Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 07: Bump


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What was causing the commotion was the way she was dressed. Her outfit was cocktail casual, just as he had told her, but the bright green dress was made of a thin shiny fabric that seemed to envelop her like a shimmering coat of paint.

It moved with her body. As she flexed, it flexed. As she jiggled, it jiggled. It feathered every curve and softened it, but it didn't hide any of them. It was the sexiest outfit Peter had ever seen.

When she walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss, he felt like a spotlight was on him.

"Wow!" he said. "I don't know what the boss is thinking right now, but you definitely made an impression."

"I hope you're not angry that I'm late," she said sweetly. "You can punish me later if you want."

He looked at her and frowned, and she laughed brightly.

"I'm only kidding," she said. "Don't look so serious. Point out your boss without pointing at him, so I can do what I came here to do."

That statement worried him.

"Uh, he's over there by the piano, in that tan suit," he said. "Please be careful. I like my job."

He introduced her to his colleagues at the bar, and to a lot of other people he worked with. They were lining up to meet her. She left to powder her nose, and when she didn't come back, he noticed she was in heavy conversation with the BBB.

He wondered what she was telling him but decided he didn't care. Maybe she was not talking about him but making a move on the BBB. Was she recruiting him for her sick games after she finished with Peter? She was in animated conversation for half an hour before she came back to him.

"I like your boss," she said. "He's got a good head on his shoulders and some great plans for your company."

"What were you two talking about for so long?"

"Nothing much. Were you jealous?"


"We talked about you a little bit. He didn't know much about you, and he wanted to know more."

Peter groaned.

"So of course you told him. Great! You might as well stick a fork in me."

"Yes, you're definitely done."

She laughed her sparkling laugh again, and Peter remembered someone once telling him that the devil is a master of disguise.

"I'm sorry, but I've got to go home and pack. I'll call you next week."

Her exit was as dramatic as her entrance. Everyone moved aside and stared as her shimmering green body flowed through them.

After she left, the BBB came over to him.

"Your girlfriend is really impressive, Peter," he said. "And her brains are even better than her looks, if that's possible. From the way she talked about you, I'd say you're a lucky man. Don't let her get away."

"Thanks," Peter said. "That's kind of you."

He smiled at the BBB. He was going to get as far from Anya as he could. Why had he invited her? Was she right that he was self-destructive?

When she called him at work on Tuesday, he meant to tell her to forget about Saturday, but instead, he asked her how her trip went.

"Oh, you know," she said. "I visited my family. They are great, but they're also a pain. They asked me if I was seeing anyone, and I told them that I had seen a lot of you. No, just kidding. No one knows about us. I haven't even told my girlfriends."

"What about Carrie and Rip?" he said.

"Yes, they're the only ones," she said with a laugh.

"No blindfold this Saturday night," she said. "You're going to see everything. I'm hoping it will open your eyes."

"I'll bet," he said.

Why didn't he tell her he wasn't coming? What kind of a hold did she have over him. Despite the compliments he'd been getting since last Thursday about his "girlfriend," and the jokes about how that explained why he seemed worn out, he was feeling depressed.


His mood wasn't any lighter when he knocked on her door Saturday night.

She welcomed him to her living room, and before he could think of something to say, he had his clothes off, and they were into their routine. The only thing different was that she didn't ask him to ejaculate into a cup, but she ratcheted up her verbal abuse.

When he was eating out her ass, she said, "You really are getting to like it in there, aren't you, Peter. I bet you can't wait to taste someone else. Are you going to stick to girls, or will you also snack on boys? Listen to you. Do you have to smack your lips? That's gross."

It got so bad that he became nauseous again and had to push her off and run to the bathroom. While he was retching, he also felt relieved. At least I'm not getting used to it, he thought.

When he came out of the bathroom, she led him into the bedroom and sat down next to him on the bed.

"Last week, I used handcuffs to keep you under control," she said, "because they fit that night. But this week, no cuffs. Here's what I'm doing instead. See this string. It's very thin, but very strong. See how it's looped, like a Yo-Yo string, and how I'm making a slip knot."

She got off the bed and kneeled between his legs.

"I'm putting the slip knot around your ball sack. Now I'm pulling it closed. That's all there is to it. It's a much less obtrusive way of making sure you don't get out of control and hurt yourself."

"I don't understand."

"In my hand, I've got the string attached to that slip knot," she said. "Watch what happens when I pull it. I'll pull very slowly. Do you feel anything? Look down. See how I'm pulling your balls away from your body. Do you feel anything yet? Yes, I heard you. I'm letting the string go slack. Now the pain is gone.

"This is effective because just a gentle tug like this reminds you to listen and do what I say. If you're distracted and don't respond, I can easily get your attention. I could pull so far that I rip the balls off your body. That's not good, because if they aren't recovered and sewn back together within half an hour, they usually die.

"I'm not going to let that happen even though you're so self-absorbed that you probably won't ever have a family anyway. The tugs and maybe a little stretching will just remind you of what could happen and get you going in the right direction. Right now, we need to move in the direction of the bathroom."

He looked at her, but he didn't move. She looked at him and waited. He saw her lift the string and smile. She tugged once. She tugged again. She started pulling slowly and he saw his testicles coming into view as he looked down. He watched them moving away from his body until he couldn't stand the pain anymore, and then he lifted up his hand. The pulling stopped immediately. He got up.

"I love you, Peter," she said brightly. "You want to experience everything, don't you? You must be happy now anticipating the pain and degradation that awaits you tonight. I promise you I won't disappoint you."

After he was cleaned out in the bathroom, she brought him back to the bed and told him to lie down in the middle. She fastened her panties tightly into his mouth before she spoke again.

"Tonight we're going to do a variation of last week's position. I want you to lift your legs up high in the air. That's it. Now bring them slowly back. Further, further, until they are over your shoulders. Now bring them back until your feet are over your head. Here, let me push some pillows behind your back to make it easier.

"Try to lock your feet behind your head. That's it. You are very flexible. Maybe it's all that crazy drugged-out dancing. Now, lift your arms straight up in the air. Good. Now lower your right arm and drape it over your right leg, just behind the knee. Good. Now just let the arm fall onto the bed at your side. Now the same thing with your left arm. There, right behind the knee. Now let the arm fall on the bed on the left side. Okay, stay like that just a minute."

He felt her moving around, and then she was fastening his wrists with the Velco again. He felt her crawling under the bed. Suddenly, he felt his arms being pulled down and away. She had connected the wrists with straps that ran under the bed, and now she was pulling them tight. She got up from under the bed and stood over him.

"Perfect," she said. "This is called the Viennese Oyster position, and it's good because it offers easy access and deep penetration. The straps under the bed add the element of complete control, and that's why I'm taking the string off your balls now. It won't be necessary any longer.

"Can you see that you're looking straight at your cock and, there, right beyond it, is your asshole. That's the idea. This week it's all about visual, but of course, you're going to feel, hear and taste, too."

She adjusted the pillows and pulled his legs back more as she talked.

"I wasn't sure you were flexible enough to do this, but you're having no problem. Let's get the breast pump going."

He watched in horror as he became hard. The tip of his cock was almost touching his lips. She squeezed lube onto the fingers of her right hand, and then they disappeared. He felt her push one of the greasy fingers into him and then a second finger.

"Are you wondering where this is leading? What could I possibly do to humiliate you more than I did last week?

"Whatever I do, I can't degrade you more than you have already done by yourself with your pills and booze and mindless sex. No dumb animal would ever do to its body what you've been doing to yours.

"My goal is to get as close as I can to that level today. I want to grab hold of what's devouring you and extract it. I'm like a surgeon removing a cancer, but I don't have anything to operate with except my hands and my brain."

As she spoke, he felt a third finger pushing into him. He squirmed on the bed, but he was locked into his position and could only slide back and forth a little. As he did, her fingers followed him.

She introduced a fourth finger, and then she tucked in her thumb behind the other fingers and began pushing all five fingers into him. He was sweating profusely and making sounds into her panties.

She pulled out her fingers, covered them with more lube and began pushing again. She wasn't pushing hard, but she didn't let up. For a while, she pushed silently. Then she spoke again.

"Are you getting used to the horrible feeling inside? How about the humiliation? They're both going to get worse.

"You're fighting the stretching, but you're losing. The hole to hell is opening, and I'm going to reach in and pull out your wasted life and put it under the microscope in the pathology lab. Nobody knows how disgusting it really is. You've certainly fooled the BBB and everyone at your office.

"The only ones who know the real Peter are you, me and your jellyfish friends at the club who have no backbone, just like you. Your body is fighting me, but I'm in no hurry. We're going all the way down to the bottom. Every last shred of dignity has to come out first, because it's blocking the poison inside you.

"I think I feel something giving, Peter, and from the way you're trying to kick your legs free, I think you do, too. There it goes! Your ass just swallowed my hand. I'm in you up to my wrist. I'm going to stop for a minute so we can both catch our breaths. That's it. Breathe through your nose. Long breaths. Try to slow them down. Good.

"I'm wearing you like a glove, Peter. Do you feel my fingers moving around inside you? I'm reaching for the malignancy that has swallowed up every shred of your self-respect. I'm going to grab it in my fist and hold tight.

"Listen closely, Peter. When I pull my fist out, you'll be overwhelmed by the pain and the humiliation at first. Then you'll feel totally empty, and that's the danger zone. Will you fill yourself with the same poisons as before, or will you open yourself to other things, different things that could make you stronger, wiser and more human? Could they some day make you capable of authentic human feelings, even love?

"I'm pulling out slowly now. Yes, squirm and kick and scream. Your body doesn't want to let it loose."

As Peter twisted, groaned and cried from the agony of her fist pulling out of him, he barely noticed that she was adjusting the pillows under him with her other hand, pulling the breast pump close and turning it on.

"Look at that, Peter! No matter how much pain and humiliation you're feeling, you still get hard. Look how big you are."

He felt his expanding cock push at his lips and he turned his head, so it slid down the side of his face to his ear.

"Listen carefully. I'm going to pull your head back and take the panties out of your mouth. Then I'm going to pull your cock back and put it in there. Why are you shaking your head? This is absolutely necessary. Can you imagine anything more degrading than sucking your own dick and coming in your mouth? You have to do it. You refuse?

"Okay, listen. I'm not going to put the string back on you. I'm going to use something much worse, this little suction cup. You remember last week how I played you with it. Remember toward the end, you were starting to feel a little pain and discomfort before you finally came.

"That was nothing. This time I'm going to keep going. There will be no release. That pain is called blue balls, and it's going to get stronger and stronger. Even if I punch you in the balls right now, it won't hurt as badly as that will hurt. Eventually, you're going to be a quivering mass of jelly, and you'll do anything I say.

"Is that the way you want to end this, or will you embrace your utter debasement and suck yourself. I can turn you into a puddle of pain, not even human. You'll end up doing it anyway. No answer? Okay, here comes the bulb.

"You're nodding your head. You've changed your mind? Good. Now I'm still going to use the bulb, but only for few seconds. You've agonized over this so much that you're drooping."

The bulb sucked him until he was hard, and then she had him open his mouth and pulled out her panties. As quickly as they came out, she pulled his cock back across his face and stuck it in his mouth.

"Start sucking, but not hard. Don't think orgasm. Think lollypop. That's it."

She began using one hand to pump the part of his cock that wasn't in his mouth and to manipulate his balls. The other one continued to slowly pull free of him, causing stabs of pain inside his ass.

Her hand pumping him began moving faster. He felt himself about to come and stopped sucking, but it was too late. Her hand kept going, and he exploded into his mouth.

"Look, Peter!" she said. "You blasted your come so hard that it's coming out of your nose."

He began coughing and choking on his come.

"Swallow, Peter!" she shouted. "Don't let it go down your air pipe."

When his cock was limp, she pulled it out of his mouth. He looked at her.

"You're glaring at me. You really hate me now, don't you? You hate the person who made you feel what you're feeling right now. You're totally humiliated. You're at the edge of madness.

"I'm going to pull my hand slowly out of you. When I do, you're going to be totally empty and open to every possibility."

As her hand broke free, Peter's loud groan went up a couple of octaves and then faded to whimpering. He curled up in a fetal position. His hands were close to his come-coated face. He looked like he was going to put a thumb in his mouth, but he didn't.

Anya rushed to the bathroom and came back with a damp washcloth that she used to gently clean Peter's face while repeating a mantra in a soothing voice.

"It's over, Peter, it's over, it's over."

When she saw he was sleeping, she left the room.

This time he didn't sleep until the next day. He awoke with a start shortly after midnight and looked around. Anya was sitting by the bed gazing at him with a concerned look on her face.

Hate filled him as he glared at her, but what was hurting worse was the overwhelming contempt and shame for himself for letting her do what she had warned him she would do. He still couldn't understand why she had done it, but now he didn't care. He needed to get out and make sure he never saw her again.

"The string is back on, Peter," she said.

"What!" he yelled and started to jump up, but then he felt it pulling and sat down on the bed.

"Haven't you done enough yet? What's left except for you to cut off my balls?"

"We're done here, Peter, both of us. The only reason I put the string back on is because I have to tell you a few things, and I was afraid you might leave before I could finish."

"I don't want to listen to your psycho talk ever again," said Peter.

"Yes, Peter, you're telling the truth even more than you realize," she said. "It was psycho talk, but you will need to hear it for a few more minutes. Do you remember the second time we met at Denny's, when my girlfriends were waiting for me? Do you remember when I told you what I was and what I did to men? Do you remember how I warned you that if you got involved with me, you would end up like a dog in the dust?

"You decided to ignore my warnings. Now I've delivered what I promised, and it's over. I can see you're angry and bitter. I didn't tell anyone what we've been doing, but I did tell my girlfriends that we had a stormy relationship and I'm breaking up with you.

"They're helping me move out of this apartment to a place where you'll never see me again. It's for your safety as much as mine, because in your present state of mind, you might do something foolish that you'll later regret.

"I'm sure in a few days you'll be able to think straight again. Then I want you to think about this: You may not believe it, but some of my men — after I've finished with them — some come back to me and ask for more abuse. They tell me that they think about what I did to them while they masturbate or have sex and it gets them off. Sometimes they beg me to degrade them again.

"I would really be disappointed if you turned out to be that kind of man. In case you even think about it, I'll tell you what will happen if you come back to me for more.

"First, I'll spit in your face. Then I'll tell you that you are pond scum to me, and that up to now, we've dealt only with each other, but if you ever show your face to me again, I will tell my friends all about our relationship and show them the videos I made of what we did.

"So just forget about me, and no one will ever see them. This will stay between you and me."

"What about Carrie and Rip?" he asked angrily.

"Yes, except for Carrie and Rip, who will always be a part of your imagination."

"The come in my ass wasn't imaginary."

"You're right, Peter, it wasn't. And I guess that is a good way to end this conversation. You see, Peter, I don't owe you any explanations. I did what I did for my reasons, and you did what you did for your reasons.

"I could tell you something else, but what's the use? It wouldn't help. I've done as much as I can. So you're free to return to your so-called life."

"Wait a minute," he said. "That's not fair. You just twisted the knife in me one more time. If you have any decency at all, you'll tell what you're talking about."

She pondered for a few moments before responding.

"All right. I'll tell you this much. Remember Denny's? Think about Denny's. Now let me take that string off so you can get dressed and go home."

Neither of them said another word, but for some reason, when he was at the bottom of the stairs, he looked up and saw her standing there, watching him from her doorway. When she saw him look up, she turned around and went into her apartment and shut the door.


A few months later, he was passing her building. He turned around, parked his car and walked to the entrance. There was a new name next to her apartment. He looked up to where he had last seen her, stood there a minute, then turned and left.

His life was different now. For weeks after their last encounter, he went to work and came straight home. On weekends, he also stayed home. He didn't call anyone, and no one called him.