Xenophilia - The Couple - Pt. 01

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A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
7.7k words

Part 31 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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Xenophilia -- The Couple -- Part 1


This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.


Will Ambrose had come here with his wife as a chance to find some work and be at the forefront of something real, to help build this colony from the ground up and secure a place in it in the years to come, hoping he could've raised a family here once it had grown to a sufficient level... and now, now he was running through the halls with Jess, his wife, his chest burning with fatigue and his mind racing and full of fear. Jess was lagging behind, but she wasn't asking to stop. She knew she couldn't. Will hoped that he could keep a hold of her hand and make sure she wasn't caught by... them.

He knew something wasn't right when people started disappearing. He didn't trust those two Weyland-Yutani scientists, and he didn't believe any of the explanations the CPA provided. He was even contemplating leaving on the next available ship out of here... but that wasn't going to happen now. Not since those things invaded the Colony in force, bursting from the shadows, from the vents and from every conceivable hiding place to overwhelm his friends, colleagues and everybody else, snatching them up and dragging them screaming into the darkness, taking them who knows where, if they didn't simply murder them in the ducts and leave their bodies to rot... but they weren't leaving bodies behind. Whatever they wanted the colonists for, Will was not going to let that be him, or his wife.

However, Jess eventually started to drag, and he felt her let go of his hand as she teetered towards a wall.

"I-I know we have to keep going, but... but I need... to rest," she said, her breathing ragged and uneven from exertion. The blonde-haired woman was pale, and she looked sickly from exhaustion, her skin clammy and her hair matted from the sweat. She was shivering, so Will was not going to try and urge her on, as much as they needed to keep moving; if he did, she could hurt herself terribly, and then they'd may as well be sitting ducks.

"Alright, but we can't stay for long... just, try to control your breathing, that might help," he said, shaking himself from fear and nerves. He kept looking around, trying to make sure nothing crept up on him, whilst also taking the opportunity to rest himself.

He suddenly heard a burst of muffled gunfire, the reverberant sound carrying through the infrastructure rather than around the corners of the hall. Someone was trying to defend themselves, but the abrupt stop to the sound unsettled Will; they either moved on, or were overwhelmed. He had hoped that he could've gotten his hands on a gun himself, but circumstances prevented him from even getting close to one, either because he saw shadows of those creatures or a person was snatched before their very eyes, prompting them to go in the opposite direction, away from the danger.

He knew there was an armoury on site, but he had no idea how to get into it, or if it was even safe to try. Right now, they were trying to get to the customs office, barricade themselves inside -- hopefully with enough food from the fridges the staff kept there to last until the next shuttle came -- and wait for rescue, where they could see the landing pad. He had no idea how many other people had a similar plan, but if they were willing to pool resources, they might've had a higher chance... as long as there was food to go around.

But he was admittedly distrustful of anyone he expected to meet, knowing that humans were violent and selfish creatures when thrust into chaotic situations... not entirely something he could blame, given the nature of survival and the instincts for it. But he had to keep his wife safe, and though he hadn't met anyone for long enough for his concerns to be put to the test, he didn't want to take more chances than he had to. As they were right now, remaining still and where they could be caught with little effort. At the very least, they were in a well-lit area, affording them the ability to observe their surroundings and hopefully catch a glimpse of any of those monsters before it was able to close in on them.

However, too much time eventually elapsed, and he leaned over his wife.

"Alright Jess, we gotta keep going. Come on, I'll carry you if I have to," he insisted. She looked up at him wearily, bags under her stormy blue eyes, and smiled affectionately.

"Hopefully not just yet, but thanks for the offer," she said. Will laughed, and helped her onto her feet, before the two began making their way once more, albeit at a slower pace now, not seeing any signs of pursuit or any of those creatures stalking them from the shadows.

They then came to a room, what looked to be a sort of server sub-farm, one of several scattered around the colony. They weren't much compared to the big, chilled rooms that had mist rolling around between the processor blocks, but they were typically very dark... and this one seemed like it was used as a thoroughfare. Will looked from left to right, and saw that the hallways that went around were blocked by furniture... no doubt last-ditch barricades set by people hoping to slow the aliens down.

There were often crates stacked almost to the ceiling all around the colony, among other things used by the construction workers and engineers... but looking through the glass window in the sliding doors to the server room, he saw no obstruction... he didn't like it, but perhaps people didn't have time to block off this room, or didn't think about it. All that he knew was that he had to go through if they wanted to get to the customs offices... there was no way they could backtrack now.

He cursed under his breath, before turning back to his wife and tightening his hand around hers, feeling Jess squeeze back.

"Stick close to me," he said, before opening the sliding doors, which hissed shut behind them. They made their way through the darkened server room, processor blocks -- like pillars connecting the ground to the ceiling -- and crates and other things set up in a haphazard manner that made it almost like a maze. They groped their way around the corners, before Will suddenly heard something, like a snapping against plastic. They both froze, and looked around frantically.

"Stay quiet," he said, crouching low to the ground, and hoping to avoid being seen if one of those things was indeed close by.

Unfortunately, for as cautious as he was trying to be, he did not see the chitinous hands suddenly reach from above and behind his head, even his wife failing to see the looming threat until it was too late, the lanky fingers wrapping around his shoulders. Will shouted with a start, before he was suddenly ripped away from the ground, shouting and hollering bloody murder as he was stolen away. He felt a powerful arm wrap around his torso, all whilst he could hear his wife screaming.

"Will! Will, god, Will! No!" was all he could discern from her cries of terror, the last glimpse of her being her hands reaching up for him, until he was carried away into a ventilation duct.

He was writhing around the entire time, struggling against his captor, but it was a hopeless affair; even for its size, and with him wriggling violently in its grasp, it was able to make its way through the ventilation duct without any apparent effort, dragging him along and keeping him from freeing himself until it was well away from that room... whereupon it suddenly smashed a grate down to the floor of another room below, and pulled him down with it as it dropped from the hole. He didn't know what kind of room it was or where, the light either off or non-functioning.

The alien proceeded to lay him out across the floor, and pin him down, lanky fingers wrapping around his wrists and holding them to the ground, whilst it straddled his waist, using its ankles to keep his legs just as pinned, leaving him with absolutely no leverage with which to use against this creature. He writhed beneath it, fear and adrenaline racing through his system until he heard it hiss softly... but there was something odd about the sound. It didn't seem simply animalistic or alien... there was an underlying growl to the noise, and it was like a pleased croon. And then... then he felt its hips sliding down his body, until it came to rest atop of his crotch... whereupon he felt it start to roll its hips in a rather fluid and lecherous manner, the sensation of soft flesh caressing his body as it did so.

He was taken aback, at first, utterly confused as to what was happening, before he felt moisture seeping through his clothing, wetting his groin and alerting to him what this creature was doing, especially as his eyesight began to adjust to the darkness, revealing more of the 'features' of this... creature.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he shouted, trying to squirm from side to side, but his writhing was futile. The alien seemed to chuckle in an animalistic, inhuman yet feminine way, appearing to be rather amused at his efforts... even delighted by his squirming. He made out a set of lips, luscious and feminine twisting into a devious grin, an oily tongue slipping from one corner of its mouth to the other, whilst a set of heavy breasts gently swayed above his head, the nipples erect with arousal.

More and more, he was able to make out the feminine features the creature possessed, such as the soft inner thighs -- which he was becoming unpleasantly familiar with -- and the smooth belly, complete with a shallow navel that seemed to accentuate the feminine curves of the alien's torso. It had soft palms as well, gripping his wrists tight enough to keep him restrained but not so tight it was painful, the undersides of her fingers, at least closer to the palm, similarly covered in skin compared to inky carapace, save for the end segments, entirely covered in a sharp chitin.

Its 'outer' edges appeared to be covered in a sort of hard chitin, yet in places, even this seemed soft and yielding, such as on the outer thighs. But, the most notable feature he was becoming familiar with was its groin... and the soft labia currently rubbing to his crotch through his pants, seeping fluids of arousal all the way to his penis... and much to his dismay, he began to grow erect, a bulge forming in his pants which only fuelled the alien's actions... and made the sensation all that more tantalising, now that it had something to grind against, sliding its slit up and down his tent whilst pushing down firmly, gyrating its hips from side to side in the process, causing his face to flush hot.

"N-No... get off me, you bitch!" he shouted, but the creature only gave him a toothy smirk in response. It had no eyes, no face above its mouth, but it had cheeks and lips, and enough of a countenance to be rather expressive, despite the dim light of the room. He strained against his captor, trying to resist the stimulation, but as much as he didn't want this, his body was reacting to the stimuli, seeming rather excited about the prospect of mating with this thing. He couldn't let that happen, his heart was reserved for Jess... but how could he stop it from taking what it wanted? It had carried him through a ventilation shaft like a doll, and was currently pinning him down without causing him too much distress or discomfort, despite the cold, hard floor beneath him... it didn't need to exert effort.

And the more he struggled, the more he invariably ground his shaft against the female's nether folds, which were constantly gyrating to his manhood through the material of his clothes. He gritted his teeth, trying to resist, but the warmth in his body was not going down, nor was the tingling sensation racing up and down his cock, now wetted by the lukewarm secretions of the alien's arousal. It was completely one-sided, Will unable to stop the female creature from getting what it wanted, until it stopped, if only briefly.

It lifted its hips away from his throbbing tent, and looked down with delight on its lips... before using its tail to push down against one of his wrists, allowing it to remove a hand and bring it to his groin, whereupon it began to tug down his pants, removing the belt and unbuttoning his trousers, its sharp fingertip ever so carefully crazing along the skin of his body, all so it could catch onto the edge of his underpants, and tug them down too, exposing his member slowly to the cool air of the room, the very sensation of his damp clothing sliding across his pulsating dick stimulating in of itself. He shivered and bucked upwards, groaning and suppressing pants of pleasure. He felt ashamed as the alien looked upon his manhood, feeling like he'd let down his wife.

Whether the alien knew - or cared - about that probably wouldn't have made a difference to its intentions. Now that his cock was exposed, it smirked deviously, licking its lips slowly before pushing its crotch back down onto his own, its nether folds wrapping around to either side of the topside of his girth, coating it in a layer of subtly oily fluids, as it began to grind its folds up and down his manhood, pushing down firmly and twisting side to side slightly, hissing and groaning as if in pleasure itself. Its hand had since gone back to his wrist, leaving its tail to wrap around his forehead and behind his skull, keeping it in position so that he couldn't look away, or bang it against the floor... deliberately or otherwise.

Pants were starting to leave his mouth now, the alien grinding slowly and with long strokes, from the very root of his cock, all the way until its soft folds were gently wrapping around his glans, causing shivers with each pang of pleasure he felt. He again and again tried to fight the alien, but each time, the creature kept him restrained, slowly rubbing its gash to his rod and soaking his groin in the fluids of its arousal. He shuddered and gasped softly, the tingling of pleasure radiating from his groin.

The female creature was... adept at this, and the fluid motions of its undulating torso and rolling hips ensured a constant, erotic stimulation, masterful, and yet as if it was all instinctual, as if the creature knew all of these moves, these techniques at birth, ingrained into their physiology. The creature leveraged its talent, bringing strained pants from Will, who tried so desperately to resist physically, but it was failing...

So he tried to resist in other ways. He reminded himself that this pleasure, though certainly very real, was not him betraying his wife... his heart was for her alone, and these things could not take that from him. If he just held on, he might've been able to fight back against them, maybe even find and save his wife... he just had to keep her in his mind, just had to believe that she was alright. He had to hold onto hope.

In the meantime, he had to give this creature what it wanted, though that didn't stop him from trying to resist at every moment. The man struggled against the female beast, and it pushed back, seeming to hiss in delight at his defiance. He stopped struggling, not wishing to give the creature what it wanted... he'd have to play it smart. And that wouldn't be easy, not with how intelligent these things seemed. Even more so now that he was being pinned down and raped by one.

It applied more pressure to his member, grinding its slit to his rod and caressing his flesh with its teasing touch, licking its lips as it leaned down close to run its tongue slowly up his cheek, causing him to mutter in disgust, yet shiver with stimulation. Its touch was lukewarm, much like its nether folds as they ground against his manhood... but somehow, that didn't seem to detract from its erotic nature, the lack of warmth not something that worked against its favour. It continued to gyrate its hips from side to side as it rolled up and down his cock, twisting and stimulating his penis in more than just one way. It made him shiver, twitch and buck involuntarily, gritting his teeth as the alien continued to run its tongue up and down his face, gliding its lips sensuously down to his neck, suckling against his throat and letting its tongue slip and roll across his skin.

A shuddering moan left his mouth, his lips quivering as he was subjected to this erotic torture, but he did his best to hold fast. But he could feel a pressure building in his loins, one that he couldn't keep down. The female was also starting to pick up the pace, grunting and panting against his neck as it rubbed itself faster against his dick, further quickening the inexorable approach of his orgasm. He was straining against the alien's grasp, but his body was weakening from the erotic stimulation, his skin prickling with goosebumps. He was going to explode soon.

"Nnf... I'll... kill you after this..." he threatened, prompting the alien to lift its head, and give him an amused smirk, only angering him that much more. But again, he was reminded that, no matter how angry he got, there was nothing he could do in this situation. He hated it, but at least he could try and keep himself composed, not let it get any other reactions out of him... it would extract pleasure from him, that much was certain, he couldn't avoid that, but at least he could deny it the satisfaction of getting a rise out of him... other than the building pressure in his loins, of course.

The alien, however, seemed to be losing itself in its own lust, panting and grunting inhumanly, grinding itself more vigorously to his member and causing its breasts to brush against his chest, all whilst it started lapping and suckling to his neck with a devious aggression, slurping and nibbling to his flesh relentlessly. He twisted beneath the female alien, trying to look away and somehow avoid its oral attention, but it was completely and totally engrossed in suckling on his neck like some twisted leech, its teeth gently grazing across his skin in the process.

And soon, he felt the pressure in his loins boil over, a strained groan leaving his mouth as he bucked upwards, his cock convulsing as semen spewed from the tip, staining what lower part of his stomach was exposed and the rest of his shirt, the alien slowing its efforts to a firm, slow grind against his manhood, pumping more out of him than he would've shot had it done nothing more. He grunted with each spurt, clenching his eyes shut as shame fell over his mind, but he strived to ignore it; this was physical pleasure, and as good as it was, he did not have any feelings for this creature... so it meant nothing to him.

Unfortunately for him, it seemed the alien had more in store for him, smirking and licking its lips as it suddenly moved to bind his wrists together with its dextrous tail, the sharp bladed tip digging itself into the ground just slightly for leverage to keep his arms restrained, allowing it to slide down his body, a final pang of stimulation causing him to shiver from the way its folds slid against his soaked manhood. It gave him a parting kiss on the chin, chuckling in its inhuman way as it crawled backwards, deliberately draping its breasts across his torso until the creature was sliding its hands down his hips, positioning itself between his legs.

He tried to kick at the creature, but he couldn't get a good enough angle to do so... and it was more than aware of his continued hostility. If anything, his defiance seemed to be anything but an annoyance or inconvenience... Will once again reminding himself that he shouldn't give it what it wanted... it was a game to it, and it enjoyed seeming him struggle helplessly. He couldn't give it that satisfaction.