Xenophilia - Eriana - Finale

Story Info
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
10.1k words

Part 39 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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Xenophilia -- Eriana -- Final


This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.


Eriana stirred. She felt movement within her, motions and feelings not within her mind, and not simply embracing pleasure. She did not know how much time had passed. She did not know what had changed in the time that had elapsed since she was cocooned and fed the Royal Jelly... but she was alive, even if all was dream. But now... she felt parts of her, more solidly than she did before. Twitches in her fingers and toes, fluttering of her eyelids, quivering of her lips, her lungs beginning to heave and her heart beginning to beat once more. Moreover, consciousness began to return, as though coming out of a trance-like slumber... but there was only one thing on her mind, one thought, like an instinct, that compelled her actions.

Break out.

And she did just that, starting to squirm in her cocoon, moving her limbs as control of her motor functions returned. And as they did, electric new feelings made themselves known to her, a twitching below her spine, something shuddering, a new appendage of hers. She began to growl, clawing her way out of the gooey mess of her cocoon's interior. She wasn't going to remain here... but it took effort. Fortunate for her... she felt give in her prison. She felt the hardened chitin on the exterior crack and begin to shift, sticking to the membranous sac that held the emerging scientist... she pushed a finger through the material, and then a hand, feeling cool, moist air on her palm.

It invigorated her, drove her new and commanding instinct to push her further. She growled again, and started to use both hands now, pushing herself free of the cocoon, breaking the exterior resin away with newfound strength, and then... and then she stood free, perched on the lowest edge of her broken cocoon, standing tall, taller than she had before. And there... she let out a luscious sigh, relieved and at ease. She felt... wonderful. So very wonderful.

Eriana... she remembered her name, and then why she had been in that cocoon. It all started to come back to her... and thus, prompted a close examination of her form... her new form. She looked at her hand, turning it over as she saw the chitinous back and fingers, paler than that of the Drones that had started her down this delightful path. Her palm was smooth, soft skin, though her arms remained mostly chitinous where it didn't impede movement, save for the undersides of her upper arms that would've been pressed to her body should she kept her arms at her side, her armpit soft as ever, even though the sides of her torso were half soft skin, and half firm chitin where front met back.

She looked herself over further, seeing something similar with her legs, her thighs now more curvaceous than before, but only slightly; it did not detract from her lean, lanky yet athletic build, thin but strong. A chitinous appendage curled into view, tipped with a sharp, organic blade that was ready to impale or inject a victim without hesitation. She furrowed her brow, before figuring out how to control her new limb... it proved rather easy, Eriana soon having it twist and curl on itself, almost as dextrous as a tentacle. Another once over, and she realised she was naked... understandable; she had no clothes on when she entered the cocoon, and there was no part of her biology that provided modesty... 'her' kind did not need or want such.

She felt those tubular organs all xenomorphs had flex on her back; for some unknown reason, these aliens could flip the pipe-like protrusions that flanked their spine, just below their shoulders, down against their back. Perhaps it was to make sneaking into tight places easier... or perhaps it was to make it more comfortable to lie on one's back. She would know soon enough, running her hands up her both silky smooth, and firmly rigid, exterior, soft flesh melding with hard chitin. She sighed out again, letting her sharp fingertips tease over her erect nipples, before her surroundings revealed themselves, and she saw the chamber she had been in before she was cocooned... and laid eyes on her Queenmother.

Her mouth opened with reverence, and with shaky legs -- the scientist and former human not yet quite used to her new form -- Eriana ambled her way over to the enormous xenomorph Queen. It was her... her who had transformed Eriana into this... most beautiful, perfect form. There was no way she could delay giving thanks to this wondrous, divine being. The Queen had noticed, and smiled lovingly, beckoning to the newly formed hybrid to come to her embrace. Eriana happily obliged, once more fluttering her eyelids... and realising she had eyes. All the other aliens did not have such organs, but she seemed to retain them... albeit, now she saw things more sharply, more clearly. Things seemed to catch her attention far quicker now, sometimes things seemed to slow down... her reflexes had improved substantially.

But it was not just her eyes that had changed, but her whole body, and all her senses; she heard so much more, and the smells... she could pick up the intoxicating aromas and pheromones of her new kin, able to understand what they mean... but with the lechery in this chamber, the heady cocktail made it hard for even her new form to concentrate on what was happening. But still, she made her way to the Queen, the great xenomorph beckoning the hybrid to her bosom... and Eriana complied, crawling up the Queen's body until she was resting against the Queenmother's bosom.

She felt... warm. It wasn't a true warmth, but the Queen did not feel as cold to the couch as before. But Eriana knew it wasn't quite the truth... it was how she interpreted the intimacy with this divine creature... just another thing that made her transformation all the sweeter.

"M-My Queen..." Eriana uttered softly. The Queen growled happily, one of her four arms reaching up to caress the side of Eriana's head, sweeping her chitinous hand along Eriana's now elongated skull.

She pushed her face into the Queen's hand and murmured out in delight.

"This... this is so amazing," she said. For all her intellect, for all her years as a top Weyland-Yutani scientist... she had no eloquent words for what she was feeling, no way to suppress the girlish, almost naïve way she was behaving right now... it was only right, for expressing her love to her Queenmother.

The great alien smiled, and pulled Eriana close for a soft kiss on the lips, smiling and letting her tongue push its way into the Hybrid's mouth. Eriana simply melted into the kiss and did the same, her own salaciously long tongue coiling around the Queen's thick muscle, before the kiss was broken, the Queen licking her lips and then Eriana's... before she began to sense a series of pheromones emanating from the Queen, along with a series of growls and other guttural sounds... and with her newfound form, Eriana understood it all.

"Yes... yes, I do not regret this... I... am feeling better as the seconds pass, as I discover more about myself... I do not want to take this back," she said, starting to feel teary; the first thing this wondrous Creature did was ask if the choice was worth it, if she was happy with herself. Such compassion made Eriana feel that much warmer... but she felt no regret.

She had not lost anything in the process, at least none of the most important things; her mind may have changed slightly, but what was there before had not been lost, and for that, she was happy. She nuzzled into the Queen's bosom, before another series of guttural sounds and pheromones posited another question to the 'New' Eriana.

"Yes... yes, I will go back... and return here... why should I not spread this everywhere~?" she purred, the question being if she would return to the colony... she would indeed, she couldn't keep this to herself. Indeed, she could not transform people, but she felt the urges, and she knew... that more than a few of the humans would be rather... taken, with the new Eriana.

She smirked, and licked her lips at the possibilities; she knew she had the same abilities as her kin, the same abilities as the Drones that had swarmed the Colony... and opened it to an entirely new world. But now, she was one of them... and she had an itch, she had to scratch, a hunger and thirst to sate. The Queen communicated again, and Eriana sighed out.

"Yes... it's so... strong... I need to find someone... anyone..." she said, starting to pant; the mere thought of what she could do had set off her urges... and now they were growing out of control. She had to sate them now, not later.

The Queen smirked lecherously... it seemed the alien had anticipated this, and gently grasped Eriana's chin, so that it could twist her head around... and bring her gaze to a man that the Queen's Praetorians had pinned down. He seemed frightened, yet aroused and confused... perhaps one of the last few colonists found in hiding, yet to be shown the truth of these creatures, their love... and their lust. Eriana licked her lips hungrily, as she realised the intent of the Queen's offer.

"Thank you~" she said, giving the Queenmother one final kiss, before crawling down towards the man, who was, until spying her, squirming in a hopeless attempt to free himself... but he saw her, and paused, his eyes widening.

"D-Doctor Genos?" he commented, proving to Eriana that she was still recognisable... good, very good. "W-What happened to you?"

She only sighed out lustfully, crawling closer to his naked form, his member standing erect, impossible for it not to with the constant debauchery occurring around him... and now, he would join in on it, feeling Eriana's fingers play up his thigh, as she positioned herself over his cock. He began to squirm, blinking and looking nervously at her, trying to squirm free. She only chuckled deviously, using her tail to bind his wrists together, the Praetorians letting him go now that she was in control.

"W-What are you doing?!" he exclaimed. Again, he did not receive an answer from her, the hybrid too intoxicated on his fear and arousal to want to ruin it right now. She only chuckled dangerously, and let one hand grasp his cock, gently stroking it from the base to the halfway point, whilst leaning in close to run her tongue from that point to the tip, slowly and firmly. He moaned involuntarily, letting out a gasp when she licked the tip again. She looked down, the twitching of his balls catching her attention. She smirked at the man, and knew she had to toy with him a little bit more, dropping her head down until her lips could clasp around his testicles, Eriana starting to slurp and suckle on the orbs.

More moans left his lips, and he began to buck involuntarily. He had lasted this long, perhaps hiding somewhere... whilst his compatriots returned to the colony with new lovers, new partners and a newfound outlook on their own life... he had missed out on that. Now Eriana would 'educate' him... and perhaps the one other she could think of that had escaped notice... someone deserving of some little 'revenge' too... but for now, she focused on this man, suckling on his balls, tongue waggling to his orbs, wrapping them up in her incredibly dextrous tongue... even letting her inner mouth, yet another new organ she now possessed, grasp one of his jewels, and suckle firmly, the tongue squeezing out between the orb and the jaws of the inner mouth, all so she could wrap the other testicle up in her tentacular tongue... and even squeeze the root of his cock, slithering her muscle past her lips.

It made him shudder and buck, his mouth agape as he panted, completely bewildered by both Eriana's new form and why she would do this.

"Oh fuck... you got to... stop this..." he said, before throwing his head back when Eriana squeezed tightly to run her hand firmly up his manhood to his tip, rubbing his glans with her thumb, smearing precum all over his skin.

She released his balls not long after, knowing that he wouldn't last too much longer from that teasing... he was pent up, sensitive, fearful... it would take very little to make him spurt into the air... but she didn't want it going to waste, not for her first time as one of 'them'. She slipped her lips and tongue teasingly up his shaft, letting her nose brush against the cord of his cock until she was at his tip... and she wasted no time in lapping and licking it, swirling his glans with her tongue, teasing the underside with the tip of her muscle, curling it upwards to reach the sensitive underside of his corona, waggling it back and forth and even against the frenulum, causing him to moan constantly, before she returned to swirling and circling the tip of her tongue to his glans, gently lapping up what precum beaded from his tip. He was groaning in pleasure now, trying to break free of her grip.

But it was a futile effort... she had her 'prey' in her grasp, and she was not going to let go until she'd finished 'feeding'. She lapped at his tip a few more times, letting her tongue's tip wiggle against his swollen, sensitive glans, before the woman decided to let her tongue coil around his shaft like a tentacle, from tip to root, even wrapping around his twitching balls and stroking them with a teasing touch. He gasped, throwing his head up and looking at the display with wide eyes. She only shot him a devious look, before squeezing her tongue tightly around his manhood, and beginning to stroke him up and down slowly, whilst simultaneously twisting her tongue about.

Once more he threw his head back, the stimulation too intense for him to focus. And she only applied more, when she slipped her soft lips over his tip... and all the way down his manhood, slipping her oral folds over both the exposed skin of his cock, and her own slimy tongue that had the member, twitching like some frantic prey animal, caught in its embrace. She chuckled softly, enjoying the way he squirmed and moaned, his hips starting to buck involuntarily. He was at her mercy now, and she wasn't going to relent, not any time soon.

She began to bob her head up and down, pulling her lips up from his root to his tip, all whilst stroking his length with her tongue, pumping the coiled length up and down, twisting it all about from side to side, the swirling sensation all that was needed to tip him over the edge. He did not last much longer after that, Eriana only able to get into a vigorous pace with her head-bobbing before he was spasming, bucking into her hellish mouth and releasing his seed. Immediately, she slammed her lips to his root, suckling firmly and continuing to stroke him with her tongue, milking him for every drop. His cries of pleasure and pleas for mercy were delicious to her ears.

"Stop, please, stop, it's too much... oh fuck!"

Of course, he got some respite when his orgasm finally came to an end, leaving him a panting, sweaty mess... the aroma was musky, but intoxicating for Eriana. She now understood why the aliens got so much more aggressive the longer sex went on or the more of it that was happening around them... this cocktail of smells and pheromones was quite addictive and exciting. She slowly slid herself off his cock, looking at it with glee, licking her lips, her tongue now uncoiled, before she moved to straddle his hips, causing him to blink and then give Eriana a fearful expression.

"No, please... I can't do this anymore, it's too stimulating!" he admitted. But she didn't listen; his cries for respite only seemed to spur her on, making her grind her hips against his crotch, his slick member rubbing to her stomach.

His attempts to escape had ceased, too drained from that one orgasm to stop her now, even as she lifted her hips up, to press her nether folds down on his glans, eager to see him squirm in ecstasy instead. It was as intense for her as it was for him... well, perhaps that was a lie, but she was hissing in pleasure, biting her lower lip and seething through her teeth in bliss. Her whole body was alight with pleasurable fire... and she'd barely done anything. That was another revelation to her, now understanding just how much pleasure the xenomorphs felt... and again, it was a self-sustaining ecstasy, one that drove her to more aggression, as she started to drop down on his cock, after giving it a few good gyrations, seeing him roll his head back repeatedly.

Eriana slowly swallowed the man's cock, squeezing tightly around his shaft, feeling every bump, every vein, and every contour of his manhood. She never knew her pussy to be this sensitive... yet here it was, utterly sensitive and completely capable of motions that, until now, didn't seem possible to her... perhaps to some with a talent for muscular control, but she was able to squeeze and ripple her flesh up and down his cock, particularly around the tip and even the root when she dropped down completely, resting upon his groin with a smile on her lips.

His face twisted in pleasure, breathing out loudly as he was overcome. Each little reaction he made only seemed to further excite her, made her want to see what other, more intense expressions she could get him to make... more and more, she was beginning to understand just why the aliens did what they did; perhaps it was not a human logic that dictated it, but from her hybrid point of view... Eriana knew exactly how delightful it was.

She began to rise and fall now, gyrating her hips from side to side, twisting his cock about as she slid up to his tip and then back down again, his shaft now incredibly slick thanks to her fluids, easily lubricating his flesh. More moans left his lips, as her hands moved to press against his chest, splayed across his subtle pecs. He wasn't exactly muscular, but nor was he scrawny or fat. Just average... and that didn't make a difference to her in the slightest. It just felt so nice to make him moan, to make him squirm and to make his face contort in bliss; the more she stimulated him, the better she felt herself.

She picked up the pace, her rump slapping against his crotch now, a resounding, echoing sound losing itself into the din of debauchery happening around them, but right now, it was just her, and her 'prey'. His cock began to throb. He was close, so very close. And so was she... but once again, she knew how it worked with these xenomorphs. She could 'control' the way she felt pleasure, to an extent, how 'weak' or 'resilient' to it she was, without numbing it in the slightest... and of course, she was much better at holding out until the right moment... when this man would cum. The aliens seemed to revel in synchronous orgasms... it probably made everything so much more enjoyable, and Eriana was about to experience that very bliss, the man's cock throbbing even more forcefully.

She dropped down, grasping his head in her lanky hands and forcing her lips to his own. She'd thoroughly cleaned her mouth before this, salivating profusely, so he was overwhelmed by the taste of her tongue as it slithered into his mouth and coiled around his own... especially when she delved it into his throat, tasting the slickness of his gullet. He gagged a little, his eyes rolling back as he was subjected to this disarming kiss... until, of course, he couldn't hold back anymore against her aggressive humping, bucking upwards into her body and releasing a torrent of hot seed.