Yummy Things


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"Oh, no ma'am," Barbara said, grabbing the girl's hand. "You and me are making Thanksgiving dinner, remember?"

And the two women did work together, assembling the dishes while the turkey sat in the oven.

Finally, just as they could see sunlight threatening, Barbara and Kylie made breakfast.

"Now, that's what I like to see; not one but TWO gorgeous women in the kitchen," Craig complimented as he entered.

He kissed his wife, then kissed Kylie, poured himself a cup of coffee, and sat at the kitchen table.

"Barbara fixed his plate, and Kylie brought it to him.

"What time you tell them boys get here?" Craig asked as Kylie and Barbara took their seats at the table.

"Told them get here when they got hungry," Barbara shrugged.

"And they're not here already?" Craig asked.

He smiled at Kylie.

"Surprised your family could let you go; I'm sure they're missing your help in the kitchen," he said.

He did not miss the flicker of sadness behind the girl's beautiful brown eyes, even as she smiled.

"Yeah well," she shrugged.

As Kylie and Barbara continued their orchestra of cooking, Jason and Kyle were laying on Jason's large couch, watching Jason's pornographic movies.

Kyle stroked Jason's hard cock a few times, then swung a leg over and squatted above Jason's erection.

They both sighed as Kyle lowered his willing anus over Jason's greasy cock.

"Fuck!" Kyle shuddered as he could feel Jason's pubic hair pressed against his anus.

Then he bent and kissed Jason. Their tongues wrestled with each other as Jason gave short little jabs with his hips.

After a few minutes of short jabbing thrusts, Jason lifted Kyle up, then lay him back down on the couch, all without dislodging his cock from Kyle's tight ass.

Then, once Kyle was on his back on the leather couch, Jason hammered him with long, forceful strokes.

"Argh!" both screamed in pleasure as Jason's tick semen flooded Kyle's bowels.

They slumbered for a few moments, the television showing images of beautiful people fucking beautiful people.

"Shit, come on; I'm starving," Jason finally said, pulling Kyle to his feet.

They showered together, which led to the two young men sucking each other off, then dressed and raced to the Eagan home.

"Hey, thought you forgot about me," Kylie said, kissing Jason.

Her comment was meant for both Jason and Kyle, but in front of Jason's parents, she kept it to just Jason.

"Couldn't forget you, no matter how much I'd want to," Jason admitted.

He and Kyle laughed when Kylie squealed and slapped him.

She had showered and dressed in simple skirt and peasant blouse. She had toyed with the idea of pulling the loose top down, to expose her shoulders, but hated how pudgy it made her look, so wore the top up.

"You look so cute like that," her brother said.

"Thanks," Kylie smiled happily.

"Your girlfriend is the best ever," Barbara said as she greeted her son and Kyle.

"Don't have to tell me; why I'm crazy about her," Jason agreed.

"Aw!" Kylie said, smiling.

Jason's arrival must have been the signal; suddenly there were cousins and aunts and uncles swarming into the large home.

Kylie did not miss the inquisitive stares she got when she was introduced as Jason's girlfriend. She especially noticed two female cousins shooting her murderous glares.

"So I'm not the only one into incest," she smiled to herself as she held Jason's hand proudly.

"I thought he was dating some cheerleader? Some gorgeous red head?" one aunt asked Craig in a none too quiet whisper.

"Yeah, but thank the good Lord he dumped that stuck up little tart minute he met Kylie," Craig said, none too quietly.

Then lunch was announced and Jason herded both Kylie and Kyle to the 'Kids' table.

"Yeah, we're just waiting for one of them to die so we can graduate to the 'Grown Up' table," he announced.

""Don't hold your breath; I'm not ready to go just yet," Uncle John called out.

"You might not be ready for you to go yet, but the rest of us..." Craig suggested.

"Uh, yeah, Alex, I'd like who is a giant butt hole for a thousand?" Uncle John said.

"They're huge Jeopardy fans," Jason explained.

"Well, who isn't?" Kyle said, smiling to the gorgeous blonde cousin sitting next to him.

"Nerd," the girl teased.

As the oldest, Uncle John said the blessing, then the feeding frenzy started. In between bites of food, Kyle talked with Jamie, the blonde cousin he was seated next to.

"Yeah, the whole thing's kind of incestuous," she laughed.

She didn't catch the startled expression on Kyle's face, but Candy, Jamie's younger sister did and smirked at Kyle.

"Yeah, Uncle John's in architecture, Uncle Charlie's in real estate, Uncle Craig's into equipment, and Daddy's in construction. What something built? Got to see the family," Jamie explained.

"While Kylie and I are getting dessert, why don't we go around and say at least one thing we're thankful for?" Barbara suggested as the guests were beginning to slow down their shoveling of the dinner.

"I'm thankful for dessert!" Uncle Ralph said.

"And it shows," Aunt Cindy said, patting the large man's belly.

"Hey, you got a good tool? You build a shed," Uncle Ralph said.

"Don't need that big a shed for that small a tool," Uncle John suggested.

Kyle thought Jamie laughed just a little too long, a little too loud at Uncle John's comment.

"How long, God, how long you been growing your hair? It's got to be as long as you are," Kyle asked Jamie.

"I don't know," Jamie smiled. "When's the last time I got it cut, Jason?"

"Good God! That was what? Thirteen, fourteen years ago? Let it go, fart face," Jason groused, even as he smiled.

"I'm four, and my big cousin decides he's going to be a barber when he grows up and next thing I know, I'm the only girl in my kindergarten class with a buzz cut," Jamie laughed.

"Just love having you here, Sweetheart," Barbara gushed as she and Kylie made quick work of cutting up the five pies. "That Megan? Sat on her butt the whole time, didn't lift a finger help out."

"Did you wake her up at four thirty?" Kylie teased, smiling happily.

"Wouldn't even spend the night here," Barbara said as they started carrying the trays of pies into the large dining room. "Now, who wants pumpkin?"

"I know, you want chocolate," Kylie said to Jason, kissing him as she put the plate down in front of him.

"And I want..." Kyle started to say.

"Who cares?" Kylie said even as she put the cherry pie in front of her brother.

Both Jamie and Candy laughed at Kylie's statement.

The pie slices were distributed and Barbara and Kylie again took their seats.

"We're just waiting to hear what you're thankful for," Craig asked Barbara.

"I'm thankful we have our family here, sharing this meal," Barbara said. "Thankful that God has blessed us with one another."

"Kylie?" Craig asked, turning to look at the girl.

"I uh, I'm thankful that my brother and I have somewhere to go for Thanksgiving," Kylie admitted. "I'm thankful that Miss Barbara came and got me and let me spend the night here, God! That bed is the best! And then she got me up and we made this dinner."

"And that's why she's Jason's girlfriend; not that Megan girl," Craig told Aunt Gail, the impertinent aunt that had snidely inquired about Megan's whereabouts.

"So, boy, the pros called you yet?" Uncle John asked Jason as he scraped the last of his pumpkin pie from his plate.

"What?" Uncle Ralph laughed sarcastically. "Boy's so slow, his last two touchdowns were called back for delay of game!"

Kyle saw the flash of anger, bitterness in Jamie's big brown eyes. She flashed a look at her cousin, then at her father. Then she pushed her chair back and stood up.

"Everybody? I got an announcement," Jamie said loudly, getting everyone's attention.

Aunt Cindy looked confused as her daughter stood.

"Jamie," Uncle Ralph warned, voice menacing.

"Everyone, my daddy's been fucking me, every God damned night he comes in my room and fucks me," Jamie said bitterly.

"Jamie, God damn it!" Uncle Ralph yelled, getting to his feet, charging toward his daughter.

"Oh God, this can't be happening!" Aunt Cindy gasped, putting her small hand to her mouth.

Kyle and Jason both leapt to their feet to protect Jamie from her father.

"And now I'm fucking pregnant, how about that, huh, Daddy?" Jamie went on.

A second gasp went up. Aunt Cindy fainted.

"You lying little whore!" Uncle Ralph screamed, reaching out to grab his daughter, strangle her.

Kyle's uppercut stunned the man. But it was Jason's left hook that took the large man down.

"Every night," Jamie screamed, delivering a savage kick to her father's face. "Every fucking night! Oh, don't tell anyone, oh you're my sweet baby, I'll buy you a new car, well you can keep your fucking Corvette, Daddy!"

She burst into heart wrenching sobs and Kyle wrapped his arms around the slender girl.

"He's starting to do it to Candy too," Jamie sobbed.

"Yes sir, we need a police car here, please," Craig said into his cell phone as Aunt Gail and Barbara tried to revive their youngest sister, Cindy.

Uncle John's wife, Aunt Shirley gently took a sobbing Candy and hugged the child.

"Oh my God," Aunt Shirley sobbed along with the girl.

Chapter 7

A week after their Thanksgiving adventure, Kyle and Kylie were watching the clock. It was Friday, and Jason had promised them a surprise that evening.

"Let's see; we've been to Stone Grill, Tokyo Gardens, Geno's," Kylie counted off the places they'd eaten.

"Casa Ole, Montesori's, and what was that, oh yeah, Lefty's barbeque," Kyle said as he started to cover the candy bins.

They both smiled widely, dimpled right cheeks showing as Jason's silver Lexus pulled up directly in front of the shop.

Kylie held up the two pounds of snow caps candies she'd purchased for him and smiled even wider when Jason blew her a kiss.

"I love you, you know that," Kylie said to Kyle as he grabbed broom and dust pan.

"Love you too," Kyle agreed.

"But I'm crazy about Jason Paul Eagan," Kylie concluded.

"I can live with that," Kyle laughed. "'Cause, uh, guess what? Me too."

Kylie started the register's shut-down sequence. Through the window, she watched as Jason sang along with some song he was listening to. His lips were moving and he would every now and then shake his head.

"I'm sure he's listening to that God-awful Five Finger Death Punch or whatever that is," Kylie said.

"At least he's not listening to Taylor Swift, or Carrie Underwood," Kyle teased her.

"Shut up; I like them!" Kylie shrilled.

"No kidding? Really? I had no idea," Kyle teased.

When they stepped outside, Jason got out of the car.

"Hey, Kyle, get in on my side, huh?" Jason asked.

They could not hear any music; Jason must have shut it off before they got out of the small shop.

"Hey, how you doing?" Jamie, Jason's cousin softly asked when Kyle scrambled into the rear seat of Jason's car.

Kyle froze, looking at the blonde beauty.

"Told y'all I had a surprise for y'all; Jamie's coming with us," Jason laughed as he opened the car door for Kylie.

"I uh, hey, I, it's great to see you," Kyle stammered and Jamie smiled widely.

"Hope Stone Grill's all right with y'all," Jason asked.

Over their menus, Jamie told them about the intermingling of the family's businesses.

"Want the design approved for zoning? Then you better have John Priestly doing it. Want to have your location zoned for whatever? Better have Charles Goodwin sell you that property. Want to have the right equipment? Better get it from Eagan Sales and Leasing. Want your construction crew not walk off the job? Better get Scandurro's Construction," she explained.

Under the table, Jamie took Kyle's left hand in her small hand. He smiled at her and she beamed.

"But uh, now that Mr. Scandurro's uh, he is in jail, right?" Kylie asked.

"Yep, right where he fucking belongs," Jason said forcefully.

"Yeah; my momma's running it right now," Jamie agreed and they placed their orders.

She laughed.

"First day? Tony? He's been with Daddy from the beginning, anyway, he thinks he's going to run everything. Momma took one look at him and told him, it's her way or no way."

Kylie and Kyle looked at each other, both remembering Cindy Scandurro to be a small blonde woman with a small voice.

"I got to go to the little girl's room before our steaks get here," Kylie announced.

Kyle stood up and gently pulled Jamie's chair back and she smiled widely and shocked brother, sister, and cousin when she softly kissed Kyle's lips.

"Yeah, she uh, she wouldn't shut up about the guy that nailed her dad, by the way, I tell you you broke his jaw with that punch?" Jason smiled as the two girls walked off, chattering.

"Uh, no, really?" Kyle asked.

"Anyway, told her if she promised to just shut up, I'd bring her along," Jason said.

While the men were chatting about Jamie, Jamie was inside the bathroom, finding out that Kyle was not only her hero, he was her ideal man.

"He hasn't, I mean, I've never seen him look at another girl like that," Kylie said as they availed themselves of neighboring stalls.

"God, he's so cute too," Jamie gushed.

"Listen, he uh, we, Kyle and me, we..." Kylie stammered as they both flushed.

"Come on, say it," Jamie laughed. "God, I mean, remember? I'm the one let everyone know my dad's been fucking me."

"We're lovers," Kylie said, blushing hotly.

Jamie looked at the girl for a long moment.

"But he's not, I mean, you say 'no' and he..." Jamie said, almost in a whisper.

"I say 'no' and it means no," Kylie said.

"You, I can, I mean, you don't mind if I..." Jamie asked.

"And we're also bisexual," Kylie said, studying the girl's face in the mirror over the sink.

"You, you're what?" Jamie asked.

"He, we both like guys and girls," Kylie admitted as she rinsed her hands.

"I just got wet," Jamie admitted in an embarrassed whisper.

Kyle and Jason smiled as both girls returned, huddled together, whispering and giggling excitedly.

Kyle and Jason stood to assist the girls with their seats. Kyle looked stunned as Jamie gave him a fairly jammy kiss, not the soft kiss she'd given him earlier.

Kylie also gave Jason a jammy kiss.

As they ate, Jason brought up Jamie's pregnancy.

"So you uh, you keeping the baby?" he asked.

"Of course," Jamie said, liberally adding butter to her baked potato. "Not the baby's fault.

Kyle's cock grew hard thinking of the slender beauty, belly swollen with a baby. Kylie, who was already quite wet, felt her pussy practically spasm, thinking of the slender blonde, belly swollen with a baby.

"Jamie Scandurro, will you marry me?" Kyle asked.

"Let me finish my steak first," Jamie replied. "Haven't eaten since lunch and all I had was a turkey tetrazzini off that School Lunch school bus."

"I've had their beef stew; damn that's good," Jason concurred.

"So, you want a church wedding, or are we just running off to Vegas?" Jamie asked as she stuffed a chunk of her rib eye into her mouth.

"Whatever you want," Kyle said. "Personally, I'd love to see you in a beautiful dress and Jason would be my best man and Kylie would be my best woman."

"Sorry, Bud, she's my maid of honor," Jamie said.

After the meal, Jason drove them to his condo. He and Kylie chattered with each other. Jamie and Kyle were too busy kissing and hugging to talk.

"Guys, we're here, let go long enough to get inside, huh?" Kylie teased.

"God, he's the best kisser ever!" Jamie enthused to Kylie as they followed a laughing Jason to his unit.

"He is pretty good, isn't he?" Kylie agreed.

"Jason a good kisser like that?" Jamie asked.

"Pretty good," Kylie agreed.

"Can I, you mind if..." Jamie asked.

"What? Damn, girl, you stealing one of my men, now you want the other one too?" Kylie asked in mock-anger.

Entering the living room, Jamie walked up to her cousin, pulled him down, and gave him a passionate kiss.

"Nope; I want Kyle," she declared when she pulled away.

"Well, suppose I want Kyle?" Kylie smiled as she kissed her brother.

"Ten we'll both have Kyle," Jamie agreed.

Chapter 8

They'd formed a daisy chain on Jason's large bed. Jason had his lips wrapped around Kyle's thick cock, Kyle had his head buried in Jamie's crotch, and Jamie lapped furiously at Kylie's hairy pussy, while Kylie swallowed Jason's meat to the root.

It was the first pussy Jamie had ever eaten. Her father had always made crude jokes about fish, but Kylie's pussy did not taste of fish. It tasted of musk, and sweat, and soap. It was a pleasant taste.

Kyle's mouth on her pussy was driving her wild. Her father certainly never did this to her. He wasn't adverse to shoving his chubby little cock into her mouth, making her clean him after he'd shoved his cock into her dry pussy.

"Aieegh!" Jamie cried in orgasm as Kyle worked two fingers into her pussy while sliding his tongue up and down her lips, then lapping at her clitoris.

Jason was next, spurting his thick load down the throat of Kylie.

Then Kylie screamed around Jason's cock as Jamie jammed two of her slender fingers into Kylie's pussy.

And Kyle grunted as his own thick torrent of semen flooded Jason's mouth and throat.

Then Kyle gently rolled Jamie onto her back and crawled his way up to her pretty face.

He did stop and gnaw lightly on her B cup breasts.

"I know, they're kind of small," she apologized.

"You kidding? They're perfect," Kyle assured the girl.

He nibbled on a fat pink nipple.

"I mean, shit! Look at them! They're perfect," he repeated, then kissed her lips softly.

"He's right; they are perfect," Kylie said and bent to suckle on one of Jamie's breasts.

"Uh!" Jamie grunted as Kyle's erection slid into her pussy.

"You like, you like how I shave it?" she whispered as Kyle slowly pushed in, then slowly pulled out.

"Love it, just love it," he assured her.

"Aieegh!" Jamie screamed a moment later as another orgasm racked her slender body.

Next to them, Jason pounded into Kylie, fast and furious. Kylie's screams of pleasure drowned out Jamie's next cry of pleasure.

She was slightly confused, but quickly caught on when Kylie squatted over her face. Jamie pulled the chubby girl down and licked and sucked her cousin's semen from Kylie's pussy.

When Kyle finally shot his load into her pussy, Jamie was quick to squat over Kylie's face, feeding the brunette her own brother's semen.

Then she watched, fascinated, as Jason's fat cock hammered in and out of Kyle's chunky buttocks.

"That hurt? That's got to hurt?" she whispered to Kyle.

"Yeah," Kyle grunted. "Hurts almost too good."

In the morning, Jamie came to and realized she was sleeping, cuddled in Kyle's arms. He was holding her, cradling her, protecting her.

"Hey," she whispered softly.

"Hey," he responded.

"I got to potty," she whispered.

"Okay," he said and wiggled out of the bed.

He helped her up, kissed her softly, and then let her go to the bathroom.

"Shit; thank God this is the last game," Jason groaned and disentangled himself from Kylie.

"No kidding," Kylie agreed.

The four showered together, then Jason and Kyle ran to the delicatessen down the street for breakfast while Kylie and Jamie got their faces on.

They returned and both Kylie and Jamie were dressed in Jason's old jerseys.

Jamie playfully lifted the hem to show her boyfriend that she was nude underneath.

"Just when I think you can't get no sexier," Kyle smiled.

"Uh, ahem, what about me?" Kylie asked, showing that she too was nude underneath the jersey.

"Just when I think you can't get no sexier," both Kyle and Jason said and she smiled.

The girls did put blue jeans, bras on before scrambling into Jason's car for the drive to the stadium.