You Do What?


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When CC discovered he and the girls were members of the club, he called them into the office. After they arrived, he said, "Girls, I want to be an asshole. I've just discovered we are each fully paid up members in good standing of the country club. How would you like to begin visiting the club with me for meals, swimming and other activities on a regular basis?"

The girls squealed and said, "Yes, that's so cool. We knew Randy was a member but he hated those assholes there and would never go. Why do you think that makes you an asshole?"

CC explained the particular's of his breakup with Penelope and the girls decided they would be extremely happy to accompany him any time he wanted to go and would help him rub Penelope's and her parents noses in his membership. CC wasn't sure why he wanted so badly to jab (figuratively) Penelope and her parents, but he did. He supposed it was because they made it plain he wasn't good enough to marry or socialize with them and their snooty friends.

Friday night came and CC loaded the girls into his latest restoration--a 1934 Packard--and off to the country club they went. He decided he wasn't going to pander to the elite and, while dressed nicely in slacks, good shirt and tie, he refused to wear a suit. The girls, on the other hand, dressed in very nice clothes from a mid level store.

Their arrival in the classy, beautifully restored Packard garnered a lot of attention from members and staff in sight of the main entrance. When they entered the lobby of the club, they were met by a snobbish man CC called the gatekeeper. He approached them as they entered the building and, in a dismissive supercilious manner, said, "I'm sorry sir. This is a members only establishment unless you're a guest of a member. Are you meeting someone? Or perhaps you're a visiting member of one of our corresponding clubs?"

"No, we had nothing better to do tonight so thought we'd just drop by and see if we could get a decent meal. We're not members of another club or meeting anyone. We're members of this club."

"As I said, sir, it is a member's only establishment and I don't recognize you as a member. Could I see your membership card?"

"I'm afraid we don't have them. Perhaps you should check and then issue us one?"

The man laughed and said, "I'm afraid it's not quite that easy. You have to apply for membership, be approved by the membership committee and then, if approved, pay the membership fee. The whole process takes several weeks to months to complete."

"That's not necessary. We're already members. Here's our ID's. Why don't you find us a table and we'll have a meal while you verify everything and take care of getting our cards."

The man took their licenses but refused to seat them. Instead, he motioned to a security guard and said to CC, "This gentleman will take you to the lounge while I get to the bottom of this."

The guard said, "This way sir, ladies," and led them to an alcove beside the busy bar where he gestured toward some comfortable looking chairs. He said, "Please have a seat while we wait on Mr. Wilder."

CC looked toward the girls and said, "Well, while we wait, would you like a drink?"

They each decided on a white wine and CC rose to get the drinks. When he saw him head for the bar the guard intercepted him and said, "I'm sorry sir but I can't let you into the club without Mr. Wilder's approval. Please return to your seat."

CC had just returned to their seat when a different man rushed up to him. He had his hand stuck out as far as it would go and began talking almost before he was in sight of the small group. He said, "Mr. Rodgers. How good to see you sir. I'm Theodore Sorenson, General Manager of the club. I didn't know you were here until Mr. Wilder informed me. I'm so sorry about the mixup about your membership. We're preparing cards for you and these charming ladies that I assume are Ms. Jeri and Ms. Cari Simmons."

"Great, thank you. And yes, this is Jeri and Cari. Now, sir, we came to have supper and we're really very hungry. Could we possibly get a table so we can eat?"

"Oh, certainly sir and, please, let me comp your meal because of this unfortunate mix up. Anything you want tonight is on the house. Sometime soon, could we possibly meet and transact a little business? Nothing major, just make arrangements for charges and so forth? Many of our patrons run a tab and pay at the end of the month. Years ago, your uncle asked us to just deduct his charges from the monthly lease payments but he almost never graced us with his presence. Now, please, follow me and I'll lead you to your table."

When they entered the dining room Teddy, as CC thought of him, spoke to the Maitre d'. He said, This is Mr. Cecil Rodgers and Miss Jeri and Cari Simmons, new members of the club. Please inform everyone that their entire bill will be comped tonight and treat them well."

"Of course, Sir," he said.

Teddy turned back to CC and said, "Ramon will take you from here. Again, I apologize for the unfortunate occurrence earlier. Your identification will be returned when we bring you your cards. Please, enjoy your evening and if I can be of further assistance, don't hesitate to call on me."

From that point on, the service was exemplary and, after they ordered, they found the appetizers and meal to be outstanding. They also enjoyed the looks they received from many of the patrons, especially Penny (Penelope as she always insisted she be called) and her family when they saw them sitting in the restaurant.

When they saw Penny she was talking animatedly to her father and pointing at them. Soon thereafter, her father rose from the table and headed out of the room. CC saw him talking to Teddy. He was red in the face and gesturing toward their table. Apparently, Teddy informed him they were members in good standing because Jordan yelled, "What? That's preposterous."

They could see Teddy shushing Jordan and leading him farther from the door. Soon he came stomping back into the dining room with a cloudy, sullen expression. He spoke to the members of his group and they continued eating, casting angry glances their way from time to time.

After their meal, CC and the girls went into the ballroom and danced a short time before they decided to return home. While exiting the building they overheard Jordan once again talking to Teddy. He said, "I want to file a complaint with the membership committee about those unsuitable people who were just granted membership. Rodgers and those two girls are unfit for membership. Why, he writes pornography and they all work at that unsightly junk yard. Their membership is totally uncalled for. How they can even afford our membership and fees is beyond me."

CC grinned when he heard Teddy say, "Jordan, there's nothing I can do about their membership even if I wanted to. Their membership is part of our lease agreement with R&R Development Company, the owner of the land our club is situated upon."

"How can that be? He writes smut and those two girls are just common employees of the junkyard."

"Jordan, this is not for general dissemination. R&R Development is held in a trust fund 60% of which is owned by young Mr. Rodgers. The young ladies own 20% each of the same fund. Part of our lease agreement requires owners of the trust to have complimentary full membership in the club indefinitely. If we fail to bestow membership on them it voids the lease and the club and all buildings revert to the control and ownership of R&R Development. On top of that, our lease is up for renewal in six months. I would hate to think what might happen if we upset them before the negotiations are completed."

Jordan's face turned ashen and he muttered, "Oh my God," before turning away.

When he entered the club room and sat at the table where his wife, Penelope, and her new fiancée were relaxing he just sat quietly. He guzzled his drink and motioned for another before his wife said, "Jordan, honey, what's the matter? You look as if you've seen a ghost."

Jordan turned to her then glanced at Penelope before he said, "I tried to get Theodore to call a meeting of the membership committee and revoke Cecil's and those girl's membership. He refused and explained something to me I didn't know before. Penelope, honey, I made a horrible mistake and so did you. Young Mr. Rodgers is much more than he appears. I was informed tonight that he indirectly owns 60% of this country club and those two young ladies own the other 40%. There's nothing we can do about their membership and I would suggest we be very careful what we say to or about them in the future."

Penelope blanched and whispered, "My God. What have I done?"

Her fiancee patted her hand and asked, "What do you mean dear?"

She gave him a sickly smile and replied, "Oh, nothing for you to worry about dear. I just treated those three horribly a while back and now I feel badly about it."

Cecil and the girls snickered and giggled all the way back to their house. The trip was short, only three miles by the road and even less if they had cut across country. Their house sat near the 18th hole of the golf course and between it and the salvage yard. There was a wide band of trees and brush between the course, house, and the salvage yard in deference to esthetic sensibilities. Let's face it, not even owners of a junk yard like to look at it day and night and members of a country club definitely don't want to see one.

After he let the girls out of the car, CC carefully put it back in its heated garage which he then carefully locked. He wrapped his arms around the girls and they walked slowly back to the house talking about their night.

Most Friday nights and some Saturday nights the three young people went to the club for supper. After it warmed up, they spent a lot of their free time at the pool as well. Occasionally a young man would ask one of the girls to dance at the club or try to talk them up around the pool. Some of the young women did the same with CC. Sometimes the girls would dance with the hopeful young man but most of their dances were with CC. He had always liked, oh, hell, he loved those girls, and this presented a dilemma to him. He found himself more and more drawn to the girls and felt surges of jealousy whenever one of the young men made a run at one of them. His dilemma was, which one was he most interested in and how could he make it known without hurting the other?

One evening after they returned from the club he pulled the girls into the den and sat with them on the couch. This, in itself, wasn't all that strange. They often did just that when they returned from an outing, or sat outside if the weather was nice. They liked to talk and giggle and yes, make fun of the 'toads' and 'toadies' at the club (otherwise known as pretentious supercilious assholes). They did admit a few of the members were very nice folks and they enjoyed talking with them, but most of the members were, well, UGH.

This night, CC pulled the girls down beside him and wrapped his arms around them, one on each side. After they were snuggled in he sat staring seemingly at nothing. Jeri finally turned her head toward CC and looked up at his face before she said, "Ok CC. Something's bothering you so why don't you just spill it?"

He sighed before he said, "Girls, I have a problem. I love you both and don't want to hurt either one of you but"

Cari broke in and said, "We know that silly. So what's the problem?"

"Well, I don't want to hurt either of you and I'm afraid I will if, oh, hell, I can't make a choice and it's not fair to either one of you. All those eligible men going after you make me want to smack them for trying it on with my girls and I know I can't have both of you. You need to find you a man to love and take care of. I've been trying to figure out how I could have one of you without hurting the other. I know I'm screwing this up but."

Cari placed her fingers over his mouth and said, "So what's the problem CC? You have us both now. We love you too you know. We've been wondering if you'd ever make your move here, or if you maybe didn't want us that way."

Jeri was quietly nodding her head and smiling while Cari talked. She leaned up and kissed CC before saying, "CC, you don't have to choose, you know. We're willing to share. We are twins, you know. We've shared everything all our lives."

"What! That's impossible. I can't marry both of you!"

"So, we know that. That doesn't mean you can't love us or we can't love you. We just don't get married, or you marry one of us and the other one just lives in sin with you. Get over it. You're our man and we're your women. We don't want anyone else and we're happy with what we've got now. So. Are you going to do something about it now or are you going to dither longer?"

CC grinned and pulled the girls tighter to him before he leaned down and gave each of them a loving kiss. He said, "Well, I'm going to bed. We'll see what happens after I get there." He stood and walked into his bedroom, shedding clothes as he went. The girls looked at each other and followed, leaving a trail of their clothes behind them.

The next morning it was after 10:00 am before they were all sitting, bleary eyed, on the patio with their coffee. All were grinning and making happy eyes at each other. CC said, "Damn, you two wore me out. Thank you. I love you both so much.

Soon, rumors began to make their way around town and the country club about the three lover's. They became more prevalent when Jeri began to show a baby bump. Cari began to show a couple of months later as well. Rumor had it CC was the father of both babies. Some disagreed, claiming it had to be someone else but those rumors were put to rest when the birth announcement of the children was published in the paper.

True to form, after the births became common knowledge, the Parsons saw them all at the club enjoying the pool with the two babies and caused a scene. Penelope was seething and said to her parents, "Look at those three. I can't believe they have the gall to parade their immorality around like that. Someone needs to do something about it."

Jordan replied, "You know we can't do anything. He has us over a barrell. Besides, what's he done that we can do anything about?"

Several days later a patrol car and an unmarked sedan drove into the salvage yard. A uniformed female officer and an older man dressed in a suit got out of the cars and entered the office. The suit, as CC thought of him, said, "We're looking for a Cecil Rodgers, Jeri and Cari Simmons Rodgers. I'm Detective Tolliver and this is Patrolman Jenkins."

"I'm Cecil Rodgers. What's this about Detective?"

"We're investigating a complaint, Sir. We want to ask you some questions about your marriage and relationship with the two aforementioned young ladies."

CC looked shocked for a moment before he picked up the microphone and spoke into it. The Detective and Officer heard loud speakers, "Jeri, Cari, please come to the office immediately."

Soon two young ladies came into the office dressed in stained coveralls. Cari said, "What's up CC?"

"These two gentlemen want to talk to us about our marriage and relationship."

The girls both laughed and Jeri asked, "What marriage? Did you two get married and not tell me?"

The Detective said, "Are you telling me you're not married young lady?"

CC said, "That's exactly what she's saying. Why is that something the police feel they should be asking about?"

Mr. Rodgers, if you and I could talk in your office, Patrolman Jenkins will keep the ladies company. Perhaps we can clear things up and I can explain."

CC shrugged and said, "Fine, come on in," before he turned and went into his private office with the Detective following."

The Detective said, "You don't mind if I record this conversation do you?"

"I suppose not. Do I need an attorney?"

"That's up to you. It's your right."

"I'll see how this goes for a while. I reserve the right to call one if I decide I need to do so. Now, what do you want to know."

The questions came fast and furious for a few minutes. It all boiled down to a complaint filed stating CC had carnal knowledge of the girls before they were 18 and impregnated them both while they were below the age of legal consent in contravention of state laws. The detective also admitted there was a complaint CC was alleging he was married to both girls. Upon hearing that, CC opened a safe in his office and showed the detective the children's birth certificates showing the girls were both over age 19 before the children were born. He also said they had never married and were, as the saying goes, living in sin.

After about 30 minutes of questioning, the Detective thanked CC and asked if he could use his office to talk with each of the girls separately. CC agreed and they went into the outer office so one of the girls could talk with the Detective.

After the police left CC and the girls sat in his office and discussed the interrogation. Cari said, "Who would do such a thing to us? We've never told anyone we're married and we never had sex before we were 18."

CC said, "We may never know but I suspect it was either Jordan, Penelope or DeDe."

That Friday the three lovers got a baby sitter and went to the club for supper. When they entered the dining room they saw the Parsons already seated with two other couples. Penelope and her fiancee were there as well. After they ordered their appetizers CC stood and said, "I'm going to have a word or two with the Parsons. I'll be right back."

As he turned to leave the table he heard two more chairs scrape and soon he had a beautiful young woman at each of his shoulders. They walked up to the Parson's table and CC said, "We had an interesting afternoon Tuesday. I don't suppose one of you would know anything about it would you? You probably wouldn't admit it if you did. I just wanted to let you know nothing came of it and never will. I would like to remind you that slander, libel and making false police reports are all illegal and could have serious consequences. Now, you all have a nice evening."

Penelope blushed and clenched her teeth while CC was talking. After they left a still shocked Jordan spluttered, "The nerve of that man. And what was he blathering about anyway?" He noticed the angry Penelope looking everywhere but at him and said, "Penelope, did you have anything to do with that?"



"I might have said something to a couple of people I know about Cecil's predilection for young girls and flaunting morality laws."

"Penelope, I want you to stop that right now. If you're lucky this will all blow over but you can get yourself and us in a lot of trouble if this continues. He is right, slander, libel and false reports can carry severe civil and criminal penalties. Do you have any proof he or those girls did anything wrong?"

Penelope whispered, "No Daddy but you said yourself he's a pornographer. He could have."

"Penelope, drop it. If he isn't guilty, and, say what you will, I suspect he isn't, unless you have proof he can rape us in court if he finds out you made the report and filed a false allegation. The police could also arrest you for filing a false report if that's what you did. On top of that, they can rescind our club membership for cause and it could even reflect poorly on my bank."

"Yes Daddy. I'm sorry but he makes me so mad flaunting those girls at us and spending time here at the club where he has no business being."

Randy had been happy leaving the excess income from the salvage yard and all the income from the club and his other businesses in interest bearing accounts. Granted that was safer but his net worth didn't grow very fast. CC and the girls decided, along with the co-trustee, to take a more aggressive path for the trust. Some funds were invested in the stock market and others were used to purchase a portion of a new business that would provide jobs for the community.