Xenophilia - Melissa Pt. 01

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A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
7.4k words

Part 4 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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Xenophilia -- Melissa -- Part 1


This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.


Melissa pounded down the grated floor, panting as she pushed herself harder than she'd ever done. In hindsight, taking a turn into this maintenance tunnel might have been a bad idea, but she couldn't stop. If she did, those... things, they would've caught her for sure.

Steam hissed above her, a pressure valve releasing some pent-up exhaust. The pipes that lined the walls, ceiling and ran beneath the grating that served as the floor all for the plumbing and heating, along with various conduits for power transfer, as well as liquid coolant to keep some of the machines in Victor's Post -- like the terraforming facility -- from melting down.

But none of that mattered now. Over several weeks, people had been going missing, one by one, then several by several, until they were just disappearing by the dozens, and then... whatever was taking them decided they didn't need to be so discrete, and though they maintained their stealthy approach, they didn't care so much about snatching people in broad daylight, with numerous witnesses. So everything went to chaos.

People were scattered, picked off rapidly, dragged away to god knows where, kicking and screaming, and then silenced. People tried to band together, what few were left, others lost their minds and lashed out at anyone in paranoia and fear. But that didn't stop the creatures. They were everywhere, and worse, they could hide anywhere. The only thing one could do was keep moving. If you stopped, tried to barricade yourself in somewhere, and hold out, they'd get you. They'd find a way in, and they'd get you. If you stayed mobile, and vigilant... well, maybe they wouldn't get you.

But there was nowhere else to go on this rock. The planet had no other facility for hundreds of miles beyond distant, isolated monitoring stations that were automated, only ever occupied by scheduled maintenance staff that hardly stayed there for long. No place was truly safe, so in Melissa's mind, the only option was to keep moving around, until the next scheduled supply ship came... and then she would make a run for it, and plead with the crew of said ship to leave, leave and not come back.

She grimaced, feeling a pang of guilt wash over her; she knew it was selfish, wrong, to leave any of the other survivors behind, but what choice did she have? If they didn't get to the ship, waiting would mean the end of everyone, the creatures would surely overrun it within moments. They were swift, and agile like that, able to appear when you least expect them. And even then, you didn't get a good look at them; Melissa had only seen vague, black humanoid shapes, tall and gangly with elongated heads and very long tails. She'd seen them use their tails to snatch people, wrapping the prehensile, chitinous appendages around their victims and hauling them into the shadows, power outages they no doubt caused giving them more darkness to hide within.

Melissa then skidded to a stop, almost toppling forwards; in front of her, one of the grating panels looked like it had been melted through, and below it, a vertical maintenance shaft. There were several tunnels like them branching off these maintenance passages, the tubes that ran beneath the floor often dropping down into these shafts to belowground structures usually meant to regulate the conduit and piping system. Normally, workers would remove the panels to get at leaking pipes or access these vertical shafts... but Melissa knew no human had melted the grating in front of her.

She considered turning back, but quashed that idea; those things were likely hunting for her, and going back was a death sentence for certain, there being no other branching path the way she came besides the vertical shafts, and they led nowhere safe. She whimpered in frustration, before calming herself.

'It's okay, it's okay Melissa. You can do this', she assured herself. 'Just keep moving, that's it, keep running.'

Part of her wanted to stop, to rest, but she couldn't. That was when they caught you. She had to keep moving.

Melissa steeled herself, and after a short shiver of her body, feeling light and shaky from fatigue, she took her marks, and made a short running leap over the melted hole.

The moment both her feet landed on the opposite side, a dark hand shot up from the shaft below, grasping bony fingers around her ankle. Melissa shrieked and fell forward, managing to cushion her fall with her hands, no doubt putting horizontal marks on her palms from the grating. She twisted around, the creature's hand fortunately twisting with her, but not easing its grip. Melissa began to scream, and saw the creature's elongated head rise up from the hole. She struggled and squirmed, and began to kick at the thing's skull with her other foot, her boot glancing off the domelike top that stretched the length of its cranium, until one managed to smack square against the top of its face.

It growled and hissed in pain, and its grip on her ankle weakened.

"Let me go!" Melissa screamed, kicking again and this time aiming for its hand, forcing it to let go. She managed to free herself, and began kicking against the grating, pushing herself away frantically. She scrabbled at the floor, trying to find purchase to stand up and start running.

'Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop,' she chanted in her head, those two words her only fuel right now.

The grating clanged and shivered from her footfalls, but it was the sound of claws scraping against metal that Melissa dreaded, the creature already pulling itself out of the shaft. She could hear it following; in this space, it had nowhere to branch off to for an ambush, but that also meant Melissa could only go one direction. All it needed was to be faster.

She reached into one of her coveralls' deep pockets, and produced a heavy pipe wrench, her only weapon. She would've preferred a revolver, or one of those pulse rifles the local security uses -- even though she'd never fired a gun in her life -- to a glorified plumbing tool, but it was long and heavy, and she really didn't have much else to work with right now. She didn't dare turn around, not even to see how close it was, not wishing to do anything that might slow her down.

Up ahead, she saw an open door, and beyond it a wall illuminated by a light lined with tool-filled shelves, the tell-tale sign that ahead was a maintenance shed. She felt some hope bubble up within her, a way to put some distance between the creature and herself, and buy her some time. She poured on the effort, her muscles beginning to burn. She swore she could feel heated breath against the nape of her neck, but she could only focus on the door. With one last burst of energy, she leapt through the threshold, and immediately tried to slam the door. Melissa saw a black hand briefly pop past the frame, but recoil right before the door closed, as though it didn't want to have the heavy hatch slam closed on its wrist.

With a fearful grunt, she locked the door down, until the light turned red, indicating its secure status. She took a step back from the door, panting, and letting out the odd quiet, stressed sob, her brunette curls dishevelled and clinging to her sweaty scalp. Her breathing was erratic, but when it became clear the creature wasn't trying to get through the door, she began to calm down, relieved. She then turned around, to begin making her way out of this maintenance shed.

The moment she did, a black, chitinous hand reached down from above, clasping over her mouth. Melissa began to scream, writhing around and struggling to escape as the other hand moved to wrap around her torso as best it could. In her terror, she managed to swing her pipe wrench so wildly it slipped from her hand, clanging to the ground uselessly. Disarmed, she started clawing at the chitinous limbs that had descended from the ceiling, all as the creature began to pull her up into an air vent she had failed to notice.

Her feet kicked about in the air, the creature's strength more than enough to lift her weight, though her struggling made it difficult. Eventually, it hauled her into the duct, spacious and roomy so that a human could move about within them for maintenance purposes, which proved to be a terrible advantage for these creatures.

She screamed and flailed wildly, panic overwhelming her and overriding any rational thought. She could feel herself being slid across the ducting, dragged deeper into the ventilation network that laced the colony. And then, she felt something jab her in the back.

It was like a dull thud, no particular sharpness felt, but within moments, she grew numb and tired, weariness tugging at her mind so quickly her screams tapered off to choked groans, whilst her mind turned foggy, and soon enough, she completely drifted into unconsciousness, the creature free to drag its helpless victim back to its lair.

When Melissa awoke, an uncertain amount of time later, she wasn't at all sure of her surroundings or her own senses; the world was dark and fuzzy, yet it felt like it was moving around her. Groggy and disorientated, she tried to sit up, groaning as she did, rapidly fluttering her eyes in an effort to clear her vision.

What greeted her was the sight of one of these creatures -- perhaps the same one that had caught her -- pulling off her coveralls, and then her pants. It reached up and hooked its sharp fingers beneath the hem of her shirt, and pulled it off over her face, leaving her only in her underwear. Turning pale and filling with dread, she screamed loudly, flipping onto her belly, the strange, moist ground uneven and covered in strange contours that provided decent handholds from her prone position, grasping and trying to pull away from the creature stripping her. It was a futile effort, the creature pressing a foot to her back and pinning her down.

"Nooo!" she cried.

Whilst it was not pushing down too hard, it was still too firm for Melissa to resist, squirming in place on the ground. Then, she felt her panties being tugged downwards, and then slipped off her legs, leaving her naked. It would do the same with the simple clip of her brassier at her back, releasing them. Why it was stripping her, she didn't know, and nor did she care, trying to squirm away and failing, the creature's strength too great and its control of it too sufficient for her to pull free.

And then, it grasped her shoulders and lifted her up, turning her around to face it... and instead of a horrific mauling from gnashing teeth, her lips were met with a firm kiss from the creature, soft feminine petals meshing with her own as a long, slimy tongue spiralled into her mouth, worming against her own and putting pressure down against her muscle.

Melissa's eyes widened in shock, and she began to squirm in its grasp, flailing about, beating her hands down on its chitinous shoulders and head, but to little avail, the creature far tougher than she could contend with, especially with her own strength quite thoroughly sapped not just from whatever venom or substance it used to subdue her, but from her own physical exertions from being on the run.

Eventually, Melissa's panic turned to dread, and she began to sob quietly; she had watched her colleagues disappear slowly, and then saw them snatched before her very eyes. She spent so long on the run, constantly moving, trying to avoid capture, to hold out until the next ship came... and still, she was caught. True, this forceful kiss was most unexpected, but it didn't take away the fear that her life was over, in one form or another.

The kiss would eventually end, the long tongue of the creature sliding out between her lips with a slippery touch. The feminine creature standing before Melissa would grin deviously, as if pleased with its catch, licking its lips hungrily. It wasn't going to eat her, was it? She began to squirm again, but it was hopeless.

With little resistance to muster, the creature was able to then push Melissa against a nearby wall, her back squishing into some soft, gel-like substance that conformed to her shape, the alien using its arms and tail to position her with her arms outstretched, and her legs parted. It pressed a hand to her chest, its long fingers set between Melissa's bust and pushing firmly, keeping the weakened human where it wanted... all as it began slathering, thick, gooey translucent liquid dribbling from its mouth, dropping to the floor with soft pattering.

Then, it pressed its lips and tongue to Melissa's wrist, and began working its mouth against her skin, the tongue smearing the thick substance all around her, and quite perversely slipping across her flesh with a slow, clearly intentional lasciviousness, the alien creature drawing its lips together against her skin and opening its mouth to produce more of the fluid, whilst its tongue distributed it more evenly, moulding layer upon layer over her limb. The substance began to harden, turning dark as it set and black like the rest of the web-like material strewn all around this dark place, save for the strange 'bed' of foamy goo that her back was pressed against.

Melissa tried to struggle against this clear attempt to bind her, but its tail and hand kept her in place, and with how exhausted she was, none of it was of particular vigour. She felt the creature form a hollow around her hand, enough for her to flex and ball it into a fist, but of no help to her at all. Then, it began to glide its soft lips and inhumanly long tongue along her arm, leaving no inch of it untouched by its clearly erotic efforts.

It made Melissa grimace in disgust at the experience, shivering the more the thing's mouth grazed ever so sensuously along her limb. It was passing over her shoulder now, and slowly worked its way over to the other shoulder, forming a 'bridge' of hardening resin between the two joints, between her chest and her neck.

It was as slow and sensual with its efforts along her other arm, slathering more of the resin against her limb and shaping it with practiced motions of its tongue. Melissa tried to stifle a groan, a shameful shiver coursing through her; she hated this, hated what was happening to her, how she could not resist at all, and yet, despite that, she was starting to feel 'tingles' of pleasant sensations, as though this were an alluring massage. Indeed, the alien female's efforts were not crude or animalistic... there was a lustful, teasing edge to its efforts, all meant to excite Melissa, or at least make her react.

She refused to give it what it wanted, at least what she believed it wanted, but Melissa couldn't help feeling the mixture of dread and humiliation at this... assault.

Soon, it was done with her other arm, but it kept pushing on her to keep her in place. She squirmed some more, but the lowest layer of the resin had fully hardened, completely binding them to the wall, leaving her only a millimetre or so of movement. She felt its lips press to her sides, and slowly slather more of that resin to her body. It conspicuously worked around her breasts, however, and her belly, coating only her sides in the substance, but it teased her stomach with errant slithers and sweeps of its tongue, gurgling growls leaving the creature's throat, sounds that almost seemed amused to Melissa, as though it was thoroughly enjoying this. That only made her feel worse; these things knew how their victims reacted to this, and they seemed to enjoy it. They were intelligent, and so far, rather depraved as well. She began to sob quietly, hoping this would be over soon enough.

Its soft lips moved back up to her midsection, and like before with her shoulders, formed a resin bridge that acted like some sort of rigid brace spanning between her sides, just below her bust, before it began to glide its mouth down her other side, and form a second bridging brace between the lowest part of her belly, and her crotch, covering her pelvic area in the hardening glue.

But like her breasts and stomach, it left her naked crotch alone, and began to work on imprisoning her legs in the substance, slipping down her thighs, teasing the inner sides of them with its serpentine tongue, making sure it covered every inch of Melissa's body with resin in the most erotic manner possible. Her voice hitched in her throat; her thighs were always a spot she liked to massage when she felt lonely.

The creature paused for a moment, and growled deviously, at least that's what Melissa interpreted the sound as. Then, its efforts slowed around her thighs, teasing her slowly, its tongue even playing up near her groin treacherously, the tip ever so lightly grazing the outermost edge of her vulva, causing her to flinch.

Melissa's stomach knotted; it knew. It knew her thighs were sensitive, and now it was toying with her. That one hitched breath, and it had worked out her weakness. Slowly, the resin hardened against her thigh, but it was made to do so much slower than normal, thanks to the creature's devious antics. It shifted to her other thigh, and began to do the same, grazing its tongue along her inner thigh, slow and torturous, whilst it was more expedient along her outer thigh.

Once her upper legs were encased, it began working down her legs, drawing its lips together in random spots like wet kisses, sliding those oral folds against her skin, until it came to her feet. It teased each foot, even suckling upon one of Melissa's big toes in a lurid way, lips meeting at the root of the digit, and slowly drawing back with lips closed tightly around it until they slid off. Then, it moulded a small cavity around each foot, so that she could curl her toes for whatever reason.

And soon enough, after a torturous session of the creature's soft lips and erotic, probing tongue playing and slipping across her skin, Melissa's odd resin cocoon was finished, her head, breasts and stomach remaining exposed to the cool, moist air of the cavern. She sniffled quietly, defeated and terrified, watching the creature that had just bound her with fearful eyes and quavering lips. It only smiled deviously, pleased with itself. It stepped forward, its greater stature allowing it to stand at head height with Melissa, who was bound a little bit off the ground.

It proceeded to press its breasts against Melissa's own, erect nipples poking the human's areola. She gasped and grunted in disgust, and tried to turn her head away when it reached up to press its chitinous hand to the side of her face. Its thumb wrapped around her chin, allowing it to turn her face so that she couldn't look away, though its grip was surprisingly gentle. It smirked, before leaning close and running a hot tongue up the side of Melissa's face.

She grimaced, and whined fearfully, the creature's draw slow and deliberate, leaving a warm trail up her cheek and just beside one of her eyes. It pulled its head back, and growled playfully, releasing her chin. It took several steps backward, cocking its head and crossing its arms beneath its bust, rather deliberately propping her mounds upwards as it admired its handiwork.

Melissa tried to glare at it, but her expression was far more meek and terrified than she was going for. Now that she had a better look at it, she could see more of its humanoid traits; supple bust, smooth belly and a vaguely human countenance beneath that domelike carapace that covered half its face. She wondered if perhaps this wasn't entirely an alien creature, as much as perhaps a mutated human, maybe DNA of her race and some alien species spliced together; there was a robust Weyland-Yutani laboratory at the colony, after all. Maybe they had something to do with this... abomination.