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"Remember that girl told you, act like he right even when he wrong," Eunice reminded her sister.

"But it stink yeah," Norma complained.

"So? He your husband, go kiss him," Eunice ordered.

Finally, Buford had enough of the cigar and stamped it out. Before the trio had taken four steps, a young man was picking the cigar stub off the ground and lighting it.

"We'll come back tomorrow when the market's open," he promised.

"And you getting you another cigar?" Norma asked.

"Maybe," he lied, having no intention of getting a second cigar.

A street performer standing in Jackson Square grabbed Norma's hand and pulled her into his act.

"And what are you doing here in the French Quarter?" he asked as he handed her two apples to hold while he juggled three others.

"I'm on my honeymoon yeah," she said, which got some applause from the crowd.

"Your honeymoon?" the man asked, taking one of the apples from her and handing her another one.

"Yeah, that my husband right there," Norma said, pointing proudly to Buford.

"And where y'all from?" he asked as he took the apple from her other hand, handing her another apple.

"We from Jazz Beach," she declared.

"Where?" the man asked.

"DeGarde," Buford corrected.

"Sorry?" the juggler said.

"DeGarde," Buford repeated.

"No, I said 'I'm sorry,'" the man said which got a few laughs.

"Okay, now for this next trick I'm going to hand you a snake, okay?" the juggler said after he'd managed to get all five apples into the air.

"No!" Norma screamed and stepped back to the laughter of the crowd.

"All right y'all, how about a hand for my beautiful assistant who's here on her honeymoon from DeGarde, Louisiana?" he called out and the small crowd did applaud.

"Thank you, Norma," he said and continued to perform.

Buford dropped a ten dollar bill into the hat at the man's feet and nodded in appreciation.

"He wasn't really going give you no snake," Eunice was calming her sister down as they left the performance.

They returned to their hotel room and both girls seemed to think that dinner, a stroll around, and a cigar should have revived Buford's stamina and both were stripping his clothing off when the door shut behind them.

"He was able to make love to each sister once, but after that, his cock just did not revive.

Showering with his wife did almost bring some life into his cock, but he couldn't hold it for long.

"Love you yeah," she murmured as they slid into bed, Eunice already asleep on the other side of the large bed.

Chapter 13

Buford knew that Tammy Timmons was not happy but it took his threat to quit before she ceased with her snide comments about 'the kid.'

Clark Duhon smiled and shrugged.

"Remember what she was like when I married DebbiAnn?" Clark asked. "God, for months all I heard was 'just a child' and 'fascination with breasts' being muttered under her breath."

"Catch a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar," Buford commented.

His office work was strained for a while longer; Tammy ceased with the comments, but was extremely quick to criticize any flaw or perceived flaw, pouncing with glee on them.

Buford's home life was as close to paradise as he could imagine. Even as her belly grew, Norma would gladly fix him dinner. Eunice kept his house spotless.

He would come home and both girls pampered him. Both asked him about his day and both listened.

Dr. Peleour agreed that exercise was good for both mother and baby, so Norma and Eunice continued to dance, even as Norma's belly prevented them from dancing their waltzes. During waltzes and the announcements and comedians, Norma would crawl up into his lap. Then he would rub her belly, or he would ease her tee shirt up and smear the Vitamin E cream that the doctor had suggested, rub the cream into he skin.

Then she'd kiss him and wiggle off his lap to dance with her sister.

He did sleep in the middle, a sister flanking his left and his right.

Eunice, because she was able to bend easier, would suck him off. Then the two sisters would lean over him and share his semen with each other.

Then Norma would usually straddle him and he would push himself deep into her pussy.

On the few occasions that he did come in Norma's pussy, Eunice would crawl over him, lay her sister on her back, and then push her mouth over Norma's hairless slit. She would suck as much of Buford's semen from Norma, and then the two would again share the seed with each other.

If he managed to hold out, managed to satisfy Norma with one or two orgasms, then Eunice would straddle him and take his cock in her pussy or her ass.

If he ejaculated into her pussy, Norma would suck his seed out of her sister. Any time Eunice took his load in her ass, though, Norma did not attempt to take his seed from Eunice's ass.

Usually, watching one sister or the other sucking at her sister's pussy would give Buford a third erection. The third erection would usually go into Eunice's tight backdoor as soon as it was available.

The date for Alton's trial, which would probably be dismissed, was fast approaching. Sheriff Chastaine continued to send James Kowalski to the shack once a week, with no change.

Finally, three days before the trial, he paid Buford Theriot a visit.

"Congratulations," he smiled as Norma brought the two men cups of coffee.

"Thank you," she blushed prettily, arm over her belly.

"Oh, I was congratulating him," Bob smiled and she smiled a little wider.

"Oh, he know he lucky yeah," she smiled.

"Yes sir, I sure do," Buford agreed.

"Went to the cabin where your father in law lives..." Bob began.

"Me too," Buford said. "Paper we put there on the table day I come get Ooni and Norma? Still there."

"When was that?" Bob asked.

"Mmm, Saturday, right after that black cop came looking for Alton," Buford mused.

"Black... When was that again?" Bob asked.

"Norma, when'd that was?" Buford asked.

At his shack, Bobby Bordelon broke out into a cold sweat; he'd received a subpoena to testify at the trial of The People VS Alton Theriot. The thick sheaf of papers was very hard to read; Bobby had a sixth grade education and many of the legal terms confused and frightened him.

He decided he would enjoy his last few days of freedom, loaded up an ice chest with beer and peaches and took his air boat out into the heart of the Basin.

The leaves were beginning to bud after the harsh winter; Bobby mourned that he would not be there for the spring season, would not be there for the sweltering humidity of the summer. He mourned that he would not be there for deer season, that the venison jerky he was gnawing on would be the last venison jerky he would enjoy.

He piloted the boat by the sandbar; the pirogue was slightly more visible after the brutal winds of winter had blown some sand away, but from a few yards away, it still looked like a cypress root.

After the last beer had been consumed and the last peach, a very soft peach had been hurled at a large ant pile, Bobby tearfully returned home.

He had one suit; a suit that had fitted him well ten years ago. Now, he could not even button the coat and had to shove the trousers way down underneath his belly to button them.

Bobby wished his daddy was around; his daddy was the one knew how to knot a tie.

His daddy would have told him how to handle this mess he was in.

At the Theriot home, Sheriff Bob Chastaine scraped the last of the rice and gravy from his plate. He had tried three times to decline the hospitality, but it was damned hard to say 'no' to not one but two beautiful young women. Besides, the smells were unbelievable.

"Good God would love to just..." he muttered to himself as he watched the brunette sister gathering the plates.

He was facing the front wall, which gave him an unobstructed view of her as she bent over to put the dirty plates into the dishwasher. Her loose shorts billowed open and he could see she wore no panties. He wasn't entirely sure; there was a shadow, but it did look as if she had no hair on her pussy.

"Stop it," he chided himself. "She's only eighteen years old, for God's sake."

He thanked the Theriots for their hospitality and finally left.

"Come see," Buford ordered Eunice, smiling.

"Yeah?" she asked, stepping next to his chair.

"Just checking," he said, his hand going up the leg of her shorts.

Her smooth pussy was lightly moist but very quickly became wet as he played wither pussy.

"Checking what?" she asked then kissed him hotly.

"Seeing if that sheriff got you all hot and bothered," he admitted.

Eunice looked at him and realized, Buford was jealous. Her Buford was jealous of another man.

"You the only man for me," Cher," she whispered, kissed him again, then wiggled away so that she could finish cleaning the kitchen.

"Want to check me?" Norma asked, already pushing the hem of her maternity pants down her belly.

"Yeah," Buford agreed.

Her pussy was quite wet and he quickly fingered her to an orgasm.

Bob drove back to the DeGarde Police Department and asked Cindy Villeaux, the department's Secretary to convene a Grand Jury for the next morning. He would not tell her what it was for, but she was pretty sure, judging from the look on his face. He had that look whenever a fellow police officer did something wrong.

Cindy quickly sent out the communiqué and within the hour had the confirmation on Sheriff Chastaine's desk.

At the Buford house, Norma, Eunice, and Buford were playing Norma's favorite game, picking names for the baby. Dr. Peleour had confirmed that it was a boy.

"Rumplestiltskin?" Buford suggested.

"No!" Norma giggled.

"Galahad?" Eunice suggested.

"Ooh, that's a good one; how about Lancelot?" Buford threw out.

"You being silly yeah," Norma giggled as Eunice rubbed the vitamin cream into her belly.

"My daddy's name was Garland," Buford said.

"That's a good one," Eunice agreed.

"Too bad it's not a girl; we could call her Mary," Buford mused. "Mary Mary quite contrary."

The next morning, the Grand Jury did agree to proceed to trial against Officer Vernon Brown. But Officer Vernon Brown took his service revolver and ate a bullet before he could be brought in.

Sheriff Bob Chastaine decided to swing by the shack of Alton Theriot himself. The shack was beginning to show signs of neglect; it was obvious that no one had been there in a while.

That fact notwithstanding, Judge Steven Hill did issue a bench warrant for Alton Theriot.

On his second trip to the Theriot shack, Bob Chastaine was approached by a tearful Bobby Bordelon.

Chapter 14

The birth of Garland Alton Theriot was almost without incident. Norma woke up, felt a little funny, but went about helping Eunice prepare the breakfast. For some reason, though, she just wasn't hungry.

A few minutes after he pulled out of the driveway, Buford's cell phone rang.

"You need come back right now," Eunice demanded.

As usual, Norma sat in the front seat, occasionally grunting, but otherwise very calm. Eunice was the one that was growing more and more frantic, ordering Buford to hurry.

Dr. Peleour smiled as he walked into the delivery room.

"Now this is how I like it," he declared. "Let me have my breakfast, even a second cup of coffee, THEN get me down here."

"We having a baby; how you making jokes?" Eunice screamed at him.

"Okay, one Epidural for the aunt, does the daddy need one?" Dr. Peleour said and checked Norma's progress.

"Daddy's fine," Buford smiled and put an arm around Eunice.

Eunice burst into tears when Norma groaned in pain.

"Baby, it's going to be okay,'" Buford assured Eunice.

"Come see," Norma ordered.

"I'm good," she whispered to her sister. "My sister's here; ain't nothing ever happen to me my sister here take care of me."

"I love you so much yeah," Eunice sobbed.

"I know that," Norma said. "Ooni, I know that; and you know I love you too right?"

Two hours later, with a grunt and a scream, Norma delivered the baby. Eunice missed the miracle; she was laying on a gurney unconscious.

"He look like you yeah," Norma declared to Buford.

"What, fat, bald, and toothless?" he joked.

"Congratulations; you're an Aunt," Buford teased Eunice when she came to.

At the office, Buford handed out bubble gum cigars. Clark, however, took Buford to The Dead End bar where the two men indulged in real cigars, two or three frosty mugs of ice cold beer, and stuffed pork chop plate dinners.

Both men, realizing that they were too drunk to drive, called Clark's wife to come get them.

"You know, since we have a ride coming," Buford said.

"Way ahead of you," Clark said, waving the attractive waitress over and ordering another beer for them.

DebbiAnn smirked as she marched into the bar to yank the two drunk men out of the lounge.

"Come on, 'Daddy,'" she smirked as she shoved Buford toward the door.

Outside, she put her husband into the front seat of the mini-van and stuffed Buford in the rear set, between the two child seats.

"Get used to it," she counseled. "By the way, went and seen the baby; he's a real cutie-pie."

"Thanks, oh, hey, want a cigar?" Buford said, then handed her one of the bubble gum cigars.

"Oh cool, thank you; love sour apple," DebbiAnn laughed.

"And when you seen the baby, you have to push Ooni out of the way?" Buford laughed.

"Wouldn't let me touch him, that's for sure," DebbiAnn smiled. "Now, where to? Work? Or Home?"

"Hospital, I guess," Buford said.

"Work. Or Home. Those are your two choices and I say home wins," DebbiAnn said.

"And what about me?" Clark asked.

"Home," DebbiAnn said. "I seen me a baby and you know what that means."

"You want you another baby," Clark said.

"Problem?" she asked, smiling.

"No, no problem," he smiled.

Buford figured if they did conceive a baby that day, it would be only through DebbiAnn's persistence. Clark was snoring heavily by the time they reached Buford's house.

"Where you at?" Eunice's voice grated in his ear when Buford answered his phone a few hours later.

"Oops, be right there," he promised, then called Rapid Cab. The promise of a twenty dollar tip got the cab driver out there within the hour.

"Aw, yeah, that's nice place; what's the special today?" the cab driver asked when Buford told him to take him to the Dead End.

"Pork chops, I think," Buford shrugged.

"Man, they good, yeah," the cab driver agreed as Buford got out of the cab.

The next day, Norma, Garland, and Eunice came home.

Ooni, come see," Buford finally ordered Eunice.

Reluctantly, Eunice left Norma and the baby and followed Buford down the hall to the living room.

"Need leave them alone for a bit," Buford ordered, pulling Eunice into his lap.

A moment later, the exhausted Eunice was sound asleep, curled up in his lap.

Buford reclined the chair and took a nap as well.

When Eunice did wake, she frantically scrambled off of Buford's lap and ran to the bedroom.

"Oh!" she sighed, watching as Norma cradled the baby in her arms, breast-feeding the infant.

Milk dribbled freely from her unattended breast and Norma calmly dabbed at the flow with a towel.

"Aw Cher, come see the baby?" Norma quietly asked her sister.

Eunice crawled into the bed and watched the sleepy baby suckling from his mother.

"That beautiful yeah," she sighed.

"It messy yeah," Norma corrected and again wiped the milk from her belly and breast.

"No, it's beautiful," Buford said.

"Hey," Norma smiled up at him.

"That has got to be one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen," Buford said as he watched the infant's feeding.

"What it taste like?" Eunice asked.

"Here, you tell me," Norma said and pulled the towel away from the leaking breast.

Eunice gave it a gentle suck then made a face.

"Ooh I don't like that me," she shuddered.

"He does," Buford laughed.

"Aw it ain't that bad, huh?" Norma asked and caught some of the leaking milk on a finger tip.

She made a face, and then shrugged.

Buford moved Eunice out of the way and also tried tasting the mother's milk.

"Well, Garland," he said. "There'll be plenty of milk for you; I won't be taking it away, that's for sure."


Buford had Alton buried in the small cemetery in Jazz Beach, next to the graves of his mother and father. Eunice and Norma did shed some tears over their father and expressed great anger at Bobby Bordelon's act of cowardice.

None of them realized that, in a small grave just three plots over; lay the remains of Celeste Theriot, Eunice and Norma's mother. The woman had simply disappeared one day, leaving a then fifteen year old and thirteen year old Norma and Eunice to be raised by their confused and angry father.

But the 'High Life' of New Orleans, Louisiana had left Celeste bitter and jaded after only three years and she began making plans to come home. A drunk driver ran her over one morning as Celeste staggered across Canal Street. Alton didn't tell the girls; they'd been very angry at her leaving. He just quietly buried Celeste in his family's plot, told her he still loved her, then went home and began using Norma as he had used his wife. The eighteen year old Norma seemed to like being used just as much as Celeste had enjoyed it, so after a while, Alton forgot about Celeste being dead and gone.

"Clark's?" Buford asked when the two girls and the infant were safely buckled into the car.

"Thank you; you a good husband," Norma quietly said.

"What? Why? 'Cause I take you to Clark's?" Buford asked.

"No, 'cause you buried my daddy," Norma said.

"I'm getting me a 'Goliath,'" Eunice declared from the back seat.

She wiggled forward and put a hand on Buford's shoulder.

"Remember? I'm eating for two," she said.

The End.

**Author's Note" I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment.
Thank you for reading my stories.
Yes I need an Editor
Yes it jumps around too much.
Yes there's too many people to keep track of.
Yes this is stupid shit.
Yes I suck.
And you have yourself a super sparkly day.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This was a great story. I'm surprised it doesn't have a higher score. The dialogue was very pleasant to read with the Cajun dialect and really made the story and characters. First story I've read of yours, but I will definitely be reading more. 5/5

ToughSailorToughSailor7 months ago

The plot line notwithstanding, this was one of the most enjoyable reads I've ever encountered on this site yeah. What made is so great was the way you were able to couch the story in the vernacular of the Cajun culture. Please more of the same . Just try to remember the rule that there is no 'th' in the language . . . .

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great Story

This man is a truly great storyteller!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Loved It

Dark and sexy

txcrackertxcrackerover 3 years ago
Just reread it !

It's still great.

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