You Get My Vote


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Janet's hand now moved on, pushing at Becky's slacks, widening the opening, scrabbling their way down until they were on top of her pubic mound, only her tiny cotton panties between her most personal of flesh and that questing hand. Becky pulled her mouth from Janet's, her breath coming too quickly for a kiss to be comfortable, and rested it on her shoulder, gently nuzzling the older woman's neck as she waited for the next touch. Long slim fingers inched their way down, over the mound, hooking a little to find their way between Becky's thighs, thighs that seemed to part of their own accord to allow access. She felt the tips briefly press against her swollen clitoris before they worked their way further down her into her slacks, almost pressing the cotton material of her panties into her. God, how she wished Janet had found her way under them. It would come, she knew it would come, but she was impatient, her mind wanting every sensation at once, her body wanting everything done to her that one woman could do to another, even though she wasn't too sure what that might be.

'Yes.' She whispered into Janet's ear, hoping that the word would be correctly interpreted.

'Yes.' Janet responded, the reply sounding a bit like a question.

Becky nodded into Janet's neck and waited, standing still and tense to see what would happen.

There was another instant of panic when Janet's hand was pulled from her slacks, but then it joined the other and both were on the waistband, easing them over her hips and down her thighs. Becky was conscious of Janet's face passing close to her crotch as she pushed them down, wondering, half hoping, if Janet would catch a whiff of her arousal, and then half scared that it would be too strong to be pleasant. She couldn't help it, she knew that she was wet through, fully turned on. But Janet seemed not to notice, she knelt before Becky and lifted each foot in turn to ease her shoes off and the slacks over her feet with no sign of anything untoward. Becky placed a hand on Janet's shoulder to steady herself, gazing down in awed anticipation as the woman reached for her panties, pulling them down and off before tossing them carelessly to one side as if to say they wouldn't be needed anymore.

Now Janet's face was straight in front of her pussy and Becky held her breath. Would she do it? They were both naked now and anything was possible. Becky didn't even want to think exactly what she wanted in case the thought pushed away the possibility.

But then Janet rose to her feet and an unexpected fleeting disappointment swept through Becky as she stood before her and as an arm reached around her to pull her back into a kiss, a normal mouth on mouth kiss. Only a very short time before even this from a woman would have seemed way over the top, but now she wanted everything and kissing those lips was not really enough. In compensation however, they were both now totally without any clothes to get in the way and Becky could feel the warmth of Janet's skin the whole length of her body. Her arms went around Janet just as Janet's did around her and the two women stood close, pressing themselves onto each other and enjoying the feel of skin on skin as they kissed.

Becky pressed her pubes against Janet, trying to feel the other woman's mound through the pad of her pubic hair, wanting to know the full extent of their intimacy. Janet moaned quietly into the kiss and pushed herself forward, parting her legs slightly and adjusting her position to allow Becky's thigh to find its way between hers and her own to push between Becky's, each pressing and squirming against the other and bringing home the exquisite eroticism of their embrace. Becky could feel the smooth skin of Janet's pussy against the top of her thigh, the hairless flesh beautifully warm and moist against her own skin. She wanted to touch it, but before she could muster the courage she felt Janet's hand sliding down her back, over the top curves of her bottom and around her hip, gently but firmly making its way down her front until the fingertips were exploring her pubes, this time without the hindrance of her panties.

Becky parted her thighs, breaking the kiss as she readjusted her position to entice Janet to explore further, and then gasping with pleasure as fingertips found their way over her mound and onto her slit. Janet bent slightly to reach further, her fingers walking over Becky's pussy, reaching for her entrance and finding it wet and open ready to receive her. She paused and looked up at Becky expectantly, her silver hair swinging seductively across her face.

'Oh.' Becky gasped in delight at the prospect of being touched there by a woman. 'Yes, do it.'

Janet smiled at Becky before bending a little more and kissing the top curves of her breasts as she unhesitatingly thrust two fingers deep into her slippery passage. She moved again as Becky spread her thighs even wider, taking Becky's nipple into her mouth, nibbling and sucking it while the flat of her hand slithered along the young woman's pussy, pushing between her labia so that the heel rubbed on her clit even as her fingers pistoned in and out.

Becky was panting with excitement, overwhelmed by the sensations she was feeling as she draped herself over Janet's shoulder, staring along her bent back but without really looking, her eyes unfocussed as her mind tried to cope with the absolute ecstasy she was experiencing. Already she could feel the first signs of a climax building deep in her pelvis. Janet's thrusts quickened, becoming more urgent and more vigorous as if she understood what was happening and was determined that Becky's orgasm would be as powerful as possible.

When it came it came suddenly, exploding inside her with wave after wave of pure pleasure racing outwards from her pussy, flooding her body and turning her muscles to water. She jerked and shuddered, inadvertently wrenching her nipple from between Janet's lips, the brief pain only adding to her enjoyment.

The orgasm was fierce but brief, leaving her panting and wobbly, her mouth hanging open, her eyes staring into nothingness but closing briefly when aftershocks tore through her from little movements of the fingers still buried inside her. She could feel herself trembling, her body spent and weak from the violence of her climax, and she was clinging to Janet to prevent herself from collapsing altogether.

'Good?' Janet enquired, smiling contentedly when Becky could only nod mutely in reply.

She disentangled herself gently, withdrawing sopping wet fingers and putting her arm around Becky so that she could lower them both gently onto the grass. Becky let herself be placed on her back, still panting and drained, only her arm moving to encircle Janet's shoulder as if determined that the older woman would not move away.

Not that Janet had any intention of doing so, she propped herself on one elbow beside Becky and began to draw soft circles around her nipple with one fingernail of the other hand, saying nothing but just smiling quietly until Becky had got herself together once more.

'My God.' Becky whispered eventually. 'That was awesome.'

'I'm glad.' Janet replied softly.

For a few minutes longer they lay silently together, Becky regaining her breath and getting her head around what had happened while Janet traced little circles over her skin. It was nice to feel a woman touching her so tenderly and so erotically, so different to a man's touch, nice but strange. Somehow she didn't feel wrong about lying naked in the dappled shade, gazing up at the sunshine filtering through the apple leaves and just enjoying the feel of Janet's fingertips. This was the way to enjoy her post orgasmic lethargy she told herself, wondering at the same time if there was any more to come or if that was to be it. She wanted to ask but just didn't have the nerve this still rather intimidating older woman.

But then, as Becky had rather hoped that she would, Janet took the initiative by rolling onto her back and then reaching over to take Becky's hand and place it softly but firmly on her own breast, pulling Becky onto her side and partly on top of her as she did so. She squeezed it onto the soft flesh and smiled seductively in an unmistakeable invitation. Becky was surprised for a moment, but then the smile reassured her and she began to squeeze and massage the firm breast, feeling the already engorged nipple harden further under her touch. All the while Janet's hand remained over Becky's, providing gentle pressure and the unspoken encouragement that allowed Becky to enjoy this very new sensation.

Not that Janet remained silent. Soon she was making tiny little pleasure sounds, little whimpers that revealed how her arousal was growing. Then her hand pressed more firmly on Becky's, making her grip on the soft breast tighten until she knew it must be hurting. But Janet only pressed harder still, squirming and wriggling under the pressure. It was exciting and exhilarating for Becky to be able to do this to a woman she had so recently been in awe of, but now her problem was that she didn't know how to proceed. She badly wanted to make Janet come, just as she had with her, but she didn't know how to go about it.

Once again Janet took the lead, moving things along determinedly, taking Becky's hand from her breast and pushing it down her body at the same time threading her own arm under Becky's shoulders to guide her head towards the newly uncovered nipple. Becky moaned with delight as she understood what was required of her, eagerly letting her mouth be steered to the miniature button of Janet's nipple and her hand to the smoothly shaven curve of her mound.

Happy now that they both wanted the same thing she wriggled down a little to make herself more comfortable, so that her lips closed more easily around the nipple without stretching her neck. It was another new sensation, and a beautiful one, the feeling of soft breast flesh that moved and gave as she suckled on the hard little nubbin at its peak. She was so captivated by the idea of kissing and sucking Janet's breast that for a moment she even forgot that her hand lay a fingertip distance from the most amazing sensation of all, until Janet's urgent hand around her wrist reminded her.

Now she had moved she could reach over Janet's mons and onto her pussy, but before she did she shuffled slightly further closer, determined to take things as far as she was allowed. She had felt her own pussy many times, but now she wanted to feel the wet warmth of another woman's love tunnel and she wanted to be able to reach as far in as her fingers would go. Without realising it she actually held her breath in tentative anticipation, still not convinced that she was permitted to play with that most intimate part of the other woman. She held her mouth motionless on Janet's breast as her fingers crept almost shyly onto the soft folds of her pussy, but then Janet sighed quietly and relaxed back, just draping the nearest arm slackly over Becky's shoulder with the other resting by her side, almost as if to say that whatever she wanted to do was fine.

Reassured, Becky released her breath and resumed licking and sucking on Janet's nipple, at the same time letting her fingers lightly examine the unfamiliar pussy. Every time before when she had touched and explored a pussy it had been her own and there had been the simultaneous corresponding sensation of being touched, but this time there was no such thing. Now she could roam around without distraction, investigate, relish, enjoy, her fingertips stroking labia, parting them, gliding along between them, finding and touching the little protuberance that she knew was Janet's clitoris, if only from the gasp that her touch elicited. She could feel her excitement growing again, the pounding of her heart sounding loud in her ears and the need rising inside her to simply ram her fingers deep into Janet. She resisted, savouring the thought, feeling her own pussy open again, wetness flowing at the thought of what she was going to do. She was more in control now, at least for the moment, and remembering her earlier episode with her prefect, unable then to do anything about it, but suddenly realising how much she had wanted to and now could.

She opened her mouth wider, enclosing as much of Janet's breast as she could, licking the flesh, running her tongue around and over the swollen nipple, marvelling at the wonderful feeling she got from kissing another woman's breast. Now she could resist no longer and her fingers tiptoed downwards, along Janet's slit, leaving her clit behind to seek their goal. It was not hard to find, Janet was soaking wet, her entrance running with a tiny stream of juices. Becky paused, partly from nerves, but mainly to take pleasure in the joy of what she was about to do. She stayed still, two fingers resting at the very opening to Janet's body, just feeling the wetness and the heat of her vagina. Janet squirmed beneath her, her hips lifting, pushing herself at Becky, impatient to be entered.

Becky waited no longer, her fingers moved as if of their own accord and slid all the way into Janet's passage, the wet warmth enclosing them. When playing with herself she could never reach this far in and she enjoyed the sensation of wriggling them right inside Janet, hearing the woman moan long and deep and feel the walls of her vagina contract, her hips once more rising and pushing against the probing fingers. She began to finger fuck Janet, a little uneasily at first, but as Janet responded she pushed in and out more quickly, more firmly, and as deep as she could reach. Soon she had set up a rapid rhythm, her fingers slamming into the slippery tunnel, creating wet noises that added to the eroticism. Janet was writhing and squirming, trying to get Becky to enter further, faster, harder, making little noises of her own. Her arm was no longer just draped over Becky's shoulder, it was holding her tight, fingers digging into Becky's flesh as she felt an orgasm approaching. But if Janet was becoming more turned on, then so was Becky, she too could feel that wonderful sensation inside her that forewarned of the possibility of another orgasm, and this from the eroticism of the situation without Janet touching her at all. She wondered anxiously if she could hold off long enough to bring Janet to orgasm before she had to surrender to her own climax.

But once again Janet changed things. She was out of control, driven by the fabulous feeling between her legs, enjoying the younger woman's attentions but wanting to take it to its ultimate conclusion. Abruptly, without warning, she twisted out from beneath Becky, leaving her partner shocked and momentarily disappointed. But Becky needn't have worried, Janet pivoted around, threading her leg between Becky's and thrusting it up behind her back to push herself up between Becky's thighs like two pairs of interlocking scissors. All of a sudden Becky understood and cried out with delight. She opened her legs to allow Janet to move up between them until their pussies almost met, each with a leg along the other's spine and the second bent before them.

For a moment they both paused and looked at each other along the lengths of their intertwined bodies and then, as if by arrangement, they simultaneously grabbed each others knee and pulled, hauling their bodies together so that their labia slapped into each other with bruising force. Becky cried out at the contact, the ultimate thrill of feeling Janet's lower lips pressed against her own and mixed with just a little hurt had brought her instantly to within a hairs breadth of orgasm. She looked wide eyed across at Janet, propped on one elbow and smiling back with delight and groaning. They grinned at each other, writhing and pulling at each others legs to increase the pressure. Their pussies flared open, soft tender flesh pressed against soft tender flesh, clitoris on clitoris, juices running and intermingling, squashing and squelching as they rubbed themselves frantically on each other.

Becky felt her orgasm explode within her and heard someone scream, realising without embarrassment that it was her own voice she heard letting rip with all the passion and pleasure she felt. Both women were now beyond control, rubbing and pulling frantically, both under the control of their orgasms, riding the crests of wave after wave of pure ecstasy until at last it was dying down and they lay shuddering and whimpering as each diminishing wave passed through them, each less extreme, less powerful than the one preceding.

Afterwards they lay quiet, still interlocked, sweating and trembling in the dappled shade, both breathing heavily but smiling happily at each other until Janet eventually broke the silence.

'My god, girl. I don't think much of your politics, but you sure as hell get my vote.'

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sars33sars33about 1 year ago

Wow that pressed all my buttons and more mmmmm

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Ignore the other comment

That was not feedback from Mr Anon. That was just a troll. This built nicely. If anything I was aroused by its simplicity, but average, NO. I think there is room here for a lot more in terms of the story, e.g. the build of a relationship between the two. Perhaps introductions to other influential and horny older women in the road, etc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Amazing, please write more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Why didn't this ever happen to me when I was canvassing?

Skyler35Skyler35over 10 years ago
5 Stars!!

So hoooot, well derseved 5 stars!!!

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