Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 02


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I went to the locker room and dressed quickly. It was already almost empty by the time I was done. I quickly followed the other men down the hall and back to the lobby, where Ellie was waiting with bright eyes and rosy cheeks. As we drove home, she didn't say anything, but she seemed to be rocking back and forth impatiently in her seat.

At home, she almost sprinted up the stairs even though she was wearing heels. I walked into the bedroom in time to see her panties drop to the floor, next to her other clothes. She came to me and there was wildness in her eyes.

The next two hours were the most exciting ones in my life up to then. She was all over me. We did the things we usually did, but then she surprised me. She began doing some things I had suggested before and she had rejected. After that she began doing things I would never have dared suggest.

She was in a frenzy, and soon I was, too. At times, when I listened to us, I could heard the growls and grunts of animals in heat. That kept me going even when I was nearly exhausted.

Finally, we both collapsed and were asleep within minutes.


There was an afterglow the next day, which was Sunday. We didn't say anything about the night before, but I looked at her often, and I saw her looking at me a lot. Around four in afternoon, all hell broke loose. We were in a heated rut until past seven, when we finally forced ourselves to eat dinner. We looked at each other in amazement.

On Monday, we put our crazy weekend out of our minds and didn't talk about it until Thursday, when Ellie told me she had given away our concert tickets for Saturday so we could go back to the club.

I wasn't happy.

"Why?" I asked.

She looked at me in amazement.

"Don't you remember last Saturday night and Sunday? Would you rather see a rock band than do that?"

"But we can do that anytime," I replied. "Now that we know how great it can be, why do we need to go back to that stupid club?"

"That stupid club is what got me all revved up," she said. "That show was so hot that I thought I was going to have an orgasm just sitting there."

"But I'm not gay," I said. "I don't understand how you and those other women got excited by that fairy degrading himself. It didn't do anything fore me. You're the only one who gets me excited. Whenever you want to go wild, I'm ready to go wild with you."

"Don't you see," she pleaded, "it was the club that made me go wild. Please let's go again. If you don't like it, close your eyes and just think about what we're going to do when we get home. I bet a lot of the men there are doing the same thing. It worked just like Velma said. Don't you think it's worth it?"

I finally gave in and reluctantly took her to the club again. When I entered the theater in my towel, she wasn't there. I decided it was the last time we were going to be there, so I would make it special for her. I found a place near the front so she could see the action close up. I sat on my towel for a few minutes, and then I saw her on the side of the room in conversation with one of the older white robed women.

The plot of the play that night was a variation of the previous week. A man had cheated on his wife, played by Jilly, this time in a dominatrix outfit. She told him that unless he submitted to her, she would divorce him and take him for everything.

He agreed, then changed his mind. It was too late. With the help of Bobo and Arnie, she put him in restraints, tortured his sex organs a little and fisted him. Then she let the men ravage his ass.

This time the volunteer was large and muscular, but his voice sounded just as fruity as the small guy's the week before. He jogged up to the stage with the women and their balloons just as eagerly.

I tried to do what Ellie suggested and closed my eyes, but it was no use. I didn't want to call attention to myself by putting my hands on my ears, so I could still hear everything. I finally opened my eyes and mostly watched Ellie. She ate it up once again.

At home, it was another wild weekend of sex, and I would be lying if I didn't say I loved every second. After it was over, it began bothering me that she needed that weird club to let her inhibitions go.

On Thursday, we had an almost play-by-play repeat of the argument from last week. She wanted to go again. I didn't.

"But we don't have anything else scheduled for Saturday night this time," she said.

"Is this all we're going to do every weekend from now on? Should we just forget our friends, our interests, everything else except the club and hot sex?"

"That's not fair. I'm sure things will change, but isn't this exciting for now? How many couples have the kind of intense physical relationship we have? You were the one who was always telling me to let myself go. Now you have everything you wanted, and you're a sourpuss."

She smiled her smile, and we were back to the club Saturday night.

When we entered the lobby, she didn't go right to the women's hallway, but took me by the hand and brought me to one of the women in white standing there. It was the woman she had been talking to the week before.

"Hi Joanne," she said, "I want to introduce you to my husband, Stu."

"Pleased to meet you," Joanne said.

"I'm pleased to meet you," I replied. "I didn't know Ellie knew any of the people running the club."

"We had lunch together yesterday," Joanne said. "Ellie tells me you aren't enjoying the show. Why do you think that is?"

"Probably because I'm not gay or into humiliation," I said. "I just can't understand why Ellie gets so excited about watching gay men pretending to force sex on each other and degrading each other."

"What if it were women doing the same thing?" asked Joanne.

I thought for a minute.

"I see your point. You're saying maybe that would turn me on, but it wouldn't do a thing for Ellie. That makes sense. But why do I have to be here sitting naked next to her for her to enjoy your show?"

"Because you are her husband, and since you are with her, she feels safe and secure, and she can let her feelings flow freely without any guilt. The men being together with their wives and girlfriends are an essential part of what makes our club work. In fact, every detail you see is there to add to the success of the evening."

"Even the cheap balloons?" I asked.

She smiled.

"Especially the cheap balloons. If you two will excuse me now, I have some work to do. Are we on for lunch again next week?"

She had turned to Ellie.

"Oh yes," Ellie said in an excited voice. "I'd love to. Same place, okay?"

"Then goodbye for now."

Joanne turned and walked away. I turned to Ellie.

"What was that all about?"

"Shhh," she said with her finger to her lips. "Let's go inside. I'll tell you later."

The show wasn't much different. The thin plot this time involved a poker game, and the big loser had to service Bobo and Arnie in front of his wife, Jilly. The volunteer from the audience had small equipment, and everyone in the show made fun of it throughout the drama. He was really into his part, and his protestations and crying in his funny little voice sounded so sincere that I could almost believe him.

As I half-watched the action, I replayed the conversation with Joanne in my mind. Why was Ellie having lunch dates with her? As soon as we got into the car, I brought it up.

"She's very interesting," was Ellie's reply. "She's been with the club a long time and told me some of the history. It used to be even wilder. It was only for wealthy, decadent men and women. You wouldn't believe some of the things she told me they used to do. She said they even have some black and white films that have been converted to video, and I might be able to see them.

"I hope you aren't getting mixed up in something shady," I said. "What does she want from you?"

"Nothing. We just had a nice lunch. She told me next time we meet she's going to tell me some of the stuff that happens behind the scenes."

I didn't like what Ellie was saying, but we had arrived home, and we quickly became too preoccupied with other things to continue talking. It was the craziest night yet, and Sunday there was more of the same.


As blissful as the weekend was, I was grumpy again the next Thursday. It just bothered the heck out of me that the two of us were having the greatest sex that we had ever had, and it was all because of that disgusting show at the club. I decided to put my foot down.

"No more," I announced. "That's it. I'm never going back there. If that's what we need to be happy, then something is really wrong with us."

Ellie teased and wheedled and smiled and cried, but I would not budge. She finally gave up and went to bed. I came up a few minutes later and found her sniffling in her sleep.

When I came home from work the next day, she seemed to be a happy camper again, but as soon as she opened her mouth, it put me right back in a bad mood.

"I had lunch with Joanne today," she said, "and I told her about our fight last night. She said I needed to compromise with my man and try to understand him. If the club is making you unhappy, that isn't good for our marriage."

"She said that?"

"I knew you'd be surprised. You know what she suggested?"


"That if you come with me come one more time tomorrow night, I should promise you I'll never ask you to go back again."

I looked at her in disbelief. Her mouth was smiling, but it wasn't her usual innocent smile. It looked a little crooked. And her eyes weren't smiling. They seemed to be gleaming with a strange light. If anyone else was looking at me that way, I might have been worried.

We argued for a while, but I gave in. I decided that I could endure one more evening at the club. Then I'd enjoy the weekend in bed with Ellie even more, knowing we'd never go again.


When I walked into the theater wearing my towel the next night, I passed Joanne. She was looking into the audience and didn't say anything to me. I hurried by and saw Ellie on an aisle seat of the third row. Her head was turned and she was looking at something. I followed her gaze. It was Joanne. They were having eye contact.

When I came up to her, Ellie slid over on the padded bench and patted the space next to her on the aisle. I took off my towel and placed it there and sat down. She had quickly looked away from Joanne as I approached, but she didn't look at me either. We both waited in silence as the tall woman in white came out after the trumpet sounds.

"Welcome," she said, "especially to those who are here for the first time. Tonight, we have a special treat."

Every week was a special treat, I thought.

"It's a brand new play about a man whose girlfriend suspects he is gay. He swears he is straight, but she says she won't believe it until he proves it. She has two gay friends, and they are going to test him. If they can get him hard and make him come, he will have to let them make love to him while she watches. If he proves he's straight, she will let him do her ass. Jilly will be the girlfriend, and Bobo and Arnie will be her two gay friends.

"We need someone very convincing to play Jilly's boyfriend. He's got to be a macho figure who can act angry at her accusations and ready to prove her wrong. Who knows? Maybe he will, and then Jilly will get it in her ass in front of everyone."

Jilly broke into laughter as the woman continued.

"What makes this even more exciting is we don't know how this play will end. It really depends on our volunteer actor. Is there anyone out there who can play our strong, straight macho man. If you volunteer for the role, please shout out loud and clear. What should you shout?"

"Balloon!" shouted all the women at the top of their lungs, and they erupted into laughter. Ellie joined in.

Then there was silence in the room. The woman onstage became impatient.

"Come on now. We can't wait forever. Shout 'Balloon!' if you want to volunteer.

I heard a slight noise next to me and a movement. Ellie was clearing her throat. I looked at her and saw she was standing.


Her voice was shaky and quavering, but then she took a deep breath and shouted loudly.


Everyone turned in her direction.

"Oh no!" I yelled and jumped up. I was right next to the steps, and I started to run down them. At the second step, I was met by four women.

I had never looked closely at the women in robes, but I saw right away that these four were large. One was as big as me, and the other three bigger. They blocked me from moving. As I opened my mouth to yell again, something rubbery was pushed in and I felt air going into my mouth. It was a balloon being held by one of the women. She pulled it out of my mouth and I began to yell again.

I stopped when I heard myself. My voice was small and high and sounded like an angry cartoon duck. I sounded like those flaming guys who had volunteered before. But I wasn't like them. What was happening to me? Then I realized that the balloons were filled with helium, and that's what had changed my voice.

In a flash, it came to me. Those men were probably as straight as I was, but nobody believed them once they got the balloon treatment. Suddenly I was frightened.

Before I could try anything else, I felt some hands at my genitals as one of the women in white whispered in my ear.

"Don't move, Stu. You have a string around your balls now. It's thin and barely visible, but it's strong. It's tied like a Yo-Yo, so when it hangs loose, you'll barely feel it, but when I pull on it like this, you'll know it's there."

I yelled as she jerked the string.

"If you don't cooperate I will keep pulling until I pull your balls right off your body. Don't think I won't. Now I want you to walk with us to the stage. As we move faster, you'll need to move faster if you don't want the string pulling your balls. Nod your head once if you heard me and understand."

She jerked at the string. I yelled and nodded my head.

The group, with me in the middle, began moving to the stage, going faster with each step. When we got to the ramp, we began jogging. I tried to keep up but occasionally my balls got a little tug as we moved to the microphone in the middle of the stage.

"This looks like a fine specimen," said the tall woman into her mike. "He's got some impressive equipment, enough to satisfy any woman in the room. Right, ladies?"

Cheers came from the audience.

"What is your name, sir," she said, addressing me.

I knew that whatever I said now would come out in that high-pitched funny sound, so I didn't answer. Then I heard a voice from the audience. It was Ellie again.

"His name is Stu," she shouted.

"Well, Stu, said the woman, "so you think you're a real man. Tell me, have you ever had sex with another man."

I remained silent, but then I felt a tug below. The string around my testicles had been moved between my legs and one of the women was holding onto it behind me. It tugged me again, harder this time.

"If you're going to act, you have to be able to speak, Stu. Please answer the question."

Another tug, and this time I couldn't stop a squeak, which made the audience laugh. I would have to talk in that voice.

"No I haven't," I said softly.

"I can't hear you," said the woman, and there was a stronger tug. I squeaked again and shouted out in pain, "No, I haven't slept with a man."

"Of course, you haven't, Stu," said the woman. "I can tell by your manly voice."

The audience burst into laughter and applause.

"Now you'll get to prove to your friend who you came with and the rest of us how a straight man resists being seduced by a gay man. Don't let us down. Okay, actors, we're ready to begin."

Unlike the previous three weeks, as she walked off, the stage went dark, and there was an excited buzz from the women in the audience.

The second the lights went out, the woman holding my string led me to the couch. I felt someone sitting down next to me, and the woman handed the string to that person and left the stage.

The lights came up, and I saw it was Jilly sitting next to me. She was as naked as I was, and she looked even sexier up close than from the audience. I looked down and saw she was holding the string wound around my balls. It was strong but so thin I could barely see it with all the lights blazing on stage. It was certain that no one in the audience saw it.

The first thing Jilly did was put the hand that wasn't holding the string behind my head and pull me to her face. She pressed her mouth against mine and gave me a deep French kiss. It seemed to last minutes, and when she pulled away, we were both out of breath and panting.

When she broke the clinch, she laughed.

"Stu," she said. "I know you want to get married, and my folks like you. You are great kisser, and you just proved what a great swordsman you are."

She held my equipment up for display.

"Too bad you are too tired for another round tonight."

This brought a few laughs from the audience. While they were laughing, a white-robed woman shoved another balloon tip into my mouth and squeezed my nose until I inhaled all the helium. Then she quickly stepped away.

Jilly leaned over, and I saw a small mike attached to her hair band.

"Stu, my stupid brother and his friends keep telling me you're gay, or you go both ways. I don't believe them, but I'm just a little worried. I want to make sure the man I marry is all man. Are you that man, Stu?"

She tugged the string.

"Yes," I squealed in my high duck voice, and the audience burst out laughing.

"My brother and his friends say you wouldn't talk like you do if you were a real man. I've got to know for sure. So I asked you to fulfill a quest for me, just like knights did in the olden days, and you agreed. Your quest is to show me that you don't go for the guys and Jilly is the only girl for you.

"I know this won't be easy, but I have a reward for you. Even though I don't like anything inside my ass, if you pass the test, you get to do me there.

"But there's also a penalty if you don't pass. You have to service my two gay friends while I watch. I'll ask you again, Stu. Do you agree to all this or do you want to give me up?"

"Yes," I said quickly before she jerked the string again.

She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, rubbing her large breasts across me a couple of times before she sat up again and said, "You are such a sweetie, Stu. I want to introduce you to my friends Bobo and Arnie."

The two men came out onto the stage and stood in front of us. They looked much larger than they did from the audience, and their packages looked gigantic.

"We're going to start in a typical gay position," said Jilly merrily, as if she were explaining a game of hopscotch. "Bobo will lie down on the bed, and you'll get on your hands and knees on top of him, facing his feet. Using only his fingers and his mouth, he's going to try to get you hard and then make you come. Of course, I know that's disgusting to you, and you'll stay just as soft as you are now, right?"

"Yes," I squeaked quickly.

She took my hand and led me to the bed. I saw the string wound a few times around her other hand.

Bobo was already on the bed when we got there. She positioned me over him, and I looked down and saw his long thick member lying limply between his legs and shuddered.

Jilly saw me and said, "Oh there's something I forgot to tell you, Stu. I don't want you looking at men's thingamajigs. During the test, I want you looking straight ahead at that red light or at the screen next to it."

I looked up and saw the blinking red light and remembered all the video cameras recording my humiliation was being recorded.

"Ready, set, go," said Jilly and giggled. She was now sitting next to the bed. "Oh wait," she said and came up to me and stuck something small and round into my ear. I barely felt it. While she was blocking me from the audience, she quickly emptied another balloon into my mouth.