Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 01: Two Peas in a Pod


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The monitor got me again. It showed what Myra was shooting from behind us. We were in one of my favorite positions from online porn, the piledriver. I had never tried it on Jory because it was too violent.

As her butt collided with my pelvis so hard that it rattled my bones, I was starting to breathe faster.

I heard Jory sobbing. She screamed at Myra in a horrible, agonized voice.

"Myra! Myra! How much time left, Myra?"

"One minute," Myra said, and I relaxed. I thought I could hold out that long. But Jory reached behind me and pulled at my butt cheeks and I felt something warm and oily on my hole. She had her finger there, rubbing up and down. Then she thrust it into me.

I exploded into her with my body shaking crazily. I couldn't control myself and kept on slamming into her as I heard Myra's voice.

"Fifteen minutes."

As I finally slowed, I felt Jory squirming and pushing beneath me frantically. She even kicked at me. Her voice was an angry growl, and when she succeeded in pushing my limp body off her, she turned, slapped me hard on my face and began sobbing. I saw that her face was contorted in rage.

"That was totally depraved," she said, sputtering and spitting her words out. "How can any man enjoy doing that to a woman? Even the lowest animal couldn't do anything more disgusting. You squeeze me together and then pulverize me like a sledgehammer."

"I'm so sorry," I said. I didn't know what else to say.

She stopped talking and glared at me for a minute with her chest heaving. She got up and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower running, but it didn't drown out her sobs.

When she came out ten minutes later bundled in her soft terrycloth robe, her eyes were dry and she had a weak smile on her face.

"I apologize, Ken. I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. It was the pain talking, not me. Please forget what I said."

As she spoke, she was shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot until she went over to a chair near the bed and sat down. It didn't seem to help ease her discomfort.

"I really fucked up big time," I said. "You're never going to forgive me for this. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now."

"You can't imagine -- HA! HA! HA! HA! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!"

I watched her as she first burst into uproarious laughter which quickly turned into painful cries until she forced herself to silence.

"We need to stop joking around for the next month or so," she warned with a wan smile. "It hurts even more when I laugh."

"What was so funny?"

"What you said, but you said a couple of things that were serious, too, so let me think for a moment. don't want to fuck up big time."

I watched her as she thought and stared into space. I was exhausted physically from all the strenuous sex and mentally from trying to play Jory's strange game, but she seemed to be perking up. When she spoke, it looked like she was talking to someone else because she wasn't facing me.

"No! I won't deny there will be hatred for a while. It's so strong in me right now that you can probably feel it from where you are.

She didn't sound convincing. It felt more like she was trying to talk herself into something. She continued in the same vein.

"I'm glad you brought that up about fucking up our marriage and not being able to forgive. You made me think about whether I made a mistake in planning this morning. After giving it some thought, I decided it might be rough for a while, but in time, everything is going to be fine."

Her voice changed as she went on. She seemed to have dismissed her doubts and began sounding more positive and even energetic. How could she not be more worn out than I was?

"It's not your fault anyway, so don't feel guilty. The whole thing was my idea. And I'm excited about winning the last fifteen minutes. I went all out and beat you at the buzzer. I made you come four times in our game. Now it's time to tell you what that number means."

As she continued to talk, I thought I heard the front door open downstairs, but my attention was immediately diverted when Myra came over to me on the bed, squatted down in front of me, grabbed my balls and fiddled with them for a second before letting them go.

She got on the bed behind me and encircled me with her long powerful arms, holding me tight. I tried to escape her grasp, but I was too worn out and weak. My efforts didn't budge her.

I looked over at Jory, who was still smiling at me and talking. Something told me I needed to get out of there, but I had to gather some strength first, so I just listened.

"Remember when I told you how I was repulsed and excited at the same time when I watched your websites, and both reactions got stronger when I explored other sites that were even more vile?

"It made me think of your birthday present. At first, as I began working on it, I had some reservations. Then one day, I thought about my birthday, a week later, and I had a stroke of genius.

"In an instant, I was totally motivated because I realized how I could make this an even deeper expression of our relationship. We are attuned in so many ways that other couples aren't. Who would ever guess we both enjoy watching depraved sex?

"To go with your unforgettable birthday surprise, a matching present for my birthday would make it perfect. Twin presents, parallel presents: a porno for you and a porno for me.

"Given that you're a man and I'm a woman, how could I make them almost exactly the same? I found my answer on the cuckold websites.

"Most of the videos showed a wife, or an actresses pretending to be a wife, forcing her husband to watch her having sex with another man and then eating the man's come out of her pussy or ass. I don't want to have sex with anyone but you, so that was out, but I saw other things that would work for my video.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in, Barclay."

I turned and saw a large muscular man walk into the bedroom. I hadn't heard him come up the stairs.

Jory ignored him and continued talking.

"Myra found Barclay for me. He's a pro. He's tested every month to make sure he's a hundred per cent safe. Today he'll be my surrogate.

"We're going to shoot exactly the same nine scenes as we just shot. The only difference is that this time, you're going to be me, and Barclay is going to be you."

I strained against Myra, but I didn't get anywhere.

Jory smiled at my efforts.

"I couldn't think of a way to talk to you about my birthday gift because it would have spoiled your surprise. I know exactly what you're feeling right now. You don't want to do it.

"We're so much alike! I didn't want to do it either. I was scared to death of what you'd do to me, and I was right to be scared.

"We both know that part of the thrill is knowing that the woman is not doing it because she wants to. I watched the same videos you watched. While she's degraded and in pain or discomfort, she may try to pretend she's liking it, but her twisted face and frantic eyes give her away. That's why it's fun to watch the videos.

"The whore on the website gets paid for her pain and humiliation. My payment for what I just went through was that I created a unique gift that you'll love.

"I won't lie and tell you that was the only thing on my mind when I was making your video. When things got really bad, I was thinking a lot about the video we're about to shoot. It helped keep me going. You could call that another payment.

"One thing gave me pause. I had weeks to think about it before deciding to do it. But because Myra's only here for today, I had to decide for you. That wasn't hard because I knew you'd agonize about it and be frightened and worried and sick to your stomach.

"That's how miserable I was. I almost called it off a few times. I saved you the weeks of mental agony and condensed them into the few minutes I'm spending explaining my gift. We're like two peas in a pod. I knew after you thought about it for a while, you would decide to do it for me. Just like I decided to do it for you.

"Even though I made your decision, I also gave you a veto. Maybe I was wrong about you. You wouldn't be excited about sexually humiliating me. If you had called it off downstairs, I would have sent Myra home and spent the day thinking up another present. When you agreed to your present, you also agreed to mine."

"But you're wrong," I said and tried to stand up. I was trying to shout, but my voice was weak.

"I expected you to say that," Jory said. "I can see you're feeling exactly the way I felt when we started your video. Myra has been giving me video training for the last couple of weeks, and she says I'm pretty good now. I'm going to be shooting the close-ups for my video like she did for yours. That allows her to hold the string."

"What?" I said. I was getting frantic.

"The string," she said. "Look down at your balls and you'll see Myra just placed a loop over them with a string, like you do with a Yo-Yo. The metallic string she used is so thin that you won't be able to see it on the video unless you look hard. But it's strong.

"You don't feel it because it's light, loose and comfortable, but it can easily become uncomfortable. Show him, Myra."

Barclay sat down next to me and grabbed hold of me. He was massive. Myra let go and pointed to a piece of string she was holding. It was draped over one of my thighs and ran down between my legs.

I watched as Myra slowly pulled the string. I felt something tightening around my ball sack and pulling my testicles. I looked down and saw them in front of me. They didn't feel good.

"I could have held the string, Ken, but I love you so much that I was afraid of what would happen when I heard you. My hysterics didn't slow you down a little while ago, but I don't know if I'm that strong. I've got earplugs handy in case I need them because I didn't want to gag you. You can stop pulling now Myra. I think he gets it.

"You know Myra doesn't like you very much. After she reads your instructions, if you don't do what she reads, she's going to pull the string. It will be a gentle tug at first to remind you to get going, and if you don't respond, she'll keep pulling very slowly until you do.

"Just now, she told me that after watching what you just did to me, she hopes you don't cooperate so she can pull your balls right off your body. I told her, don't you dare!"

Jory laughed a choked laugh.

"Are you ready Barclay?" she said. He had gotten up while Myra was demonstrating the string. I looked over and saw he was naked. Even soft, his cock was longer and thicker than mine.

"I picked Barclay after watching him on some videos," she said. "He's one of the most well-endowed performers I saw, but I also picked him because he has more style than most of the actors.

"There are only a few more things to tell you. You know most of it because you just did it. As I said, the script is the same, except you have a different role.

"Our game was for me to make you come while you tried not to. I won four times. The new game is similar, but this time your goal is to get Barclay to come four times. As soon as you do that, we're done, and Myra will take whatever video she shot and make our presents.

"Just like before, each time Barclay comes, that fifteen-minute segment is over. If you manage to get him off in two minutes on the first four parts, the video will only be eight minutes long.

"When I interviewed Barclay, he told me has never deflowered a virgin, let alone a straight virgin. He's so excited about it that you'll get him off fast if you play it smart.

"I also tricked him. I hired him to come inside you as fast as he could and go on to the next part. I told him each time he did, he'd get a bigger bonus, and if he did it nine times he's get the maximum.

"That's what he's been practicing for weeks, coming, recovering fast and coming again. He hasn't had sex in a week so he could come in seconds the first time. He told me yesterday he's ready to shoot his come faster than a machine gun.

"A few minutes ago, I totally messed him up. I said I would pay him for coming eight times no matter what happened, but now he would earn bonuses over that for each time he could last the full fifteen minutes in each position without coming.

"It rattled him, and he was steaming, because he has to make a complete one eight and do the opposite of what he's been training for. I did that to give you an advantage since he's a professional.

"When I interviewed him, I found out the things that excite him and make him come faster. You can use them to get him to come four times quickly while he's trying to hold back.

"I don't have to tell you what they are because you already know. They are the same things I used on you. All you have to do is remember what I did and do the same.

She stopped speaking for a moment. Her mouth opened, her eyes turned up and her nose wrinkled in the cute way it does when something funny occurs to her. She smiled as she spoke again.

"I didn't get far when I tried to motivate you in the first game. But I did learn some things that may motivate you more in the second game. The information I'm giving you now comes from personal experience.

"You want to work extra hard to get Barclay off four times before you get to Number Six, the one where you're on your hands and knees and your entire body is bouncing up and down on his pole like you're on a trampoline. That will look great on the video, but it's pure agony.

"Seven is comparatively much easier, but the real killers are eight and nine. Eight is where you are sitting with your back to him and his hands are pushing your head down in the full nelson. That hurts, but much worse is when he pulls you up and rips his cock free so it makes that popping sound. Each time he pops, you'll feel like your intestines are being torn out.

"Nine is where he's facing you and bouncing your ass like a ball while your body is squeezed together like a piece of dough. That hurts so much and is so humiliating that I know you'll hate it as much as I did.

"That's it for the advice. There is one decision you do have to make before we start. I cleaned myself out before we did your video, so it would look nice and pretty. I've seen some ugly, dirty stuff on the Internet, and I don't care for it.

"I would prefer my video to look as appetizing as yours, and Barclay cleaned his ass out thoroughly for your tongue. His contract says that if I see even a speck of something, his pay gets cut in half. He knows I'll have the video to back me up, so his insides probably sparkle. But your hygiene is up to you.

"The question is, do you want to go to the bathroom with Myra? She's volunteered to be with you while you give yourself two thorough enemas. Then you can take a quick shower, and she'll bring you back.

"It's up to you. I almost threw up during number four, when I had to suck on your cock right after it came out of my ass, like you'll suck on Barclay's after it comes out of you. Even though I knew I had cleaned myself out twice and I wasn't tasting anything but lube, I nearly tossed.

"You can think about it until we're about to start. If you haven't said anything by then, it means you've decided to go down and dirty. Once the game starts, it's too late to change your mind."

"I'm ready," Myra said.

"Places everyone," Jory said as she adjusted the camera and knelt next to the bed. Myra slid under the bed, out of sight of the cameras. I could see the string going from my balls to below the bed.

"Okay, Myra," said Jory.

A booming voice came from under the bed. It was different from before. Myra sounded positively gleeful as she read the words.

"Number one. He will sit on the edge of the bed while you kneel on a cushion on the floor between his legs. He'll lean back and lift his legs up until he can reach behind his knees with his hands. If necessary, push on his thighs to help him.

"He'll pull his legs back and spread them, opening his butt and displaying his asshole. Lean forward and lick his asshole until it's wet.

"Stick your tongue in as far as it will go and then move your head back and forth to fuck his asshole with your tongue. While you are doing this, put your hands in the bowl of lube to get them greasy and start working his balls and pumping his cock. Keep tonguing and stroking until he comes."

"Great, Myra," said Jory. "We could hear you clearly. Is your timer ready? I guess Ken decided against the bathroom, so we can start."

"Stop!" I said as loud as I could, even though I could barely speak. "I want to go to the bathroom."

Myra had to catch me when I stumbled getting into the shower because I felt drained and weak. When I came out of the bathroom, Joy directed me to a chair where I sat with my towel around my waist while she spoke.

"We're going to wait for a while until you recover because I want to give you a fair chance with Barclay.

"While you and Myra were in there, I thought about how much you're going to hate me when we are finished today. I hated you with everything in me when we finished number nine, and I was sure it would take a while until I got over what you did.

"It's hard for me to believe, but I'm already over that. There's no anger left. I love you as much as ever.

"I've been asking myself how can I love you so much and still be excited about watching the video we're going to make now? I know the pain and humiliation you're about to feel. I'm not a man, and I can't compartmentalize fucking like you do -- like you did a few minutes ago. As a woman, I'll empathize with you and feel horrible. At the same time I'll love watching you with Kyle today and on my video.

"How can I possibly have both feelings at the same time? I don't think there is an answer to that question. I decided not to obsess on it and get depressed. So I'm focusing on the positive. Once our bodies heal from today, I hope you treasure your gift.

"I imagine you enjoying it often in the coming weeks to deal with your feelings of anger and betrayal. If you ever get tired of it, I want to remind you that what you watch on the Internet no longer bothers me, especially when you're out of town -- or I am. Or if I have a meeting at night and you're home alone. I now understand how someone can be interested in that filth -- someone I love.

"I'm sure I'll watch my gift a few times after Myra finishes it. And maybe I'll watch it again if I'm in a dark mood, or maybe if you do something that frustrates me and makes me angry with you.

"But now that I've taken a swim in the human cesspool, I'm ready to say goodbye to the gutter. I won't be looking at those websites again. In fact, when we're done today, I'm going to the other extreme.

"I'm going to devote myself to making you happier than you've ever been. You'll be getting more surprise gifts than ever, and each one will bring you nothing but laughter and pleasure. None of them will ever be connected to a gift for me.

"I doubt if that will be any comfort to you in the next hour or two, but I hope you remember that later. It looks like you've recovered, so I think we can start."

Barclay went to the bed, sat on the edge, leaned back and pulled his legs back and wide apart. I saw his hairy butt crack and his asshole. I and turned away quickly, but not before I almost gagged.

From the tone of her voice when Jory spoke, she was delighted by my reaction.

"Don't forget, the first fifteen minutes you kneel between Barclay's legs and eat out his ass. If you have trouble getting started, Myra will give you a gentle reminder. After that, I told her to wait at least thirty seconds before she begins pulling your balls."

It was quiet in the room. Jory said, "Action!"

I sat on the chair rooted to the spot. I couldn't move. I felt a slight tug from the string.
