You're The One Ch. 03


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Sam, my father and I got together on the farm and changed the building plans. Instead of building onto the house we built onto the pool house and built a separate smaller building next to the pool for a bar and game area. Elise and I decided to move to the farm and rent out our house. We kept the furniture we wanted to use and sold the rest as we did with her furniture when she moved in with me.

Alex had her baby boy a month later, in August. By that time, Elise and I had already moved to the farm into the pool house. We all took turns to babysit little Keith, named after my late brother. Mom and Dad grew very fond of the little tyke. Alex couldn't have been a better mother. My father's office was turned into a baby room for Keith. Alex slept in the same room as my parents. It was still gross for me but I got used to it eventually.

My and Elise's restaurant was well under way. Sam and her interior designer best friend, Jenny, were in charge of everything. As four more months passed by, things were slowly beginning to look better for us. One thing remained though, my father. We all tried not to think about the cancer and to enjoy the time we had left with my father. He spent a little time with each of us day after day. We could see that he got weaker and weaker, but tried not show it.

My father ended up helping me arrange the whole wedding in the six months we had before the day of Elise's graduation. Our wedding was two days after her graduation. It turned out that one of my college friends, Martha, became a priest, or priestess, should I say. She agreed to marry us. My mother helped Elise pick out the dress. They were at a spa for a well earned tension-free week, much to my disapproval. I needed to trust my mother again, for my father's sake. Elise and I hadn't seen each other for that whole week, until the day of the wedding. The service and party was held on the farm in the valley. Alex was Elise's maid of honour and Sam my best 'man'. Danielle was our ring bearer. Sam and Alex walked up the aisle, after them it was my mother and I. Standing at the altar, I watched Elise walk up with my father. He looked so proud to give her away. All our friends and my parents' friends gasped at how beautiful Elise looked. My breath caught in my throat and I broke out in a cold sweat.

Elise wore a traditional white wedding dress with a veil hanging behind her from a little tiara. The dress had lilac sequins down the sides and front. Her bouquet was made out of her favourite flowers, Dahlias and Lilac. Alex wore a long lilac dress. Sam and I were each wearing a female tuxedo with a lilac shirt and bowtie. Danielle decided to wear one of her business suits. My father handed Elise over to me. I didn't even realise that I was holding my breath until I held both of Elise's hands in mine. Martha stood at the altar in front of us with her bible in her hands. Elise and I couldn't take our eyes off each other. I can barely remember what Martha said until we got to the last bit. For our vows, we decided to write a poem together and had Martha read it out loud. Nothing and no-one else seemed to exist around the two of us. It was just us, Elise and I.

"I do," I answered to our commitment.

"I do," Elise answered as well.

Danielle handed us our rings. We exchanged rings, still staring deeply into each other's eyes.

"I now pronounce you Mrs Shannon and Elise Grey. You may kiss your bride," Martha pronounced and looked at both of us. She grinned brightly at us.

I bowed down to kiss Elise while she stood on her toes. The guests giggled amongst each other. The two of us burst out laughing and kissed again. We held onto each other for a while. We were finally married. We were always as one. This was just our proof that we belonged together. The party afterward was amazing; every one enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

We had our first dance together, and then everyone joined in. Jenny caught the bouquet when Elise threw it and after I took the garter off with my teeth, Sam caught it. It looked like they were very much in love with each other judging by the way they were looking at each other. They have been best friends since they started high school and ran a business together. The only problem was that Jenny was married... to a man. When the party died down a bit, Elise and I disappeared to our little pool house for the romantic fun-filled night I had planned.

We spent the whole night making love to one another. We took a little time to talk about the restaurant and what we would have on the menu. We fell asleep that night with Elise lying on top of me, her head resting between my breasts and her arms and legs spread on either side of me. We left the next morning early to catch our flight to Paris for our honeymoon.

Our flight was long and terrible. We spent more than eighteen hours in the air. We took a bus to Johannesburg, flew from there to Dubai and from there we took a shorter flight to Paris. Elise and I arrived in Paris early the next morning and booked into our hotel room. Neither of us wanted to seem flashy so we just chose a normal hotel suite. Though we were tired and our bodies were sore, we decided to walk around the city of love and enjoy some sight seeing.

Since we were familiar with French cuisine names, as chefs, we enjoyed breakfast at a small local French restaurant. We went to the Eiffel Tower; the city truly looked beautiful from the top. We could see everything for kilometres far around us. We enjoyed a tour around the city and saw the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay and Notre Dame de Paris. The city was as spectacular as I imagined it would be.

We had a whole week to see the city and all the beauty it could offer, so we decided to head back to our hotel room at mid afternoon. When we entered our room there was a table set for a romantic lunch in candlelight. The room looked as dark as the night sky if we pulled the curtains closed. Before we left our room in the morning I had arranged it all without Elise knowing. She gasped when she entered the door.

"My Angel, did you arrange all of this?" She turned to face me and wrapped her arms around my chest.

"Yes, I did. I wanted to surprise my wife with a romantic lunch alone in the privacy of our room. The food should be here shortly," I answered then kissed her forehead.

"Your wife... I love the sound of that. I love calling you my wife. You have been so good to me the last two years." Elise placed a gentle kiss on one taut nipple then on the other.

"You have been just as good to me. We will have a long and happy life together. I will make sure of that." I held my wife tight against my body.

"My Angel, you can't promise such a thing, you know that. I will promise that I will do everything in my power to make you happy for as long as I live," Elise countered my promise with love in her eyes and voice.

"Mmmm... you are right as always. I love you, Elise Grey." I bent my head down then kissed her full luscious lips.

"I love you, Shannon Grey," she answered, breaking our kiss.

"I have a lot more planned for us in this short week. We have an appointment later on at the hotel's massage parlour before dinner. With a special request of my own, but that's a surprise you will have to wait for." I planted another kiss on Elise's lips and was startled by a knock on the door. I opened the door to let a room service steward into the room with a trolley.

"Bonjour Mademoiselle," he greeted and looked at me then at Elise, grinning wide. "Bonjour Mademoiselle," he greeted her. He pushed the trolley next to our set table.

"Bonjour Monsieur," we greeted him at the same time.

"Merci," I said as I handed him a tip.

"Merci Mademoiselle, call if you need anything else," he said in a heavy French accent and headed for the door.

"Thank you very much. What is your name?" Elise asked him before he left.

"My name is Franco, Mademoiselle. Thank you for the tip," he answered.

"Our pleasure Franco, we will ask for you personally if we need anything." He bowed then left, closing the door behind him.

I had decided to order something as simple as a Salade Niçoise for our meal served with a dry red wine and Gâteau Millasson served with a sweet white wine. Neither of us really eat that much, so this was perfect for our lunch. We enjoyed our lunch and fed each other playfully as we always did. Afterward, still sitting at the table, we talked a little about Dad. We were both so worried about him. Elise picked my mobile phone up from a dressing table in our room and called him, putting him on speaker phone.

We spent about twenty minutes talking to him, Mom and Alex. After we ended the call we relaxed on the bed for a little bit. Elise was spooned in front of me with my arm draped over her waist. We soon fell asleep, exhausted from the long flight and day out, sight seeing. I woke up a little while later with the phone next to the bed ringing. It was the front desk, reminding me of our massage appointment. I asked them earlier to call our room just in case we fell asleep.

I rested my head on my one hand, and then I draped my other arm over Elise again. I kissed her neck and nibbled her earlobe. She moaned softly and turned to face me with a sleepy smile. Her eyes fluttered open and revealed the crystal blues I love so much.

"Mmmm, I love it when you wake me up like that. Is it time for our massage?" She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my body half on top of hers.

"Yes, it is. She is waiting for us." I got up off the bed after stealing a kiss.

We undressed then put on our robes and headed out the door and down the hallway to the massage parlour. The masseuse waited for us by her door. We approached her hand in hand. She looked at us and smiled brightly.

The woman had a fit, athletic, muscular body. A perfect V line ran from her hips, beneath her flat stomach. She wore a sports bra and a pair of tights that hugged the lower half of her body like a second skin. Her long straight dark brown hair was tied into a pony tail, making it look shorter than it really was. She was about my height and had no shoes on her feet, but did wear a pair of short white socks. She greeted us in a slight French accent.

"Bonjour Mademoiselle and Mademoiselle, I am Frangelique, your masseuse for the day. Please follow me." She smiled warmly at us while she led us into the private room.

"Bonjour Frangelique. Sorry if we're a bit late. We fell asleep." I followed Elise into the room.

"No problem at all, Mademoiselle, I just finished with a client before you showed up. My friend will be joining us shortly." The woman lit scented candles, placed them around the room and dimmed the lights.

"Sweet, that will give us time to undress." Elise stripped the robe from her body and watched me do the same.

Two yoga mats were laid on the floor next to each other, with bottles of cinnamon and honey scented massage oils and vitamin A and E enriched body lotions. Elise and I each took a mat and laid face down with a little towel pulled over our asses. Another young woman entered the room and smiled shyly at the two of us. She the same clothes as Frangelique over her equally fit body. She was a bit shorter than the other woman and me but taller than Elise.

"Good afternoon, I am the assistant masseuse, Georgia," she greeted us in a perfect English accent and smiled warmly.

"Good afternoon, Georgia," we returned her greeting.

Her hair was short and jet black, gelled into a spiky style. I saw identical rings on both women's left ring fingers. I looked at the ring on my finger then at the one on my wife's finger. Elise met my gaze; her eyes portrayed all the love and admiration she felt for me. 'I love you'... I mouthed the words and leaned toward her. Elise mouthed the same words and met my lips half way. She closed her eyes.

"You don't have to hide your love for each other in this room. Frangelique and I are married. You can be free to be openly gay in our parlour." Georgia looked lovingly at Frangelique and blew the tall woman a kiss. Frangelique blushed wildly and returned the kiss.

"Thank you very much, Georgia. We don't know how people in Paris react to homosexuals, so we just try and keep to ourselves. I could definitely see that you and Frangelique are together, judging by your matching wedding bands." I turned slightly onto my side to look at her. The towel barely covered my most private part.

"We have been married for three years now. The people in Paris are basically just like the other parts of the world. You get your supporters and your homophobes. We are free to be open anywhere we want, so you don't have to hide anywhere in Paris. Just be careful." Frangelique straddled Elise's legs.

"That's wonderful, the marriage, I mean. We are on our honeymoon. Can you suggest any clubs in Paris we can go to?" Elise asked Frangelique, while staring into my eyes. I settled back on my stomach to allow Georgia to straddle my legs.

"We do know the most perfect club nearby. Frangelique and I are planning to go there after work tomorrow night. Would you like to join us?" Georgia rubbed my back with her fingertips.

"I think that would be very kind of you." I watched Elise's crystal blue eyes turn violet. She was turned on by the magical fingers and hands of Frangelique on her now oily skin.

The room fell silent in the following minutes as the masseuses worked their magic. Elise and I held each other's gaze the entire time, as our bodies reacted to the soft touch of these two women. They changed places half way through our session. Frangelique straddled my legs and Georgia straddled Elise's legs. Frangelique and Georgia continued to massage the back of our bodies from our necks to our toes.

Both women were equally magical with their hands, sending Elise and I to new heights as we moaned our approval. Elise's eyes turned a darker violet then suddenly turned back to her crystal blues. I knew that at that moment she had just had an orgasm. Her body shuddered while a contented smile grew on her blushing face. The look on her face caused my own orgasm to crash over my body. I blushed just as much as she did. Frangelique and Georgia giggled at the two of us.

"Oh my god, you two sure are good with your hands," Elise said, still blushing wildly.

"We get this reaction almost every single time. I enjoy pleasing the body... this is how I met Frangelique." Georgia smiled and blushed at what seemed to be her fondest memory.

"That is why I became a masseuse and started working with her for the hotel. We wanted to share our passion for pleasing the body with other people," Frangelique answered, then got off of me. I let slip a soft moan of disappointment.

"Our session is just about done now." Georgia got off of Elise and walked into a small back room with Frangelique. Elise and I got to our feet and put our robes on. "Before you leave... we have a wedding gift for you, something to spice up the passion," Georgia said as she walked out of the small room, hand in hand with Frangelique. The tall woman had a basket in her free hand filled with bottles of oils and lotions.

"These oils and lotions are for you. If the two of you could come in for an hour every day, we could teach you the most basic tricks of the art of the masseuse." Frangelique handed us the basket with a grin, spreading from ear to ear.

"Thank you both very much. We will definitely come in and learn your art of passion." I looked at my wife and entwined our fingers. Desire flashed in her clear blue eyes. I smiled knowingly at her.

"See you two tomorrow afternoon then. Enjoy the rest of your day. And congratulations on the marriage." Georgia put an arm around her wife. She smiled brightly at us.

After saying our goodbyes, Elise and I returned to our room and left a heap of robes by the closed door. I wrapped my arms around my small wife. We stood at the foot of the bed. I trailed my fingertips softly and gently up and down her spine, sending shivers through her small frame. Her soft tender hands cupped my ass cheeks. She squeezed lightly, eliciting a low groan from me.

"Make love to me, Angel," Elise demanded. I kissed and nibbled at her throat. I picked her up off the floor. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I walked on the bed on my knees and gently set her down on her back beneath me. She draped her arms around my neck. She pulled me in closer for an affectionate and passionate kiss. She ran her warm sweet tongue along my lips.

I parted my lips to let her in. Elise explored the familiar territory that now belonged fully to her. We broke our kiss for air. We stared deeply into one another's eyes. We knew exactly what the other felt at that moment. I lowered my head and made love to her sweet and tender neck. I made my way down her throat into the valley between her plump breasts.

"Mmmm yessss..." she hissed. She tilted her head back into the plush pillow. I sucked a hard aching nipple into my hot mouth. I twirled the tip of my tongue around the button then turned my attention to the other nipple.

"Oh god..." Elise raised her hips up against my mound to seek contact where she needed it the most. I lowered my body onto hers and rested my full weight on her petite frame. I released her nipple with an audible pop. I planted my lips on hers and rubbed our mounds together. Our labia parted under the friction. We gasped as our clits rubbed together.

"Hhhmmm Honey... that feels so good." Elise's legs loosened from around my waist. She put her feet on the bed and spread her legs open even wider for more contact. We kept a steady pace. Our climaxes built slowly while we kissed furiously. Our taut sensitive nipples rubbed against each other with every passing move. Electricity shot through our bodies. I felt the pressure build higher and higher in the pit of my stomach, travelling to my core. Elise rocked her hips faster and harder into my own. I matched her rhythm. Our bodies were covered in sweat.

"Oh fuck... oh... oh," I exclaimed between kisses.

"Oh fuck... Angel yes," Elise broke our kiss and screamed. She stared deeply into my eyes and smiled at me. The tingle in my core intensified and burst. Our bodies writhed together in our passionate embrace. We screamed out our simultaneous release. The waves of pleasure rippled through us. I collapsed onto the bed next to Elise. She leaned over to brush her lips to mine. I watched Elise get off the bed as she walked to our suitcases. She kneeled down and dug in the luggage.

"What are you looking for, Honey?" Curious, I sat up on the bed to watch her.

"Oh, I'm looking for the toys I sneaked into the luggage when you weren't looking." She dug deeper and shrieked with joy. "I found them." She pulled out a new leather harness, lube and a thick long double-ended dildo we bought a few months ago. Elise got up to her feet, grinning widely at me. She wiggled her eyebrows.

I folded my legs and beckoned for her to come to me. I smiled lopsidedly at her. I knew what she wanted to do. I turned to hang my legs off the side of the bed. Elise stood between my legs with everything in her hands. I took the lube from her and set it on the table. Next I helped her strap on the harness. I love this particular harness because the base where the attachments click in can be removed. I set the base beside me on the bed. I put my hands on my wife's hips and pulled her on top of me.

Elise followed my lead. She settled her hot dripping wet pussy over my face as I lay down on my back. I looked up at her loving violet gaze. I licked my lips and wrapped my arms around her thighs. I pulled her delectable core down to my yearning mouth. I stuck my tongue out and licked my way past her slit, between her succulent swollen labia. Elise leaned back, resting her hands beside my ribs. She moaned loudly. I continued my sweet torture until she was super wet then attached the base back onto the harness.