Xenophilia - Melissa Pt. 02

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A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
6.8k words

Part 5 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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Xenophilia -- Melissa -- Part 2


This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.


Melissa's awakening would be a startled one, roused from sleep by the sensation of movement brushing against her; despite the utter exhaustion that had led to a rather deep, comfortable slumber, she remained a light sleeper, and feeling the chitinous tail of one of the alien creatures sliding across her cheek was enough.

She glanced about rapidly, taking in her surroundings once more, if only to fully remind herself of her predicament. She gulped fearfully, remembering full well what had happened, and where she was, followed by a groan as she felt the weight in her belly, looking down in dread at her gravid stomach, filled with the creature's eggs.

But they were not the eggs she concerned herself with, not when she spied numerous aliens carrying large, sticky objects shaped not at all dissimilarly to chicken eggs, placing them down in seemingly random places... but mostly, one in front of each cocooned human in the cavern.

She paused for a moment, and blinked; each cocooned human. She looked around, and saw that there were a handful of other colonists bound in similar circumstances, at least seven others glued to walls and stripped of clothing. Melissa was completely certain that they were not there when she was first imprisoned. How long had she slept? Were they brought here not long after her? Or had every last survivor in the colony been snatched away and forced into this hellish place? She grimaced at the thought.

She looked again; none of them looked like they had been injured, Melissa remembering that, despite all their force and their predatory behaviour, the one that had violated and impregnated her exercised surprising amount of care and caution... for raping her, that was. She hung her head, wishing this was all just a bad dream.

She steeled herself; she couldn't give up hope, not as long as the transponders were still active; the scheduled supply run wasn't for some time, but a ship might be sent early to investigate the lack of response from the colony. That was Melissa's only hope, and she had to cling to it, if nothing else than to maintain her sanity.

She returned her attention to the aliens milling about around her, and the eggs they carried; wherever they placed the slimy orbs down, tendril-like roots seemed to sprout from their gooey bases, secreting a glue-like substance that adhered them to the resin-coated ground beneath them, the roots digging into the various nooks and crannies formed by the uneven surface of the floor.

And then, an alien would place one down before her, gently twisting it into place. Melissa pushed herself back into her cocoon instinctively, leaning her head away; she had no idea what would hatch from these things, but Melissa dreaded whatever it was all the same.

The alien that placed the egg before her looked up, and grinned, gently thrusting its head forward with a slight twist upwards, a decidedly human gesture, as if to say 'I see you'. It was not the one that had violated her, despite looking identical... Melissa wasn't sure how she knew, it just seemed different somehow. Its mannerisms weren't entirely different, however, possessing that same twisted smile she had come to know from her captor.

It stepped forward, and gently clutched the side of her face with its chitinous palm, caressing her cheek and raking its long fingers through her messy curls. She turned her head away from the thing's touch, trying to avoid contact with the creature. It only continued to smile, licking its lips, until it pulled away, and sauntered off into the dark with the rest of its fellows, disappearing into the gloom until she was alone with her fellow captives.

It was quiet, save for the thumping of Melissa's heart in her ears, and the breathing of all others present. She hadn't tried to shout out to them when she first saw them, too afraid of the aliens milling about. Now that she was alone with them... she still wasn't sure; they didn't appear to be awake, perhaps unconscious from whatever the aliens used on her, Melissa remembering that dull thud in the small of her back and the rapid weariness that had taken over her.

She was certain they'd injected her with something, but she had not felt any pain or any noticeable sensation at the site since. Whatever it was, it had proven to be highly effective, and would explain why they were able to catch people so easily; once caught, all the creatures needed to do was dose them, and they'd be able to cart off their catch back to their lair with impunity.

Melissa concluded that the people in here had been caught for breeding purposes, given the females had their breasts, bellies and groins exposed, whilst the men only had their genitals open for use. Otherwise, it seemed wholly unnecessary to expose such organs if they were not needed. She wondered if it was just a handful of people they had decided to imprison to use as mating partners, culling the rest, or if it was the fate of everyone the aliens caught.

Whilst she was pondering this, she heard a few groans pierce the calm, and looked around to see one of the men stirring. Not long after, a woman began to groggily wake up, and soon, all of her fellow captives were beginning to rouse from their slumber. Melissa was almost ready to shout out to them, until another noise emanated from below her, chilling her blood.

She slowly looked down, to see the top of the egg before her, its tip crossed with four grooves, opening up like a flower, each thick, stubby 'petal' peeling away and exposing a sickly yellow cavity within the egg, slimy and oozing, sticky strands of mucus hanging between the inner walls of the egg and the folding petals. Watching this strange, terrifying sight silenced her, though a quick glance around her would show the rest of the eggs beginning to open, the now very much awake humans beginning to squirm in their cocoons in fear, if they weren't staring in confusion.

Melissa's gaze returned to the egg before her. Her dread and fear turned to cold horror when she saw the creature of the egg emerge; spindly, bony, finger-like legs grasping the edges of the egg and hauling the beige body of the spider-like monster from the slimy depths. It flexed and stretched its body, its long, sinuous tail flicking about. Broad, fatty flaps flanking its body behind each set of legs rose and fell slightly, and then it tensed up, turning its eyeless body to 'face' Melissa.

Her body went cold and still, her terror building within her mind. Her lips began to quaver, and her eyes had widened as far as humanly possible. She began to squirm, knowing in the back of her mind that it was hopeless, but involuntary reaction urged by fear made her try all the same.

And then it leapt towards her face, legs splayed wide, revealing, for a brief moment, its underbelly, gashed with a slit eerily reminiscent of a vagina. She screamed, and that was all it needed her to do as it latched to her face, blinding her. She felt its bony legs wrap around her face snugly, whilst its tail coiled around her neck for leverage, exercising care not to squeeze painfully, not that she noticed in her abject panic. Its large flaps pushed to her cheeks, clutching her face tightly. And finally, she felt something phallic unfurl from its slit and push into her mouth.

It was loose at first, soft and slimy, even as it slipped into Melissa's throat. She was thrashing her head side to side, but with her arms bound to her side, the creature was free to set the pace, and not worry about interference. In her panic, she never thought about biting down on the organ now pushing into her gullet, causing her to gag a little. And then, the thing began to engorge, growing thick and firm, spreading her jaw a little, and eventually feeling like a full-blown penis buried in her mouth.

It began to pump this organ, ever so slightly humping her face in its own alien way, but its phallus seemed to slide in and out of its body, thrusting down her throat. Her gag reflex was overwhelmed, and she choked and gurgled on this thing. She wanted to throw up... but she couldn't. She didn't, as though that reaction had been suppressed.

It was able to slide relatively easily as well, its slimy, flexible appendage able to bend and twist to the curve of her throat with little effort, whilst simultaneously preventing any physical pain... and soon enough, even Melissa's gag reflex seemed to stop reacting. What was more, even through her terror-laden panic, she realised that she could breathe. Somehow, the thing was pumping oxygen into her lungs in the middle of throat-fucking her.

She would only barely feel the heaving of the flaps on its sides, swelling and contracting repeatedly, whilst the sinuous, prehensile tail ever so slowly stroked up and down her neck, never squeezing any tighter than it needed to provide it with the leverage it required, the firm grip its legs had on her skull providing the majority of it. By now, Melissa had stopped struggling, giving in to this thing's violation, her thrashing only making things far more uncomfortable.

Her struggling would renew, however, when she felt another one of those creatures jump onto her, this time latching onto her crotch, awkwardly grasping her hips with the tips of its legs, unable to wrap them around anything more convenient, though its tail was able to coil around one of her thighs. It pressed its slit to her own, and unfurled that floppy organ into her depths, its soft state able to easily push inside, until it began to swell and engorge, proceeding to repeatedly thrust in and out of her sex without relent. She screamed into the underbelly of the creature latched to her face.

This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. That's all Melissa could think, but no matter how much she tried, she couldn't stop the tingling sensations beginning to warm her body. That these things were bringing her any sort of pleasure... she tried to deny it, but no amount of mental defiance would numb the sensation; it was by no means as stimulating as the alien had been, these creatures' organs less girthy, and less textured.

But they were slimy, lumpy, and they pierced her orifices with ease and inflicted no pain. Worse, the scent that began to pervade her nostrils... it was almost intoxicating, sweet, and it was starting to relax her body. Her screams turned to groans, and they would turn into stimulated whimpers as the arousal, though forced, built within her body.

She struggled meekly when a third creature began to crawl between the back of her cocoon and her buttocks, squeezing itself into the tight space. Melissa felt its legs find a better grip on her glutes than the one plunging into her pussy had on her hips. But this creature would meet far more resistance, when it tried to push its phallic organ into her anus.

Despite the relaxation brought about by the strange, aromatic scent, Melissa writhed and resisted; anal was the last thing she'd ever considered trying even when she was dating. Hell, it was the last thing she contemplated happening even here, despite the promiscuous aliens that had kidnapped her.

But the creature wasn't letting up in the slightest. It knew what it wanted, and it was either too stupid to realise this wasn't a mouth or her vagina -- whichever of the first two was actually the smart one, despite the fact they could pump oxygen into their victims' throats -- to penetrate... or breeding or oral fixation wasn't the intent behind these creatures, in which case their intent was far from mindless. She squirmed and struggled, but eventually, as the thing's organ began to harden and engorge, it was able to push in.

She squealed, clenching on reflex and squeezing the organ in her ass with suitable tightness, having developed her glutes over the years of manual labour in tight spaces... but that didn't dissuade the spidery alien. Its slimy secretions were constant, and it thoroughly lubricated her anus and its own organ. That, combined with its phallus' pliancy, it was able to begin thrusting back and forth inside her rear with a bit of effort.

Fortunately, and perversely enough, it had only stretched her gradually, its slimy lubrication eliminating any uncomfortable friction, causing the invasive thrusting to be without pain. The downside was, she was starting to feel for it; her body reacted with pleasured twitches, and muffled whimpers of pleasure and humiliation sounded out against the first creature's underbelly.

That this was making her feel good at all... it was awful, horrible. Even more was the fact that these things were somehow so careful, so cautious not to cause any pain, despite the animalistic, instinctual manner in which these smaller aliens conducted themselves. The larger ones, though... everything they did was so deliberate, so forceful and invasive... but never harmful if they could help it.

And it seemed they could help quite a lot. Melissa hated it, like it made this situation any better. Yet she could not stifle the stimulated moans reverberating around the phallus of the face-hugging spider latched to her head, and against its underbelly. Her body twitched and heaved, the constant pumping from all three of them slowly building up a pressure in her loins, a sure sign of her impending climax. She couldn't stop it, and shame and hormonal pleasure from that inexorable fact caused confusion in her mind, and the calming scent being emanated by the creature humping her face only worsened her confusion.

They all thrust so deep, their shafts so long compared to their bodies, and so slick from their own lubrication that they could do so with ease. Her throat bulged out from the cock in her gullet, and she could feel the pressure from the two shafts in her nethers squashing against each other through the flesh and muscle that separated her two canals. It wasn't much, their girths only a little less thick compared to an average man's, compensated for by their great length, flexibility, and the sheer energy behind the rigorous pumping. The little beasts did not seem to tire, and they thrust away with great enthusiasm.

As much as Melissa wanted this horrible experience to end, in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but think about why this felt as good as it did. Every time she felt a spike in pleasure, her body would shudder, and she would clench down tightly around the rapidly thrusting shafts in all her three orifices, only enhancing the stimulation as a result.

This continued, gradually drawing closer towards her involuntary orgasm... until she couldn't hold back anymore, crying out into the underbelly of the spider against her face, shuddering and splashing juices against the underside of the beast to her crotch.

It seemed they sensed her ecstasy, and took that opportunity to finally release themselves, thrusting their phallic organs as deep into her holes as possible, their shafts throbbing vigorously, rippling as they poured some sort of substance, semen most likely, down her throat, into her stuffed womb and up her anus, the creatures releasing a strange, shrill chittering sound as they emptied themselves into her body. She gagged as the first's seed flooded her gullet, proving to be oddly pleasant in taste.

And slowly, they began to calm down, their humping and shivering slowing to a stop, until they began retracting their organs back into their bodies, having finished their task. They remained latched to her for a few moments, before she felt their tails ease their grip around her thighs and neck, before promptly releasing her, and jumping away to the ground, and the wall, scuttling away and disappearing into dark crevices and holes within the resin.

She coughed, spitting out a small amount of the creature's thick, almost jelly like cum, part of her wishing the taste was awful and bitter, but the flavour was decidedly gentle and mild. It only made her more indignant; the only part about this that was physically unpleasant was the lack of consent, and that she had been impregnated against her will with the spawn of these... things.

Melissa looked around, and saw that her fellows had been similarly subjected to the treacherous creatures of the eggs... though it wasn't just those spidery monsters leaving their now filled victims, but the men, it seemed, had been thoroughly milked by strange, tentacle-like organisms that had emerged from the eggs to suck their dicks dry, and now they were retreating back to their sacs for whatever reason, one still in the middle of suckling on a man's penis.

Its rippling contractions were reflected in the shuddering of the man, moaning erratically as he writhed and convulsed, like he was having a seizure. It too would finally end, and slowly release his softening manhood, returning to its egg and leaving him to pant heavily; Melissa could only imagine how overwhelmingly pleasurable that must have felt for him to react like that.

It was certainly not something she would ever know.

She looked around again, and noted that all the spidery beasts had left, and the tentacles for the men had returned to their eggs... though many remained unopened, likely ready for when she and her fellow captives were to be violated again. It made her want to vomit, especially now that her gut was filled with alien semen, but... she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't muster the disgust. It perplexed and terrified her... was part of her actually accepting this? She didn't want to believe that any part of her beyond the physical might have enjoyed this. But it wasn't a question she was able to easily answer anymore, and it made her fearful.

Beyond fear, she also felt weariness; between the emotional fatigue from her shame, fear and confusion, the bloated feeling from her gravid belly, and her gut now full of alien seed, and that being the only thing she's ingested since she'd been caught, she simply couldn't muster the energy to stay awake. She mentally kicked herself; how could she try and hold onto her sanity, and last until a rescue if she starved before any of that became pertinent?

She let out a sob, and sniffled, though part of her had hope that, if the aliens really did care enough about their captives to try and avoid harming them during their non-consensual carnal activities, they would be kind enough to feed them... or she might find herself starving to death.

She tried not to dwell on it, not when her eyes were feeling as heavy as they were. Eventually, she gave in to the fatigue and the exhaustion, unable to shed a single tear.


Strange feelings fluttered about within her mind. Melissa groaned quietly, just barely conscious, roused by something, but too tired to fully awaken. It was... pleasant, however; her throat felt like it was being soothed by a cool caress, something gliding down her gullet ever so smoothly. It somehow reassured her, as though welcomed into a warm embrace. More, it seemed to fill her with something... substantial, after the hunger she had felt brought about by her exertions.

Slowly, she began to open her eyes, to see what brought about this sensation... only to see an alien with one of its teats shoved between her lips, the creature slowly massaging its own mammary to produce a gentle flow of creamy, almost honey-like milk directly into her mouth. Melissa's eyes widened in a snap, and she began to exclaim in distress... but the creature brought its other hand up to clutch the side of her face, grazing its chitinous palm over her cheek and through her hair with an almost—no, not almost, it was affectionate, the sharp fingers gently raking through her brunette curls, massaging her cheek with a soft touch, and cradling her head lovingly.