Young Couple are Seduced

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Young couple are seduced by new neighbors to swap.
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"Want to stop over while Gil and Jimmy play golf?" My new friend Karen asked.

"Sure. Can I bring anything?"

"I made up some margaritas and I have some snacks from last night."

A couple of drinks and we were giggling like young girls. I liked Karen.

"So, Janet, have you guys been married long?"

"Almost two years. Jimmy and I met in college and got engaged after we graduated.

"As attractive as you are you must have had lots of guys interested."

"Well, a few," I admitted. "My first somewhat serious relationship was back in high school, but once college started those days passed quickly. I dated a few guys but once I met Jimmy that was it. He was my guy. How about you and Gil?"

"We also met in college but sounds to me I was a lot wilder than you. Anyway Gil and I met on a double date but he was with my sister Pauline. I was with another guy. Anyway eventually I was with Gil and she wound up dating the other guy, George."

"Oh, that's interesting. So you sort of took him away from your sister?"

"Well, not exactly. It just worked out that way. Maybe I should tell you a little more about myself. I hope this doesn't shock you. Our folks were divorced and mom worked two jobs. It was mostly just the two of us so we became very close. Pauline is a year older.

"Anyway I started joining her in bed, all very innocent, just snuggling together. Pauline had experience with another girl and pretty soon we were doing more than just snuggling. Once it began we were inseparable as lovers. Do you have any sisters or brothers?"

"No, just me. I don't know if that was the plan or just how it worked out. There were times when I felt I was missing out, but all my friends seem to have bratty sisters or brothers, so there you are. So your sister did things with that other girl, and then she did things with you?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't like she was trying to seduce me. I would frequently join her in her bed. We would talk, girl talk. About school, boys, whatever. One time I fell asleep next to her, and later woke up, my hand between her legs. I woke up when she placed her hand on mine. I was so embarrassed and tried to pull away. She held me close and said it was ok. Of course she had panties on but I knew I was touching near her pussy. We stayed in that position for some minutes, Pauline quietly talking about how good it felt.

"One night Pauline pulled down my panties and pushed a finger into my pussy. Oh, man, that really felt good. She moved her finger in and out and I soon had my first-ever orgasm. After I settled down she asked me to do her. I hesitated for fear of hurting her but she said not to worry. It was really neat to do that, a thank you for what she just did to me.

"As you might expect, that wasn't the last time we did things together. A few days later, instead of using her fingers, she scooted down and licked my pussy. God, that was so exciting and got me really going. Of course I had to reciprocate and she coached me on what she liked. Every night we played together. I worried that mom would find out, but Pauline said not to worry, she already knew.

"When I started college Pauline helped guide me around the social scene. She was my protector, fending off the numerous jerks who were just out for some quick pussy. I wanted to get laid, though, and she suggested a guy who, she said, was a good lover. He was handsome and seemed a reasonable choice.

"We undressed and I saw my first live cock. It looked huge and would never fit in me. It was probably just average size. Having heard the stories about guys, I spread my legs and expected to be penetrated. Instead he surprised me by eating my pussy, much like how my sister did it. He brought me close, then backed out, then close again. I wanted to climax, his tongue felt so good. Then he changed position and I felt his cock at my pussy. He pushed and was inside me in a moment. I was surprised it didn't hurt and exploded moments later.

"A little while later he did me again and I got the full experience. I wanted to keep this guy forever but of course that didn't happen. I was reasonably popular and got asked out a lot. Guys talk and I think I got a reputation, if not as being easy, at least willing. I didn't go to bed with every guy but also didn't play hard to get. I liked sex and I liked making guys feel good. From time to time Pauline and I double dated. Some guys were really cool about being bed with two girls and another guy. Others were bashful as hell and couldn't get it up. With enough 'encouragement' most did fine.

"Fast forward two years. My sister and I double dated even more and started swapping guys. I loved trying different cocks. That was a real turn-on and the guys loved it. Sometimes we would be fucked at the same time, then switch as soon as the guys were ready. Other times either my sister or I would first be fucked by both guys. That was my favorite. I could experience two different cocks and two different styles of fucking.

"Anyway, that's how my sister and I met our future husbands. We were in bed with Gil and George, something we had already done several times. I liked both guys but was partial a little bit towards Gil. He had a bigger cock which I preferred. George's was plenty nice, however, and suited Pauline. The rest of the school year we were exclusive with them.

"Pauline graduated and she and George got married. Gil and I dated my last year of school and got together with them as often as we could. We married after graduation and Pauline and Gil joined us on a cruise for our honeymoon. The four of us spent most of the time together in the cabin. They now live about three hours driving distance from here so we don't get together as often as I would like. So that's my story. Shocked?"

"Well, sure makes my sexual experiences pale in comparison. You said given a choice between the two guys, you picked Gil because of his cock? And yet you and your sister swap husbands?"

"George is certainly no slouch in the cock department and I enjoy having him inside me. But one advantage of dating lots of guys, I decided bigger is better, all else the same. Do you have an opinion?"

"I didn't do as much comparison shopping," I responded with a nervous laugh.


"How was the golf?" I asked Jimmy when he returned later that afternoon.

"Decent. I was 12 over which is very good for me. Gil had me by two strokes. He's good. What did you do today?"

"Karen invited me over and we visited. She mixed up some margaritas and we got a bit looped, well maybe more than just a bit. She told me a lot of interesting things about her college days."

"Oh, like what?"

"Well, first, that she and her sister Pauline have been lovers for years. And that Pauline arranged for her boyfriend to take Karen's virginity. He became a regular in their bed until he wore out his welcome. She decided she liked cocks and became very popular with guys throughout college, for the obvious reason."

"She told you all that?"

"Yeah. The most interesting was how she and her husband met. She and her sister double dated and were swapping guys back and forth. One guy and his friend became regulars, fucking them both. Her sister married one and she married the other. George and Gil, and they still get together regularly for sex."

"All four of them?"

"Yeah, wild huh? Pauline and her husband live a couple of hundred miles from here. She said they were coming soon and would like us to meet them. Knowing about their relationship, I don't think I could handle that. All I would be thinking about is the four of them in bed.

"Karen also said she likes big cocks and that Gil has a really big one. I'm certainly proud of yours and wanted to do some bragging. I definitely had too much to drink. All that talk about sex, swapping partners, size of cocks got me worked up. Come on," as I pulled my husband to our bed.

"So what turned you on the most?" Jimmy asked as we snuggled after some really nice sex.

"You mean with Karen and me? I don't know, maybe that she liked big cocks. I'm so lucky to have yours, even if it's all worn out at the moment. She said she fucked lots of guys so I suppose she knows what a big one looks like. I wondered if his is as big as yours."

"You girls could measure us and then you would know."

"Jimmy, how could you say such a thing?"

"Just joking, honey. So what about their swapping? Her sister Pauline must be pretty wild."

"I guess so, certainly back in college. Maybe less now, if it's just the four of them."


"I guess the girls had a good time last week while we played golf," Gil made conversation as we were about to tee off the next Saturday.

"Sure seems that way. I got home and Janet was all giggly. She practically dragged me into the bedroom."

"Well, Karen said they spent the afternoon drinking and talking about college days and sex. My wife was pretty wild and definitely liked sex. My fraternity specialized in parties and she was a regular. I understand she told Janet that she and Pauline had a thing for each other for many years. Of course it was a turn-on for us guys to watch two sexy girls go at it. And when I was invited to join in, I certainly didn't refuse.

"They are coming to visit next weekend. We have plans but Karen would like you and Janet to meet them. Maybe stop by Friday after work for a drink? And the big game is in two weeks. How about you guys watching with us, we can grill some steaks?"

"Sure, sounds good. I'll let you know about Friday."


I'm not sure what I was expecting, but Karen's sister Pauline and her husband George seemed so ordinary. We visited for a couple of hours. They had plans for the rest of the weekend before heading home. Karen and I got together for lunch later in the week while Jimmy and Gil played golf.

"I'm glad you guys were able to meet them," she said. "Pauline gushed about what a great couple you guys are. I hope you weren't offended by her open appraisal of Jimmy. That's just her way. Got her in lots of trouble back in college, though. And George said you were a real fox."

"They were very nice but I was quite nervous at first. You and your sister, and swapping with them was all I could think about for the first few minutes. Jimmy seemed to take it more in stride. Does it bother Gil when you fuck Pauline's husband?

"By the time I got married I had been fucked many times by many guys. I enjoyed it all. There were no secrets between me and Gil. Of course that would have been difficult, given how we met. He's really good in bed and I enjoy watching stick his big cock into Pauline. We are deeply in love but see sex as something we can share with others. And guys are turned on by girl-girl fun."

What I didn't share with Karen was that back in college my roommate was a lesbian. When she wanted to hook up with someone I would make myself scarce. This became quite an inconvenience since she played with several girls. Once I returned after a couple of hours and found them still at it.

My roommate said she didn't mind if I stayed. I suppose she liked putting on a performance, maybe enticing me to join in. That didn't happen but I did see plenty of pussy licking. There were times when I almost wanted to join in, especially when I was between boyfriends. Hearing about Karen and her sister turned me on.

"Do you swap with anyone else?"

"Not since we got married but we would certainly be interested. We only get to see them every two or three months."

"How about coming over, I'll fix some drinks?" I suggested as we finished lunch. "It's still early and the guys won't be done for at least another two hours".


"Karen was glad you guys met her sister and husband," Gil made conversation as they played golf.

"They seem very nice. As Janet said to me, 'like normal people.'"

Gil laughed. "Yeah, I expect that was a bit of a surprise. Just normal people, like us. You know, Jimmy, the relationship we have with them may seem way out of the norm but it works for us. Karen and her sister have always been very close and their sexual activity complemented that closeness. As for the four of us, we enjoy each other's company both in and out of bed. The sex is good and keeps our lives exciting. You know, Karen wants the four of us to get together, don't you?"

"We figured that out. Back in college I sampled lots of pussy. There was this one girl that my best friend and I fucked. So I had some experience being in a bed with another guy, not that we did anything. But you know what I mean, seeing another cock, watching a girl get fucked. She encouraged one of her friends to join us. They would suck us off, then my buddy and I would fuck them. Since we had just cum we lasted a while and could switch back and forth. The girls loved that, and of course we did too.

"I guess I'm telling you so you won't think your proposal totally shocks me. But being married is different to me than just fucking around. I don't know how I would feel to see another guy with Janet. You said you met Karen as part of a doubles swap. But what about after you got married and she was getting fucked by another guy?"

"As you say, we had already been swapping with Pauline and George. He and I were friends and now sharing wives, it was just sex. Really good, fun sex, but nothing more. I understand how a first time for you and Janet could be a little stressful. Maybe it would make sense for the four of us to just play around, you know, without actually having sex.

"Like what?"

"Karen loves to eat pussy. Maybe she and Janet could do each other. That would be fun for us to watch, don't you think? And maybe then they give us blow-jobs. Would make for a fun evening. We think she's more interested than she lets on. May you just need to nudge it along."


"Well, no doubt as to what Gil and Karen have in mind," Jimmy reported when back home.


"Uh huh. He was very explicit about their interest. When I expressed reservations he suggested starting slow, you and Karen eating pussy."

"Oh, that's interesting! So how does he know I would ever want to do that?"

"He didn't say, maybe just tossing it out there to see our reaction."

"And what would you guys be doing, stroking your cocks? Maybe you'd like to play with each other? I mean, what's the difference, Karen and me, you and Gil?"

"Not going to happen. Come on, Janet, you know guys are turned on by girls playing together."

"Well, Karen and I had a very interesting afternoon. We went to the mall, then had lunch and afterwards I invited her back here for a drink, which led to a second one. We didn't get looped like last week but got to the giggly stage. Karen told me more stories about her college days.

"She and her sister were roommates. They would sometimes team up with a guy and, as she described it, screw his eyeballs out. Other times they would invite two or three over to watch them eat pussy. You are right, that does turn on guys. She liked big cocks and if a guy had a skinny one, she took him in the ass while the other guy fucked her pussy. I decided to do some bragging and said I measured your cock and it was a little over eight inches, maybe eight and a half. She was impressed and said we both hit the jackpot."

"Sounds like a fun afternoon."

"Oh, that's not all. Karen ate my pussy and then I did her," I confessed, interested in his reaction.

"Good try, honey, for a moment you almost had me going."

"Really. Karen offered and I thought why the hell not. You know back in college I had opportunities but never did anything. Here I was, half looped, talking about pussies and big cocks. It turned me on and she persuaded me to give it a try.

"She licked my pussy repeatedly from top to bottom, gently sucking with her mouth. The tip of her tongue traced the lines of my pussy lips, parting the folds. It felt so good. Within minutes I began to lose control, fluid gushing from me. Then she pushed two fingers in and her tongue found by clit. Then she slid her tongue up and down, flicking across my clit. It went on and on and I went wild, humping against her face, and climaxed. It was an experience like no other."

"No shit? Better than when I eat you?"

"Sorry to say this, honey, but yes. It's not your fault. She knows what makes her pussy feel good so that's what she did to me. I only lasted a few minutes and afterward she spread her legs. I knew I wouldn't be good at it, being my first time, but she coached me. I needn't have worried, some things just come naturally I guess. I actually loved doing it, tasting her, watching her pussy responding. I started out a little too frantic, I guess, and she had me slow down. That worked really well, gently licking up and down, sometimes using a finger or two. Her pussy really gets juicy, and my face was soon covered. She came once, bucking against me. A few minutes later I resumed, giving her a series of mini climaxes. I finally quit when my tongue got tired out. So there you are..."

"That's so hot, you and Karen. God, you amaze me, Janet. All this time I thought you were not interested in doing anything with them. How about doing a repeat for us guys?"

"I don't think so. I mean, I wouldn't mind watching you stroke your big cock, and I am curious about Gil's. But then you guys would want to do more. I'm not going to have sex with you in front of them, and certainly not with Gil."

"OK, ok, you make that clear. How about if you give me a blowjob, and Karen does Gil? That would be fun."

"And if we switched?"

"You would suck his cock?"

"I might if I was turned on enough. And I would get to watch Karen slurp on yours. But that would be it. Absolutely no fucking."

"Deal. How soon? Call Karen and set it up."

"We already did, Saturday afternoon, after your golf game."


"Hi, guys, why so early? As if we didn't know. We have the margaritas ready," Karen greeted the guys. The drinks went down faster than usual but Karen and I decided to tease the guys with some chit-chat. This went on for a few minutes before Gil xxxxxx.

"OK, here's what we have in mind. We put two kitchen chairs into our bedroom. That's so you have some place to sit while Janet and I play. But first we want to see what you guys are packing. Time to strip and show us. Come on, don't be shy."

Our husbands looked at each other with shit-eating grins and disrobed. A minute later both were standing nude before us, sporting splendid erections.

"Very nice, very nice indeed," I murmured. "What do you think, Karen, should we check out the merchandise?" Of course we had this teasing all planned in advance. Karen grasped her husband's cock and I took Jimmy's in hand. "We are pretty lucky girls, don't you think? Two big, hard cocks just for us. Here, Karen, you try Jimmy's."

"Yep, both the same size, and pretty hard." Karen concluded. "Guys, feel free to play with your cocks but save some in case we want to suck cock afterwards. Limp dicks won't be good. OK?"

Next was our turn, and a minute later we were nude in front of our husbands. "Don't know where to look, do you? Wife's pussy and tits, or mine? Karen turned and bent from the waist, showing her butt and pussy lips from behind. "Gil likes to fuck me doggy so this is his favorite view," she teased.

Not to be overshadowed, I lay on the bed, bent my knees, and spread my legs. The position was lewd as my pussy gaped open, the guys fixated between my legs. I moved to the center of the bed, knees still bent, with Karen now between my legs.

"You guys pay attention, we girls know how to eat pussy," she said with a laugh. "Damn, girl, you're already dripping. Spread those lips and let me see your hole." She stuck a finger deep into me, then two, and moved in and out. "See, this is what a gentle fuck looks like, Gil, not like that hard slamming you do to me sometimes." Removing her fingers she pushed the tip of her tongue between my still-spread lips. For several minutes she tongue-fucked me until I exploded, clamping her head between my thighs. As I came down from my orgasmic high, I smiled at my husband and Gil. "I hope you guys learned something."