XXX-Women Ch. 01

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Ilsa, She-Bitch of the SS.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/24/2022
Created 06/23/2004
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Ilsa, She-Bitch of the SS

NOTE: is you just wanna get to the nasty stuff, you can skip the marked-off section that deals with the background and set-up...

* * * * *

The Premise:


After founding the original X-Men, Professor X was often found to be missing or believed to be dead or off on some secret mission he told no-one about. In truth, Professor X was training an entirely different, totally new team of mutants. These mutants he isolated from the others for several reasons.

Firstly, he felt this second team was in need of more help than the other team, they had darker histories and were not likely to be accepted by the first team readily. Secondly, he felt that having a backup team was a good idea, in case anything ever happened to one of the teams.

He also felt it important to not tell either team about the existence of the other- this way they could not implicate each other in any way and not become a liability to the other should anything unforeseen happen.

Finally, the new group was formed entirely of women. Professor X had seen how women were being treated differently, how society was prejudiced against them. He wanted his students to feel equal to anyone, to not have any feeling of being inferior. He could see how Marvel Girl had been subconsciously limiting the use of her powers due to her generally submissive feminine attitude in a group with 4 other men constantly gawking at her and treating her like a "girl". He had considered transferring her to the new group, but did not want anyone to have knowledge of both teams.

Professor X started this second team in California. The only other living person who know of the existence of both schools is Moira MacTaggart. This is the story of how the XXX-Women came to be.

The founding team was comprised of (in order of recruitment) Miss Morph – a shapeshifter and flesh morpher, Supernova – a beautiful Italian girl with the power to start fires, Ilsa – a tall, strong German girl with the power to cancel out other mutant's powers, Jade – a super-strong and invulnerable but shy she-male and Nervosa – a brooding goth girl with the power to manipulate other people's nervous systems.

At one point, Professor X was out of commission (or missing in space or pretending to be dead, etc.) and the two teams, unaware of the other's existence, met and battled one another. This occurred four times.

Once before the second X-Men team was formed (around issue 60 or so), once shortly before Marvel Girl became the Dark Phoenix (around issues 120 – 130), once just after Kitty Pryde had joined the team (around issues 140 – 145) and once again after Rogue joined the X-Men (around issues 171 – 173).

The first encounter occurred while Professor X was away. The second encounter happened while Professor X was there, but he stayed quiet and observed the outcome, ensuring that no-one got seriously hurt. The third time the XXX-Women had decided they didn't need him. Professor X told his X-Men the truth about the other team and told them to stop them. They failed and the other team escaped, but took Storm and Kitty with them for several months.

The final conflict came when they decided to "steal" Rogue, Kitty and Storm (the female members of the X-Men) and failed.

Mystique later was off-and-on-again affiliated with the XXX-Women and X-Men, sometimes serving as their leader. At other times, the White Queen has run either of the teams.

The Characters (only those used in this story):

Shadowscat (Kitty Pryde) - Phase-shifting member of the X-Men, Jewish.

Storm (Ororo Munroe) - Black, beautiful weather-controlling member of the X-Men, protective of Kitty.

Goliath (Luke Powers) - Formerly power-man, a huge black man with a dominant nature.

Anaconda & Black Mamba - Goliath's twin sisters, each almost as super-strong as he is, and as well hung!

Das Bitch (Ilsa Von Deitch) - Uber-female, product of Nazi genetic experiments, has the ability to neutralize other mutant's powers.

Toilette (Sabine Leh) - Ilsa's french toilet slave.

Greta – Ilsa's younger sister, short cropped blonde bob, thin.

* * * * *

Now actively looking for new students, Professor X heard of a German teenager who was unusually tall and strong. There were rumors that she was some sort of Aryan or Nazi genetic experiment, but Ilsa had no knowledge of her parents or her past. Cerebro detected the X-Factor in her, but no clear indication of her mutant powers was evident. She was tall and strong due to having three X chromosomes like the other two students.

Professor X concentrated his search on the extraneous third X chromosome since it seemed all three girls owed their mutation to genes on that chromosome. While he was studying her case, she was attacked by another group of mutant who tried to recruit her to their gang. When she fought them, she was able to automatically cancel their powers by touching them.

Local authorities thought nothing of it, thinking the attacking mutants just screwed up. But Xavier quickly recruited her, cautious about her ability to cancel his telepathy. He told her he could help her control her powers, but she wasn't interested. When he said he could use her help controlling other new student's unpredictable, untrained and potentially dangerous powers, she seemed interested and joined the team. Professor X was concerned with her seeming lust for control, dominant nature and apparent racism, but thought it was important to keep her on the team.

Unable to read her mind, he was taken by surprised when, years later, she betrayed the team and formed a neo-Nazi lesbian organization comprised of Aryan women and headquartered in Bavaria. She took with her a couple of Xavier's young students (her French "protégé", Toilette, her younger sister, Greta and two blonde female students Kirsten and her sister, Justine) as well as a large amount of money, equipment and research.

She had been faking her ignorance of her past, in reality Ilsa is the product of Nazi genetic engineering, their own uber-serum. She is the child of two "Aryan-pure" uber-soldiers and is more powerful than both of them combined. She ages very, very slowly. She is 6 feet, 4 inches tall, muscular but lean, has short, cropped blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She is also a complete white supremacist and Nazi. She believes Aryans are the master race and that it is their birthright to dominate all inferior races.

Her personal slave is Toilette, a French girl named Sabine, one of her first and favorite conquests. When Ilsa was back in Europe with the XXX-Women, Ilsa caught the French girl in Ilsa's hotel room, sniffing her panties. Ilsa proceeded to rape the shit out of her and use her as a human toilet day and night for the entire three months that the XXX-Women were in France. She brought Sabine back to the States with her to keep, as if she were simply her property, like a toothbrush or hotel towel she could just steal.

Sabine shows no signs of super powers or mutation or any X-factor. She has no education or real skills of any kind. Ilsa genetically modified her to never age and has had her for quite some time. Toilette is weak, but invulnerable and only speaks French. She has long ago given up resisting Ilsa, having tried to escape several times only to be caught and punished every time (a few times when the tried to escape and was caught, Ilsa took a member of her family and tortured them – her younger sister was sold into the German scat porn business and became a porn star, her mother works at a German lesbian scat club as a slave).

Ilsa uses Toilette whenever, wherever and however she wants, but primarily as her personal toilet and as the toilet of all of her elite Nazi Superwoman (Gretchen, Hilda, Frigga, Greta, Inga, etc.). Toilette is never referred to as a human being, and never by name. She is never bathed nor cleaned and never seen in public. Her diet consists only of the waste of her Nazi mistresses (something they tell her is the highest honor a mongrel mutt of a bitch like her could ever hope to aspire to).

Ilsa also loves capturing and enslaving Storm and Kitty Pryde as they are black and Jewish, respectively. Storm is fairly weak and pacifistic, easy to subdue. Ilsa loves to make her eat her out and be her toilet. But her favorite slave is Kitty Pryde, the young, Jewish X-Man. Not only is it the subjugation of the Nazi's most hated racial enemy, but it is also torturous to Storm to see her beloved "Kitten" be used in such a way.

Storm and Kitty have an odd relationship. Kitty sees Storm as a kind of mother figure and sleeps with her and suckles milk from her huge breasts. Storm is very protective of her. Storm does not enjoy being used and subjugated by Ilsa, but she lacks the confidence to try to take her on, especially since Ilsa's mutant power is the ability to negate the X-factor in anyone she touches.

Kitty, on the other hand, secretly enjoys being so completely subjugated by Ilsa. Particularly, she has learned to love the taste of shit, especially during the thirty days she was held captive by Ilsa in her Bavarian stronghold before being rescued. At first she fought Ilsa, but it was not long before she was having the most incredible orgasms of her young life while choking down a load of the Nazi bitch's shit. She personally thinks Ilsa and her beliefs are insane, but she cannot deny the sexual ecstasy she gets from eating steaming hot shit straight from her Aryan poopchute.

Ilsa loves the fact that, of all of her slaves, Kitty is the most eager and turned on by being a shit slave. For her, it affirms her belief that Jews are the lowest of all races and were made to serve the white master race (she, herself, finds shit repugnant and would never touch it and hates the smell of it – which is why she instructs her toilets to eat it straight from her ass with no shit or gas leakage – so she doesn't have to smell her own shit).

Ilsa used Kitty constantly while she held her captive and came to call her "Shitty" as a pet name. After Kitty was rescued (somewhat reluctantly), she masturbated several times a day thinking of eating Ilsa's shit. When she went to the bathroom, she would eat her own shit and frig herself, pretending it was Ilsa's.

She eventually convinced Storm to shit in her mouth a few times, but, after being caught by the Professor, Storm was too ashamed to continue (she felt it was demeaning to Kitty). Kitty turned to her friend Illyana who gladly agreed to her requests and happily shat in her mouth, though she doesn't get a great thrill out of it (demon sex and rape are her thing). Kitty still yearns for the taste of Ilsa's shit – her favorite.

Ilsa's only source of shame and frustration come in the form of Anaconda (the super-strong black she-male), her twin sister Black Mamba, and their brother Goliath (the black superhero and international porn star, on record as having the largest dick in porn).

Her first defeat came at the hands of Anaconda. Anaconda interfered with one of her operations when she came across two of Ilsa's super-nazi girls in a bathroom and they started throwing racial slurs at her. Anaconda viciously raped both of them and thoroughly humiliated them.

Ilsa, upon learning of this, became enraged and vowed to hunt Anaconda down and make her pay like none had before. She fanned the flames of national and racial pride in her girls and gathered them all to track down Anaconda and take their vengeance upon her. They rallied around Ilsa and easily found and confronted Anaconda. Ilsa, wanting to restore the morale and confidence of her girls in both her and their superiority as Aryans, challenged Anaconda to single, hand-to-hand combat.

She was surprised to find that her power to negate another's power did not work on Anaconda, and the black bitch was as strong as her, if not stronger. After a long, drawn out battle, Anaconda pinned her and anally raped her in front of all of her super-nazis who stood by, shocked, and watched. After she came up Ilsa's ass, she shoved her huge, shit-covered black cock all the way down the defeated and exhausted Ilsa's throat and came some more, eventually releasing a bladder full of piss into Ilsa's stomach.

Ilsa, beaten and humiliated, was left dripping thick black cum from her ass and mouth and coughing up the black woman's piss while Anaconda simply walked away, unchallenged. Ilsa was brought back to Bavaria and nursed back to health by her loyal super-nazi girls.

But her favorite and most loved and closest of her Nazis, her younger sister, Greta, decided she would get revenge herself. She pledged to Ilsa, who was delirious and drifted in and out of consciousness, that she would exact revenge on the black mud-whore Anaconda, and restore honor to the Aryan race.

She concocted a plan to ambush Anaconda with the rest of the super-nazis and left for America. When Ilsa finally came around, the defeated Nazis had long ago returned, all save Greta, who had been captured by Anaconda and had not been heard from since. Frantic, Ilsa searched for Anaconda and Greta for months, but could not find her.

Finally, one day Greta came staggering back into Ilsa's mansion in Bavaria. She was filthy and had been thoroughly used in every way imaginable. She was still wearing her torn Nazi uniform, now stained with several months' worth of black cum, piss and shit, as well as her own vomit. And, to everyone's horror, she was six months pregnant!

Anaconda had fucked her non-stop and filled her with "grade-A prime choice black baby seed", as she put it. All sorts of black power slogans and derogatory slurs about "white bitches" were written or tattooed all over Greta.

Ilsa was not able to fix all of the damage or abort the pregnancy, but she was able to suspend it until she could find a way to abort it. Greta cried every day and was useless, refusing to leave her bed.

Ilsa determined to crush Anaconda once and for all and developed an even more potent, though temporary, uber-serum that gave he strength that rivaled Anaconda's.

Unfortunately, when she attacked Anaconda, she was met, also, by her identical twin sister, Black Mamba. The two thoroughly raped and used her as a toilet and video taped it before she escaped.

A third time, Ilsa was about to get revenge on Anaconda and Black Mamba both using a device designed to incapacitate women, but was surprised to find Goliath at their "crib" in Harlem instead, with a harem of thoroughly used white women.

She figured she could take him out easily and do to him what the sisters had done to Greta. But he easily overpowered her and raped the shit out of her. Anaconda and Black Mamba returned home and all three of them triple-teamed her all weekend.

Then they injected her with her own power-negating serum she planned on using against Anaconda & Black Mamba and brought her to a prison and taped a massive gang-bang scene and sold it for a huge profit – it was the number one selling tape of the year and became a cultural phenomenon in the black community. Her name and likeness even appeared in rap songs and videos.

Humiliated beyond all belief, she returned home to Bavaria to once again plot some kind of revenge. But Goliath, Anaconda and Black Mamba have promised to come get her themselves some day when they are ready to make the sequel... and they plan to take Ilsa, Greta and the rest of her lesbian Nazi uber-girls to the Motherland, Africa, for the Ultimate gang-bang. Needless to say, there are the only people Ilsa fears.


Disclaimer: nobody in this story is younger than 18.

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GayKatGayKat6 months ago

Hot and Very Sexy,,, Yes!


Hallo Scatwoman!


Queen Jackie and I both agree this was extremely hot and very sexy. ... Thank you, 5-Stars!


I'm your Aryan, Katrina Mannheim Crowhurst, I have blonde hair with blue eyes,,, I'm not a big muscular woman but I am not small either, at 5'10 + and 173 lbs, with B-cup breasts, and the physique of a runner. ... I'm trained in and I train both women and a few men in hand to hand combat, fighting with light pointed weapons and kick fighting!..


I have found that just telling some guys, "No thank you, or not interested, and even get lost fuck-head I'm a lesbian!", just didn't seem to register to him or his buddy's like it does when one of them is on the floor spitting up blood!


I grew up in a group home in Poysdorf, Austria, but because I was a lesbian prostitute!... I had to move around a lot, mostly in central Europe!... Even though I speak several languages, my first language is Austrian-German or to be more precise Bavarian, sometimes called Austro-Bavarian, and I am able to write to you with a German to English translator and spell check, but this is not foolproof so I will apologize in advance for my spelling and bad grammar!... My English is getting better but I still struggle with crazy English words that sound the same but are spelled different, or that are spelled the same and have different meanings..


My wife's family originally came from Benin, in West Africa, she is truly my "African Dahomey Amazon warrior" Queen Jackie is a beautiful African American, she stands 6'4 + and 254 lbs, with DD-cup breasts... yes she's a big woman, and not one ounce of fat, and like myself she's also trained in hand to hand combat... so best not to piss her off!


I cannot tell you how sexually excited, I get as my Beautiful African Queen is feeding me her steaming hot shit straight from her hairy black rectum, followed by my favorite hot piss chaser,,, yes! Yum-yum.


Nun, ich schätze, ich bin nicht ganz der arische weiße Rassist, den Sie erwartet haben? Entschuldigung, hahaha!


Her Royal Majesty the Black Queen 👩🏿 and her aryan slave gaykat 👩🏼‍!


EugeneSelfishEugeneSelfishalmost 5 years ago
This is hilarious!

A great mix of categories and fetishes. The absurdity of it all was hilarious. I laughed out loud about 10 times while reading it.

Terribly gross, but did you ever see the original "Ilsa: She-Wolf of the SS"? Could have been fleshed out into a more complete story -- but then again, maybe it's best left in this outline/summary form. lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Awesome Stuff Here!

It is rare 2 find racism in Porn recently, but this was well-done, indeed ! I hope the blacks PAY 4 screwing with ILsa & her ladies. OMG, they'd BETTER pay 4 that. How awful 4 a lovely German woman 2 be abused so, by BLACKS of all creatures! Nasty. Well-written, scatwoman. Heil ILsa!

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