Write Incest like a Mother Fucker


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Work the incest angle, use mom, sis, daddy, little brother, big brother and use them as often as you can, but do not beat them like a dead horse. If you have three mom's in a sentence odds are you're abusing the angle.

I know this sounds contradictory to my point of 'you can't just paste in the word sis and have a good story' but if you write the rest of your story in the manner we are discussing it will be fine, because there will be much more involved than just those words.

What will be involved to add heat to just another cookie cutter story of hey, look sis is sucking her brother's dick? The answer is the second most important key ingredient to a popular incest story; conflict.

Incest is a taboo, it is a line we are told we should never cross. When two members of a family commit incest, they are tasting the forbidden fruit. That angle is one never focused on in many stories. If siblings are fucking one thousand words into a story you're doing it wrong because we are not talking stroke here.

The crossing of that line should not be jumped into; the reader should be led into it through the eyes of the character. Let's use the example of a son desiring his mother. How did he come about desiring her? What event led him from seeing his mom as the woman who raised him to a sexual woman he now lusts after?

That event could be the finding of some racy pictures or videos of his mother, somehow seeing her perform a sexual act, her becoming drunk and perhaps saying or doing some slightly inappropriate things, something just off color enough to get the son thinking in ways he shouldn't.

A popular device in these stories is dad out of the picture and the son becoming the man of the house. Mom is lonely, sad, the son thinks she should be happy, somewhere the wires cross and he decides he should be the man to take care of his mom in every way, after all, who could love a woman more than her son?

Now that last line? That is a score. That is the type of thought, or dialogue from a son that grabs the reader, that makes them nod and say, "Oh, yes!"

Flip it around? Who better to take care of a young man than his loving mother? What other woman could be so good to him?

Once you have decided upon the event that gets the ball rolling we are now ready for some realism in the form of guilt. When you write about Tommy watching mom bending over and he's checking out her ass, don't just leave it at him thinking "nice ass" or getting a hard on. Put some turmoil in there, this is his mom! Tommy should be thinking, "Nice ass? What's wrong with me, this is my mother!"

There should be some resistance to the attraction, a hesitation and concern over his feelings. Have him jerk off to his mother then lay there ashamed of himself for seeing his mother in such a dirty way.

Have him make an effort to stop seeing her that way. He tries, but he can't! When Tommy sees mom, he's like a dieter looking at a double cheeseburger. You know it's not right, know you can't have it, but oh, how you want to taste it!

This builds the heat; each conflicted thought whets the reader's appetite for what's to come. They know he is going to get mom because this is incest, but they don't need to know when or how. So tease them along and have them hot and horny long before the main event occurs.

Now we're ready for Tommy to take a bite of that cheeseburger...but wait! There's more! We can't have Tommy just say, "Mom, I want you and "Oh, Tommy I've been waiting!" we have to do some more teasing in the form of some...conversation.

It's confession time. Whether mom catches Tommy with some mother son porn, checking her out, talking in his sleep, copping a feel... get them to be looking eye to eye and Tommy owning up to his feelings. Have him admit it-and again, conflict- he is embarrassed and ashamed of his feelings, so some blushing, stuttering, a good old, "Mom, I'm so sorry"

Mom says, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Oh, wait, sorry, that was my mom again.

So mom...from here it's your call. Has mom known all along and has been waiting for him to make the first move? Is she appalled at first? If she is that's when Tommy starts laying it on thick, "Mom, you're so beautiful and I love you and...and I know I shouldn't be thinking like this, but I want to see you happy and I know I can make you happy in every way."

As an aside the above would make a good hallmark card for Mother's day...just saying.

So now mom...okay, look, at some point in even the most well done realistic tale we need to admit we are writing erotica and some good old fashioned Bum chika wa wa seventies porn music kicks in and we delve into porn absurdity because of course mom is going to give in.

She could give in because she's wanted it, she can try the "I'll let him start and when he sees it wrong he'll quit and realize...oh, I like this or anything you want. But again, build it, let them talk it out, let them experience Tommy's emotions.

He's scared at first, ashamed, then hopeful. Mom hasn't kicked him in the balls or dialed 911 and threatened to take him to a shrink, she's listening, she's...talking, she's...does she want it to?

Of course she does or there wouldn't be a story so there should be no suspense, but there is because you have done such a masterful job the reader is hanging on every word and squirming the entire time because they know they are so close to our hero breaking the ice with mommy dearest.

Now when we start, we start slow...kissing. Kissing is so important here. Whether , it's Tommy and mommy or daddy and his little girl, that first kiss, a lover's kiss to a family member needs to be focused on.

Tentative at first, nervous, this isn't right, but...oh, her lips and that tongue, a soft whimper and the slow awkward kiss that you work into a deep passionate filled make out session. Take your time with this; it gets the reader ready to blow before you've even gotten anyone naked.

Touching. During this kiss the hands need to wander, through their hair, down their backs, maybe a grope...but again slowly. We want a slow burn before we turn it into an all out wildfire. Keep playing the nerves, trembling fingers, pounding hearts, conflicting emotions, "I can't, we can't, oh, the hell we can't!"

The reader is getting ready to pop, but you're not letting them just yet, but this is a good tease because they, like your characters, are so close! Why? Because you my friend, have got them worked into a frenzy of anticipation.

Undressing...No ripping off of clothing, slow and sensual. During your deep kiss and slow touching, that touching leads to pants being unsnapped, hands slid into them, skirts being lifted, blouses unbuttoned.

Now when mom steps back and starts stripping, or Tommy removes her bra (pop quiz, how does he do it? If you answered with trembling fingers you were correct, if you answered he couldn't get it undone because guys suck at that, you answered honestly!)

But when mom's breasts are exposed, this is a big moment so make use of it. Tommy is seeing his mother's breasts for first time and you need to describe his amazement and his lust.

All the above this is where your buzzwords come back into play as well as reminding the reader that all this is a big no-no! When mom takes her bra off, let Tommy be "transfixed by the sight of my mother's breasts" "A feeling of the surreal came over me, was my mother really here in front of me, on her knees and ready to give her son a blow job?"

Most of all, and it is worth repeating, let Tommy be overwhelmed at how sexy his mother really is, the reader will be doing it right along with him because you have turned that reader into Tommy. For the duration of the story this is what he has desired, struggled over, and is finally about to receive...his mother!

When the sexual acts have begun-and I am not going to give a blow by blow -yup, meant to say that-of those acts. We all know how to write sex scenes so the only thing I will stress is keeping that dream like feeling to the scene, the "I can't believe this is happening" sense of wonder.

As for 'who rides who at the end of the race' In sibling stories I feel it works just as well either way to have one sibling be the more experienced lover, or the less nervous more enthusiastic one.

For father/daughter pairings, as discussed the little princess should initiate, but once she does dad taking over or daughter remaining the surprising little sex kitten can go either way, because of the nature of that pairing.

For mother son, which is what I have focused on in my story example, the mom should be in control. Why is that? Because what this becomes in a sense is a milf acting as a cougar with her cub. Mom is an older sexually experienced woman, who many times in these tales is alone and pent up. A son is not going to overwhelm his mother sexually, nor would he try.

Remember this little realistic detail mixed with our fantasy porn: He is her son. As much as he has lusted for her, this is mom and he is conditioned to obey-and most importantly-respect mom.

For me, it works best that mom takes the lead and her son happily defers to the fact she is not just mom, but a more experienced lover. Also in our romantic angle, what does he want? To make mom happy, so he is simply pleased to please her.

A parent would be inclined to guide their child. Mom knows he is nervous and wants him to enjoy and be pleased with and by her and will know that better time-for the first time-will come from her experience as a lover as well as the tenderness of a mother (another Hallmark moment in the works there)

Now when I say control I am not speaking of anything dominant and submissive, but simply along the lines of, "Okay, baby, now you just sit back and let your mother enjoy her son's beautiful cock"

This is where you can either have mom be a somewhat sweet lover and a nice slow sensual encounter or now that she is in a no turning back situation turn into a candidate for the milf hunter web site. For me, I go with mom getting down and dirty.

We have teased the reader long enough and it's time to turn this thing up to eleven. Dirty talk combined with your buzzwords are a powerful combination, "How's mommy look sucking your cock?" "Oh, look at you, licking your mother's pussy." Remember, mom is now in the heat of the moment and has needed a good hard fucking for a long time.

Even if mom has been portrayed as prudish or sweet, she has succumbed to the biggest taboo there is, lusting for her son, so turning 'slutty' is not far stretch compared to that fact, in a sense she is caught up in a dirty act that brings out that bad girl side, simply put, mom is sex drunk (is that real term...I don't know, but I have been there and the hangover can be even better) if you still struggle with that, refer to "Ba chika wa wa" and know we are giving the reader what they want.

Why? Oh I will tell you...because even the people who eat up the romance want the dirty fucking. Best of both worlds, a hot as hell fuck with the most loving woman a son could find!

Not to mention that slow burn you have put them through now being taken into a hardcore scene causes one hell of a release for the reader, makes it worth the wait.

As they move around the world (use a lot of positions, Tommy should see his mother from every angle) continue with the taboo wording, "I inhaled and moaned softly at the forbidden scent of my mother's pussy."

Or "Mom spread her legs and I licked my lips at the sight of mom's...pussy, I was staring at my mother's pussy!" Lust, disbelief and a reminder 'this shit ain't right!'

Like dialogue, these thoughts and feelings should be exploited as much as you feel you can get away with it while not getting redundant. Another plot device that has worked well for me is tossing in some humor. Not just some of the bad one liners I use during the story in dialogue, but something during the sex, that's funny, but family oriented.

"Hmm, this looks good," Mom paused, her lips parted, her breath hot on my straining cock. "This all for me?" she flicked her tongue lightly over my purple head and I whimpered,

"Please, don't tease, mom, please!"

"Please? Wow, someone raised you right!"


Mom looked down at the cum dripping down my cock and sighed, "Even now, I still have to clean up after you"

One more.

Her tongue sliding along the length of my cock, mom gathered her hair and handed it to me to keep it out of her face. "You can hold it, but don't pull on it. I am your mother after all"

Little things like that add a fun dimension to the encounter because end of the day sex should be about fun and it shows how comfortable our new incestuous couple is. Mom is not just having sex with her son, but it's playful!

I am going to briefly mention the end to the scene, the "money shot". Now mom can continue her porn star audition and take a load to the face, her tits, all over her back. Or it could be inside, but you don't want to do that yet and we will soon get to why.

Now that mom and son have consummated their forbidden desire and established they are most likely going to hell, but are going to enjoy the ride. Seriously, because it's time for a little..."Oh, my God did we really just do that! No real regret, but a moment of holy shit!

But from holy shit it's time to mix in that all important main ingredient for our oedipal (or other coupling) cocktail; Love, baby, nothing but love for ya!

Tommy was not only lusting after mom, but also wanting to love her and during the build up and sex we did not include just fucking and sucking, but kissing and touching and that, "She felt so good in his arms" description.

Tommy now knows what it's like to have her as a woman sexually, but now the smoke has cleared and our shocked, but satisfied, couple is going to go to sleep, but not before they profess their love and desire to build that love, to not let this be a onetime thing, but to enjoy each other and take care of each other in every way! Pardon me while I wipe my eyes.

So the end? Not if you're smart my taboo Jedi, because...well mom and son, bro/sis dad/daughter have not made love yet! The ultimate conclusion to our HEA fantasy is a nice sweet lovemaking scene-better to leave this one fairly short compared to a long detailed fuck scene. Nice and easy and romantic, does the trick here.

Tommy awakes and his initial thought is, 'was that a dream?' Hell no, because his face smells like mom's pussy and...Mom is right there in his/her bed with him! This is where you focus on just how good mom feels in that oft mentioned "every way"

Let him focus on his mother lying in his embrace, her face on his chest, breasts pressed against his side, her long soft leg draped over his. His hand is on her back, and he can feel her slow deep breaths, her hair is in his face and she looks so peaceful, so satisfied, Tommy pulled her closer to him and feels a wave of emotion come over him as he holds his mother as a lover, not a son...

Okay, hold on, have to adjust something...okay, the fonts are changed. What did you perverts think I was doing?

But that example is what the readership craves, they eat it up. Mom and son, Brother and sister, daddy and his little girl, not just in lust, but falling into a taboo love, breaking the rules of God and man and loving the one person in the world they are told they shouldn't love in that way.

Stories that end with our sinful couple covered in sweat, still breathing hard from their passion, professing their love and how even though it was wrong nothing has ever felt so right.

Back to the star of our show, Tommy is getting a little misty, but something else is waking up too, because he starts thinking of mom's moist pussy pressing into his leg and those hard nipples against him. Mom stirs and looks up at him. They share a long deep kiss and Mom's hand strays between his legs. Tommy's ready (because no one in porn ever has to pee or can't get it up)

From here, I enjoy mom rolling over on top of him, but moving slowly and sensually not riding like a cowboy like she did previously. Her arms slip beneath his and they kiss as she remains on top.

Tommy rolls them over and they make slow sweet love. But not so sweet that we are not using "Mom sighed contentedly as she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me deeper into her taboo embrace"

This is where Tommy, who is feeling his mother's heart as much as her body, continues to make love to his mother until he comes deep inside of her. This is why the 'dirty scene' ends in a nice cumshot somewhere, because we saved the best for last.

Yes facials are fun and dirty, but the ultimate thrill, the best way to finish a story is with Son/brother/Dad filling his partner with his cum(I will die before I use essence... you know who you are...:)) And do make sure that mom/sis/daughter moan and whimper at how good it feels to have that forbidden fluid filling them.

End with them still wrapped in each other's embrace and promising the reader this is how they will remain and...you have yourself the makings of successful incest story.

I hope you found this essay informative and if you want some proof as to the success of these stories look at the works of Alwayswwantedtoo, TX Tall tales and although he is not prolific, no author has ever penned better sibling romance than Paco Fear and his iconic stories Words on Skin, Stolen kisses and Macallan Promises.

A look at my own page here will also show you the style I have developed in this category has gained proven results. More so, although this essay focused on incest all the points I made-except the buzzwords-can be used in any genre.

My stories in other categories are mostly written along the same lines of conflict, emotion and a nice slow burn before the characters reach the climactic encounter we ultimately read erotica for.

Many readers across the board enjoy a good story and 'real' characters and if you give them that, they will reward you where it counts; votes, comments and most importantly selecting you as a "favorite author".

I want to take a moment to thank the readership of Litertoica. When I came here four years ago I was unsure if people would enjoy my style.

Even during the dark and somewhat infamous Siblings with Benefits series, people seemed drawn to my different concepts and visions and once I finished SWB and began experimenting in other categories and getting deeper into the incest genre, more and more people e-mailed me, encouraging my work and asking for more.

That encouragement has kept me writing and recently helped see me through some dark times in life. Last month I reached 4000 favorites, a number I would have never thought possible back in May 2010 when I released "Almost Perfect" (which was far from perfect).

So to close this out I want to say thank you to my longtime readers and new fans alike, as well as the authors who encouraged and advised me. Your support has kept me writing. So thank you my friends; your past and continued support is deeply appreciated. *****

Author's note: The holidays are quickly approaching so just a quick note to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. I am planning big things for 2015 and hope you will continue to follow my work. Lovecraft68

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Fireplace10Fireplace1014 days ago

I would love to write a story as well.as you, but even with all of the tips you have given here, alas I don't have he talent that you display.

Thank you, I keep trying. OBTW I love this essay.


4chuckssite4chuckssite3 months ago

I’m not an author and don’t pretend to be an expert, but I do know what I like, and I have read all of your stories, mostly delivering 5’s. Only one was not liked. This explanation was another that I didn’t care for, not sure why, but I guess I just wanted to read various scenes and not the whys and hows. I do know that I look forward to your next story and it looks like, for some reason, your production has quit or almost so. Hope you are ok and just at a loss for new ideas at the moment. I will browse the list next to see if there are any new additions, but if not, I guess I’ll just have to sample another author.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

hi,from china ,i love mom son incest with silkstockings and i really love your genius stories.i am not sure that if you agree that a good incest story needs a very good foreplay.such as moms age ,hairs and eyes colour ,shape,occupation ,clothes with convincing details,expressions and mien,hobbies and likes and dislikes . and dad and sons personalities as well.

otherwise, the story needs to go at some sort of steady pace ,not too slow or quick.afterall readers need a hot sexy story to satisfy themselves.besides mothers details i think the environment is pretty significant.they can make love in kichen ,bathroom,dining table,fitting room of shopping mall,sofa,car,bus,grass and woods.bed is not always a good choice all the time .

thirdly , i think the dad character is also important.or the mom son story looks like a normal couple story,which lose the quintessence of incest,that is taboo.so some readers including me want to see mom and son fuck right under dads eyes in all kinds of circumstances。dad has no reason to be absent.

this is just my individual opinion,i have read these sotries for 15 years but i dislike the majority of incest stories。 looking forward to your comments and opinions and other words to incest stories and movies。appreciate that。

may you have good health and good mood and become a greater writer

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Thank you. I have been fighting urges for my stepdaughter. After reading your article I realize she is wanting and waiting for me to take the charge.

Campus77Campus779 months ago

I now understand why I enjoy your tales so much. Recently I have found myself closing a story before completing it due to content I don't enjoy. I've read all of yours and only quit once. Can't remember which one. All the do's in this instruction "manual" follow my wants in almost all genres. Thanks for clarifying what I want and why.

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