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With that he turned to her, as James did to Tyra, and unfastened the cuffs which they still wore. Catlin had managed to eat with little trouble and had become quite used to the bindings, but now flexed her wrists at their removal. Once the cuffs were removed the two moved behind them leaving them facing the others. Despite the fact that Catlin was sure what was coming she was still startled when Robert reached around her shoulders and began to unclasp the cloak. In seconds it was undone and he slipped it from her shoulders, leaving her completely naked. Catlin was proud of her figure and knew she had no reason to hide it, but still suddenly being bared in front of strangers caused a red blush to move from her face down past her breasts. But she stood straight with her shoulders back and managed to smile at her audience. A quick glance showed Tyra was doing pretty much the same. Tyra was an inch or two shorter than Catlin, with amber eyes and dark brown hair cut just above her shoulders. She was slender but her very narrow waist made her slightly rounded hips and ass appear more curvy than they actually were. Her breasts were firm and actually slightly larger than Catlin's, but Catlin decided she compared well. Both of them were very good looking.

For that matter everyone she had met was very attractive, both men and women. As she had been told most were in their late twenties or early thirties. One or two of the men might have been a couple of years older but they were all in good physical shape, muscled and no extra fat. Lady Linda was in her late twenties and had light brown hair and light blue eyes. She was about five four and had a curvy figure with fairly large breasts that still looked firm under her tight fitting blouse. Lady Anne was older - probably about thirty or thirty-two - and much taller, probably about five ten. She was a blonde with short hair and dark blue eyes and a slim figure. Her breasts, revealed, like Linda's, by the deep cut of her blouse were small for her height but not for her slim build. Her narrow waist flared to slightly wider but still narrow hips. Her legs, though, seemed almost too long and ended in a nicely rounded ass. Her body looked younger than thirty but looking closely at her eyes Catlin decided her first guess was probably about right, but she was still an astonishingly attractive woman.

As the group looked over the two women, there were murmurs of approval and they began to move closer. Catlin hadn't noticed but Robert and James had picked up padded leather cuffs from somewhere and now began to fasten them around the women's wrists. The cuffs were sturdy, but well padded with soft leather, and had a strong D ring attached to each. When they were on, each girl had her hands pulled behind her back and a snap was used to fasten her wrists together. They had little choice but to stand and allow the group to examine them closely, including much feeling of tits and ass. In fact, even if Catlin had had a choice she would have so chosen. Her level of excitement had been constantly rising and now she could feel her juices beginning to escape and moisten her legs. Whether from her thoughts or from the frequent handling, her nipples were standing out large and hard.

After a couple of minutes Robert spoke. "I know Lord Thomas and Lord John have said they had some private plans for our two serving wenches, but I would suggest that the rest of you accompany me to the rooms below and we shall introduce our two lovely captives to their fates."

There were several loud calls of agreement and Robert and James each took an arm. They led the girls back out into the hall and down to a doorway at the far end. Just as she entered the door and began to descend the stairs, Catlin noticed two of the men, who must have been Thomas and John, bringing Mary and Meg out of the library. Both of the maids now had their hands fastened behind their backs also.

With her hands bound behind her she was glad of Robert's firm grasp on her arm as he steadied her descent. The stairway was made of stone and followed down alongside a stone wall. The air cooled slightly and as they reached the bottom Catlin felt cool stone flags beneath her bare feet. She was urged down a short hall way lit by flickering candle sconces to a heavy oak door bound with iron straps. Lord Robert produced a key, unlocked the door, and pushed it open. Catlin and Tyra were led inside followed by the four lords and two ladies.

Catlin stared at her surroundings. She was in a dungeon. The room was large, perhaps twenty-five by forty feet, with smooth stone walls and a high beamed ceiling. Most of the floor was stone flags, but part was covered with thick rugs. There were candles and lamps around the walls, but there also seemed to be some form of hidden, indirect electric lighting so that she could clearly see. The walls held iron rings at various heights and chains hung from the ceiling in several places. A variety of "furniture" was spread around the room, but not the kind one usually saw on a showroom floor. There were a couple of long wood tables, leather covered and padded, two large X shaped timber frames, also leather covered. There were several low pieces resembling gym vaults and carpenter's horses and some other strangely shaped benches. There were also a number of other pieces Catlin couldn't identify. A set of drawers with a bench top ran eight feet along one wall and above it was hung an incredible variety of paddles, crops, straps, and whips as well as a number of lengths of ropes and chains and many leather devices which looked like they might be used for binding a victim. In one corner there was a small door, but otherwise the room had only the one entrance and, of course, no windows.

"I think maybe we should begin," James started saying, "by giving these two wenches a taste of the whips."

"Definitely," Robert answered. "Then, perhaps, we can show them a few other devices we have available for our sport. I think we should have them stretched, don't you?"

James agreed and the two were led over to a thickly carpeted part of the floor where some chains were dangling from the ceiling. Each girl had her wrists pulled high above her head and spread three feet apart. Then the men added another set of cuffs around their ankles and, pulling their feet nearly a yard apart also, attached them to iron rings set in the floor. Catlin and Tyra were now stretched on their toes and fully open to whatever the men chose to do to them.

Catlin of course had some idea that something like this would happen on her "adventure," but the speed of events still surprised her. She had previously been spanked and loved it. She had even gotten one boyfriend to use his belt on her once, but this was something right out of one of her fantasies. She felt a little scared. Could she handle a whipping and would she like it? Still she found herself getting wetter by the second. Hopefully she would find she liked this in real life just as she did in her imagination.

The two girls were about four feet apart and turned just slightly inward so they could see each other. Robert came over and stood between them. He looked from one to the other and then quietly spoke, his voice no longer sounding in character as a noble lord. "OK, you were both told about safe words, right?" Both girls nodded if a little hesitantly. Robert went on, "Just remember, we want you to enjoy this, too. If things ever get to be too much just say 'Red Flag' and everything will stop. Don't use it lightly, but remember it's there. And if you don't want to end things but need it a little easier, or if someone tries to do something you don't feel like trying, just say 'Yellow Flag,' We won't end the scene but will honor your request to not do something or to take it a little easier. Both of you understand?"

He waited while each girl answered. Then he added, "All right, I think we're all going to have fun this week." Both Catlin and Tyra smiled in response and then Robert turned away from them.

James had retrieved two cats of nine tails from the wall. Each had a handle about eighteen inches long and soft leather tails a little over two feet. He handed one to Robert. Anne suddenly called out, "What holds you up? I think these wenches need to feel the lash, to learn their due."

Robert turned towards her. "You are impatient, Lady Anne. In fact I think you have been most impatient and troublesome all day. Perhaps you also need a taste of this."

Anne cried out, "You dare suggest a lady be punished as a common wench?"

"A lady perhaps," Robert answered, "but I think your highborn skin will feel the leather the same as these two. I think you need to be taught a lesson." With that he nodded to James. They dropped their whips and started towards Anne. She started to back up but William and another man each grabbed an arm and moved her forward so she was in front of the two stretched girls.

They held her arms firmly as she tried to struggle and Robert moved to face her. "Thank you, Lord Edward and Lord William. I believe this lady needs to be reminded of her place." With that he reached a hand forward and clutched the top front of her dress. Suddenly he gave a sharp jerk downward and the dress parted with a ripping sound. Catlin was staring at the action and realized that the dress hadn't actually torn but the sound resulted from Velcro opening. It was obviously designed for this. Robert pulled until the dress was completely open and then William and Edward pulled it from her shoulders. There were no complex undergarments as there would have actually been in the seventeen hundreds. Lady Anne had been completely bare beneath the dress and now stood naked. James handed Robert a pair of the leather cuffs and he placed them on her wrists. She was taken over to a point where she faced the two bound women about six feet away and was soon secured in a position similar to theirs.

James and Robert picked up the cats once more and now both moved behind Anne. Robert raised his arm and brought the cat down with a slashing blow across her naked ass, causing her to cry out. Actually it wasn't an extremely hard blow, but enough to sting. James immediately applied another lash from the opposite direction. The men delivered another two dozen lashes, getting progressively harder. Anne's ass was turning a bright red and cries and moans escaped her lips. Then the two men began to spread their targets, landing lashes on her thighs, her back, her stomach and even across her breasts. These weren't as hard, but still left red lines in their wake.

Anne was obviously becoming aroused by the treatment. But suddenly the two men stopped and moved towards Catlin and Tyra. "This is it," Catlin thought. "I hope I like it." Suddenly Robert's whip landed across her tightly stretched ass. Catlin cried out, but mostly from surprise. The blow actually hadn't been really hard at all and the slap of the leather on her bare skin only turned her on more. Robert continued to rain down lashes, making them harder and harder. Somewhat to her own surprise - and definitely to her delight - Catlin found she loved the sharp stings. Each lash seemed to send the sharp pain on her reddening bottom directly to her pussy in the form of pure excitement. She began to try to squirm, but her tight bonds prevented almost all movement, leaving her increasingly frustrated, but more and more aroused.

She could see and hear Tyra getting similar treatment and that she appeared to enjoy it as much as Catlin. Across from them Anne was breathing rapidly and twisting in shear frustration. The men began to spread their lashes as they had done on Anne and Catlin found she liked this also. She was still afraid of what would happen when the tails struck her tits, but when this finally occurred, she was amazed that, though it really hurt, it felt as good as the others had. She was finding herself actually beginning to approach orgasm when the men stopped and she cried out in frustration.

The watching men and women applauded and Robert said, "I think perhaps we should let these three think on their predicament a little, but first a little more stimulation." He went to Catlin, James to Tyra, and William came over in front of Anne. The men bent over and each sucked hard at a nipple. Catlin thought she couldn't take any more, but Robert switched to the other nipple and began rolling the first one between thumb and forefinger. When he pulled his mouth away from the second it was replaced by his other hand. For nearly two minutes the men roughly stimulated the women's nipples. Then at a nod from Robert they took out clamps and let them close over the swollen and hard nubs.

A sudden pain shot through Catlin's breast followed a second later by a similar feeling on the other one. She had seen nipple clamps on the internet and even tried clothes pins on herself, but this clamp bit a lot harder than that had. As the first pain subsided slightly she decided she loved this also.

Next Robert held up a small dildo. Catlins eyes opened wide as he pushed it inside her sopping pussy. Her muscles clamped down hard and a new surge of excitement flew through her. But he wasn't done yet. She felt his finger touch her anus. Automatically she clinched her cheeks, or rather tried to. Spread eagled as she was she couldn't do too much. His finger, slick with something, pushed gently against her rear opening. And soon made its way inside. He held it there and, as Catlin began to relax, moved it around a little spreading the slick substance. Then he held an object up for Catlin to see. She recognized it from pictures - a butt plug. This was a small one, only about four inches long and tapering from a small rounded end to a maximum of about three quarters of an inch. Then it narrowed to less than three eights of an inch before flaring back out to a wide, flat surface. Catlin knew where it was going and tried to make herself relax as Robert began to force the intruder into her rectum.

He would push it in until Catlin though she was going to be torn and then let it out a little, never removing it all the way. Each time he pushed a little harder and then suddenly gave it a sharp thrust. Catlin cried out as the bulge went in past the ring of muscle which immediately clamped back down on the narrow neck. The pain quickly subsided and left an overwhelming feeling of fullness which Catlin decided was another terrific sensation. She was finding it hard to believe how much she was enjoying all of these strange new experiences.

Robert stepped back and Catlin found herself breathing hard, practically gasping. She looked over at Tyra and saw her in a similar state. Then she looked over at Anne and saw William just starting to push a butt plug into Anne's tight bottom. This plug was quite a bit larger than the one Catlin had. It looked nearly six inches long and maybe an inch and a half wide at the widest. William gave it several in and out thrusts and then one hard shove. Anne gave a sharp scream and the intruder seated itself deeply inside her rear.

Now all three men reached for the dildos in the women's vaginas and suddenly Catlin felt a strong vibration start deeply inside her. Robert gave her a slap on the ass and then all four men and the Lady Linda moved out of the room.

Catlin felt herself continue to become more excited and the other two women seemed to be feeling the same way. Suddenly Anne convulsed against her bonds and cried out in a strong climax. This set off Tyra and Catlin who gave in to their own orgasms, crying out and straining against their bonds.

In a few seconds Tyra said, "Wow! I never expected this to happen when I filled out that quiz."

Catlin's head snapped around to her. "You mean the 'Adventuresomeness' quiz on the net? Is that how they found you, too?"

"Yeah," Tyra replied. "I take it you did too?" Then she turned towards Anne and asked, "Did they recruit you from that quiz too?"

Anne was just beginning to get control of her breathing. "No," she half laughed. "Actually I hired them. I run a little accounting firm and somehow I don't quite get this level of excitement from it so I decided to hire them for an 'adventure.'"

Catlin and Tyra both looked surprised. "I thought all the lords and ladies were clients and wouldn't get punished," Catlin said.

"Oh, in general that's true. Usually I like being on that side, but I also enjoy being the victim sometimes. This is actually my fourth adventure with them."

"What about the maids?" Catlin asked. "I noticed Meg took the whipping even though Mary made the mistake. Is one of them a client?"

"No, they're both like you. However, some people aren't into everything. Different contracts for different people. Mary is an exhibitionist and she likes bondage, but she doesn't care for the discipline side. Meg is more like us. She likes some discipline - an occasional whipping and such - but maybe not quite as much as we do. I'm guessing you two really like this side of things."

"I love it," Catlin answered. "I've never really tried anything quite like this before, just a little spanking and such, but I've never been so turned on in my life."

"I've played a little before," Tyra added. "But not quite this much. And I love it, too."

"What about the other servants," Tyra asked.

"Most of them are just that - hired servants," Anne replied. "Probably no more than a few of them at most will be involved in anything more than fixing food and cleaning up."

They spoke a little more and then the relentless vibrators started bringing them toward climax again and soon all three lost thought of anything else. After about twenty minutes, during which they came twice more, the lords and lady entered again. They stood and watched the last climaxes and then Edward said, "I fear we will exhaust them. Perhaps we should become more directly involved now."

"I agree," James said, and the others all nodded.

Three of the men went to the girls and unfastened their ankles. Next they removed the nipple clamps, bringing cries as the blood flowed into their tortured tits once more, and finally switched off and removed the vibrators. The plugs were left embedded.

Linda spoke. "I'd like to see the Lady Anne arched on a table end, if you please."

Edward and William grinned at her and Edward answered, "Certainly, My Lady. We all can have some sport with her." They unfastened Anne's wrists from the ceiling chains and led her over to one of the leather covered tables. Standing her at one end, facing away from the table, they attached her ankles to the two table legs, spreading them about a foot and a half apart. Next they placed a large cushion or pillow on the end of the table directly behind her. The table came just to the middle of Anne's ass and the pillow added another eight or ten inches in height. Each man took an arm and bent Anne backwards across the pillow, arching her and leaving her breasts sticking straight up. They bound her hands to the table sides, pulling her tightly into the arch.

While everyone watched, William and Edward each moved along side her and together bent and began to lick, suck, and nip at her hard nipples. But what surprised Catlin was Linda. She pulled at her own dress, opening it to the waist, and bent to place her mouth against Anne's dripping slit. One hand went up to her own nipples and the other slid under her skirts as she began to suck and lick at the squirming woman. Robert and James watched for a minute and then Robert said, "Perhaps we should put these new wenches on the rape racks."

Rape racks! Had she heard right? Then Catlin decided she probably had heard right and at the moment couldn't think of anywhere else shed rather be. Just the term itself sent uncontrollable shivers down her spine. She was horny as hell and desperately wanted a hard cock inside her.