Would You


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"I hate mom for doing this to our family, I want to go with you" David said hugging me.

"Me too" Candy added.

I saw the tears in Ann's eyes as she sobbed running down the hall. "You mother loves you very much it's just that she needs time to figure out a few things." "Please don't hate her and be good while I'm gone; ok?" They agreed and helped me carry my bags down to the car; Ann was nowhere to be found.

The next three weeks were both good and bad. Work was crazy and it kept my mind off Ann, which was a good thing, but being away from the kids was hard. I made sure I saw them at least twice a week, but that wasn't enough. It did however give me a chance to get to know Linda a lot better. We had dinner most nights and were basically an informal couple.

The fourth week came and I was on pins and needles. I'd talked to Ann a few times but we'd never talked about anything important, only about the kids. I took off Thursday afternoon and asked Linda if she wanted to go out and do a little shopping. "I need to get the kids a little something and would like to see you again."

"I'll clear my schedule so pick me up after 12:30 at my office" she told me. "Maybe we can have an early dinner or something before you go home tonight."

"The or something was what I really wanted from her" I thought to myself. I hadn't had sex in over four months and my right hand was getting pretty callused. We had exchanged friendly pecks, kisses and a few innocent hugs; but that's all.

We picked up a few things we thought the kids would like and pondered our next move. I was holding the door open for Linda when she suddenly turned around, grabbed me and kissed me hard.

"I've wanted to do that since the first day I met you," she said kissing me again this time with a lot of tongue. We were like two hormonal teenagers grasping at each other. "We need to get a room and right now," she demanded.

There was a motel right across from the mall and we fell into the room ripping each other clothes off as we hit the bed. How we managed to get totally undressed was a miracle because we were never stopped grabbing at each other. I wanted to make slow passionate love to her but that's not what happened. I felt her warm lips on my cock two minutes before I shot my first load down her throat. I tried to apologize to her but she kissed me quiet, "you'll have plenty of time to make it up to me" she replied with an evil grin.

I then proceed to feast on her body. Linda wasn't a teenager but had a great body; tight and firm. I licked her small breasts paying a lot of attention to her nipples, which became long and brown after a lot of dedicated sucking. Unlike most women of today, Linda sprouted a full blonde bush. Later she would tell me that if she'd known that we'd end up in bed today; she would have at least trimmed it a little. It made no difference to me however, I ate right through it.

Moving down between her legs, I parted her outer lips and dove right in with my mouth and tongue; Linda climaxed almost immediately. She held my head with both hands as she shook beneath me. "Oh my god, it's been so long since I've been with a man" she said trying to pull me up and kiss me, but I was far from being done.

"Relax and enjoy," I told her as I continued my on slaw. I licked her from her clit down to her brown hole and then back up before sucking on her clit. Each time I did this, Linda would raise her ass off the bed to give me better access to all she possessed; damm she was wet.

Slipping one finger into her tight and sloppy pussy I fingered her while sucking on her clit as she screamed at me to stop what I was doing and fuck her. "I can't take it any longer, I need you in my now" she shouted at me in the mist of her second orgasm.

At seven inches I'm not a Greek god, but she was so tight I had a hard time getting it all in her. I started to stroke slow not wanting to end anytime soon, but she had other ideas. Wrapping her legs around me she demanded, "fuck me god dammit, fuck me hard, make me yours"; who was I to object to her wishes.

I'd love to say we fucked for an hour and tried ten different positions before we climaxed at the same time, but that only happens in the movies. After about five minutes of hard fucking, Linda climaxed and fucked me back until I was spent.

"That was nice," she said softly playing with one of my nipples. "Your much better than my vibrator, and your tongue should be licensed as a deadly weapon" she said with a chuckle. "How long before your ready to go again?" she asked.

I was about to answer when we heard, "fuck me you son of a bitch, harder god dammit it, not in my pussy, take my ass."

Looking at each other we broke out laughing. "Don't even think about it" Linda told me. We listened for the next ten minutes as the couple in the next room got it on. "Were we that loud?" Linda asked.

"How the hell do I know, I was a little busy" I replied. "But it does seem they are having a great time also."

The hell with them, I'd fully recovered, but this time we didn't fuck, we made love. It was slow and tender and wonderful. We kissed; we held hands and enjoyed each other's bodies as we drove each other to new heights. This is the way it uses to be with Ann, I thought as I felt myself getting close. I was first to finish this time, but never stopped stroking until Linda was totally satisfied.

"Your thinking about your wife aren't you" Linda asked him.

"Until today, I've never cheated on Ann before." "As we made love just now, I remembered how it use to be with Ann, before work became her #1 priority." "And now, all I have is found memories of what once was; and it makes me sad."

"It's not dead yet, you both still have another shot at it; even after this afternoon" she told me as she pulled me to her. "And if it doesn't work out between the two of you, I'll take you in a heart bead" she said kissing me softly. "Now hit the shower, you have two kids waiting for you tonight."

We showered together and although I wanted to fool around a little, Linda fought me off. We got dressed, gathered our things and opened the door to the parking lot.

Sometime shit just happens. You're in the right place at the wrong time and it just hits you square in the face. As Linda and I stepped out of our room, Ann and Greg, her boss, stepped out of the room next door to us. There was this pregnant pause as everyone's heart took an extra beat.

"Keith!" Ann said as she covered her mouth.

"Hi Ann, hey Greg, how's it hanging" I said staring at them. "Shit, I'll bet Sandy doesn't have a clue you're fucking my wife does she?" "Oh well, I guess this explains why you stopped having sex with me, you were getting your fill from old Greg here" I said in my most sarcastic tone. "Damm, I bet your bosses will be really surprised what you guys do on company time."

"Keith it isn't what you think" Ann replied.

"Linda and I heard you through the fucking walls for Christ's sake, what don't I understand?"

"And what the hell were you doing in the room with that slut and why aren't you at work?"

"She's no slut Ann and I'm not going to discuss this with you here and now." "I'm on my way home to give my kids a few presents I picked up this afternoon." "I can see you there or not, I don't think it makes much difference anymore." "Come on Linda, I'll give you a ride back to your office" I said as I turned my back on my soon to be ex-wife.

"Well that was awkward to say the least" Linda said out loud as they got in the car. "What are the chances of both of us picking the same motel, not to mention being in the room next to each other?" "What are you going to do Keith?" she asked.

"Go home see my kids and go on from there" I replied.

I dropped Linda off at her office. "Call me later" she told me as I drove away.

So here I sit in my car, driving home asking myself the, "if I could go back in time, would I and what would I change." "I loved my kids to death and I wouldn't trade them for the world; but was that enough?"

Ending #1

I walked through the door and the kids ran to me. "Dad, you're home, we've missed you so much." I gave them the gifts and after opening them, we decided to order in pizza. Ann came in about forty-five minutes later, took one look at me and headed upstairs; we never saw her all night.

I explained to the kids in the most delicate way possible that their mother and I were splitting up and how it was all going to wash out we'd have to figure that out later. Under the circumstances we had a wonderful night and by 10:00 I had the rest of my clothes in the back of my car and was on the way to my hotel room.

Linda was in the lobby waiting for me. "Hey sailor, looking for a friendly port?" she said with a laugh. I was bummed but grabbed her as she ran into my arms. "I'm sorry" she started to say but I stopped her with a kiss.

We didn't make love that night just held one another. I just needed to feel her body against mine. In the morning we had breakfast and made plans.

I moved in with Linda that weekend. By Tuesday Ann was served with papers. Linda talked me into just letting it all go. "You're better off without her and why get into a pissing contest."

I gave her the house until the kids turned 18, no alimony; we kept our own 401k's and split everything 50/50. It turned out that with all her traveling, the kids came to live with Linda and me so we sold the house and split the money. I gave Greg a get out of jail card and said nothing to his wife or boss; he was more than thankful.

Ann and I split holidays and in the end I came out the big winner. I guess you can say, after 15 years I got a "do over" with Linda and every day I thank my luck stars I found a women who loved me for who I am.

Ending #2

When I got home the kids rush to me yelling how much they'd missed me as I gave them their gifts. We all sat around the kitchen table talking until Ann blew through the front door. "Who's the slut you were with and how long have you been fucking her," she yelled.

"Kids, your mom and I need to talk, so go to your rooms and I'll see you when we're done," I told them. After watching them climb the stairs I faced Ann. "I guess I know why I wasn't getting sex anymore; I just want to know why Ann."

"You were just too boring in the sack Keith and if you were half the man Greg was, maybe I'd still be fucking you" she spat at me. "So get the rest of your shit and get the hell out of here" Ann screamed at me.

"Fuck you Ann, this is my house too so if you want out that bad, take a hike." "Oh I'm sorry, I just remembered, Greg already has a wife and two kids; at least for the moment that is."

"You wouldn't," she yelled back at me.

"Honey he's going down big time" I said with a smile.

So that's the way it started. I filed papers naming Greg as my reason for divorce and Ann counter sued naming Linda. Life was hell at home but there was no way I was moving out; thank god Ann traveled three days a week. Linda tried to get me to ease up but I felt that Ann and Greg had played me for a sucker and I wanted my pound of flesh.

The judge threw out our suits because there was no physical proof; her word against mine. He did a 50/50 split of our assets and awarded me physical custody of the kids because Ann was out of town so often. In ninety days our divorce was said and done but I still had one card to play.

I sued Ann and Greg's employer for two million dollars for not enforcing their morality clause; I guess two married people aren't suppose to fuck around on company time. They gave my lawyer a lot of run around until we got depositions from everyone in their sales department. It seems, no one was going to take the fall for the two of them. Everyone was aware of their long lunches and the frequent overnight trips they made. In the end I settled for $250k and the firing of Ann and Greg.

Greg was already toast. When Sandy found out about Ann, she threw all his clothes out on the lawn and turned on the sprinklers. She kicked him out of the house and got a restraining order against him. He and Ann moved into a one-bedroom apartment shortly there after because that was all they could afford now.

So here I sit in my house with my kids who are royally pissed at me for raking their mother over the coals. I don't have to sell the house until Candy hits eighteen so Ann can wait for her money until then.

The only thing that I didn't expect was the backlash from Linda. She hasn't talked to me since the whole ordeal started. She wanted me to just walk away but I couldn't do that I told her. The two of them made me a cluck and I wanted my revenge; and that's what I got. We small talk at the gym and I keep telling her I want her in my life, but she says she didn't like the vengeful side of me she saw. Oh well, I'm going to keep on trying.

I guess, if I could go back in time, I never would have married Ann with what I know now, but I don't know what else I would have changed. For now, I go to work and drive around my new car, compliments of my settlement, and think about "what if".

Ending #3

The kids were more than happy to see me as they both tried to talk to me at once. I gave then their gifts and they brought me up to speed on what was happening in their lives. A subdued Ann walked through the door about forty-five minutes later.

"Kids, why don't you go up to your rooms so I can talk to your father" she told them. "We'll order in piazza later, but for now we need to be alone."

"At least now I know why you never wanted sex with me any more, I hope Greg was worth trashing our family and our marriage." "I'll file tomorrow and will be out of your hair by the weekend" I told her.

"I don't want you to leave" Ann said to a stunned Keith. "I don't want a divorce, I want to try again," she told me.

"Maybe it was another Ann I saw coming out of the motel room with Greg." "Maybe it was another Ann who cut me off from any real sex for the last year." "Maybe it was another Ann who didn't see me coming out of a motel room with Linda after having the best sex I've had in the last few years" I asked her.

"I heard the two of you and you probably heard Greg and I in the next room also" she replied. "Keith, yes we fucked but I didn't give him my pussy; no one has had that since we got married" she told me. "Whether you believe it or not, this was the first time we'd been together like that." "We've fooled around, but we'd never gone all the way before today."

"Why don't I believe you Ann?" "You basically cut me off a year ago and I'm suppose to believe you've been celibate all this time; what kind of fool do you take me for?"

Ann walked up stairs and came down with a small box, "meet Keith Jr" she said throwing it to me. What was inside was an 8" vibrator. "This took the edge off most nights after you left our bedroom," she told me. "Linda, do you love her?"

"Can't say right now, but she was the one pushing me to get back with you; not the other way around" I told her. "And what I said about the sex with her was true, but it did make me sad because I thought about how it use to be with you" I said with a tear in my eye. "Where do we go from here?"

They bought the kids dinner and talked, really talked for the first time in years. I found out Ann was still mad about getting pregnant and not being able to finish college. She saw everyone else with a sheepskin getting promoted over her and she blamed me.

She never realized how far she'd pushed me and the kids away until shit hit the fan; she just thought everyone was being selfish not wanting her to move up the corporate ladder. She didn't love Greg it just happened after a meeting with a new customer. "I was confused and the more we talked, the madder and hotter I got." "Before I knew it, we were naked in bed and he was behind me ready to fuck my pussy." "At the last moment I told him to take my ass not my pussy." " I know it was wrong but I was so horny and you haven't been around; I don't have an excuse."

By midnight the kids were in bed and the two of them were exhausted. She led me by the hand to their bedroom. "Ann, I'm not ready" was all I got out of my mouth before she stopped me.

"I don't want sex, I just need you next to me; that's all."

The kids woke them up at 9:00 the next morning and were surprised to see us in the same room. We all had breakfast together and when the kids went out to do their thing, we finished talking.

With the help of a marriage councilor we decided to try one more time. Ann gave her notice Monday and two months later she was enrolled in college. The kids were also given weekly chores to take some on the load off their mother. Since I didn't travel anymore, I was in charge of all the meals, which eventually got better than soup and a sandwich.

Linda and I still are friends and she's happy that we were giving it another try. She did let me know that if it didn't work out, she still wanted first crack at me; and I told her I'd keep that in mind.

Ann and I no longer had sex; we made love. I did little things to spice up our sex lives, like the introduction of toys, porn and a little bondage; and it seemed to work. Most of all, we talked to each other and never went to bed without telling one another how we felt about the other.

So if I could go back and have a do over, yes I would. I would go back to that night of the party and instead of doing it bare back, I'd put on a condom and fuck the shit out of her. In this way we would still be together and have our do over without all the regrets.

But I still wonder about Linda...

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Ocker53Ocker532 days ago

Not one of this authors best, disappointing to say the least⭐️⭐️

MwestohioMwestohioabout 2 months ago

Multiple endings don't work well on scoring. I vote for ending 1

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Cuck husband gave Greg a get out jail free card, a fucking joke

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

As so oftwn happens lack of honest comunication causes huge problems. Ann was a cruel spouse for over a year so it makes ending #3 improbable but I do like a happy ending so I'll choose it for 4 stars.

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