You are My Sunshine Ch. 01


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She knew now that he had heard everything. "We were lying to each other to make a joke. That's what everyone does when they play this game. It was just trying to outdo each other."

"I've had enough of your bullshit. Either you are out of here before I count to ten or I'll throw you out. Before I start counting tell that bitch living in our house that she won't have to wait until I go to Europe but if I catch that bastard in my house he better have his life insurance paid up. Also, I can't guarantee that some of this may slip out on the golf course or when I see your husband again."

"You have no proof and if you tell these lies you better get a good lawyer." She thought he would take her threat to heart but saw him smile instead.

"ONE!...TWO!...THREE!...FOUR!...FI," he stopped counting when he heard the front door slam shut. Instead of grabbing a bottle of Jack he went to the kitchen table and opened up his laptop. "Alex...Alex Morgan what is your story?"


Alex was already thinking about seeing Jill in a few months. Sure, he loved his wife but sex with her was vanilla and very routine. With Jill it was literally no holes-barred. He had already marked his calendar for the first week in June, which was the date Jill's husband went to Europe last year and had started making up a fake business trip when his phone buzzed. It was Jill.

"Something must be bad for you to call my number."

"He...he knows Alex." She could stop sniffling.

"Fuck Jill how the hell did that happen? Shit it's been ten months and we had everything covered."

"It was my fault. He overheard Wanda and I talking about it. I haven't seen or heard from him since yesterday morning when he left for golf. He told Wanda that he hates me."

"Shit, shit, shit. Does he know who I am?"

"I think so because your name was mentioned during our conversation. I just wanted to give you a warning because I have no idea what he is going to do. Wanda said he hinted that he was going to tell her husband."

"And probably my wife Anna. What the fuck can we do Jill? You have to talk to him and calm him down. Offer him anything even your ass. You said he's never had it."

"Alex you don't understand he hates me and I could offer him anything and he would just laugh at me and call me names. I've got to go because my daughter will be home soon and I don't need anyone else overhearing about the biggest mistake of my life."

"It was mine too," he sighed. "What were we thinking Jill?"

"We weren't thinking about the consequences that's for damn sure. If we talk I'll try to get him to not say anything to Anna. Goodbye Alex." She knew no matter what happens she would never see or talk to him again.


The next morning after a terrible night sleeping Jill make it until noon when she heard a car pull up outside. She had slept on the sofa so as to not feel so lonely in the huge king size bed.

"Mommy, Daddy I'm home!" her six-year-old daughter Julianne yelled after she walked into the house. She ran up and jumped onto her mother's lap. "Mommy have you been crying?"

She didn't see her Mom Betty walk in who was staring at her.

"Yes baby. I uh...just saw a sad movie and I couldn't help but cry," Jill lied.

"Must have been a really bad one," Mary said suspiciously looking at the huge pile of used tissues on the floor in front of her.

Little Julianne looked around. "Where's Daddy. I need to tell him about the puppy Grandpa brought home. He will be so happy because I know that Daddy likes puppies."

"I'm sorry sugar but Daddy had to go out of town on business and will be gone a few days." She glanced at her mother and saw the doubt on her face.

Julianne made a sad face. "But Daddy never goes away unless he kisses and tells me how much he loves me first. "Does this mean he doesn't love me anymore?" Tears started falling from her little blue eyes.

"Baby Daddy loves you to the moon and back. Hopefully he will call later and you can talk to him. Why don't you go upstairs to your room and put away your clothes?"

"OK, but I miss my Daddy tucking me in and singing 'You are my Sunshine' before I go to sleep."

That did it for Jill. She got up and ran to the bedroom so her daughter wouldn't see her bawling her eyes out.

Twenty minutes later Mary tapped on the bedroom door and opened it. "She's having some cookies, milk and watching cartoons. What's going on Jill?"

"Momma..I messed up so bad. I cheated on Jake and he found out. Oh God and I think I've lost him." She fell face down in the pillow to hide her cries of sorrow.

Mary wanted to scream and yell at her daughter but knew it would do no good and cause more hurt. She had to find out everything. "Tell me what happened."

"I'm so ashamed. I don't know if I can. Will you still love me?"

"Honey I'm your mother. There not much you can do wrong that would cause me not to love you. Maybe I can help. If you remember your Aunt Agnes was discovered to be cheating by Uncle Abel. He was ready to throw her to the wolves until she and I came up with a plan for him to believe that she would never do it again. It wasn't easy but she persisted and they are still married today."

"But I didn't tell you the worst part. He heard me say that he couldn't please me like Alex did and that Alex was so much bigger. Also, this is so hard to say, but I let Alex do me anally and Jake never has but wanted to."

"First, is there any chance that Alex and you might get together again? You know if there are two divorces."

"Absolutely not! Any time I would see him I would remember all that I lost. Other than the sex we don't have anything in common and I feel he thinks the same. We've never said that we loved each other even in college."

"Let me get a hold of Agnes and go over everything we did and maybe, just maybe, we might be able to keep you two together. I need to go home and let you reconnect with Julianne. We can talk tomorrow."

After her mom left her phone rang and she saw that it was Jake. She took a big breath and answered it, "Hi Honey. I'm sar..."

"I didn't call to hear that you are sorry. Hell, everyone is sorry now that you fucked your old boyfriend for five days. But since you can't un-fuck him I guess that's it, right?"

"Please don't say that. I know you are angry and right now would like to ring my neck. Hell, I wish I could do it too but I have a little girl here that needs her Daddy right now. Come home tonight and tuck her into bed and sing to her. I promise I won't even talk if you don't want me to. You can get what you need for a few days to calm down and maybe then we can talk. Just remember that no matter what you heard and what happens I love only you and always will. Please come home."

When he first heard her voice, he remembered what she said on the patio. "OK, but only for Julianne. Don't say a fucking word to me." He knew his daughter's normal bedtime was 7PM. "I'll be there at ten minutes to seven."

Jill saw a flicker of light but it was very dim. She hoped her Mom would come up with something to at least to slow down the train wreck that was coming. She glanced around the house and saw all the photos and mementoes of their life together. They had met on an amusement ride on a roller coaster by the beach. She was already in the rail car when he asked if he could join her. When their eyes met they knew. Two months later they moved in together and a year later married and bought their first house. Money was tight until he got a huge promotion and she was able to teach full-time. He didn't travel much and only went overseas once per year to an annual Civil Engineering conference.

It took so long to build and with just one disastrous cheating week she smashed into the foundation of their marriage with one catastrophic blow. The walls were shaking and the paint had started peeling. The foundations of Trust and Respect were teetering and really to fall. She hoped that he had enough love for her left to stop the destruction she had caused.

With an hour to go before he arrived she made Julianne something to eat and gave her a quick bath. "Why are we in a hurry Mommy."

"I wanted to surprise you but your Daddy hasn't left yet on his trip and will be here soon to put you to bed and sing your favorite song to you."

"REALLY! REALLY!" Julianne shouted as she gulped down her chicken nuggets, finished her milk and started taking off her clothes at the table. "Hurry Mommy get the bath water ready!"

For a few moments Jill was happy but knew it was for her daughter. She loved her Daddy and would never understand why he wasn't with her every night and every weekend. The sad part was that Jill was feeling the same pain. She couldn't imagine coming home from work and not seeing Jake there with open arms. She was praying for a miracle and knew her odds of getting one was slim to none. As her daughter splashed in the shallow water in the bathtub she hurried to fix her hair and put on some makeup. But no matter what she tried her eyes stayed red and puffy. She kept her clothing simple and just had on the favorite shirt and shorts that he liked.

"Daddy will be here in five minutes sweety so let's get you in your pajamas and ready for bed."

Jill stayed busy cleaning the house that was mostly cluttered with her tissues. She was putting pajamas on Julianne when she heard the front door open.

"I'm here!" Jake yelled.

He looked around the house that may not be any longer his. A big smile filled his face for the first time in days when he heard the little pitter-patter of feet running down the stairs. "DADDY! DADDY! I MISSED YOU!"

Around the corner with wet hair and tiny bare feet came his daughter wearing a Minnie Mouse pajama top. She leaped up into his big strong arms and curled her arms around his neck.

Jake was so locked into his daughter that he didn't realize that Jill was standing back in the shadows. He glanced her way and saw her sadness but she smiled as Julianne hugged and kissed her daddy.

"Daddy I thought you were going away without kissing me and singing our song." She was hugging him so hard he was having trouble breathing. "Jul...jul..let ga...go." He didn't want to hurt her and felt Jill pulling her back.

"Thanks," he said seeing his love for her and at the same time felt the hurt she caused. "Let's go and maybe you can tell me what you did today."

"Mommy said I have to go to bed now."

Jake glanced Jill. "Is it ok Mommy if she tells me how her day was?"

"Sure she...we missed you today."

He didn't bite. "Let's go in the den and you can tell me."

"Daddy! Grandpa got a puppy and let me name it. She's a girl and I named her 'sunshine' after our song."

He was choked up for a second. "But how can she be 'sunshine' when you are my sunshine?"

"Silly we can both be sunshine because there is lots of sunshine in this world. Do you know when it's dark here there is sunshine somewhere else? My teacher told us that last week."

"You are getting so smart and old. You know soon you won't want me to tuck you in or sing to you." He glanced at Jill who looked like she was about to cry.

"No Daddy...I'll never get too old for that. Because you sing that no one can take your sunshine away. And you are Mommy's sunshine and no one can take her sunshine away either."

Jake knew that he was losing and needed to stop this conversation. Jill had promised not to talk and was doing a good job. "I think it's time for bed so let's go upstairs. He picked her up in his arms and carried her by Jill.

"Good night baby," Jill said feeling the eyes starting to water again.

"No Mommy you have to come with us because we ALL have to kiss goodnight."

"Honey, maybe not tonight ok?" Jake asked.

"We have too! It won't be the same."

The thought of kissing Jill's lips sickened him. How about we do it maybe some other night?"

"NO! Tonight, we have to do it every night!"

"Sorry baby I can't tonight."

"Well, I don't want you singing to me either. If you don't kiss us it means you don't love us. Mommy, take me to bed and you can sing my song." She wiggled out of his hands and into Jill's.

"Jake?" Jill said glaring at him.

"Julianne kiss me and I have to go pack." He leaned towards her but she pushed his face away.


Jill was angry and quickly carried her up the stairs. Her daughter was now crying and she tried to calm her down. "Tomorrow we can go and visit grandpa after school and see 'Sunshine'.

"OK but will you sing me my song tonight?"

"Sure." Tears started falling as she started,

"You are my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much"

Jill's eyes were tear fountains as she finished loudly to make sure that Jake heard the last part.

"Please don't take my sunshine away!"

Jill could see Julianne's damp eyes closing and continued humming the song until she was asleep. She kissed her forehead and walked with her head down totally defeated into the bedroom. Jake was in the bathroom singing:

"You told me once dear, you really love me

And no one else would come between

But now you've left me and love another

You have shattered all of my dreams."

She couldn't hold back, "you are so wrong Jake. I only love you, have not left you and I'll do anything to bring our dreams back again. I hope you are proud of yourself for making your daughter cry herself to sleep." She walked out and downstairs. A few minutes later he walked down carrying two suitcases.

"Can I tell her when you are coming back?"

"Get a lawyer Jill and have him or her call James."

"So that's it? No talking...nothing?"'

"I don't think you want to hear what I have to say."

"But I do. I want you to call me slut, whore and cheater. I deserve every name because I hurt the only man I've ever loved and ever will. He was nothing to me, nothing, and no one else will ever be. Please can we at least talk about how we can put this behind us and go on to get our dreams with Julianne?" When he didn't answer she continued.

"You hurt her tonight and if that's what you're going to do then I will stand up to you. You were wrong tonight and I never would have thought that you would do that to our angel. Go ahead and leave." She started crying again and ran upstairs.

Jake was frozen. He wanted to go upstairs to hug her and tell her that they could get through this but how? All he could see when he closed his eyes was Alex fucking her to three orgasms. How could he ever compete? He drudgingly grabbed his suitcase and staggered out.

Jill cried herself to sleep and woke up the next morning when Julianne jumped onto her bed. "Mommy I want to go and see Sunshine. Hurry and get dressed."

Jill dried to look upbeat as she showered and washed her hair. She really felt it was finished. Her marriage to a wonderful man and father was terminated. She knew she had to contact a shrink and find out why she could have done what she did. As she was drying her hair she saw her phone vibrating on the sink next to her. She glanced and saw that she had a text from Jake. She dropped the dryer and clicked on his text.

'I'm sorry.'

She read it out loud a few times. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry. "What the hell does that mean?" She was still puzzled when she arrived at her parent's home.

"Mom, did you talk to Aunt Agnes?"

"Yes but tell me about what happened with Jake last night?"

"How did you find out he came by?"

"I was worried about you and drove by and saw his car. I parked across the street in Mrs. Wilson's driveway and watched until he walked out with two suitcases. So, tell me."

Jill told her everything and Mary brought out a two-page contract signed by Agnes and Abel. "I have a contract here that Agnes signed to convince Abel that she would never cheat again."

Jill was skeptical about this working until she finished reading it. How are we going to get him to sit down and read it?"

"There are two things that he cherishes in this world that he cares enough to do it. He's going to get both thrown at him."

"Mom that's playing dirty."

"I know."


Jake decided to work at the condo on Monday and did his best not to think about what Jill had done. Never would he have thought that she was capable of having sex with someone else. He knew she had dated a guy named Alex in college but the way she talked he was a jerk and she hated him.

Sure, they had a few bumps in their marriage early along their way but it was mostly in the early years concerning money. But, she was always saying how much she loved him and was more than satisfied in the bedroom. Jake knew he was bigger than the average cock size and she had never complained. But now he realized that she had sampled Alex's huge length in college.

He was about to call his lawyer when his phone buzzed. He saw that it was from his Mother-In-Law Mary. Since his Mother had died early she had quickly filled the void. "Hi Mom."

"Jake I know what's going on and I feel so bad for both of you.

"Mom, I'm not sure if I can talk about it with you. She's your daughter and I'm sure you don't want to hear my feelings toward her right now."

"Son, I just want you to make sure you know that I have loved you like you were my own son. I can imagine the pain and hurt you are in right now and it hurts me as well. What I hope you don't do is react on your emotions right now. Think about what you will be losing and what your life will be like if you break it off. Yes, I guess, no I'm sure that I selfishly want you to stay part of my family and I'm here to help in any way I can."

"I know Mom. My mind is bouncing back and forth. I love her so much but I can't erase what she did and what she said. They say that time heals all wounds but this is more than just a wound. This took a chunk out of my heart and trust for her."

He heard her sniffing. "Are you OK?"

"No, I fear my family is being ripped apart," she sobbed. "Listen, why don't you come to my house tomorrow and see me. Mack won't be here and maybe we can work at least on the trust part. I'll have your favorite pot roast ready with nice roasted potatoes."

He finally was able to smile. "You've always known how to get to me. I'm taking this week off so what time?"

"How about four o'clock? Now don't eat a big lunch!"

"Yes Mom," he chuckled.

"Goodbye Son. I love you."

"Goodbye I love you too." His happiness ended when they disconnected. He realized not only would he be losing his wife, time with his daughter but a parent he had grown to call his Mom. The pain that he had was in his heart and trust were bad but, the big killer was his confidence that he could ever satisfy Jill to the degree that asshole did. He knew he needed company to talk to and picked up his phone.


"Connie it's me."

End of chapter one.

Wow what an emotional rollercoaster! This story can go so many ways. A lot of you want to burn the bitch and some of you want to keep them together. How about a combination of the two? But most of you want to keep Sunshine happy. But can it be done? Thanks for reading. I'll try to get to Ch. 2 but some traveling is in the works.

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AardieAardie10 days ago

She can never make him believe that sex with him is good. She even faked an orgasm after he came back from the trip. It seems like this will be a RAAC, which does not make me happy.

DessertmanDessertman24 days ago

I am waiting for the next part.

Sexty04131Sexty041315 months ago

Writer changes Jill's mom's name from Betty to Mary. Then Jill blames making Julianne cry was awful of Jake to do (making counter accusations to show he's being the one breaking their family up not her) and minimizes the fact that had she been faithful their daughter would have had her Daddy home. The child just came home so obviously Daddy doesn't sing to her every night and kiss Mommy on demand of the child. Story is, so far, just saying that regardless of wife cheating hubby should just suck it up and let it go to make his daughter happy. MIL is trying to guilt him into staying. Sorry but he's already had a piece of paper that should have guaranteed Jill wouldn't cheat. It's called a marriage license/certificate! No other piece of paper, regardless of consequences for cheater, is going to stop her from cheating on her husband! Once a cheater always a cheater and their post-nup or whatever won't guarantee his wife will keep her legs together any more than their wedding vows did!

MarkT63MarkT637 months ago

How can any MAN forgive that level of betrayl??!!!

HighBrowHighBrow9 months ago

Everyone wants the puppy to be happy?! Really!

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