her nub. With that thought in mind she turned around and settled her groin over his face and wrapped her hand around his shaft.

Dan smiled when she did that and had to take a moment to appreciate the view. Nang had a very tidy pussy. When she was excited her inner lips didn't pop out like some weird flower. They puffed up just enough to expose all the lovely inner bits. She also shaved which he appreciated since he hated spitting hairs out mid-sex. "Oh my I see something I like." He lifted his head and blew light puffs of air across her heated and glistening lips as she was slowly stroking his shaft.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of the puffs of air and his lips barely touching hers. It wasn't going to take very long before she came again and then she was going to go for it. As he was playing she licked her lips before lightly licking the head of his penis. A dribble of precum had oozed out and she took her time licking it off. Going slow would also drive him nuts which she occasionally found amusing. After some licking and stroking she took the head in her mouth and started sucking more of his penis into her mouth.

Dan tensed for a moment as she started playing and he could tell that she was deliberately teasing him. In revenge he placed his lips on hers and started to relentlessly attack all her sensitive spots. He stayed away from her nub just to return the teasing. When he was doing long strokes of his tongue he went around the nub but didn't actually lick it. He could sense her frustration by the way she was moving her hips and butt as she tried to get him to do something with it. He finally took pity on her and placed his lips around it and sucked it into his mouth, or as far as it would go. His tongue started flicking it as his teeth nibbled on it and it only took a few moments before she groaned hard with the orgasm.

That was it, she couldn't take any more. She moved down his body while still facing away from him and after positioning his penis slammed down on him. Once he was fully inside she had to sit there for a moment and shudder with satisfaction. Now she started to slowly slide up and down his shaft. As she started nearing an orgasm she could tell he was as well. He had his hands on her hips and was rising up to meet her.

He closed his eyes and simply went with the sensation and her rhythm. After a short time he felt the muscles of her vagina clench as she started to orgasm. He slammed all the way inside and held her on top of him as he blew a nut as well. Several surges later he collapsed on the bed and lay there panting. "Good god woman, it is a good thing I don't need those little blue pills."

Once the last of the aftershocks faded she turned around so she was facing him. He was still firm and inside her which she loved. After lying down on his chest she pulled a light cover over them and placed her head on his chest. She could feel and hear his heartbeat starting to slow down as was hers. "Thank you Dan. I really needed that tonight. I love you my wonderful man." She rubbed her cheek on his sweaty chest and quickly fell asleep. Dan followed her into sleep as well.


Over the next several days' things calmed down as much as possible. The day after searching for bodies and the injured Moran called Sorrel, Nasha, Sheeha, and Nora to his tent. He was sitting under the open side and waited. This was going to be hell for Jim's mates and Sheeha. The healers had done a good job in saving as many as possible though that wasn't saying that much. The Inu pack was a fair amount smaller than his tribe and the numbers lost would be hard to deal with.

They had ten confirmed killed, twenty or so with various injuries, and a dozen or so missing. What made the missing pack members so hard were a fair number were pups. They still had search parties scouring the area though by now most of them were expecting more bodies. The chances of someone that small surviving for even a day was slim.

When the four showed up Moran gave all of them a good hug before showing them into his caravan. "Please have a seat." The three mated did though Sheeha stood between Nasha and Sorrel. She had one hand on Nasha's shoulder since she knew, actually all did, that Jim was dead or gone. Nasha was going to need all the support she could give her.

Moran pulled a pouch out of a cupboard and turned to them. "Dan brought this to me on the first day. I chose not to show it to you at the time because Nasha's pack being helped was more important." He hated that he had to make that decision but he was the chief. As he was talking he opened the pouch and pulled out the contents.

Sorrel instantly knew what it was and tears started flowing and her ears lowered. She reached over with a shaking hand and pulled the bundle to her. For a moment she simply couldn't do more than that since it would prove her worst fears.

Sheeha reached over and gently stroked her ears. "Would you allow me to open it for you Sorrel? I know this is going to be a very hard thing for all of you. I would be honored if you allowed me to help you."

Sorrel's hand was shaking as it hovered over the bundle and she had to really think about the offer. She finally lowered her hand to the pouch. "Thank you for the offer Sheeha but I am the senior mate and this is my job." She looked up at Sheeha and glanced at Nasha before looking back at the bundle.

Sheeha gave her a slight nod and moved back over to Nasha and curled an arm around her. Her free hand was stroking her hair and ears to try and comfort her. When Nasha leaned into Sheeha she started purring at Nasha. There wasn't much to see and all of them could smell Jim's sweat on the clothes and knew they were his.

Sorrel finally unfolded the shirt that was on the outside till she got to the middle. Lying inside was the bonding necklace, sub-chieftan necklace, and his warrior totem. The one thing not there was his axe and sheath. Tears started flowing from all four of them and each howled, chattered, or roared in agony.

Nasha turned to Sheeha and wrapped her arms around her and really cried. She had known that Jim was dead when he didn't come back. Even though she knew that she had family support from Sorrel and Nora not to mention Sheeha she was still terrified by what his loss meant for them.

Moran moved over to his daughter and wrapped his arms around her as she cried. While she was crying he was murmuring gentle words of comfort to her. It was the best he could do at the moment. What was going to be hard to deal with for the ladies was not having his body to return to the spirits. They would burn something that was symbolically Jim but it just wasn't the same.

As Moran was comforting Sorrel Sheeha gently urged Nasha away and moved between her and Nora. Since the chairs were so close she could easily wrap her arms around both of them. She took several minutes to comfort them before she sighed and stood up. "Chief Moran I wish to inform you that I am with child. Yim is the father and we were going to tell you before the festival started. I have already decided that I am going to stay with the tribe along with Alon. You and the ladies are his family and he does not wish to be separated from you."

The chief stood up and gave her a slight smile and nod for breaking the news now. They, Jim's family needed the good news. It would help offset the bad news of loosing Jim. "Thank you for informing me Sheeha of the Puma tribe. Do you wish to send a message to Chief Piquel?"

She nodded at him. "I will take care of it." Sheeha was going to send the message to the chief but she wasn't going to say everything. The most important was to let him know that Jim was missing. She didn't want to relay the message about his death by message. It was something that had to be done in person. The two males had bonded extremely well over the five years Jim had been on this world. Due to that she needed to tell him face to face.

Moran and Sheeha comforted the others for several minutes. "Come Nasha and Nora. I will groom you and give you a massage to help you relax. If you need to sleep for a while I will take care of the kids and other things."

Nasha slowly stood and leaned into Sheeha's hug and let her slowly led her out of the tent. Once outside Nora was pulled into an embrace as well and Sheeha started to comfort her. As they were slowly walking to the caravan a number of people noticed the lowered ears and tails. It was already known that Jim was missing but looking at them it was even worse. Till it was made official they couldn't really do anything or show anything. Once Jim was listed as gone to the ancestors then they could give gifts and sympathy.

When they walked into the tent they found several of the children there waiting. Sheeha shook her head at them before taking the two women to chairs and sitting them down. Moran showed Sorrel in right after the others and with a slight nod left. He wanted to stay but they had a great deal of work left to do. Tonight was the pyre fires for the dead.

Sorrel lowered her ears even further and gave the children a tear filled look. "The Chief just informed me that Jim is no longer classified as missing. They found his cloths and jewelry but no body similar to the enemy. He is going to be listed as having gone to the ancestors."

All the children looked shocked though they had, the older ones, expected this when he didn't come back. Alon had run over to Sheeha when she had come in and had clung to a leg. Once Sorrel informed them about his Poppe Jim he looked up at Sheeha before letting go. It was hard but he stood up straight and walked over to Sorrel. "Momma Sorrel I will do my best to protect all of you like Poppe Yim did." As he was talking one hand was on the knife Jim had given him on his last birthday.

Sorrel watched Alon coming over to her and noticed how he acted. When he told her he was going to do his best to protect them like Jim did she almost grinned. He was being serious when he said that though and she wouldn't shame him like that. To her it showed just how much Jim had impacted on the children. Instead she knelt down and wrapped her arms around him and gave him a good hug. "Thank you Alon for the offer and it means a great deal to me. To ensure you know what you need to protect us make sure you listen to what Sheeha and the other momma's tell you." She gave him one more hug before standing up.

Sheeha definitely had a proud look on her face when Alon had come over to comfort Sorrel and the other ladies. There was also a tenderness showing for the boy as well. He might not be hers but as far as she was concerned he was. "Come here Alon." She knelt down and when he did she gave him a good hug. "I am so proud of you young man and I know that Poppe Yimmy would be as well. Chief Piquel would be pleased as well and when we meet up with the pride I will take you to him. You can inform him of your decision."

Alon leaned into the hug and had to sniffle for a few minutes. "I miss my Poppe Auntie Sheeha. I want him back." As he started sobbing she picked him up and held him close. She glanced around the tent and it looked like Nasha was about to fall asleep as well. She had lost a brother in the attack as well Jim. "Nasha would you mind curling up with Alon? He has been trying so hard and I am so proud of him but he is tired and could use a good hug and someone to hold him while he cries."

Alon had his arms around her neck by now and his face pressed against her shoulder. He listened to Sheeha but didn't want to admit he was really sleepy. "I will curl up with Nasha and hold her while she gets a nap. That is what Poppe Yim would do."