You Sure Got A Pretty Mouth! Ch. 06


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I pulled into a spot at the side of the large pink and white building and shut off the truck. My step mom sat up slightly and with her hand still on her snatch looked at me for explanation. “Put your skirt down and come on inside with me,” I told her. She sheepishly sat up and tried to wiggle her skirt down in such a way so if someone passed by they would have no idea what she was doing. I almost busted out laughing when she bumped her head on the dash.

As I neared the front door, Maureen caught up with me. I had a hard on watching her wiggle and try to stay upright as she walked across the gravel parking lot. Her eyes were wild as she looked around quickly, surveying the area. I think she was wondering why I was dragging her to a place like this and hoping beyond hope that no one she recognized saw her.

“Don’t say a word to anyone inside, I don’t want them to know who you are to me,” I told her and she nodded and frowned. Her look told me she didn’t want anyone to know anything about her so I didn’t have to worry about her being silent. I swung open the front door and it was dark inside. The sun outside was so bright that the darkness inside made it difficult to see five feet in front of us. I grabbed my step mom’s hand and pulled her along with me. It really didn’t feel funny to me to be holding her hand and I thought that was weird. Just less than an hour ago I was dreading her giving the 3rd degree about getting her daughter to polish my knob and now I was towing her along like she was my girlfriend. She was my girlfriend for the moment and for as long as I wanted. She was afraid of me telling on her and was willing to do anything I asked. I hadn’t been in the place in three or four years but you couldn’t have told me that. It looked exactly like it did the last time I was there, right down to the little dog with the huge cock standing just inside the doorway pointing to an inside door. We stepped inside that door and found shelves upon shelves of porno movies, dildos, French ticklers, creams and gels, blow-up dolls, whips, chains, etc. Maureen grabbed my hand tighter and moved right up beside me. She looked nervous but it didn’t stop her from studying everything around her. She looked generally interested in all the accouterments around her. I felt the warmth of her body as she rubbed up against my left shoulder. Her tits bumped my arm and I looked down at her.

“I’ve got to talk to somebody so I want you to wait right here for me,” I told her and could have busted out laughing at the sight of her little puppy dog eyes. She didn’t want to be there and definitely not alone. I walked away with a smile on my face and went to a counter in the back. Maureen was left standing in the aisle with dildos and vibrators. At the counter was an older man who was busy inventorying new porn movies. He looked to be well past retirement and I figured he was working part time to keep from having to eat dog food and to keep his mind active.

“How you doing?” I said and waited for him to finish up “Ass Mamas Got Game”.

The old guy looked up perturbed like it wasn’t his job to speak to customers and help them with any questions they had. He wore glasses and they were shifted way down his nose and he glanced above them to look at me and then tilted his head back to see through them and get a better look. He frowned and started to speak, “I’m doing just peachy.” His retort cut short as he looked past me and to the front of the room where I had left Maureen. His tongue came out and licked his upper lip. The old guy had seen her and now I was even bigger dirt to him than before he saw her.

“Ma’ am, can I help you?” he shouted out so sweetly, you could choke on his insincerity. He took his right palm and smoothed down his sparse hairs on his head and began stepping around the counter to come out on the floor. He didn’t even acknowledge me as he passed me and moved towards her.

Maureen saw him coming and started to laugh and yelled, “I’m fine, thanks.” But he was undeterred. He entered her aisle and started a speech about how women were always welcome and he was there to help her with any question she had. My step mom shrugged her shoulders and looked at me like she had to talk now. I just smiled and moved around the side of the counter to look into a doorway to the backroom to see if anyone else was available. I was surprised to see Spunky walking into the doorway. He was just as surprised as I was and started laughing. He didn’t remember my name but after yelling out about four or five names he hit on it. He said ‘I remember sitting by you in third period math and cheating off all your tests’ and chuckled.

We small talked for a brief moment stopping occasionally to glance over at my step mom and the old dude trying to interest her in some anal beads. He kept moving closer to her and she kept backing up to the point they had started on the end of one aisle and were now on the other end.

I cut to the quick about why I was there and he laughed. He shook his head and said, “Hell yeah, we still have the glory holes working.” He waved me towards him with his finger and whispered, “They are a big part of my business, chick comes in here and wants to make a few bucks, I’ll set her up in a booth and send guys back. I get $20.00 a pop and no one complains, the house takes five and she gets fifteen.” He laughed and said, “I even get cops in here, lawyers, you name it.”

I looked at him and smiled, “You own this place now, I hear?”

He nodded and said, “I sort of inherited it a year ago from my great uncle.” It dawned on me then that Spunky had always been apart of this place because a family member owned it. Now it made sense why he was so perverted and so up on the latest sex stories and movies. I didn’t say anything and watched him check out the old guy and Maureen.

“To tell you the truth,” Spunky said and waved me close again. “I was coming out front here because I saw her in one of my security monitors, what a piece of ass?” he said “I was going to talk to her and see if she was interested,” he continued without taking her eyes off the two of them.

My face got went flush and I felt a tingle go up my back. I glanced at Spunky and at Maureen and laughed. I had to say something soon or Spunky might find out she was with me and figure out she was my step mom. But then it dawned on me he had no idea who she was to me. I could just say she was an older chick I was dating.

“She’s with me,” I whispered back and smiled. Spunky turned to me with a nasty smile on his face. Although Maureen looked a lot younger than her age she still looked older than us. I scored major “Cool” points with Spunky because of her. He looked at me sideways and grinned ear to ear.

“I didn’t know you had it in you,” he chuckled. He looked back at Maureen and saw the old man trying to hand her a 12-inch black rubber cock and shook his head. “Dad, leave her alone,” he shouted. His eyes didn’t leave them but he whispered under his breath, “Think she’d be interested?” I could tell he was praying I would say ‘yes’.

So the old man was his dad. The horny coot was Spunky’s dad and all he cared about was the ladies who came inside. I chuckled how enamored he was with my step mom and told Spunky, “That’s why we are here!”

Charlie Pratt couldn’t have been happier. He turned to me and pumped his fist. I offered me his hand up top and I grabbed it and we pumped our fists. I had to chuckle at Spunky’s outward jubilation. Mine was in my pants and my cock stiffened at the thought of taking Maureen back there now. She infuriated me in the car when she suggested we have an affair and now I was going to make sure she had plenty of cock to satisfy her horniest desires.

Spunky told me to take her back when I was ready and he’d put us up in stall number #9. He said he knew it was clean and that currently they didn’t have anyone ‘working’ back there. He hinted that he got a steady stream of truck drivers that made his place a regular stop on their rounds. He called his dad off Maureen and got him working back on entering the new titles. His dad didn’t seem pleased but I saw him smile when Spunky told him she was going back to the Glory Holes. Spunky told me his dad was the actual owner of the adult bookstore but that he wasn’t capable anymore of running it so he took it over and kept his dad around to do small jobs.

Now to be totally honest, I had never thought my step mom would be the family member I would be taking to the Glory Holes. Jenny was the one that I had looked up Spunky for. She was the one that I had planned to bring here if the Glory Holes were still working. But as we walked back there I was just as turned on, maybe even more as I thought about giving Maureen payback for her transgression. She looked puzzled but interested as we passed down a dark long hallway. There were lighted door signs as we passed and I read each one as we moved. There were far more rooms then I remember and as you passed a room, you saw the holes in the walls of the room and monitors on the walls so the ‘Suckee’ could see who was inside and the ‘Sucker’ working on them. Spunky had gone hi-tech. In the old rooms, you stuck your dick in the wall and got relief but had no idea who was inside.

I looked at Maureen’s face in the dim light and she smiled nervously at me. I had no idea where she thought she was or what we were up to. I got a kick out of keeping her in the dark about it and my cock was itching to go. I was impressed when I passed room ‘24’. Spunky had at least 24 rooms where ladies came to service various anonymous men. He had a cottage industry working here and I wondered how much he was raking in.

Room 9 was in the back corner of the warehouse and was the largest room we had passed. As I opened the door, I noticed at least ten holes to the right of the door and bending around he corner and ten going the other way. I smirked as Maureen clung to my shoulder and we entered the room. Once inside, I closed the door and locked it. In the room was a doctor’s examining table and a few stools. I looked at Maureen and she was sick looking. Under her breath, she swore, ‘Oh Fuck’ and I laughed. Her eyes were scanning the walls and she saw all the holes. She nervously bit her lip and hugged my shoulder. Her body was warm and her clinging radiated it through me. I could feel her body rub against me and her pelvis was bumping my thigh.

“Take off the skirt,” I told her. She looked at me and knew I was serious. She reached around to her left side and undid the clasps there. Her skirt came off slowly as she looked for a place to hang it. Spotting a couple hooks on the back of the door, she hung it there. She spun around and I couldn’t believe she was standing there with her puss hanging out about to have an oral gangbang. I glanced at her and pointed to the ground. She looked at me and then at the ground. There was dark blue carpet covering the floor and I could tell it was an expensive rug. Knowing Spunky, I figured he got it in trade for the use of the Glory Holes.

Maureen kneeled down obediently and I stepped towards her and began undoing my pants. The sight of my step mom between my legs was priceless. She stared at my crotch and flung her long brown hair to the side and away from her face. She was bottomless except for her nylons and pumps. Her ass was incredible. Where Jenny was slim and tight, Maureen was tight but with curves.

My step mom’s eyes glanced up at me and smiled as she waited. My hands unbuttoned my pants and I let them fall to the floor. My cock with a mind of its own stuck out of my boxers crookedly.

“Wow,” she said as she looked at my hard on and its size. She brought her hands up to help but I stopped her.

“Put your hands down,” I told her and she giggled. She dropped her hands to her thighs and opened her mouth.

“So this is what you wanted?” I asked and watched her face. Maureen smiled shyly and nodded her head, ‘yes’.

I dropped my boxers and let them slide down to the floor with my pants. I grabbed my cock and pulled on it. My step mom’s eyes were transfixed on it. Pre-cum wet the slit of my penis and slipped down the shaft. I teasing held my cock away from her and she waited for my next move.

“Do you want this?” I asked and she looked at me. She cooed and shook her head yes. I smiled at her. “I want you to beg for my cock,” I said and glared at her. My step mom looked wiling to do anything at that point. Her right hand slid between her legs and she began playing with her moist pussy.

“Hey, I didn’t say you could play with yourself,” I chastised her. Her hand came away from her pussy and she frowned. I looked at her wet hand and told her to put it in her mouth. She hesitated and slowly brought her hand to her mouth. She licked her fingers and glared back at me. She smelled of sex and I couldn’t hold back much more. I wanted my cock in her pretty mouth and I wanted to teach her the error of her ways.

“Tell me you want my cock,” I said and added, “Bitch.” I thought I might be pushing things but the look on Maureen’s eyes told me she wanted more.

“I want your cock,” she stuttered and I wondered if she had ever said ‘cock’ in her life.

“What was that slut?” I asked teasingly.

“I want your cock,” she stammered a little louder and forceful but not much more.

“You want what?” I asked and felt like a rock n roll star asking his audience ‘what song do you want to hear’.

“I want your cock,” my step mom said and dropped her hand from the front of her face.

“Where do you want it?” I asked. I stepped closer to her and her mouth opened.

“I want your cock in my mouth,” she said and tried to catch it with her mouth. I stepped back and asked her to ‘Say Please’. She giggled and looked at my eyes. I think she loved the whole scene and probably couldn’t believe how well her attempt at an extra-marital affair had turned out. Sure she risked losing her husband and being dumped in the streets but got a sex partner who wanted to play games.

“Please,” she sighed and looked at my stiff rod. Her mouth opened and she waited for me to push it towards her face.

“Please what?” I chimed and smiled.

“Aw,” she exclaimed and smiled back at me. “Please put your cock in my mouth?” she asked, bringing her hands up and intertwining her fingers so as to almost be begging. She winked her eyes and her lashes batted and she gave a little pout.

I stepped toward her and took her head in my hands, one on each side of her face. “Open up wide,” I told her and she did. My cock slipped towards her mouth and I tried to slip right into her throat but the upward curve of my cock caused it to crash into her nose and slid along her face and forehead. Pre cum dripped on her nose and forehead and gleamed.

Not being able to hold back laughter, my step mom chuckled below me. She looked up at me and saw I wasn’t laughing. She opened her mouth again and this tie it slipped into her mouth. Her mouth was warm and wet and felt incredible on my cock. I sawed it back in forth in her mouth, trying to allow her to match my pace before I really fucked her face.

Maureen’s mouth was the same size as Jenny’s and like Jenny when she tried to take all of me in her mouth, her cheeks bulged and her face contorted. A vein on her forehead bulged as she worked on my cock. I held her ears in each palm and humped her face. She opened and closed her eyes as she tried to train her mouth to match my thrust and pare. From her mouth escaped little gasps as she breathed through it and her nose and gave into my animal lust.

“Keep sucking,” I told her, “I want to use your mouth lie it has never been used before.” My hands pulled her head forward as I rocked forward now so I could stick my cock at little deeper each time I thrust. Maureen’s hands came up instinctively to grab my hips and I stopped her. “No hands, just your face,” I ordered. Her hands dropped down by her sides.

“Let’s see how much you can get in there, “ I told her and pulled my cock out of her mouth with a ‘pop’. Open your mouth real wide, I told her and watched as Maureen opened her lips. Her mouth glistened from her saliva and my pre cum and she waited for my next move. I couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her on the lips and she returned my kiss. Her mouth closed and she pursed her lips but as our mouths met she tried to stick her tongue down my throat. I laughed at her boldness and grabbed my cock and slapped its length on her right cheek. It smacked her hard and she closed her eyes. She smiled and winked at me and opened her mouth again. I leaned forward with my hips and my cock slipped back in her mouth and I began to push it deeper. Maureen tried to accommodate my cock and tilted her head but it caused her to choke and she backed off.

‘That’s not bad,” I told her and grabbed her by her hair with my right hand and started again. She lowered her mouth on my cock and as I pulled her head forward, my cock disappeared into her throat. We were about an inch and a half from the base when she had to pull off my cock. She came up choking and tearing and brought her hand to her chest.

“Wow,” she giggled as she batted her eyes and shook her head. She blew air through her pursed lips trying to regain her breath. Just as she was getting ready to try it again, cocks of all sizes and colors began sticking themselves through the glory holes of the room. She looked at them and at me and smiled sheepishly. ”Are they all for me?” she jokingly asked and giggled.

“You’ve got a lot of fans,” I joked. I took her head in my hands again and said, “Let’s get this all the way in this time.” She opened her mouth and my hard cock started its wonderfully long descent into her mouth and throat. My step mom allowed me to push her head further this time and as her mouth got near the base of my cock, she didn’t back off. Even though, she started to choke, she tried to compose herself and allowed me to force her face down into my lap. Bending over, I had her face stuffed in my lap and my cock buried in her throat.

“Yeah, swallow that cock,” I ordered and held her there until she had to come screaming up for air. She pivoted below me, red-faced, wet mouthed, and gasping for air.

“Uggggghhh,” she stammered and fell over on her ass. Her legs were open and her beautiful little cunt was spread for my eyes. I reached down and picked her up and took her over to the closest wall where three cocks were sticking in towards us. I bent my step mom over and pushed her face towards the cocks and she took the middle one in her mouth and began sucking it. Her hands came up and grabbed the two beside her and began slowly stroking them.

I watched for a second and then reached down behind her and spread her legs. She didn’t move fast enough for me so I slapped the insides of her thighs so she’d get the message to spread her legs wider. I bent down behind her and could see that her lips were dripping. I took my right hand and rubbed her lips and her hips rocked up and down. Opening her mouth but with the cock still in it, she moaned and murmured, ‘yes’.

I rubbed a little harder and took my index finger and thumb and spread her lips. She was deliciously pink and wet. I leaned forward and licked at her juices. She tasted incredible and I sucked on one set of her lips and then the other. The vibrations of my mouth made her spread her legs little wider and drop her hips. Her legs were trembling so I knew she was about to orgasm. She wiggled her hips against my mouth trying to increase my pressure and her pleasure. She lost the cock in her mouth and she cried out a tortured ‘yes’, which she repeated through her cumming.

I licked at her clit after she orgasmed and teased it as she tried to recover. She took the cock to her right in her mouth and I realized the middle cock had filled her mouth with his semen and pulled out. My step mom was a swallower like her daughter, Jenny, I thought. I planned to make sure both got plenty of fresh loads from me in the future.