Worlds Best Diet Plan - Jingle Bell


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Her eyes were getting wider and wider as I described the experiment. I think she was finally wondering if she would have to use her safe words. I know I would definitely be considering them if the situation was reversed.

"I would suggest that it's going to be easier to hold them in at the beginning than it will later. Your Kegel's will get tired from the strain of attempting to keep them up there and I suspect that you will start losing the balls sooner and sooner the longer this experiment goes on. Do you remember your safety signal, since you will not be able to speak intelligibly."

She nodded her head, glad that I'd reminded her.

"Since you have the ball gag in, you also won't be able to verbally ask for permission to cum, so we will use a hand signal for that as well. Hold up two fingers on both hands followed by 1 finger on both hands. It's important to know that I want you to cum, so you have my permission to cum automatically upon giving the signal. I just want you to ask. If you don't, punishment will be meted out. Just two more things. I'm going to blindfold you. I want you to have no idea how much time is passing, thinking that if you can just hold on for one more minute or two more minutes, you'll have made it. You won't know how much time has passed until I tell you your time is up. Secondly, I will be taking pictures. You look so lovely and desirable hanging there in your bonds. I should have been taking pictures all along as I will want to remember this weekend forever in every detail. When we get old and gray and wrinkled, I will be able to look at photos of you in the prime of your physical and sexual health and remember all that we did here. The fact that I haven't is my mistake. These pictures will never be shown to another person or in any way used to embarrass or humiliate you. Since you're going to be blindfolded, I could have taken them without your knowledge, but that would be a violation of the trust you've shown me, so I wanted to tell and ask you. Signify your permission and understanding by nodding."

She appeared reluctant, but after several seconds, she nodded.

"Excellent! Let's get started then. First the butt plug."

I lubricated it very well with a water based lubricant, also putting some on my fingers which I used to lubricate her asshole, even pushing two fingers up her sphincter to grease that and loosen it a bit. I turned on the vibration and placed it against her rectum. I let the vibrations make her relax it a little before I began pushing it in. The last couple days of wearing one almost constantly had accustomed her dark hole to being stuffed with a plug, and she'd learned how to accept it easier each time. The only difference was the size of this one which was two and a half inches in diameter. She was able to take the first two inches in diameter rather comfortably, but the last half inch was causing her to grunt in pain. I made sure that I was keeping an eye on her hand so I could watch for her signal, but despite the painful grunts, she was gamely pressing on. I added a little more lube and held still, allowing the vibrations and just the pressure to gradually relax the muscle. As it started to give, one final push and it was in.

I blindfolded her before putting the ben-wa balls in her sex. As I told her, I wanted her to have no idea of the time. I pushed first one ball in then the other, and I could feel the pressure she was exerting on her Kegel's to keep the first one in when I pushed in the second.

"Starting now" I said as I finally got it past the muscle. I started the timer function on my smartphone before opening the camera app. I snapped several pictures of her from the front before turning on the butterfly at a low setting, then taking several from the rear. Her ass cheeks were clenched as part of the effort to retain her ben-wa balls, and it made for a glorious picture of her ass. Such a monument to perfection it was. I upped the setting on the butterfly to medium before taking some shots from the side that highlighted her incredible tits. Still firm, 36C, the nipples taut and engorged from the clamps. They'd been on her breasts for awhile so I decided to remove them, allow the blood to flow again. I turned the butterfly to high before removing first one, then the other. Apparently, the high setting on the butterfly and the burst of pain from her nipples was enough to cause her orgasm as she quickly gave me the signal requesting permission before I heard her moans of release. Unfortunately, having an orgasm was not helpful to keeping the ben-wa balls inside of her because she dropped first one, then the other, within 10 seconds of her release.

I checked the timer. "Just under 12 minutes," I announced. I could see her sag a little in her bonds. "Given the time to start the timer and check it after you lost your marbles, I'd say three swats with the tawse." Always witty, that's me. I turned off the butterfly.

I checked the balls and found them slimy and wet from her spend. If she didn't have the ball gag in her mouth, I'd have made her lick them clean.

"It seems to me that having an orgasm does not help your cause," I said, "although I plan to test that theory more thoroughly on the second go around. Let's get this over with. I'll leave the butterfly on; that should help protect your clit."

Standing in front of her, I brought the tawse up in a quick snapping motion. As soon as it went across her pussy with an audible pop, she started dancing in her ropes, tears coming to her eyes. I kept my eyes on her hand in case she wanted to use the safety signal, but her hands remained clenched into fists. Good girl, I thought. She's as tough as they make them. I brought it up again, a little harder this time, and the dancing went on even longer. Once more, her hands remained clenched, unwilling to surrender her agreement. I really admired her grit and I went easier on her the third time, the first two already having softened and inflamed the folds of her cunt. She danced again, but not as long as the second swat. By this time, the tears and rivulets of spit drooling from her mouth had made quite a mess of her face, so I got a towel from the bathroom and wiped her face clean.

I kissed her forehead and said, "I'm so proud of you, little slave. You are one tough cookie."

She nodded in affirmation and gave me a thumbs up signal. How I love my wife. What a champ!

"Shall we start again?"

She nodded.

I reinserted the balls and started the timer. I took more pictures, some from below up at her bald pussy and the butt plug, others standing on the bed and looking down over the top of her head. At about the seven minute mark, I turned the butterfly on high, skipping all the other settings. Within a minute, I could see she wanted to cum, but she strained against her orgasm, knowing what happened last time. She managed to hold off for almost two more minutes but I finally saw her flash the sign and instantaneously, she started thrusting against the air, rolling her hips, moaning into her gag. I could see her clenching her cunt and trying to bring her legs together in hopes that she could keep the balls in, but I think it actually helped sustain and increase the intensity of her orgasm and twenty seconds after she'd flashed me the signal to cum, the balls dropped out, one at a time. I quickly checked the timer.

"Only ten minutes that time. Looks like five more swats."

I could see her breasts rising and falling in quick, gasping breaths, her miniature bells jingling merrily with each breath. I gave her time to catch her breath.

"Would you like a drink of water?" I asked.

She nodded yes.

I undid her ball gag and went to the kitchen for some ice water. I held the glass to her lips and let her drink as much as she wanted.

"Thank you, Master," she said when finished. "I suppose we should get started again."

"I can give you a couple more minutes to rest if you want, maybe loosen your ties to take the stress off your legs and arms for a few minutes."

"No, Master. I can do this. I know I can. Let's get on with it."

"Alright," I said and replaced the ball gag.

I picked up the tawse. The previous swatting and her orgasms had left her opened, leaking, and inflamed. Both her outer and inner lips had spread out like a flower and some of her cum was leaking down her legs. Her pussy was swollen and red. Taking aim once again at her delectable cunt, I swung upward with a smack.

Unintelligible sounds came from behind her gag and she danced around as much as her bindings would allow, tears again streaming from her eyes. I was keeping a close eye on her hands because I didn't want to miss her safety signal if she gave it. I swung again, about as hard as the first. She was on her toes and bending her legs like she was trying to squat although her arm ropes gave her no slack for that. Little rivulets of spit again leaked from the corners of her mouth. A third swat, maybe a little harder than the first two followed and her cries increased and more wriggles of her legs and body ensued. On the fourth swat, I saw two fingers and thought she was throwing in the towel but it was followed by a single finger and she came, hard. I was amazed at what I was seeing, but realizing that the fifth swat would have less impact during her orgasm, I quickly administered that one as well. Her cunt was gushing liquid; my guess is that her body was both trying to lubricate and soothe the wounded tissues. When she finished spasming, she hung limply from her arms, with almost no energy left in her legs to support her.

I released her arms and legs so that I could lay her on the bed and removed the gag. Her cunt and upper legs were soaked in her fluids. Her sex was even more inflamed as I'd hit it five more times. I also turned off the vibrating butt plug but left it in her ass.

"Should I kiss it and make it better?" I asked my little slave.

"Yes, Master. Please."

I removed the butterfly and put my lips gently on her. I slowly and softly laved the swollen tissues with my tongue. Where I might normally make little nips with my teeth, I used only my lips, being as tender as I could. Where I might normally use my fingers to push into her sheath to make her writhe, I used only my tongue to penetrate her. When I heard her quickened breath and knew she was close, I closed my mouth over her clit and tongued and sucked that fleshy finger until her hands went to my head and she pulled me against her sex.

"Master, may I cum?"

"With all the love in my heart, you may cum little slave."

I felt my chin bathed in fresh fluids as I heard her say, "Thank you, Master."

This cum was not as violent and hard as the last one and I heard her sighing as she flushed the pain from her system with a fresh burst of endorphins.

"Master. Sometimes it's good to have little orgasms. They don't all have to be big and powerful. The soft and gentle ones are nice, too."

"That's good to know, little slave."

"I know I can do this, Master. Do you want to spread me out again?"

"Hey, if you're going to cum when you're being punished, what's the point?"

"The point is if a slave can keep pressure on a Master's cock and keep pleasuring her master even when she is cumming. If I can hold the balls in while I orgasm, it will be nicer for you when I orgasm."

"That is the point! How perceptive you are, little slave. I must commend you for figuring out the point of our little game."

"Then I should try again, Master."

"Not right now, little slave. I don't want to harm you and I'm afraid that I might if we continue the exercise. Your Kegel's are becoming tired. It will give you a goal for the future."

"May a slave offer her mouth to satisfy her Master? I would offer you my sex but it is a little sore right now."

I laughed. "Not right now, little slave. I have plans for my cum later and I won't have any left if I feed you some more now. You've already drained me twice this morning."

"It is only what a good and dutiful sex slave should do for her Master."

"Yes it is and I'm so proud of my little slave."

"Thank you, Master."

"Rest now. You must recuperate if you're to be ready for this afternoon's adventures. I'll fix you something to eat."

"Yes, Master."

I watched over her as she fell into slumber, curled into a small ball upon the bed. I covered her with a blanket and putting on a robe, went into the kitchen. I found some leftover lasagna and popped it in the microwave. I got her more water, adding some ice tea flavoring to it. When the microwave went off, I carried everything into the bedroom and woke her up. She sat up, gingerly, and I fed her little bites of the lasagna and sips of water interspersed with bites for myself.

"Feeling better," I asked.

"Your slave is still a little sore, Master, and quite sticky again."

"I have the perfect remedy for both, I think. How would you like a bath, hot and soapy?"

"That sounds wonderful, Master. A slave would be most appreciative."

"Of course, there are conditions."

"A slave was sure there would be. My Master always has something planned."

"You know me so well, little slave. One of the vibrators is waterproof. I think that we should put it inside of you while I wash you."

"As you wish, Master."

I ran some hot water in our large stand alone claw foot tub with one of her favorite bath bombs, lavender scented. I made her leave her nipple jewelry on; the water wouldn't harm it. After she stepped into the tub, I had her display and slid the vibrator into her sex. The outside was still sore, but the interior of her sheath had not taken any abuse. I turned it on and leaving her standing in the display condition, I took a soft wash cloth and body wash and soaped her down from her neck to the water. When she'd been thoroughly scrubbed, I helped lower her into the bubbly water. Putting a little shampoo into her hair, I massaged her hair and scalp, stroking her hair and rubbing her neck.

Our tub was equipped with a shower head faucet and I was using it to rinse her hair when she said, "Master, may a slave cum, please."

"Yes, little slave."

Her hand went between her legs and gave her clit a couple quick rubs, then she sighed and slid lower in the water, her hand covering her sex.

"I feel so good, so loved, Master. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Opening the plug to drain the water, I told her to wait there in the tub. Clipping her wrist cuffs together to secure her hands, I instructed her to put them over her head. By this time, most of the water had drained.

"Your hands are to remain there. Put your legs over the side of the tub."

When she'd done so, her sex was once again exposed to me. I took the shower head and put it on the massage setting. Turning on the water again, it came out of the head in pulsating jets. By standing, I could direct two of the jets to each of her nipples, while the third struck her stomach, somewhat harmlessly. They struck with enough force to make an indentation on her breast, and because the water was pulsing, her nipples were moving up and down and ringing her miniature bells. Occasionally, I would move that third jet down to briefly pulse her clit, then move it back to her nipples. The vibrator was still on, stimulating her cunt and with her nipples receiving steady stimulation and her clit getting some, it didn't take long for her to reach her peak.

"Master, may I cum please. Please can I cum, please, please, please," she was frantic in her need.

It was time to be a bastard again. I wanted to punish her once more, so I said, "No, you may not."

She tried to resist, of course, but she eventually succumbed to the sensations attacking all of her erogenous nerve centers. That was the whole point. Her legs were twitching over the side of the tub and I could see her start to move her hands down to cover her clit, before remembering she had to keep them over her head, and she quickly returned them to position.

"Oh, God; oh, God; oh, God; oh, Gooodddd!"

Her orgasm exploded, denied it's initial release, and she cried out, "I'm sorry, Master. I could not help myself. I had to cum."

"Of course you did."

There was one other thing I was determined to try. I moved all of the jets to the area of her clit, one jet specifically directed on it, the other two pulsating against the folds of her cunt. I played with the water pressure and temperature, going from warm to cold to hot, then warm again. Opening the valve more, then less, adjusting the intensity of the spray falling on her splayed sex. Bingo! I'm not even sure she was entirely over the first one with the stimulation she was receiving and the second one reared it's head.

"I'm going to cum again, Master. Please let me cum. Oh, God! I'm going to cum again."

"Cum for me, little slave. Cum for your Master."

"Yes! oh, yes! I'm cuummmiinnnggg."

Her sex opening fluttered open and closed, almost sucking the vibrator into her cunt with the intensity of her contractions, her breasts quivering, her bells jingling, her hips thrusting and rolling, her breath coming in sucking gasps. I turned of the vibrator and the water and let orgasm recede naturally, holding her torso to mine, her legs still sprawled outside the tub and her arms still raised.

"Put your arms around my neck, little slave."

Lifting her from the tub, I set her on her feet and without my saying a word, she assumed the display position. I smiled and dried her body off with a big fluffy towel.

"Am I to be punished for cumming without permission, Master?"

"What do you think?"

"I think a Master is looking forward to punishing his slave."

I suckled a nipple, causing her breath to catch. "I think a slave is right," I said, releasing the first nipple, before sliding to the other. With my hand, I pulled the vibrator from her pussy. It came out with a sodden slurp.

"Into the bedroom, slave and assume the first position."

She ran in and knelt down, her sex and breasts displayed in such a pleasing way. I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing her like that, submissive and proclaiming her assets to me. While she knelt, I gathered up three large bolster pillows and stacked them on the bed. I adjusted the ropes so they were at all four bedposts, got out the paddle, her gag, her blindfold, and the stimulating cream. I also got the strap-on, although she couldn't see me do so from where she was kneeling.

"On the bed, over the pillows on your stomach, little slave."

She complied with alacrity. I fastened the ropes to the cuffs on her limbs, spreading her out although her ass was raised to the perfect height on the bed. I took some more photos, shooting her from every angle.

"I swear I could almost cum just looking at you, little slave."

"It is a slaves duty to be pleasing for her Master."

"And you are most extraordinarily pleasing to me."

I showed her the paddle; a standard ping pong paddle with a soft, padded surface for imparting spin to the ball and the other side with raised dots. I only showed her the side with the raised dots.

"We are going to be using this paddle on you as punishment for cumming without permission. I expect that it will be painful and we will be using the gag again. The neighbors, don't you know."

"How many will I receive, Master?"

"200," I replied. "Shush, shush, little slave," when she opened her mouth to protest. "It could easily be 250. It appears that previous forms of punishment have done nothing to stop a slave from cumming whenever she wants to. Apparently, I have been too lenient with you. The stakes must be raised or you will continue to cum any time you damn well please."

Actually, she was cumming any time I damn well pleased, but I wasn't going to let her make that argument either.

"Open your mouth," I said, then putting the ball gag in when she complied.