You Fuck'en Guys Ruined My Pussy

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Not the same after a gangbang, wife seeks solace.
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Portnoy was standing on the porch of the Professor's new home, thinking,

"If the three stooges were still around, I'm confident there'd be a slot for me." Portnoy was practicing a 'Stooges' face when the front door opened, and Professor Robert McGill poked his balding head out the door.

"Yes, sir, what can I do for you?" he asked, pointing his finger at the stranger. McGill thought he was dealing with a crazy man,

Portnoy was about six foot three inches and towered over the older balding man. Magill, thinking Portnoy was perhaps a homeless man, examined his costume. Portnoy's shoes looked neat, he wore socks, and although there were paint spatters on his flannel shirt, his outfit passed muster. Probably not homeless, thought the Professor.

"Well, sir, I'm your neighbor. My name is Portnoy Hobbs. I worked at the Post Office but was fired for reasons I'd prefer not to discuss. Suffice it to say that my female boss did not care for the males. Since then, I've made ends meet by working as a handyman.

I live in my Mom's house, only one block away, which cuts my bills. I did odd jobs for the 'widda' Hubbard and other stuff for her niece. The 'widda' is the one you bought the house from, so I know your house pretty well."

McGill looked Portnoy up and down and saw he was a big guy, strong enough for the job and not so bright that he'd be asking a lot of money for his services.

"Yeah, I could use some help," said the older guy, looking up at Portnoy while shielding his eyes from the sun.

"The lock on the garage door isn't working. I can't open the fucking door."

"Yeah, when I rode my bike yesterday, I saw you pulling on the door handle in front of the garage. Ya, all looked upset."

"Of course, the fucking door is broken," said McGill.

"Was that your daughter with ya?"

"Why the fuck do you care who she was?"

"I'm your neighbor, Portnoy. I don't mean no harm. I'm here to give you a hand."

"Well, for your information, Portnoy, as an English professor, I've heard tell of you," McGill added sarcastically, "and I've been told not to shake hands with you, just kidding.

Never having read 'Portnoy's Complaint,' Portnoy had no idea what the little guy was talking about. ('Portnoy's Complaint' was about a chronic masturbator)

"Anyway, for your information, that is not my daughter. It's my wife."

Mary ran down the driveway as if on cue, joining the two men in the middle of McGill's sentence.

Portnoy took one look at the wife and asked,

"Is he taking good care of you, young lady?

"On occasion," responded Mary, "if I return from the drugstore on time."

"What's he got, a heart ailment?"

"No, it's 'too hard' to explain."

"My medical condition is none of your business, Portnoy, embarrassed by her joke. Now run along," said the old guy.

Ignoring Professor McGill, Portnoy held his ground,

"So what's the door doing."

"It's not doing. That's the problem, the sucker worked up till now."

"It's likely the old spring bars are rusted out. I can help you with that," said the big guy.

Portnoy thought, "What was the old geezer thinking, at his age, moving to this ramshackle cottage down the block from my Mom's house? If I'd known he was considering purchasing, I'd told him it would have been better to knock the place down and start anew."

Local gossip had given Portoy the bare details. He knew the old guy was a professor of some sort, Sexology, whatever that is, and he'd married a young, beautiful student before he retired.

These May-December hookups are hard to understand, but knowing how horney these young gals can get if they are not getting it often enough, Portnoy made it a point to stop and say hello. Besides, he could always use some extra work.

"The garage door won't open," said Mary, "Can ya fix it?"

"Well, let me give it a yank."

"Yeah, I suppose you are good at that," said the Professor.

Portnoy, a big guy with a tiny brain (or so McGill thought), bent over to grasp the door handle and gave it a few tugs. The exertion caused his loose jeans to drop about eight inches, and that's how Mary saw Portnoy's widget.

"Sorry about that," said Portnoy, pulling up his pants, "these old jeans get worn out, and unless you put them in the hot cycle of the dryer to shrink them, they keep falling down. Gotta ask Mom to do that."

"Maybe you should wear some underwear," said Mary.

"Yep, I like to go commando in the warm weather; it feels more natural.

"It sure looks natural," said the Professor, "I can see they forgot to circumcise you at the hospital."

"What's that?"

"Oh, forget it.

"So how you gonna get in the garage," said the big lug.

"I left my handbag locked inside the car," said the tall, long-haired, blond wife. She was a few inches taller than her husband, narrow-waisted, tight-assed, and carried a bountiful pair of erect boobs.

"Don't you have a window? Whoever built these old garages was before electrification.

"Yes, Pornoy, there is a window on the other side, but it's locked."

"Why'd you lock it? Ain't no crooks in this town."

"Well, be it as it may, the fucking window is locked."

"No need to curse," said Mary.

"No problem there." Portnoy went around to the other side, picked up an old loose brick lying at the base of the foundation, and smashed the window.

"What did you do, you idiot?" said the Professor.

"I solved our problem," said the lug, pulling out the shards stuck in the window frame. I can set in a new glass for a few bucks."

"Careful, you'll cut yourself," said Mary.

"Oh, don't you worry about me, Missy," and with a bit of blood dripping on the wall from his cut hand, Portnoy finished his job.

"Ya got a garage key?"

"Yes," it was on a chain attached to the old guy's belt.

"Hold on, dummkopf, I'll get it loose."

After fumbling a bit, the Professor got the keychain loosened. It was tied to his belt loop. He had to unbutton his pants to get the job done, and in doing so, his pants slipped down, revealing his white briefs. Mary stepped forward to help her husband pull up his pants.

'You see, "Mary said, turning to Pornoy, "that's the advantage of wearing underwear."

"I guess," said Portnoy, busy trying to fit the key into the door lock.

"The key is turning, it ain't the lock."

"Are you ready," said the Portnoy to Mary, standing beside him.

Before she could answer, he'd lifted her off her feet and deposited her inside the garage.

Lifting her by the shoulders, Portnoy lifted her pink silk blouse, exposing her two bare breasts. Once inside the garage, Mary quickly pulled down her blouse, and her face turned the same color pink.

"Dat's the advantage of wearing underwear," thought Portnoy but said nothing.

"Here's the car key, hon. Go get yer bag," said the Professor, handing the key into Portnoy's big hand, who passed it to Mary.

Moments later, Mary retrieved her Gucci purse, and Portnoy reached in and lifted her out of the dark garage cabin. Of course, his pants fell again, and what Mary saw gave her food for thought. She reached down and pinched his exposed red cock's head and said, Portnoy, pull your pants up!"

"Yes, ma'am, jezze that stung."

The Professor, paying no attention to their banter, missed the pinch. He was perplexed, thinking, "How's he going to get the garage door opened." His wife's purse was not his only concern.

"I could tie a rope to the door and pull it down,' said Portnoy.

"No, you idiot, I'm sure the lock is broken."

"I'll take a look," said Portnoy and climbed through the broken window. When his jeans slipped below his waist, his bare ass flashed the couple.

Moments later, he shouted from inside, "Professor, it's the heavy metal springs, one is rusted to shit. The lock looks ok."

"Can you push the door open from inside?"

"I tried, but it's jammed to fuck all."

"So what do we do now," said McGill.

"There's a little village store nearby that has garage door stuff. I could drive over on my bike," offered Portnoy.

Mary interrupted, "And you will carry that heavy stuff back here on a bike? I'll drive you in my Jeep."

"You have a Jeep?"

"Yes, Portnoy, a yellow Renegade."

"Good for you, little lady!"

A few minutes later, Mary fetched the Jeep. "Are you coming, honey?" she asked the Professor.

"Nope, I've got stuff to work on here. You go on with Portnoy."

Once inside the vehicle, Portnoy asked Mary, "How is it that you are driving a man's car?

"It was a deal my husband and I made before we married. The Jeep was my college car. My husband paid it off. He offered me the choice of a zircon wedding ring or he'd pay off the coupon book. I figured the Jeep was more useful."

"So you didn't get a wedding ring?"

"I got the ring around the bathtub. That's enough with the questions, Mr. Portnoy."

She looked over at the big guy who was fumbling with his zipper.

"What is the matter? Can't you zip up?"

"I'm afraid if I do it too fast, I'll get my foreskin caught."

Mary pulled the Jeep over to the side of the road, "Here, let me try."

Portnoy was right to be wary; his loose foreskin looked like the skin on a turkey neck. Mary carefully fingered the flesh away from the zipper teeth, lifted the zipper, and closed it carefully.

"Thanks, ma'am. I once had to go to the hospital when I zipped up too fast and caught my foreskin, and all the nurses were laughing."

"I'm sure they did," said Mary. "Alright, where is this store?"

"Keep left on Main Street. It has a big green sign, Ballers Hardware."

Moments later, Mary spotted the hardware store and drove the Jeep into a vacant parking space.

"That's the nice thing about living in a small town; they haven't yet considered parking meters."

The two got out of the Jeep and walked past the wood barrels and potted plants cluttered around the entry and through the open door of the hardware store.

"Ok. Whatcha need," said the clerk, never one to ignore a pretty lady in a tight blouse.

"We need a garage door spring," said Mary, her nipples pressing against her silk blouse.

"What size?" said the clerk, whose penis began to swell.

"I don't know. Portnoy, what size do we need?"

Portnoy made his Stooge's face.

"If you don't know how long they are," said the clerk, "I'd advise you to run back home and dismount the bad boy, bring it in, and we will match its length."

Mary, looking disgusted, wheeled around, grabbed Portnoy by the arm, and pulled him away from the girly magazine rack. When she returned to the Jeep, she saw a tent pole forming in Portnoy's pants.

"Are you ok, Portnoy?"

"Yeah, just got me a hard-on looking at the boobs on the cover of that girlie magazine. They sure got some big titties."

"Ok, just calm down. You're acting like a child."

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. It's just my dick, it doesn't mean nothing."

"Your shenanigans are unbecoming for a man of your age."

Mary's comment was as if she'd smacked his hard-on. His boner quickly deflated.

When they returned to the garage, Portnoy helped Mary climb through the window. She recalled the last time Portnoy helped her and held her blouse down.

"I should have worn my sports bra," she thought, "but the weather was so nice she decided to go braless." Her breasts were firm; at her age, she didn't need a bra

Portnoy followed her into the garage. It was a tight fit to squeeze past the car door and rub along the sleek, long fender to get to where the broken spring was lodged in a geometry of thin metal levers. With brute strength, Portnoy used a screwdriver and a wrench to remove the broken spring from its attachment to the flat levers.

"You might as well remove the other one," said Mary.

"But it ain't broke."

"Ok." said Mary, "Then let's go."

They weaseled around the parked car to get back to the broken window where Portnoy lifted Mary out of the garage, putting both hands under her rear where one of his fingers slipped past her thin thong strap, snagging her vulva. As Portnoy propelled her out the window, he got a good look at her pale white butt and her ripe pink hairless vagina.

Once outside the window, Mary got her skirt in order and looked back as Portnoy climbed out. Of course, after his exertion, his pants were again some eight inches lower than his waist, and she got another good view of his pecker, which was much bigger than her hubbies, reminiscent of the oversized footballers who were the frat brothers of the infamous Otto Hamilton, her steady date in college. She took a deep breath, recalling how tight their cocks felt inside her.

Otto was the college's star quarterback. He was so good at the game that he was scouted from his first year. The night of the big game was a triumph. That was the weekend of the Harvest Moon Ball. For six months, Otto and Mary, his very loving girlfriend, had planned to share the night together.

It turned out Otto had other plans. When he accompanied Mary back to the frat house, he took her aside on the curved slate entry steps and said,

"Tonight, you get a chance to show me how much you love me."

"Sure, even anal if you want," said Mary, who was inexperienced in such preparation."

"Just be quiet for a second. What I'm trying to explain is tonight, you have to allow four of my brothers to have sex with you."

"How can you ask me that?"

"If you love, you will obey me."

"Are you sure that is what you want?"

"As sure as God makes little green apples. It's a frat tradition to share your love with your four closest brothers."

Mary didn't respond, but her big eyes looked upwards as if there was a God in heaven.

"Do you love me, Mary?"


"Will you fuck my brothers?"

"If that will make you love me more?"

"Of course it will."

Otto guided up the long wooden stairwell to his room on the second floor and told her,

"Get naked on your belly. I want to fuck you first, and I intend to go in the rear way."

She dropped her clothing on the chair beside the bed and lay on her belly.

Otto spat on his cock and started working it into her tight asshole.

"What are you doing? I thought you were going for a rear entry."

"Oh, I gotta keep your cunt clean for the brothers," and with a few deep shoves, he seated most of his shaft inside her and just about split her ass in half. Mary let out a yell. She had never felt such pain. It took only a few more deep thrusts before Otto ejaculated. Such was his high state of excitement.

When he pulled out, he took Mary's panty she'd left on the chair next to the bed and wiped off his poopy dick. Then he washed up and threw the ripe panties in the trash basket.

Just as he finished, there was a thunderous knock on the door, and Otto, still nude with a faltering hard-on, opened the door to let four frat brothers in.

Greeting them in his birthday suit, Otto shouted to Mary, "The guys are here."

"I don't want any introduction," said Mary. "Just let them fuck me and get gone. Can you give me a damp washcloth, Otto, you made a mess of my ass."

Once she wiped her butt clean, Otto sprayed a deodorant to freshen up the room, and Mary rolled onto her back as the four guys, stinking of sweat and testosterone, lined up at the side of the bed. Mary closed her eyes as if doing so would shield her from their onslaught.

Jo-Jo seeing what remained of Otto's red hard-on, said, "I ain't fucking into your cum leavings."

"She's clean. Jo-Jo, I butt fucked her knowing you are one fussy fucker."

"I ain't fussy," said the vast lineman; I just don't dip my wick in another guy's cum juice."

Jo-Jo climbed on board, shoving himself between Mary's thighs. Mary opened her eyes and shouted, "Otto, give me some lube; this guy's dick is huge."

Otto handed Jo-Jo a half-filled jar of Vaseline. Jo-Jo smeared the yellow grease on his wide big cock and balls before attempting entry into her tight pussy.

"Please go slow," whimpered Mary.

Jo-Jo took his time, keeping his weight on his knees, slowly giving her the old in and out with his big dick.

Mary gasped with almost every thrust as her eyes filled with tears. The pain was extreme. About three minutes later, Jo-Jo's balls triggered his cum button, and he shot a massive load. Still, he continued to thrust in and out for a few minutes longer, as if intent on widening Mary's tight pussy, splashing Mary's thighs with his cum load. By the time he finished, her tight pussy channel was loose.

"Did I fuck you good?"

Mary nodded.

"Say thank you, sir," said the footballer.

"Thank you, sir."

Someone from the other side of the bed said, laughing, "Ask her if she wants another."

As Jo-Jo pulled his big cock's head out of her, it acted like a shovel and dragged his copious sperm deposit splashing over Mary's thighs and belly.

Harry signed, "You fucker, you're supposed to pull out and not fill the saucer with cum.

"Tuff shit," said JoJo, "I own that cunt, and you guys get sloppy seconds. You ought to thank me for opening up the bitch's tight cunt."

Harry was the next in line.

"Here," said Otto to Harry, "Lube up."

"Why, if I gotta fuck through Jo's leftover cream pie, she's cum-lubed already."

Without lubing up, Harry pulled Mary's legs further apart, grimaced at the river of cum puddled there, and with his right hand, pointed his ten-inch dick into her hairless mound but, first, but he used his hands to shove both his balls deep between her butterfly labia."

"Have you ever been balled before?" he asked Mary, who made a quizzical expression.

"No, I don't think so."

"How's it feel?"

"It's warm and nice."

Mary was relieved for the moment, with his two balls stretching tight in her entry, thinking this was all that would occur.

After his balls had a cum bath inside her pussy Harry pulled out and firmly zoomed his big hard-on into her cavern. Mary cried out in pain.

"Go slow, you fucker; I ain't no piece of meat."

"For me, you are. You, my bitch," said Harry.

Her sounds of agony had furthered Harry's excitement. With his cock deep inside her pussy, his mouth found her tits and chewed her nipples till she cried out. That distressed wail triggered Harry's cock, already primed by watching Jo-Jo fuck Otto's girlfriend.

Harry, who prided himself on his staying power, lost control now and came inside. Mary's cunt was overflowing, warm cum spilling over the sides of her thighs. Mary's ass was bathing in a sea of semen. Finally, Harry gave both tits a bit and pulled out.

"That's enough," said Mary. "Why'd you bite me?"

"So you will remember that Harry Fondo fucked you," and she never forgot it to this day.

George, who was next in line, piped up, "Miss Mary, my dick is so tiny you won't even feel it, but George was a famous liar.

Without awaiting an invitation, just as Harry lifted his weight off of Mary and George lept on top, not missing a beat, he seated himself between her wide-spread thighs. George's dick was only seven inches long, which Mary could no doubt have pocketed, but his cock was as wide as a beer can.

Feeling his girth as he pressed his thin snake's cock's head into her swollen sex, Mary cried out,

"You're too big, you liar, but out of loyalty to her fiance, she sucked it up, and without hesitation, George set to work widening the trench.

George wasn't the most gallant of her lovers/fuckers,

"Miss Mary, when I'm done laying pipe, your sluice will be so wide you can go down to Tijuana and fuck a donkey and get all your drinks for free," Mary grimaced at George's inappropriate remark.

As inappropriate as it was, it was probably true, and George intended to spend a long time fucking the tall blond. In preparation, he had jerked off a few hours before. George took twenty minutes before his punctured beer can dick poured his dollop of fresh sperm into her overworked swollen vulva.