Yogacation Ch. 01

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Marty and Mandy meet couple at yoga, make plans in hot tub.
6.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/05/2023
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Mandy Jestin scoffed at the idea that her husband Marty suggested they book a Caribbean vacation. In their small Iowa town, they were not part of the "rich" crowd that went every winter.

"Boring" she would call them because liked to shop local, feared big cities, barely left their county in Iowa much less leave the state and country.

"Think about the sunshine, the waves, sand, drinks," Marty pleaded, trying to convince her that the price he got on the all inclusive was "too good to be true" and that he was a 'master' at moving money around.

"It's this or some sort of counseling," Marty half-joked, was half-serious, their 25 year marriage bogging down even as their nest emptied as kids headed to school. They were struggling as a couple, in his head he wanted to expand horizons and felt Mandy was stuck in a prudish funk.

That comment hit Mandy hard, she promised to be better about things and had initiated sex more and been more receptive to his advances. It was tough because she had a myriad of ailments stemming from her weight and eating habits.

The weight was the big thing, but counseling? She had started working out, and really found something with yoga at the local studio.

Over the past year she had started focusing on cardio first, and dropped 10 pounds in three weeks, 20 in two months and began to attend yoga once a week. Still the thought of getting half naked on a beach scared her, since having their three kids, she was 60 pounds over her wedding day weight, and now 1/2 way there.

Sexually they had bumped up their missionary mostly encounters to almost once a week, improving from just over once a month. She felt she made compromises while Marty simply benefited from those compromises and now he mentions 'counseling'?

"If I can get down close to where I was," Mandy said pausing, thinking about her giving and his hesitation. "Maybe. Well, let me take that back, if I almost get there AND you promise you'll do yoga with me the next few weeks here and then when we go on the vacation."

"Hey! That's not fair," Marty wailed, his judgement of yoga was old, outdated demagoguery from his strict baptist upbringing. "You want me humming and chortling like a Buddhist monk???!!!"

"Those are my terms, and I've been the one giving these days" Mandy said, proud of herself for standing up to her husband a little bit. "I know I can drop the weight and if you just come to one or two here and go there..."

"I don't know," Marty said leaving the room, shaking his head and throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

A couple weeks went bye without talking about the vacation much. Mandy added a short HIIT workout to her running, then weights. She was in the small wellness center for two hours every other day during the week and once on weekends. Stepping on the scale she was nearly 2/3rds to her goal of losing 60 pounds.

They were empty nesters and their two kids had all started their second semester at college, their youngest, was a freshman, and it did help their sex life some when she finally was out.

One morning Mandy concluded after a workout and looking at herself in the mirror, that she looked better than she had in years. Mandy felt sexy for the first time and felt brave, began rummaging through her drawers to find some long forgotten swimwear.

She stood naked, admiring her 5'4" body, proportionally curved and her skin around her midsection pulling in nicely. Her breasts were not the firm, nipple pushed upwards, that they were before kids and the weight, but were bigger. She teased her short, blonde hair, she had colored and smiled at what she saw.

Putting on an old bikini, her larger breasts busting out on the side and her legs pinching the bottoms, she went downstairs and waited for Marty to come home from his morning jog.

In the middle of their living room she was going through a yoga 'flow' in her mind and physically in the room. Marty walked in from the garage, through the kitchen and into the tv room where he was greeted with her ass up in the air, head down in "downward dog".

It had been two weeks since they were together in any capacity, his cock began to rustle at the site of her creamy thin and toned thighs.

"I thought you only do that downstairs in your room?" he said with a coy tone, his 6'2" 220 lb. body fit for a man in his early 50s moved towards her. She made no noise, no affirmation to his presence, her breasts pushed down in the smallish halter of the bikini top. "Does this mean we book the vacation?"

She dropped to her stomach and came up into cobra, which looks like a man thrusting inside a woman in missionary position.

"Does this mean you'll come to yoga with me after work tonight?" she said smiling, seeing his eyes wide looking into her cleavage.

"If it means we go into the bedroom right now and you let me inspect your bikini." he said, his cock pushing against his briefs and pants. "And book the vacation later!"

"Deal!" she said, taking his hand and they went upstairs to their bedroom, and he rode her for his usual 'haven't had it for two weeks' time of about three minutes. She went in, cleaned up her cum loaded cunt, disappointed again, having not orgasmed now for over a month.

They both got back from work later that afternoon and Mandy reminded her husband it was yoga time.

"What do you wear?" he asked from the bedroom, having been daylight naked with her for the first time in a long, long time, affirmed her workout progress. "You are looking good by the way."

Not impressed, the words were overdue, she gave him a luke-warm response - "Thanks."

Mandy found him tighter sweats than he normally wore and a dry-wick t-shirt for his yoga look. It was a beginner flow, but she knew he would sweat having never done the moves he was about to subject his body and muscles to performing and the dry wick was essential.

She loaded up one of her softer mats, her stuff and they drove, talking about one of the kid's college schedule, and made their way into the wellness center.

Marty began to get nervous when saw a lot of his friend's wives, then caught a glimpse of Frank and Jillian Cosgrove, the only other couple there together.

Entering the yoga room Marty was not sure what to do, Mandy stretching both their mats out by each other in the front, helping him get set up with a couple yoga blocks. She sat and instructed him to mimic some of her poses to get warmed up and ready.

After five minutes of preparation, Marty's mind began to drift and started looking around. He did a twist like Mandy was doing looking towards the back.

"Hey, Marty! Good to see you," Frank Cosgrove said from the back row, they were on the left side of the room opposite Frank and Jillian. Marty waved back and turned away, but noticing the younger woman behind him, then two to his right and one besides Mandy. Yoga pants, tanks and one in just her sports bra, this was visually alright he thought.

The instructor entered, a teacher from the local high school in her late 20s, cute as a button red-head with perky breasts and freaked skin. Her ass and thighs wore her pants like skin so much it was like she was naked from the waist down, a hint of camel toe in the inch gap that made Marty drool.

The Yogi's voice was soothing, starting with a welcome and having them sit in "easy pose" with their legs crossed and eyes closed.

"Let the busyness of your life go and focus on the beauty you bring to the world," she said, Marty just thinking 'no the beauty YOU bring to the world. "Set an intention for you today in your practice and in your life. It can be a word, an action, a promise. Anything really."

'Lustfullness,' Marty thought to himself, half-mocking the seriousness of the practice seeing the room with their eyes closed, the tight tanks, highlighting the women's breasts, seeing Jullian's nicely shaped tits pressing against the cloth. He saw his wife, her dedication paying off but nothing like the leader at the front, who had to have 36d, the freckles blending downward into substantial cleavage.

The quiet of the beginning led to a flow that was hard on Marty, taking his mind off of the festival of hot bodies moving together. He leered at the girls behind him, through his legs, in downward dog, peaking over when they did a high cobra, seeing their breasts prominently displayed.

Survival became Marty's true intention and when finished, sweating and heart racing, he cleaned his mat, rolled it up and put it in on the shelf getting there at the same time as Frank.

"I see why you come here," Marty said to Frank, gesturing to the younger ladies chatting with broad smiles, the older women exchanging conversations on a deeper level about the practice, all sweating, all smiling, all beautiful.

Standing with Frank, Marty looked over at Jillian, the dark complected, naturally curly haired, 5'9" beauty, with that 'glow' that made you feel the object of her thoughts just talking to her.

"Oh, so that's what you think?" Frank paused first, then pushed back, a serious look, stating, "It's actually for me."

Then after a pause admitting. "It's helped my back, and taken away all the aches and pains. But you can't not see these fabulous women's bodies. Oh, before I forget, I have to tell you Mandy looks amazing."

Comments about his wife were common place before kids and even after their second. Then he took a job where he had to commute and their active lifestyle suffered greatly. Frank's comment took Marty by surprise, especially since he thought very highly of Jillian's looks.

"Thanks, I'll tell her all the work she's been putting in has been paying off," Marty said, then for some reason threw out. "We're probably heading to Cancun next month so she's wanting to look good on the beach.

"Oh really?" Frank said, his mind thinking for a moment. "Tell her she'll look great in a bikini."

The room emptying out and Mandy leaving her friends walked over to the two, giving Frank a "Hi Frank," before asking Marty if he was 'ready to go?" On the way to the car Mandy asked Marty "What did you think?"

"Ummm, a lot tougher than I'd imagined," he said, resisting a joke about the women's hot bodies, trying to approach her with Frank's comments. He looked at Mandy, who was nodding in agreement to the toughness comment. "I'm glad I went and I'll book that vacation now."

"I think we should," she said, Marty got in the car, preparing to start towards home, the short one mile drive from the center to their house. "How's Frank?"

Marty had a straight look down her shirt sitting in the driver's seat, Mandy getting in the car, her breasts amazing, her skin and face so healthy and vibrant after the workout. He was immediately turned on and thinking about her question, blended his horniness, wanting to joke and Franks comments.

"He and Jillian are good and if I were a betting man, based on his comments, he'd saddle up on you just like I did a couple hours ago," Marty said, putting the car in reverse and looking at her seriously for a second.

"Wait, now what?" Mandy said, confused, not expecting the over sexual comment referring to Frank. "What the hell did you talk about."

"He complimented your looks and your hard work," Marty said, glancing at the road and Mandy alternatively, wanting her to see his eyes. Marty had often fantasized about other couples, maybe getting naked in a far away place together, or playing around in hot tubs.

"How do you go from compliments to he wants to ride me," Mandy, the realist trying to throw water on any hot thoughts. "I mean, I don't stack up to Jillian."

"You don't?" Marty said complimenting his wife, pulling into their driveway. "I mean Jillian is just as hot as you and visa versa. I'm the one who doesn't stack up to Frank."

"What the hell are you talking about, I mean he's half bald!" Mandy exclaimed, now really confused.

"He's, well, known for his prowess," Marty said, his cock insecurities pushing through, though not deterring his excitement for the conversation.

"Oh, Jesus Marty, seriously!" she said and they dropped the topic for the moment.

Jillian and Mandy were good friends and had done a lot of things for their kids as they moved through school. Frank was the president of the bank and two of their three kids were in Marty and Mandy's kids classes. They had an older girl that had already graduated college.

"Well, well, now," Mandy said staring at her phone. "Did you tell Frank we were headed to Cancun?"

"Ummm, yeah, sort of," Marty said back, confused but wondering.

"Jillian asked where we were going and when. Oh, and now..." she paused to read it all. "They want to have dinner to ask some questions."

"Fantastic!" Marty said, his exuberance was strongly energetic.

"Really? You want them along?" Mandy said, again her prudish, water on the flames of fun side rising up.

"That other group that goes a couple weeks after us swear it's better together," Marty said. "Tell them we'll meet them at 'Rimer's Pub'."

Mandy paused, sighed and texted the request, putting down 7 p.m. as the time and quickly getting a 'Sounds great!' back from Jillian.

"It's set," Mandy said, heading upstairs to shower. Marty smiled and gave her a thumbs up, but immediately turned on whatever meaningless college football bowl game that was on that December weekend. She almost asked him to join her, but didn't.

They had a normal Saturday, she did house cleaning, and Marty going to the garage to work on a broken piece of furniture, putting his games on his phone out there. She looked at herself, naked in the mirror getting ready later, hearing Marty's words "he's known for his prowess" when talking about Frank. She shook her head as if to try to rattle those thoughts out.

Marty had made it to the shower, she dressed picking out a white cami and a nice button down blouse she could leave open, accenting her breasts, still a d-cup after the weight loss. Her fat jeans were all put away, so she packed herself into the smallest pair, her ass prominent and nice, a little over the waist in a sexy way.

A designer T-shirt from the untucked website showed off Marty's build, and the bedazzled jeans were a little much, however hugged his ass nicely as well. They kissed and joked about fucking 'right now', but didn't heading to the door at 6:45 p.m.

Marty was more nervous than going to yoga, while Jillian and Mandy were friends Frank was in a circle or two status wise in the town and didn't frequently socialize with Marty. They moved to town after their second kid so Frank hadn't really seen Mandy in her pre-kids days.

"Looking good Marty," Frank said with a firm handshake. "They're getting our table in the back ready right now."

Their heads turned when Jillian came back from the bathroom, her body packed into a tight skirt and tight almost bustier, leather like, with thick straps.

"Beautiful as always," Mandy said, hugging Jillian for a second when she returned, Marty's one drink while getting ready telling his brain to think lurid, fantasy based, thoughts about his wife and Jillian possibly hooking up.

"Cosgrove, party of four, your table is ready," The young hostess said, short, with short hair and perky breasts. "Follow me."

Frank elbowed Marty, eye brows raised and looked down at the gals sweet, plumb, bottom in her slacks, saying with his eyes - "I'd tap that."

Marty smiled and nodded in agreement, a man's non-verbal conversation. Frank then stared forward at Mandy shaking her cheeks up and down walking and gave he same sign. This time Marty raised his eyes like "really".

"She's gorgeous," Frank said, leaning into Marty, his eyes starting at her backside very intently. "Jillian's got 'no cheeks', not like that shake Mandy has."

Seeing the two walking side by side Marty saw what he meant, still not understanding how a sweet, tight, ass like Jillian's was a negative. They arrived and sat down, the back room had just a smattering of people, the tall backed booth providing a nice, secluded, dinner spot. The low light, candles, very nice ambiance.

Conversations surrounded just getting to know each other a little bit, the women tapping into their grade school, middle school and high school experiences, and everyone got to talk a little about their work. There was a serious dive into the Cosgrove's oldest recent break up and near domestic violence incident.

They had decided not to have dessert, each of them three drinks in, the conversation shifting a little when Jillian asked, "So how's empty nesting for you guys? We Love it!"

Jillian looked at her husband whose wide open eyes signaled it was a good question at this point.

"Yeah, she can't get enough of me," Frank said, then kissed Jillian.

"It's definitely increased our frequency not having to worry about young ears," Marty said, then looked at Mandy.

"Oh, so you're loud Mandy?" Frank legitimately, in a coy tone, asked leering more than looking at the curly haired brunette with the substantive breasts and ass.

"Frank!" Jillian scolded. "Not everyone is a kiss and tell like you."

"So you want to go to Cancun?" Mandy asked, stumbling a bit over her words, not sure how to change the subject and frame it around something else. She really liked the attention, but her shyness moved off it quickly. "Have you been? When are you thinking, I mean, we are thinking too."

"She's cute when she's embarrassed," Frank plowed forward. "I'm sorry Mandy, I tend to pry too much when I'm drinking. We have a favorite spot."

From that point forward there were no more advances, no more hints of mutual attraction, just flipping through websites of place the Cosgrove'ss had been and the Jestins had only dreamed about. The checks had arrived and been paid long before they were done and Frank took control of the conversation.

"The only thing we require is a nude beach," he said, then quickly cut Jillian's ire off at the pass. "If it's not your thing that's cool, but we have three resorts we've been to and they all have one."

The Cosgrove accessed three websites with three different resorts in the Cancun area. They guided Marty and Mandy through the amenities of all three and showed the prices points were somewhat similar.

"We're open to any of those three," Marty said passing the phone back to Mandy, lying a little looking for her agreement. "It's about the same price as the one I had looked into.

"Yeah, I'm not sure the nude beach is a must for us, but these all look nice," she said handing the phone to Jillian.

"Time will tell," Frank said and turned to Marty. "I'll email you the weeks we're thinking and the information, just tell us what and we'll get them booked. We're going to be in Texas that month so we'll just have to arrange our own airfare."

"Sounds great!" Marty said shaking Frank's hand as they all got up, the girls exchanging hugs again and soon they were out of the restaurant and into their own vehicles.

"I guess we're doing this," Mandy said excitedly, her hand stroking her arm, brushing her breast. She suddenly felt her phone buzz.

'Hey Mandy, why don't you guys grab some swimsuits and a computer and we'll have a booking party tonight in our hot tub?' the text from Jillian read. 'The night's too young to not get book tonight.'

Without asking Marty, Mandy impulsively texted back, 'okay, sounds fun!"

"What's that?" Marty asked and Mandy read the text aloud and her response.

"Hell ya!" Marty said.


The Nissan Altima pulled up to the large estate, Mandy and Marty quickly gathering towels and swim suits, Marty insisting Mandy bring her bikini regardless of coverage.

"You're old one piecers are two baggy now anyway," Marty said, trying to convince her through the drinks to be more 'out there' with her body.