Honeysuckle Well Ch. 01


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"Awww!~!" she exclaimed, her coo like a sweet song to his dizzy brain. "Silly boy, you can just call me Mimi!" She winked. "Or Miss Mimi, if you like~"

Clover glared. "I-I'm not..." He trailed off, realizing it would almost make him seem even more silly and petulant to argue over it.

But Mimi seized on this hesitation, looking delighted. "Not what, cutiepie?" she asked sweetly, tilting her head to one side. "Not silly?"

"N-No," he muttered, grimacing at how, indeed, petulant and childish it sounded. "I'm... I'm just picking strawberries."

She looked around. He did, too--looked up and down her body, looked at her gorgeous tits and her curvy hips, the way her dress hugged her relatively narrow waist. He bit his lip. Gods, she was a vision. His mouth was getting dry, and dimly, he wondered if maybe he could get a drink from that well behind her...

Then she looked back down at him, and his eyes shot back to hers as she exclaimed, her eyes wide and innocent, "Gosh, I don't see any strawberries here at all!" She giggled. "Do you, cutiepie?"

"Um... no." He shifted from side to side, feeling embarrassed. "B-But... but there were... um..."

"Hm?" She cocked her head cutely to the other side, batting those big, thick lashes up at him.

Clover could feel his face getting red. He had no more strawberries to show her--not even the traces of their sticky juice on his licked-clean fingers! He swallowed. "Um. There... were..." His voice was turning into a sheepish little mumble as he ducked his head. How was this... this mere girl, this tiny, bubbly shortstack, so good at making him, a strong-willed, independent man, feel like he was being told off by a teacher or mentor or... or...

"Aw, I'm sure there was, sweetie," Mimi said soothingly, taking a swaying step towards him. He watched her tits jiggle, then looked up at her eyes, filled with warm, comforting trust. Clover felt a strange rush of relief that she believed him.

"Yes!" he said eagerly, worried she was just being condescending or trying to spare his feelings. "There--there were lots! Just... just lying in the path, and... erm..."

Mimi's ass swung to the left, then to the right, as she advanced down the slope towards him. Her whole body was so... so gorgeous and curvy and feminine...

'The path?" Mimi giggled, taking another step closer. Her tits jiggled with very step, bouncing temptingly, very, very hard to look away from, even even when her eyes were such a pretty swirling honey-gold. "Aww, were you trying to stay on the path? Silly boy, there's no path around here!"

"There's... I know..." Clover bit his lip, realizing his voice almost sounded a bit like a whine.

He took a hesitant step back. Something was off here. Why was he so... why was the world so... why was everything so... hazy and pink? "I-I mean, I know that," he stammered in addition. "But I don't... I don't think I should, um, let you come any closer, Miss." Why do I keep calling her Miss? "M-Mimi, I mean."

"Miss Mimi!" She beamed and preened. "Aww, that's so cute! Nobody's ever actually called me that before~" She took another step closer and curled her index finger towards him, beckoning. "C'mere, sweetie! I wanna show you something!"

Clover shook his head, swallowing. Gods, his mouth was so dry... "N-No, I... I, um..."

"Aww, silly boy," Mimi cooed. "Don't be scared!"

His cheeks heated up. "I-I'm not--"

"It's not like I can do anything to you, right?" She batted her eyelashes innocently, bouncing in place. "Cute little me? Gosh, you're sooo big and strong!"

"I... "

"Gosh, you must be twice my size," she cooed, taking another step closer, her hips swaying dramatically with every step, such a gorgeous, curvy ass so tightly contained in that girly pink dress. Clover's heart raced as his mind slowed down a little, his eyes watching her luscious curves slide within the dress's narrow confines. "Plus, I'm just, like, a girl, and you're a boy! You're gonna be stronger than me, aren't you?"

"R-Right," he mumbled, biting his lip. She was right, wasn't she? There was no way she could be any stronger than him! He was... like she said, he was a man, and she was just... just a girl.

"So that makes sense, doesn't it?" she purred. Her voice flowed like sweet syrup, drifting through the fog, wielding the fog, even, so both voice and fog were pouring into his ears with perfect sugary temptation, pure, sweet innocence. "There's, like, no way I could hurt you! So there's no reason to worry."

As she took another step closer, Mimi reached up and gave her tits a long, languorous, indulgent squeeze and bounce-bounce-bounce and beamed up at him. "I mean... gosh, look at me, baby... I'm clearly not any kind of threat, am I?"

"... r-right," he stammered, unable to help himself as 'look at me, baby' seemed to sink into him as a sultry purr, a seductive command, and he couldn't help but stare as her tits squeezed together, so soft, so squishy. Gods, they looked so... so very soft...

"And you're a boy," she cooed, giggling at his reaction and letting her breasts bounce free. "And boys are supposed to be strong, aren't they?" She blinked wide, curious honey eyes. "Aren't they?"

"Um. Right?" He swallowed. She asked as if she wasn't sure, as if it was in... question. But everyone knew that boys were stronger. Men. Men were stronger. Right? "Y-Yeah, men are, um, way stronger than girls."

"Girls might be smarter," she said happily, twirling a lock of pure golden hair between her fingers and bouncing on her tiptoes, her breasts jiggling beautifully, enticingly, making his heart race, "But boys are stronger. Everybody knows that!"

"Y... yeah." He nodded dizzily, breathing in deep. It was easy to match his breaths to the bouncing of her breasts. Rhythmic. Relaxing, even. "Girls are... um, smarter, but boys are... are stronger." He blinked. "W-Wait, um..."

"That's right!" Mimi gushed, bouncing in happiness. Clover's words melted into a sigh as he watched her breasts bounce. Bounce. Bounce-bounce-bounce. They looked so warm and pillowy and soft, and the air was so warm... and sweet... warm and soft and sweet... "You got it right! Ooh, you're a very clever boy, aren't you, baby?"

"Um. Yeah." He felt embarrassed, but wasn't sure why. It was a compliment... right? It was so nice to receive so much praise from Mimi, but everything felt so confusing, and that normally would have worried him, but...

... but...

... but... boys were stronger, right? Girls were... were smarter, Mimi said, but boys were stronger. He was a man. Why should he worry about a pretty lady like her?

It made sense. It felt good to think that. It felt easy and soft and sweet and warm and cozy, but... but still...

He frowned. "W-Wait," he mumbled, his voice surprisingly weak. He raised his voice slightly. "Wait. I--"

"Such a clever boy," Mimi gushed, taking a bouncy step closer and reaching down to squeeze her breasts again, to again let them squish together, showing off how big they were, how... soft they were... "Deserves a littlereward, I think, for being so clever!"

Girls are smarter, boys are stronger.

Girls are smarter, boys are stronger.

"I... b-but... n-no..." He bit his lip. Something about the sentence had to be wrong, didn't it? Girls are smarter, boys are stronger. It echoed in his head in her angelic, sugary-sweet voice, and it sounded so, so easy to believe...

She paused.

"Well, you are a clever boy," Mimi said, blinking those big, beautiful eyes of hers, "Aren't you?"

He gazed at her breasts as she released them. Watched them bounce. Her dress seemed strangely... He frowned, staring at those breasts. He saw two little spots of wetness now. One over each breast.

As if she was... was...

"Um..." Mimi cleared her throat, raising an eyebrow patiently. "Sweetie?"

"Yes!" His eyes shot up to hers, and he felt his whole world spin at the rapid motion, felt his legs struggle and wobble beneath him. He took in a deep breath to steady himself. What was the question? He suddenly felt so very dizzy. Dazzled. Dehydrated, even. "Yes, um... um..."

"So we agree?" she said, fluttering her thick, dark lashes over those seas of endless honey up at him. She was very close now, Clover realized, and his mouth watered. She smelled so nice. Her perfume smelled so sweet and... intoxicating...

"A... agree?" he asked, confused. Then he felt his cheeks burn as he realized he'd given away that he'd lost track of the conversation.

"That you're a clever boy?" she said with a giggle. "Who deserves a prize for being so clever for me?"

"I..." He hesitated. "Um... I..." A prize? That sounded... nice, he thought. A prize from Mimi. Mimi was so petty, and she was so nice, and she was being so sweet to him. She was so pretty ad lovely and... and...

... he hesitated. Something about this still felt weird. Didn't it?

He tried to make sense of that feeling. The whole world was swimming in a rich, girly-pink light. It felt weirdly embarrassing to keep agreeing with her. Like he was letting her make the rules. That made sense, he supposed, since... since girls were smarter, right? And boys were stronger.

But something there still felt wrong, too. He bit his lip. Shouldn't... shouldn't he be arguing, or standing up for himself, or... or...

Seeing his hesitation, the pretty blonde giggled, a hand to her perfect beestung lips. "Aww, silly little boy, you're getting confused, aren't you?" she cooed. "You mean you don't think you're clever?"

"--No I'm not!" he blurted. Then he felt his cheeks get very, very hot. "I-I mean, I am! But I'm not confused! I just-- just--"

"So I'm right?" Mimi prompted, arching an eyebrow patiently. "You think I'm right, baby?"

Clover felt the fight deflate from him. He hesitated, one more moment, then hung his head. "Y... yes, Miss Mimi. I... I guess so..."

"Good boy!" Mimi cooed. Clover was taken aback by the delectable waves of pleasure that swept over him at those two words, and he shivered. "Gosh, you're soooo clever to just be doing what I say!" Her breasts jiggled and bounced before him. So soft. And her eyes were so pretty... "Because we all know that..."

She waited, and after a moment, Clover realized he was being prompted. Not wanting to seem dumb or confused again, he sheepishly mumbled, "Girls are smarter, boys are stronger."

Something still felt wrong about that sentence. But Mimi giggled and bounced and clapped her hands, so very happy, and seeing her so pleased with him made him so happy he forgot to be worried. Mimi was so pretty. It was so nice to make her happy with him.

And every time she bounced in delight, her breasts bounced, too, and seemed so, so close every time to bouncing right out of that pretty pink dress.

She was so pretty. So small compared to him. And boys were stronger, weren't they? She couldn't possibly be any threat to him.

So why did he feel so shy and nervous and flustered every time she said something like...

"Gosh," she said sweetly, giggling up at him, "You're, like, soooo cute, aren't you, silly boy?"

He squirmed. "Um..."

"Just staring at my pretty bouncy boobies," she purred, reaching down and giving them another little jiggle, "And going along with everything I say."

"Y... I mean..." He bit his lip. His mouth was awfully dry, and she smelled so nice, and her boobies--her breasts kept, um, bouncing... "I-I mean, I'm just... I just..."

"You just know," Mimi said sweetly, her eyes wide with gentle adoration, "That girls are smart, don't you? Because you're a clever boy!"

He stared helplessly into her beautiful eyes. "Um... m-maybe..."

"Maybe, baby?" She batted her eyelashes and took another step closer. She was very, very close now. "Maybe, you think? You're maybe clever?"

Her breasts bounced. Bounced. Bounce-bounce-bounced. So soft. So inviting.

"Y-Yes, Miss Mimi," he whimpered, squirming, "I'm... I'm clever."'

"Good boy~" she cooed, and her smile was like the warmest,c oziest sunbeam Clover had ever felt on his face. He smiled, too, feeling that dizzy dreamy bliss flowing through him again. "Aww, such a cuuuute little boy! You just repeat everything I say, don't you?"

"E-Everything you--n-no--" He managed to almost glare, but couldn't quite bring himself to glare at such a pretty girl, so he settled for glaring above her head. "N-No I don't, I--"

"Girls are smarter, boys are stronger," she said sweetly.

"Girls are smarter, boys are stronger," he whimpered.

"Good boy!" She beamed and reached up, and his face deeply reddening, he found himself bending down to let her pat his cheek. Her touch felt so nice, and leaning down let him gaze right down her cleavage, breathe in her sweet, intoxicating scent... "Such a good boy for me~"

"But... but I... no..." he swallowed. Gods, his mouth was so dry all of a sudden. "N-No, that's not... something about that, um, it's not..."

"Hm?" She blinked up at him, her eyes as big and sweet and harmless as water lilies. "Something about it isn't right, sweetie? Is that what you're saying?"

"Y... yes," he admitted, head bowed, avoiding her gaze shyly and instead staring in hopeless desire at her breasts. At her big, soft, bouncy... boobies...

"Hm..." She put a finger to those beestung pouty lips of hers, as if considering this. "Goodness, you know..."

Clover braced himself to be teased, to be told he was a silly boy. Because didn't everyone know girls were smarter and boys were stronger? He felt sure he'd always heard that. It felt so impossible to disagree with.

Btut she, to his surprise, gave a little nod and patted his arm with a big, bright smile. "I think you're right, baby! Good boy!"

"Oh..." Waves of relief flooded through him, relief that he wasn't just being silly again, and he smiled hopelessly at her, at this beautiful, sweet, gentle angel who was being so, so very nice to him, so kind to tell him he was right, to reassure him... "Oh, thank you, I--I thought so!"

Briefly, he felt a little silly to thank her. But it just felt right. Mimi was so pretty and sweet, and surely it was only polite to say 'thank you' when a pretty girl was nice to you, right?

"Aww, you're welcome, baby!" Mimi giggled, clearly delighted at his response. "Yes, I think you're definitely right. I mean, girls are smarter..." She plumped those plush, perfect lips out, smiling smugly up at him as she seemed to consider it...

Clover's breath caught. He stared at her and licked his lips. "W-Wha--"

"... but I bet girls are stronger, too~" she cooed up at him.

He stared dumbly, stupidly, frozen to the spot. His whole world suddenly felt uncertain. Vulnerable. "B-Buh---buh... No, that's not..." He squirmed, suddenly very conscious of how very close to him this buxom blonde was, of how hard it was to look away as her breasts bounced, squished together between her delicate hands, so soft and enticing.

And the air was so warm. He couldn't believe how warm it was--the mist was like warm, soft blankets, making it so hard to breathe cleanly, so hard to settle his dizzy thoughts...

"I'm..." He took a deep breath, mind swimming in sweetness. "I'm no--"

"Are you cold, baby?" Mimi asked sweetly.

Clover blinked.

Was he... cold?

"You seem sooo cold, sweetie," the pretty girl went on, pouting and frowning sympathetically. "And it's sooo chilly and windy out tonight. Are you cold?"

A little breeze seemed to wafted through. Clover felt his world swirling in the sweetness of her words, the certainty of her truth drowning his own like a bee in honey. Mimi was so smart, and so pretty, and... and...

... and he shivered.

Mimi giggled. "Awww~!"

Her arms open spread wide.

"Looks like someone needs to come to Mommy~"

And something inside Clover melted at the sweet adoration in her voice as he felt himself sinking down, down, down towards her luscious, soft, warm embrace...

And the smell of honey flooded his senses the closer and closer he got. And his cock was twitching, and his mind was melting, and and his thoughts suddenly felt so soft, so... malleable...

Is this what it feels like to be in love? he wondered dreamily, as he sank into Mimi's loving arms.


~ ~ ~ ~

Lorelei's Note: Thanks so much for reading! This was a really fun commission. Feedback is always welcome!

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DARKSIDE88DARKSIDE88over 1 year ago

OH, PLEASE continue this story. You had my FULL ATTENTION.

GigglingGoblinGigglingGoblinover 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback! I do hope to continue it someday, if the commissioner comes back and asks for a second installment. I don't think she eats her new boytoy, but she and her friends are planning to have a lot of fun with him~

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So now she eats him?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hits all the right notes for me! I love how you do these stories with a male sub who's a sucker for big tits. And the psychological teasing and domination is just as sexy. You're so good at this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved this. Definatley hope you continue it

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