Writing as a Loving Wives Author


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Around the time I was getting acquainted with her, BrokenNInvis5768, I also suddenly went quiet for a couple of months; there were no new stories. I stopped commenting and encouraging other authors as I have always tried to do. I was reading the stories, but I couldn't do anything because my life had just come to a standstill.

One of the most influential people in my life, my father, suddenly and unexpectedly died of a heart attack. The entire family was distraught, my two sisters and my mother were beside themselves, and suddenly I was expected to be the man of the family. But that's not why I disappeared. In some stroke of wisdom, both Julie and Karen had seen the announcement of my father's death, both of them, now single, felt I should take them back. They decided to turn up at my father's funeral wanting to comfort me in an attempt to win me back.

The resulting fight in itself deserves a story, and perhaps someday I will write it out. However, the result was that both Julie and Karen were screaming at each other while trying to scratch each other's eyes out. At one point I got stuck in the middle as my two exes went at it. The three of us promptly spent a night in the local watch house for disturbing the peace at a funeral.

I was cleared the next day as just a bystander who got caught up in a catfight between two women, but the damage was done by then. I had two women I didn't want stalking me; they were both trying to lay a claim to me I didn't want to give. By the end of a month, I was so pissed off with them that I sucked at work, was angry at everyone, and had to disappear for a while.

Escaping, I took my laptop with me intending to write. But when I ended up at an apartment on the beach, I spent most of the time drunk with zero motivation to do anything. Towards the end of my self-imposed exile, I did log into my personal email seeing the messages from those of you wondering what happened and why I had disappeared. I ended up sending a few apologies, explaining I was in the middle of a personal struggle. I also had a dozen messages from the lady reader, BrokenNInvis5768, I had a crush on; she was very concerned that she couldn't get hold of me. I gave her a much more detailed account. I told her about my father's death, Julie and Karen. Then lastly about the police, being arrested, then stalked by two women I didn't want near me. All of it ending in the need to take some time away. Almost a day later, she responded telling me she understood.

But then she made my heart flutter, and, for some reason, asked if it would be alright to meet in person. She made me nervous by telling me she wanted to be there for me in this time of hurt and pain. She had felt my pain for years through my stories and thought now was a good time to meet. Of course, I knew this was a bold step for her. Like myself, she had been hurt and betrayed, but my stories here and our mutual bonding over the written word here on Literotica brought us together. I was touched that she was willing to shed the last parts of anonymity because she sensed I was struggling in my personal life.

We agreed to meet at a café in the next suburb over from my office the following week. So, I transported myself home from exile, talking with my family and managers. I got back online, caught up on everyone's newly published stories making a few comments along the way. Those users, authors, and editors that I met when I first started writing sent me messages of encouragement; glad to see I was back. I was delighted to be back, then that evening for the first time since my father's death, I started drafting a new story.

The morning of my coffee with BrokenNInvis5768 dawned, I was obviously nervous. Seriously, I would meet someone from this site where I wrote erotic fiction. I mean, I had been hiding in plain sight for years, there was always the chance that perhaps people who knew me had figured it out, but no one ever said anything. Meeting this person, on the other hand...

I went to work, got the day started with my staff, then headed over to the café way too early. I had been sitting down for around fifteen minutes, almost an hour before we were supposed to meet, when she slid into the booth opposite me also quite early. I was stunned, I knew this woman, and even more embarrassingly, I had kissed her in what felt like a past life.

No, it wasn't my 'we need to talk' ex-wife Karen or my cheating fellow youth leader girlfriend, Julie. Instead, this was my high-school sweetheart Rachel.

"Hi John, how are you?" Rachel asked, smiling.

I stared for a moment, I hadn't seen her in years, but she looked good, real good. My eyes held the question I wanted to ask.

"Yep, it's me; I'm her, BrokenNInvis5768," she stated, confirming her username to me.

We spent the entire rest of the day talking. At first, it was awkward; I mean, she was briefly my high school girlfriend. I had never done more than hold her hand or give her a brief peck on the lips. Sure, we had talked a lot over email for a long time, but Rachel, through my stories on this site, knew a lot about me, she had a fair idea about my sexual preferences, what my fantasies were, and even some of my kinks.

It turned out Rachel had seen the announcement about my father's death and heard a rumour about me from the funeral. Then when I mentioned some details in my email, she put two and two together, deciding it was time to get together. Rachel was already wondering about getting together for a drink before she figured out who I was. But, once she did, she was excited to reveal her identity.

More than once that afternoon, we likened our meeting to the classic song, Escape (The pina colada song) by Rupert Holmes. In learning about her, it turned out that Rachel was a wiz in accounting and her ex-husband, when they met, worked with her. But when the opportunity presented itself, he tried to trade up to the boss's daughter. That didn't go so well; long story short, Rachel's boss chased him out of town and pretty much cut his daughter out of his will for cheating with a married man. Rachel's boss looked after her through the divorce, and she now regarded him as a close friend. Like me, she found the Loving Wives and cheating stories here on Literotica at a low point in her life, but Rachel found my stories and thought that I understood the pain she went through.

Rachel liked my writing style, connecting with my stories, knowing I wanted to deal with the pain of cheating and the emotion that went with being betrayed, not just write straight-up burn stories. She told me it was good that I was interested in the people who made the story, not just the events.

Time flew by that afternoon as we talked, I even brought out my laptop as we sat, working together on several of my story ideas; I loved it as Rachel gave me honest and genuine feedback.

As we hung out day after day following our meet-up, both of us recalled our fondness for each other from high school, and over the next month, a romance blossomed between us. Over time my reader became my girlfriend, then my lover, and then after almost two years of published stories, Rachel became my wife.

Yeah, I know, this is a bit more of an autobiographical Loving Wives story, and it gives you, my readers, the background to my anguish. Still, it should also tell you to hope that even in our darkest days, someone out there can benefit from your story or your encouraging comment to help them carry on.

But as I write this, Rachel has just walked into the bedroom having put our infant son to sleep and is now asking for the laptop to read this story. So hopefully, she doesn't get upset that I'm telling you about us. However, as I found out quickly, Rachel accepts that this is sometimes the way of being the wife of a Loving Wives author here on Literotica, yet she still loves me.

[:::: Rachel's Ending Note ::::]

John might tell you I was upset that he told our story, but that isn't true. I huffed and puffed a little until he made sweet love to me. I love this man so much. His stories brought me to hope in the darkness I was in. In reading his stories, I connected with something greater than myself and even before I knew it was him, he was comforting me.

Now cue the comments from our Literotica family. Let's be constructive and helpful to John and everyone else commenting. You never know. Your path to redemption or love could be in the back of a useful comment on one of the stories here.

[:::: Fin ::::]

[:::: Authors Ending Note ::::]

Thanks for reading 'Writing as a Loving Wives Author,' the idea for this story came up one morning over coffee as I watched a couple discuss a book they were both reading. It got me thinking about how we interact with those who read our stories as erotic fiction authors. I know I generally try to return emails from people who take the time to encourage me or give me ideas if they are not being rude. Though I also, like most LW authors, tend to ignore insults. But interacting with all of you is one of the reasons I enjoy writing here.

A big thanks to TexDom and Kite for giving me a hand in editing this one; you are the best!

And just to state, the person in the above story is NOT me. The situations that occurred did not happen to me. My trajectory in life has some similarities but a lot of differences. I just thought using my name instead of a fictitious MC would be a little bit of fun and relatable.

See you in the next story.

John Other.

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LadyLoreLadyLore2 months ago

The better story title in mine and my husband's opinion is why yall mostly write about cheating sluts and cheating assholes and post it in the loving wife category finding a story about a actual loving wife is extremely rare though there is a few but can be counted with less than 2 hands

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Great story. I personally avoid the non-consent/reluctance, BDSM, and Gay categories. Lately reading a lot of non-erotic ones. As I age, it becomes more about the story and less about the eroticism.

As for the LW category, there's so much well written pain being expressed and wonder if for many authors, being able to put their feelings down in words is therapeutic. After a while of absorbing and processing that stuff, I will check into the Romance category just to get some feel-good.

Maybe some day, I will have the fortitude to post something. Until then, thanks for the adventures.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Thanks. I avoided this category for years. I have never had the experience but I have found that there is a wide range of experience in the stories that resonates even for someone coming up on 50 years of happily married life. You are talented, your admired list of authors is quite good but I would put you up their. My preference is forgiveness and reconciliation but in your cases where that does not occur, it is very understandable but human. Really can't compare your writings with great authors with over a hundred submissions, I can say that outside of your true life writings, I have linked every one of your stories. Well done

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I'm glad I took the time to read this. And like you, I shied away from the LW forum for years. I started with the E&V forum about 20 years ago (but we never acted on any of it as she was too shy), and I bounced around looking for different things to read about, then I clicked on a story link that was a LW story that I liked. I've since forgotten the name of it, but I keep looking in the archives for it.

The story was about a motor home salesman in the Dallas FT Worth area who was divorced (wife cheated on him) and was just living day to day. He sold a motor coach to an elderly couple Then flew out to northwestern Canada, and drove it home for them because the elderly gentleman had a heart attack but lived. He drove it back as a favor to them (but got all expenses paid because they were VIP customers) and met their grand daughter, and they didn't really get along (they each stayed at the opposite ends of the coach) and eventually she had an accident in front of his companies business (when she left a couple of days after they got back after checking on the coach to see if it had been cleaned, it was), and he checked on her, and called her grand parents to let them know she was OK, and what hospital she was in. They eventually fell in love and got married. I know I over simplified it, but there were a bunch of plot twists, and enough other stuff going on that kept the reader involved. It still holds a spot in my mind nearly 4 years later, even with all of the other stories I've read on Lit before or since.

Then I clicked on a link at the end of it and came to a DQS story, "When We Were Married", and got hooked on it. Like you mentioned, there was anger, hurt, bad feels and good, and as it moved along the LW part slowly dropped out and it became more of his life type of story (a series). I enjoyed the story because of the story itself. It had a lot of good writing in it. A lot of your own stories remind me of it. Q writes some very good stuff too, as does Saddle Tramp, in that I like detailed original work. Yes, some of what you see in the list of new stories I'll pass over, but I might read thru others. I think my biggest problem is that I don't really relate to a lot of the LW stories, because I've been married for over 43 years to a Loving Wife, but I do like to read good writing. We've had and raised 2 children (1 of each sex), she's only got a younger sister left to survive her, plus some cousins, while I still have my dad (90), some cousins, and a couple of uncles (no brothers or sisters). We do still love each other, and sleep in the same bed together (naked). I think part of the reason I stayed away from the LW forum is that it didn't apply to me personally, as I'm in a loving, long term relationship, and have been for a very long time time. I have no desire to cheat on my wife, and I think she feels the same way (we take our vows seriously). That may change if either of us die, but not right now while were both still alive and above ground.

I also enjoy a lot of your stories as well, with my favorite being Double or Nothing. I've read a couple others as well, but Double or Nothing is almost in it's own category of goodness.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

One of your simplest stories and yet the feeling you convey is prevalent in one form or the other in all my favorite tales. The question that always pops into my head is why don't female M/C in many L/W tales realize that they have a great husband before the cheat? Naturally they probably wouldn't cheat... Many of the scenarios that occur seem to be perped by brain dead wives. Anyway hope to see more of your fine work soon...

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