Xenophilia - Darius - Pt. 03

Story Info
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
7.5k words

Part 3 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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Xenophilia -- Darius -- Part 3


This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. It will also take time to update all the parts, so please be patient. Still, I hope you will enjoy them all the same.


This time when Darius awoke, he would do so feeling refreshed and energised, the only grogginess being from the typical fading of sleepiness people usually experienced when emerging from bed. Of course, Darius was glued to a wall in a resin cocoon, so 'getting up' was not an option for him. He groaned a little, flexing and wiggling in his bondage, wanting to move about; as comfortable as the aliens had made his cocoon, given circumstances, he was growing stiff and sore in the limbs. He wanted to move, and not fall prey to the atrophying of muscles in his state, lest he never be able to move again.

Again and again, he hoped the aliens would let him go, if nothing else than to move around, stretch and simply flex himself. Bondage like this, when assaulted with merciless sessions of pleasure and ecstasy, was fun for a while, but would eventually turn maddening and depressing.

Maybe he could convince his 'captors' to release him, somehow. They didn't seem to know a lick of English, or any other language for that matter save their own odd series of growls, hisses and other inhuman noises. But they understood body language, facial features, and gestures, that much he knew, since they used the same themselves. They were expressive, and got their meaning across rather effectively, if somewhat sexually. Perhaps... that would be enough to get through to them what he wanted.

He continued to ponder these things until someone from the opposite side of the passage spoke up.

"Oi, you there, Buzzcut," he said in a distinctly South African accent. Darius looked up, and saw the man -- a slim, dark and messy-haired individual with sharp facial features and bright eyes of a colour Darius couldn't discern in the dark -- looking directly at him, confirming that he was directly speaking to Darius. He was off to the right -- from Darius' perspective -- of the woman directly opposite of him, with another unconscious, cocooned man between them. "Yeah, you."

Darius returned his gaze.

"Yeah? What do you want? Who are you?" he inquired.

"Marcus Crespin, alright? Does it matter who I am? We're stuck in this fuckin' place, yeah? Those things keep raping us over and over again, like we're just breeding studs to them. We gotta get out of here," he answered with no small amount of barb to his tone, indignant that anyone would question him.

Darius conceded his point, that if freedom was an unlikely prospect, they would have to fight for it. But Marcus seemed a little... agitated. Like he was the sort that only considered the short term, with no thought for the long term and how that would affect any plans and actions either of them conceived.

"And how do you propose we do that, man?" Darius responded.

"I don't fuckin' know!" Marcus snapped back, his right eyebrow twitching. "But I sure as shit ain't gonna let them fuck me like a toy anymore."

Darius paused for a moment; he had to remember that perhaps not everyone was taking this as well as he was, that niggling perverse enjoyment ever present in his mind. Not everyone might've felt the same way about their current predicament. Though some of the individuals he saw... well, when they were conscious, being fed by the aliens, they seemed perhaps a bit too enthusiastic about it. Of course, he remembered how greedily he suckled on that one she-creature's tit like it was all for him. He might not be too different from those enthusiastic bunch.

"Are you listening to me?" Marcus snapped.

Darius returned his gaze to the other man, trying to look apologetic, but couldn't conceal his critical expression.

"I am, but we need a plan, because struggling isn't going to work." He wanted to try and calm Marcus down; the aliens might not be too forgiving of too much hostility, and Darius had no idea how kindly they'd take to an escape attempt.

This only seemed to agitate Marcus further.

"What the fuck would you do, then?! Just let them fuck you until your cock shrivels up?"

Darius narrowed his eyes a little now, the other man's attitude starting to grate on his nerves.

"We need to figure out how to escape these cocoons first, and then we have to figure out where we are, how to get out of here, and avoid getting caught in the process," Darius tried to explain. "Besides, they haven't hurt us yet, and they don't seem interested in hurting us either, at least right now... that gives us some time to work it out."

Marcus blinked incredulously.

"Are you fucking serious?!" he hissed. "We're nothing but fucktoys to them, you fucking cretin! Just meat to beat and get themselves off with, maybe knock themselves up with little freak shits like 'em! They don't care about us, they just like our dicks, and once we can't provide anymore, they're just gonna bite 'em off and throw us away! The sooner you realise that, you goddamn freak-fucker, the better, because you're gonna wanna ask one for their fucking hand in marriage, I bet, and they're just gonna gut you like a fish and—"

His tirade was promptly silenced by a chitinous palm pressing to his mouth. He began to scream angrily, shaking his head from side to side as the alien owner slipped down along the wall beside him, until she was standing before him. She kept her hand firmly to his mouth, resisting the shaking of his head, and calmly brought a finger from her other hand to her lips, making a 'shushing' gesture, of all things. But he didn't comply with the alien woman's quiet command, so she removed her hand from his mouth.

There was a brief flurry of angry, colourful expletives that almost split Darius' ears, but that too was cut off, this time by a forceful kiss from the alien. Marcus began to gag quietly, as Darius just saw a glimpse of his throat bulging out ever so slightly, likely from a long tongue probing about in his gullet, the alien's method of silencing him.

He continued to watch as the alien subdued Marcus, and more would reveal themselves, slithering along the walls, ceiling and floor in that graceful, almost reptilian crawling they preferred, groans emanating from people that awoke as a result of Marcus' angry shouting, or the caresses they received from their captors. Darius was no exception, the alien he had come to recognise -- as difficult as that was -- sauntering up to him. His breath hitched in his throat, though he wasn't certain if that was from fear or excitement. Whenever she came to him... it was for rather intense passion.

She stood before him, her lithe, tall figure seeming all too appealing to Darius now. He wondered how she would tantalise him this time. He perversely looked forward to it, whatever it was, to the point he felt his member twitch in anticipation, having learned that her presence, her visits, meant pleasure.

What he was certainly not expecting was for her to suddenly reach up towards his arms, dig her claws into the resin that bound them, and start tearing away chunks of his cocoon. Bit by bit, his body was exposed, as pieces of the cocoon fell away like rocks, though they seemed surprisingly lightweight for how strong the resin was as a whole. He felt one arm fall free, flopping weakly from who knows how long he spent not using it. Then the next one, and it too flopped uselessly. He groaned as he tried to move them, their lack of response at first somewhat concerning.

But soon, after some flexing, they began to obey him, and he would bring them up to his chest. Darius began to tear away chunks of resin himself, the alien not admonishing him for a moment for doing so. He found that it was a bit of effort to remove the resin, and he strained quite hard, but eventually it would give. Though he had to accredit some of the effort to the weakness of his arms, it was striking how easily the she-creature tore the resin away. It was fortunate too that, despite being naked, it didn't feel like wax-paper was being ripped off his skin, and hair with it... he wasn't sure how.

Soon, his chest was exposed, and then his midsection, causing him to almost fall out of his broken cocoon from lethargy. But the alien caught him, pressing him back against the tailor-made depression of the back of his cocoon, smiling deviously and giving him an affectionate peck on the lips before returning to her work.

Darius couldn't help but smile at that, for some reason. It felt... nice, that she seemed to care for him. He felt one leg be freed, and he flexed his toes and foot, limply lifting it to try and encourage some blood flow. And then the next was freed, and finally, after a few more pieces were stripped away... he was no longer imprisoned.

He felt short of breath, for some reason, weak and lethargic, despite awakening with so much energy. He groaned, resting against his Darius-shaped depression until he could muster some strength. If nothing else, the aliens weren't stopping him. Then, with a deep breath, he stepped forward, almost toppling, saved by the alien's tail whipping out and pushing against his chest. The chitinous segments dug in a little painfully, but he didn't care, the save was appreciated. Shakily, he stood up, slowly regaining his strength until he felt stable. And then a sense of bewilderment fell over him.

He had hoped constantly that he would be freed, that they wouldn't murder him once they were done, that he would get to move around again... and now, that it was happening, it almost felt too good to be true, unbelievable. But it was true, and he almost felt like shedding a tear.

Of course, that was until he saw the alien drop to her hands and knees, jutting her butt out at him in an all too provocative way, and lifting her tail out of the way so that he could fully view her rump, and the wet slit at her crotch, and even a puckering sphincter buried deep between her glutes. Darius blinked, and then scratched his head.

"A-ah ha... ha..." he laughed nervously. "You really want that?"

He mentally berated himself.

'Of course she wants that, you idiot. She doesn't speak a word of English, but what the fuck else does she want?'

She was looking over her shoulder at him, and he would see those tubular, pipe-like 'spines' that flanked her spine below her shoulders fold back until they were as flat as they could be against her back. She continued to wiggle her rump at him, growling insistently.

"S-Sure," he said, noting the irony in him saying anything to this creature.

He grasped his erect cock, and too a step forward, but gulped; now that he was given the opportunity to take the initiative, he found himself faltering, as though it was his first time, and not previously the subject of her forceful, erotic advances the moment he first woke up in this place.

It didn't help that others were watching him now, those not being attended to by other aliens bearing witness to all the other lecherous happenings within the cave. It made him nervous, shy even, which he found ridiculous, considering all things.

It seemed she grew impatient, because the next thing he knew was that sinuous, spiny tail wrapping around his body, from his waist right up to his shoulders, that vicious blade conspicuously pointed away from his neck in the most non-threatening manner it could achieve, before she began to draw him in, his tip prodding at her anus. His upper arms were pinned to his sides, but his lower arms were not, so his hands were free to grasp her rump, fingers sinking in just a little before meeting firm resistance, her glutes pliant and springy.

She hissed in a manner that suggested enjoyment, wiggling her rump enticingly. It was so surreal for him, given how she looked; her back was far less 'soft' than her front, chitinous carapace that was smooth in places, and rough in others, a pronounced spine running down her back, with all sorts of various textures, some of it almost tube-like, much like the strange, ovoid parts along her limbs crossed with shallow grooves. But her rump remained as mesmerising as ever, to stare at and to squeeze.

She tugged on him with her tail a little bit more firmly, forcing him to prod at her sphincter. He wasn't sure what to feel; the few times he had sex before now had never involved anal. He'd never had a chance to see what it was like, and now, this she-creature was outright demanding him to take her in the rear, the grip of her wound tail tightening just a bit more. If she grew even more impatient, Darius had few doubts that she'd just move him herself, the length of her tail against his own rump tugging firmly and insistently, a clear message that she wanted him to start something.

So Darius obliged, grasping his cock in one hand -- somewhat tricky with his upper arms pinned to his sides -- and rubbing her sphincter in small circles. This seemed to ease the insistent tugs she was making, and he was glad for it; she had teased him enough beforehand, it was only fair he got to do the same, and she seemed to more than accept it.

He noted how unusual her anus was; though it didn't look or feel any different to a human's, it seemed to be self-lubricating much like a vagina, albeit to a lesser degree, and with somewhat more oily fluids. It made rubbing his glans to her pucker quite pleasant, if strange, but eventually, his own arousal made him impatient, wanting to stick his shaft inside her ass and experience it.

With cock in hand, he began to push against her sphincter, meeting firm resistance as her anus clenched, but the hissing purr leaving her slightly pursed lips indicated it wasn't an act of hesitance or pain. He could only imagine how tight she'd feel. Finally, with a bit more force, and the oily secretions from her anus providing helpful lubrication, his glans began to stretch her pucker, the ring of muscle squeezing his tip unrepentantly.

Darius groaned, clenching his other hand and grasping a handful of her supple rump as he slid inside her, feeling her muscles clamp down tightly. It was slow going, her tunnel contracted to resist any intrusion. He pushed in by an inch, allowing him to remove the hand grasping his cock and bring it to take hold of the other glute, holding onto her ass. Her hisses were long, and low, Darius even spotting her inner mouth extend past her lips slowly before it retracted back into her mouth as her jaws closed together.

Suddenly, her anus loosened up quite significantly, and the force Darius was exerting, combined with her oily secretions, caused him to slam against her rump, his shaft buried to the root in her anus, and as soon as his entire length slipped inside, she clenched tight again.

Darius' eyes shot open, as wide as possible. He choked a little, not sure what sound to make, all because her anus was choking his dick with a merciless tightness, clenching down tightly all around his manhood. The walls of her passage were fleshy and soft enough, but unlike her pussy, the texture wasn't nearly as pronounced -- though it did feel as if he could feel bumps and protruding rings of flesh spaced along her tunnel -- and the flesh wasn't nearly as yielding, as though the muscles of her anus were separated only by a thin layer of skin and meat, allowing her to crush his cock with her muscles directly. He groaned, and he swore she was laughing softly, quiet, repeated hisses leaving her lips as she 'looked' over her shoulder, the back of her elongated head swinging to one side akin to a pendulum. She smirked, licking her lips.

'You devious bitch,' he thought. He felt like a fly caught in a honeytrap, lured in on the promise of sweet delights, and then, when he was where she wanted him... strike. And now he was quite firmly stuck in her anus, and she didn't show signs of loosening. But her tail tugged him backwards now, as if trying to pull him out. He got the hint, and grasping her hips firmly for leverage, Darius began to pull his hips back.

He would begin to slide, and pick up speed as her lubrication was smeared more consistently over his cock, until his tip was the only thing that remained in her depths, the alien clenching down tighter to an almost painful degree, her way of making sure he didn't pop out. He grunted sharply, and then, with some effort, he thrust back into her depths until his crotch slapped against her glutes. She purred in delight, her sharp fingers gripping the resin that coated the ground.

Darius pulled back again, once more until just his tip remained, and then thrust back into her depths yet again, now starting to get into a rhythm and gaining some necessary momentum, until he was pumping in and out of her anus with some measure of fluidity. He groaned with strain, the intense tightness proving to be vigorously stimulating in its own way, and proving to be the tightest of all her orifices, even more so than the rather snug fit of her secondary mouth, which he recalled so deliciously squeezed around his penis. Of course, it had a suction that her vagina and her ass could not match, beaten only by the egg tentacle from last time. But nothing was tighter than her ass, and it was amazing.

He kept his pace slow at first, wanting to savour this feeling, and also so he didn't rip his dick off going too fast before he was ready; even if that was unlikely, it sure felt like it, even with the lubrication keeping things smooth. His body began to shiver, and he felt his balls throb with need. What kind of all-devouring ass was this, that could make him feel like was drawing close to a climax already?

He decided a quick look around might prevent him from blowing his load early, but the view wasn't all too different around him; several others had been pulled from their cocoons, a few men and women, and all were being treated to various acts of debauchery, including one human female whose head was being held to another alien's pussy. Those still left in cocoons were not being ignored either, though it seemed those not freed were the ones more defiant or frightened.

Darius returned his attention to the fine ass before him, and brought a hand to the root of her tail, grasping it for leverage so he could increase the pace of his thrusting. He was thankful that his erection was so hard, otherwise any amount of bending at the root might've caused his dick to be snapped off thanks to her crushing anus. Nevertheless, he continued to pick up speed, repeatedly slapping his hips into her rump cheeks, the sound reverberating about his ears, drowning out anything else thanks to how focused he was on the feeling, and the view of her clenching glutes hiding his shaft as he repeatedly buried his cock in her passage.

She was so tight, and he was so hard, he could feel how his veins rubbed against her walls. It was intense, and the faster he thrust, the more his manhood burned with pleasure, beginning to throb and twitch. He felt the pressure rising in his loins, and did his best to hold out, especially since he was the one doing the moving this time, and he wanted to savour it.

He tore his gaze away from the all too hypnotic rippling of her pliant, taut glutes, to see what she was doing; it made it difficult for him not to breach the dam there and then when he saw how she had her head bowed towards the ground, growling gutturally in pleasure and biting her lower lip. She mustered some composure so she could 'look' over her shoulder at him, smirking in ecstasy, beginning to pant hisses, tongue lolling out of her mouth.