Writer's Fantasy Ch. 02


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Marissa's whole hand on my clit, rubbing hard.

"Oh God," I said.

"It's David's turn now," Marissa said. "David, let's see what you can do." Marissa moved her hand away.

Nothing from David. Air on my pussy. Blessed relief.




"I said 'no'."

I looked up at them, squaring off.

"Yes," Marissa said firmly.

"She's had enough. She gets it. She's at her maximum."

"The idea is to push her over her maximum," Marissa said. "It's punishment."

David just stared at her.

"This is the last time, I promise," Marissa said.

David was stoic.

"You better do it," Marissa said. "Because if you don't do it, that just means I will. At least this way she gets variety."

Sigh from David.

David reached up and caressed my breast very softly. "It's not that I don't want to finger you Baby, you know that."

"I know," I said.


Jeez. At least I was really glad for the 30 second respite.

David used his thumb, very softly, getting every singly crevice and valley. This was clearly someone who loved women and loved touching them.

Marissa put her hands in the junction between my very upper thighs and my outer lips and pushed in a little which made it more intense against David's hand.

He continued his slow exploration and I tilted my head back and moaned. It felt wonderful. David continued his slow torture. I was very glad Marissa's hand wasn't on my clit which was throbbing, and not in a good way.

Then Marissa moved her hands and opened me up really wide.

"Okay David, playtime's over. This is punishment, punish her."

And just that fast it was an onslaught. One big hand pressed firmly on my mons and the other one sprang into action. He was everywhere. Fingers hard on my clit. Thumb up my cunt. Change. One hand: some fingers deep in me, one finger hooked and right on my G-spot. The other hand, fingers on my clit rubbing side to side. Hard. Flicking over the nub.


I was so wet I could hear the squish sounds of my juices when I took a breath between moans.

"You can come now," Marissa said.

Tingles up my arms. Burning in my feet. Threshold of agony.

No orgasm in sight. Maybe I was orgasmed out?

Evil, evil laugh from Marissa.

"Good. Now you can get more punishment."

Oh shit.

Marissa briefly caressed my breast and zeroed in on my nipple. She rolled a nipple between her fingers. It popped out immediately.

"Niiiiiice. Good girl," she said. Then she dragged a nail across the center of the tip.

I moaned.

"Oh, God, Mistress, that feels fantastic," I said.

David moved his fingers faster, both the clit rubbing and the in and out. I began to shake. Now it was punishment. I didn't know how much more of this I could take.

Marissa gave my nipple a little tweak.

"Fear and excitement are very close together in the brain you know."

I did know.

"So are pleasure and pain."


"And the anticipation of pain," Marissa stopped playing with my nipple and caressed my stomach, "heightens pain."

Oh God.

"And this is going to hurt," she said.


"A lot."

David went even faster. I think he was as turned on as I was.

"Close your eyes, Jenny," she drew out the words very slowly.

I did.

Snap, she bit the tip of my nipple. Not hard.

I yelled.

"You surprised me," I said.

"I bet," she said.

"This is going to hurt more," she said.

I opened my mouth. I couldn't breathe.

She blew gently over my nipple. Then she clamped her teeth around the top, very, very softly.

I realized that what she was doing with telling me it would hurt. She was playing mind games with me. She was increasing my anticipation and excitement. It was working.

I could feel her teeth, completely perfect. Then she moved her teeth side to side, gently twisting the top of my nipple. I groaned. I could never explain how amazing it felt.

She stopped that and then she slowly increased the pressure of the bite. More and more. She adjusted a little bit so her teeth were higher up on my nipple where it was even more sensitive. She increased the pressure more. It didn't hurt; it was only pressure. Marissa took my other breast in her hand and teased the nipple up.

She squeezed her teeth in a quick last clamp so I felt a shoot of zing and 'it hurts so good' pleasure run through my body and then she released. She put her hand on that nipple, soothing the teeth marks.

"Would you like me to kiss it and make it all better?"

Holy shit.

There was definitely only one answer for that that wouldn't earn me a slap.

"Yes Mistress."

"Good girl," Marissa said.

"Don't stop David," she said.

David stopped.

But Marissa had her eyes closed and she was gently kissing my nipple. I sighed.

"Glorious," I whispered.

She laughed.

"I'm going to have so much to write about I won't know where to start," I said.

She laughed again.

And then all of a sudden she was sucking on my breast. She took a whole mouthful in and was sucking, a lot.

"Jeez Marissa, you can't do that," I said.

She made a gesture with her hand that I interpreted to mean, 'Oh yeah? Watch me.'

Or maybe she meant, 'You're submissive to me so I'll do whatever the hell I damn well want'.

Or maybe she meant you have such beautiful breasts I can't resist.

There was a whap of the crop on the carpet.

"Marissa you can't do that to me, Mistress," I said.

I grabbed her face and tried to pull her off.

She sucked harder, just to let me know who was in charge. I kept the upward pressure on her face.

After a second she let go, pulling the nipple up as she came off with a popping sound.

"Why can't I do that? Suck your nipple," she said.

"Because I'm not bi," I said.

"You are now," she said.

"That should not be that hot," David said.

We both looked at him.

Marissa sat back on her haunches.

"You know me. You need this from me, and you're going to get this. From me."

Well I had to admit it was great having her on my breast. But I wasn't bi so thank God she stopped. Of course her hand had just been in my cunt so my logic was definitely flawed. After everything she had just done to me, now I was protesting? But maybe it was seeing her. Seeing her reminded me.

This is Marissa, I said to myself. Who is my best friend. Who I've known for ten years. Who is the coolest person I know.

She reached out and held my hand.

"Jenny, you need this in order to write about it. I know you're a little, I was going to say prudish, or naïve, but those words don't cover it, that's not what I mean at all. I know you're a little," she looked at David and noticed he'd stopped rubbing me.

"But I'm not ..."

"I don't give a fuck what you think you're not. What you were. I care about what you going to become; are becoming. Right this damn second as I fuck you any way I want."

"Damn," David said. Thank God he had stopped touching me. It was all too much.

Marissa scooted over a little bit and started rubbing my clit with a lot of pressure.

"I know you're a little bit under exposed," she said, "but this is very lightweight. Touching a breast is hardly triple X." She changed the direction of her rub on my clit and rubbed faster. I moaned. "Everyone in the world, male and female has dreamed of this."

Marissa gave me a nudge with her knee. "Even you."

"I'm going to suck your tit. Because you need it," she said.

"Nod slave," she said.

I nodded.

"Besides, as I said, I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want. And you're going to enjoy it," she drew the last two words out. "Trust me."

My pussy was really beginning to hurt. I squeezed my legs together around Marissa's hand.

"I get what you're saying," I said. "You win; I acquiesce. So punishment over?"

"Yes," she said.

"Thank God," I said. I closed my eyes and gathered into a ball.

My legs were shoved open, hard, fast. Quicker than I could blink Marissa was between them.

"You said that was the last time!" David said.

"I lied," Marissa said.

"Oh God, Marissa, Mistress, please, I learned my lesson. I'm sorry. Everything so far has been great but..."

"Jenny, shut up."

I leaned back and closed my eyes.

And a tongue flicked my clit with one fast swipe.


Please tell me that tongue was David.

No. It was Marissa.

And she had the most evil smile I ever saw on her face.

"You were a bad girl," she sang.

Then her face was in my cunt, licking.

I was horrified.

"Marissa, no! No. My God you're a girl."

She stopped and looked at me. Gauging my reaction rather than my words. Seeing something in my face, watching the pulse in my throat.

"Drink your cod liver oil with a grain of salt and all that," she said. "Now be a good girl and accept your punishment. This is the last one, I promise."

We locked gazes. I was afraid.

Marissa put her fingers in me, bathing in my thick honey, rubbing me gently. It felt fantastic.

"Are we really going to do this?" I asked her.

"Absolutely," she said.

And that was it. She dove in, licking my cunt. Her tongue was pointy at the tip and strong and it danced over my clit in a way that said she really knew a woman's body. I could feel her cheeks against my thighs and they were so soft. Not like a guy's. I concentrated, trying to remember every sensation so I could write about it later for the magazine.

And then I couldn't think at all. She was so good at this. I groaned and moaned and made noises that there are no words for.

Then David was in my vision. His big shoulders and chest blocking out some of the light and his expression like his face was going to explode from how turned on he was.

Then he kissed me. David at my lips and Marissa at my lips down there and it seemed to go on forever.

Abruptly she stopped.

"David we need your cock now," she said.

"Marissa I don't think I can..."

"Jenny no talking," she said.

Then David was completely naked and had a condom on really fast. I was loose and limp and couldn't move. Quickly David was above me, doing a kind of push-up and poised to enter.

"Nooooo," Marissa said.

We both looked at her with confusion and question marks on our faces.

"Up. Now."

David sprang up.

"I can't move," I said.

"David, help her up," Marissa said kindly.

He offered down a hand.

"I'll need more help than that," I said. "You two are thorough."

He bent down and helped me sit up and then slowly helped me to my feet. I worked at catching my breath and breathing deep.

"You have always been the prettiest woman I've ever known, Mistress," I said looking at Marissa. "And now I know without a shadow of a doubt that you're also the hottest, but you dish out a cruel punishment."

"Thank you. Stop stalling and stop talking," she said.

She grabbed my elbow and hustled me over to the dining room table, stopping when I was about two feet away from the end of the table.

Now what?

"Jenny bend over and grab the edge of the table," she said.

I did.

"Tighten up your grip good and hard."

I did what she said.

"Now on your tip toes."


Fist in my hair. Quick yank.

"One. You heard me. Two, that's 'What? Mistress' ," she said.

"Do it. On your toes. Now!"

I did it, all the way on the balls of me feet as high as I could.

Marissa put her hand on the edge of my hip to help steady me.

"Open your legs a little wider Jenny," she purred.

I did.

She caressed my ass.

"David," Marissa said and she made a gesture over me like I was a buffet.

David caressed my back, a long swipe with that big hand. "Baby, are you okay?"


"You sure?"

I took a deep breath.

"Yes," I said.

I could feel his moving the tip of his cock against me, poised to enter.

"Wait!" I said.

David stilled immediately.

"What?" They both said.

"Um...I've... um, never done it from behind before," I said.

"Good," Marissa said. "It will be another new experience to broaden your horizon and give you something to write about. Just another day in paradise."

Heartbeat of silence.

"Do it, David. Hard."

David plunged into me in one hard stroke and immediately started moving, a glorious fast pounding. He grabbed my hips to force me back against him with each hard push into me. He was so big and he was going further into me than anyone ever had but it didn't hurt.

I was panting and yelling and groaning and so was David and the smell of my sex was everywhere.

"Jenny I'm not going to be able to last very long," David said. "You're so hot and tight and sweet and watching the two of you before was so hot that I'm not going to be able to last much longer. I'm sorry."

"That's okay, I can't either," I said.

"You'll last as long as I tell you last," she said. "Both of you."

We both groaned.

"Please Marissa," David said. "A guy's biology can only..."

"Keep going. I'm serious," she said. Hard voice again.

I heard a noise.

"She's leaving," David whispered.

"What?" I said.

I turned my head and she was running up the stairs. What the hell was she up to? I watched her go, even from the back she was smokin' hot in that outfit. That tight ass barely covered in the slick black, those thigh high boots, which I could see now also laced all the way up the back.

"Those boots are hot," I said.

"Tell me about it," David said.

He was all the way in me but he had stopped moving completely.

I heard him breathe out a big puff of air and imagined he was trying to calm himself down. He bent over a little and caressed my hair.

"How you doing there, my love? Are you still okay?"

I thought about it.

"Yes, I'm still okay. Really okay," I said.

We heard the boots on the steps and David started pumping again.

Remember everything, I thought. Every single second of detail. I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensations.

Then I felt something around my neck and heard a clasp click.

What the hell?

My eyes flew open.


"No talking Jenny," Marissa said. "Moaning good, talking bad."

Oh boy.

I watched her.

She had put a collar on me. It was lightly padded on the inside and I had to assume it was brown leather on the outside. I assumed that because attached to that were two long leather straps.

What the hell were they for? I honestly couldn't imagine. To hold in your hand as a leash?

I kept my hold on the table but twisted around to look over my shoulder to see what Marissa was doing.

Holy fuck.

Marissa was attaching the straps around David's waist. Oh my God, she was tightening them. Then with every stroke the pressure on the collar changed. With his out stroke the collar tightened, significantly, pulling back on the front of my throat so I had to bring my head back a little with each pump David did. When he plunged in I could breathe easier and I lowered my head back to level and the collar released.

It didn't hurt. It didn't squeeze too much or threaten to choke me. It was a completely new sensation for me obviously and it took a second to get used to it. And yes, I liked it. A lot. Strangely, it let me be relieved of the fact that I really liked sex. It was like, it's not my fault I love this so much, I'm owned by these people and they're doing it to me. See? Not my fault I'm such a pleasure loving slut.

I had no responsibility.

"I had no idea this would be this hot," I whispered to myself.

"Of course you didn't," Marissa said. "You've been sorely under exposed and deprived before now. Luckily you have me to help you fix that."

Silence for a moment while I concentrated on how good David's cock felt. Better than ever with this collar and harness contraption on. David was panting like a huge lion. Apparently watching what this collar and harness was doing to me was turning to me was turning him on too.

"And very, very thankfully you also have David to help you fix that. You wouldn't be able to have all these wonderful experiences without David," Marissa said. "Thank him for fucking you so well."

She's right. We found him through an ad, he's been by far the best fuck of my life, he's done everything Marissa or I have asked of him. And he's given me permission to write about the experiences I've had with him. And he calls me, 'my love'. He's a fucking miracle and a saint.

"Now! Baby Bitch," Marissa yelled. "What the hell are you waiting for?"

"Sorry Mistress," I said. Pound. Pound. Pound. Fuck, he's so good. "I was just thinking about all the ways I'm grateful for all the ways he's so amazing."

"So thank him," she said.

I twisted around which took the pressure off the collar. I took a deep breath, which I certainly needed because I had been panting too. I let David see all the love, and violent lust, and sincerity in my eyes.

"Thank you, David," I said. "Thank you so much." I started to tear up. Still he pummeled into me, pleasuring me. "You're one of the best things that's ever happened in my life." I would have said the best thing but I didn't want to make Marissa mad.

"My love," he said softly.

"I'm so grateful. I'm incredibly grateful. I should have told you last time. You're an amazing fuck. The best. Incredible. You're so..."

But then I couldn't speak anymore because he started to stroke faster.

"Oh God," David said. "OhGodohGodohGod. OhGod. OhGod. Turn around Baby, please, tighten up the collar. It's so fucking hot."

His voice was strangled.

He pumped even faster.

"Yes," I said. And then I was yelling it over and over. Moaning it.

"Please Marissa," David said and if I thought his voice was strangled before it was positively near death now. "Please, please, please, fuck, please give me permission to come; I can't hold it any longer."

I felt a swap of her hand high on my ass and a second later I heard a swack sound which I assumed was her slapping David's ass and she said in a regal voice, "You may both come."

It was less than a second later than I could feel the pressure of David shooting off, even through the condom. He gave this great mighty shout and then I felt his muscles go slack.

Marissa took the collar off.

David slowly eased out of me and used my hips to guide me down, to help my feet relax off tippy toe. As soon as he let go off me my knees buckled. He steadied me and laughed.

"Job well done David," Marissa said. "Thank him again slave girl."

"Thank you David," I said.

He lovingly ran a hand over my back. "To say it's been a pleasure would be a gross understatement."

My legs were still Jello.

"Hold her there for a minute," Marissa said.

"Oh no," I said. "If you have more punishment in mind for me I think I literally may pass out."

"No Darling, you've done very well," she said. She stood very close to me and put her hand into my hair. She turned my face up to look at her.

"Now, are you a good girl?"

"Yes Mistress," I said.

"And who's in charge?" she said.

That was an easy one. "You are, Mistress," I said.

"Very good. And you're not going to start without me again, are you?"

I really didn't think she cared. She just wanted an excuse to mete out whatever devious sex plan she had in mind.

Hair yank.

What was the question again?

"No. I'm never going to start again without you. Never. I'm sorry."

Hair pull.


She brought he face very close to mine. "Now it's not so hard to be a good girl? Is it?"

Like I had a choice.

"No Mistress."

"And you liked your punishment. You liked going from a bad girl to a good girl, didn't you?"

Shit yeah.

"Yes Mistress," I said.

"But you're never going to make me punish you again, are you?"


She laughed.

"Maybe?" I said.

She let go of my hair and David let go of my hips. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor.

"Oh my fucking God," I said.

"No shit," David said.

Marissa brushed her palms together with a slapping sound. "My work here is done," she said.