Zai and Tim Pt. 02


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Monica eyes me differently; she can smell blood in the water, "He is a man. You know how we feel about men. I am sorry, but he will not be returning with you. This is not negotiable."

I look her straight in the eyes, "You don't want to go down that path, Monica. We came here in good faith to negotiate a peace treaty and save billions of lives. You're going to throw that out because of a man?"

Hate is smoldering in her eyes, "You have no idea that pain and suffering we still feel to this day because of men. So no, I don't care what you say; he stays here."

I am pissed; she is forcing my hand, "So. You're going to sit there, in front of your daughters, and tell them how special and honest you are while you kill my only son!"

The place is silent. Monica's eyes bulge out of her head in surprise. Bitch. Internally, I chuckle. She is drooling on that gorgeous dress.

I go for the jugular, "Test his DNA. He was my first born. As of now, I lay claim to him. I expect to see him within the hour or else."

Monica laughs, "You are not going to threaten me on my own planet. Fuck you!"

I am smug, "Show me my ship. Open a comm to it. I want to show you something."

Monica nods to allow her people to follow her directions. We can see a nice big picture of a Thompson Industries cargo vessel.

Monica chuckles, "You came to me on a cargo ship? Wow, your planet sure is slipping."

I say, "Zai, contingency 13."

Monica isn't smiling anymore. The ship's picture distorts. It's like a monitor that just turned on. Small, large, thin lines, then a complete picture. This new picture shows a brand-new Super Max Battle Cruiser.

I say to Monica, "You have no military ships in your spaceport. How much damage do you think that could do?"

Monica grins, "You have no captain on board."

My grin grows bigger, "You really need to get over your hang-up with men. My son is rather clever. He plays this centuries-old game called chess. You ever play?"

She shakes her head no.

I continue, "It's a rather simple game; pieces move in different patterns, straight ahead, in straight or diagonal lines, one space or across the whole board. The key is to anticipate what your opponent will do. Good players can look several turns ahead. Sometimes, the game is timed, making it ever harder to think ahead. My son is the only living person I know that can beat me. Please stay seated for tonight's demo."

As if on cue, a tiny thin laser shoots through the house, piercing the roof, two floors above, the table, and no idea how many basements they have. Only earth stops the laser. In a flash, it's gone.

I continue with a massive grin on my face, "Don't mess with my son or his ship. His ship loves him. I would bet that right now; she is hacking your network to find out where he is."

Monica looks alarmed. She says something in their local language. Several people leave the room running.

I complement Monica, "Hearing you speak your language, I had forgotten how well you speak English. For someone that doesn't speak it often, you have an amazing mastery of our language."

Monica is surprisingly open and curious, "How did you ever hide the birth of a male for so long? I am truly astonished."

I feel relieved to finally come clean, "I was on my way up politically. A male would have ruined me. Like your culture, we have no need for men. We don't go to the extreme that you do, but we're not that far apart. I declared him dead to the government and turned him over to the local orphanage. They were told the mother was poor and could not care for him. My mother worked in records and fixed my history; I never had a son.

"It's only after he saved our lives that his ship informs us that we're all related. He was always two or three steps ahead of me at figuring things out. I bet he already knows the real reason why we're here."

Monica is defensive, "We are going to stop a galaxy war that nobody wants."

I laugh at her, which confuses her, "Oh, there are people that want war all right. I was almost killed in my own space dock. My son and his ship saved us. There were a bunch of people looking for me. That's why we came in unannounced; it was for our safety.

"I see it in your people. They all look similar. Your gene pool isn't diverse enough. You have hated men so much, they stayed away. The number gets smaller and smaller. When my son shows up, you want his sperm. I bet somewhere in your treaty, we owe you what, about a hundred men? That was supposed to be a toss-in when in reality, that's the most important thing to you."

The double doors bust open, and a group of sweaty women come running in with my son. He is being carried! What did they do to him?

Tamara bursts out of her chair; she runs at my son. His legs are dragging. He has a goofy look on his face like he's drugged. Five women in green lab coats come in, and eight women in uniforms with weapons.

I stand up and scream, "What have you done to my son! He needs medical attention now."

All five women have incredible smiles on their faces. It's eerie, like it's artificial. They talk to their Queen, who translates to us with a giggle. That's a bit unusual.

With a very amused look on her face, she explains to us, "These are doctors, research doctors. There is nothing wrong with him other than he needs rest, probably some high-calorie food, and a beverage or two. He just fucked all the doctors. They were told to harvest his sperm. They had no idea how. After failing a few times, he got annoyed. They remove the chains, and he offered to fuck them correctly. That works for them because they can extract the sperm from their vaginas. That, they know how to do.

"They had so much fun; they gave him adrenaline and stamina shots, then they each fucked him again and again and again. The poor baby wore himself out helping our cause."

The dumb bitch has a tear in her eye because she thinks he did this to help them. I know that smile on his face; he enjoyed every minute. Well, up until he couldn't move. He could have died from exhaustion.

Tamara is on her knees, sitting on the floor. She has Tim in her arms. I snicker; he fell asleep and has no idea where he is.

Monica claps her hands, "You five. Help them to Tamara's room. I now understand why she was so distracted now. She's in love. Give him something to sleep well. You two, get some beverages and food. When that man wakes up, he will be hungry. I want a buffet in that room.

A stretcher with four women shows up to carry Tim to Tamara's room. The four women are gentle with Tim. I notice that they grin at him. There appears to be a difference of opinion over men on this planet divided by age. Something terrible must have happened a few generations ago.

Monica continues, "Tonight, I have a water and fireworks show for you at my reflection pond. We will have a few drinks after that, and then it's bedtime. Tomorrow, we stop a war and fix my genetic issues. Is that acceptable?"

I smile, "I think that sounds like a lovely plan. Let's go watch your show, shall we?"

We can't link arms; both of our dresses are too large. Each of us tried to outdo the other. Both dresses are spectacular. We spent two hours watching a lovely water show where the water made circles, squares, spirals, and all kinds of designs. They mixed in a ton of fireworks for a mighty impressive performance.

I say, "Monica, we may have our differences, but that was a hell of a show. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for that and for not killing my son."

We go to bed. I slept well, much better than I have in a long time. The rooms have been upgraded since my last visit. They are as lovely as my own palace at home. It does bother me that I care so much for my son. At the same time, seeing the issues this planet faces, I am glad we don't hate men as much. I would say we are moderate in the galaxy. Men can walk free and get jobs. They never get above low-level positions, and even then, it's mostly labor jobs.

It bothers me that Tamara has become so attached to Tim. What does she see in him? I know from the screams I heard last night; they had a hell of a time together. Is good sex enough? Is sex with a man that special? She was embarrassingly inattentive at the meeting. She embarrassed us. Even Monica noticed. Why did I care about Tim's condition so much? Why did I admit I had a son? I did that to another Queen, my enemy no less. That's terrible diplomacy.


Tamara's room:

I am snuggling my body into Tim's arms. He's fast asleep. They wore his ass out having sex. I saw the face of those women. They would have happily done it again. I know I was no use today. All I could think about was being fucked by that large cock. I don't know how, but we need to keep Tim around. Mom is going to freak out. If I could trust Monica, I might be half tempted to stay here. Oh well, right now, I am winning at life; Tamara won today. Yea, for me.


Tammi's room:

As I get into bed, I can't get the looks of those women, those hungry predators, out of my mind. This planet hates, I mean, really hates men. Yet they wore Tim's ass out having sex. It was embarrassing last night listening to the muffled screams of Tamara. Those weren't screams of pain either. Only a few times in my life has a partner made me scream anywhere near that.

Once we're back on the ship, I am getting my turn.


Trudy's room:

I can't believe mom figured out their issue. Why would she admit to being Tim's mother? At home, that's going to cause a huge problem. I can't believe the way Tamara acted all day. She wasn't paying attention, and then she threw herself at Tim. It wasn't that big of a deal. Our typical drama queen had to be the center of attention. She had to have Tim all to herself. I think she needs to share more.


Monica's room:

I don't think I know my counterpart anymore. I almost had a heart attack when she admitted to having a son today. I can't even imagine the shame she must have hidden for so long. I find it alarming that Tim figured out our issue so quickly. Who would have thought he would be so willing to help? The five researchers would have done anything for him. They were looking at him like a baby kitten.

This was good information we got today. If men are willing to have sex with women, it may not be as hard as I thought to entice men here. I may not have to rely on Trinity to feed us male sperm or whole living young males. The way my researchers and Tamara bowed to him; I wonder if I am missing out on something.

He claimed he was a Level Five in sex in the report I got. I have no idea what that means, but he seemed to think it was some lofty goal, and he was proud of that status. He will sleep all night. I wonder if there is any chance I can get a turn with him. I need him to fuck me. I must know what drove them mad.

Chapter 10 -- Day 2 "Negotiating"

I wake up, and I'm famished. Those women wore my ass out. Those shots gave me all the energy in the world to fuck them each three times. But wow. When it was all done. I remember being dragged into a flying pod car, talking to the Queens, and then Tamara smothering me. I was worn out.

Hmmmmm, I smell something good. I roll over, and there is a table chock full of food and beverages. I am famished. I gently get out of bed, careful to not wake up Tamara.

Tamara groans, "What the hell did they do to you? They drop you off, and it looks like you ran a lap around the planet. You couldn't hold yourself up. Did they torture you?"

I laugh, "I never thought sex could be a form of torture." She looks at me with a blank look. "Ok. Imagine having sex with a partner, like I did with you. When we finish, we start again. We finish, we start again. We go five times in a row. We're hot, sweaty, and exhausted. They gave me some type of adrenaline shot, and now I have energy again. However, it's fake energy. It doesn't last long. They give me more, and now I feel like my heart will explode.

"They give me a drink, and my heart rate slows down, and my cock shrinks. They give me more stuff, and I do two more young ladies for the second time. Two more still want a turn. They push my body with drugs. I had no control; they used some type of harness to control me. I am exhausted beyond normal human limits. I couldn't focus. I couldn't move my legs. I feared for my life. They had so much fun, we went for round three.

"Then they get a call. They're all mortified. I am given shot after shot, yet I don't respond. The uniform women show up. They're furious with the five ladies in green lab coats. They drag all of us to the floating car, and then I am thrown at you. I fell asleep in your arms."

Tamara adds, "They probably gave you a steroid along the way; you will have a hollow leg for a few days. Eat up; it sounds like you need it. With their issues, I doubt that you're done yet."

As I walk towards the food, one of my legs gives out. I fall to the floor with a crash. Tamara screams. Our door bursts open with a wide-eyed woman holding a drawn weapon standing in our room. She's scanning for a target. She quickly assesses the situation and hides her weapon. She sexily walks to the table, looks at several beverages before picking an orange liquid out. She hands me a glass with the sweet aroma.

I look at her suspiciously, and she gives me one of those "Oh really" looks. I smile and drink the beverage. I feel much better. Tamara and the guard help me up. I stand near the table, look at the choices, then look at the guard, shrug my shoulders with my hands up, flat out, with a clueless look on my face.

The guard snickers but relents. She picks up a plate and stacks up several selections for me. She pushes me towards a chair by a table for two. I am guided to a sitting position before the food is placed before me.

I say, "Thank you."

She says, "Your welcome," as she selects a few beverages for me. She doesn't even realize she said anything.

After she sets down a pair of beverages, she starts to walk away.

I look at her as I say, "Tell your mom, the Queen, that she taught you English very well."

She turns around with a massive look of surprise on her face. I can see the question on her face.

I explain, "When you left the drinks, I said, 'Thank you.' Without even thinking, you said, 'You're welcome.' It's the same pronunciation as your mom. Her being the Queen was an educated guess. Tell your mother, 'Yes.' If you want some real fun, ask her the question that I am answering for her."

The poor girl's jaw drops to the floor. She walks out of the room.

Tamara walks over, sits on my lap, and says, "You are one wicked man. You just keep surprising me. Eat up; we have a state breakfast in an hour." I try to object. "While you were out cold, they measured you and had some clothes made up. They're hanging up in the closet. You need to take a shower though, you STINK!"


One hour later and we are sitting down to a state breakfast. This hall is enormous and sits about 150 people. They went all out on the place settings. We won't use most of it, but it looks fantastic. There are three forks, spoons, knives, plates, bowls, and beverage cups. My sisters look bewildered. They have no idea which piece to use. They all stare at me. My parents taught me; I make an exaggerated move to pick up the second fork. I use the first knife on the roll plate to spread jelly on the muffin. My sisters all follow me.

Across from me is the guard from this morning in a striking yellow dress. She selected the wrong fork. You don't use the salad fork with breakfast. When she looks at me, I stare at her hand, then at the forks. Slowly, I go back and forth until she realizes her misstep. While reaching for her drink, she sets down her fork and grabs the correct one.

Her mother shouts out, "Bravo!" We all look in surprise.

The Queen is loud enough for all to hear, "For years, I have been training Carla to use the correct silverware. She never cared. Tonight, Tim showed his sisters. When Carla selected the wrong fork, he caught her attention, stared at the right fork, and she did a sleight of hand swapping of forks. A man teaches my daughter something I never could. Tim, I must say, I have greatly underestimated you. You are one of the most interesting people I have ever met.

"After breakfast, Trinity and I are going to prevent a galaxy war. After lunch, we are placing the fate of the galaxy on hold as you teach me chess. Please work with my people to create a game board and pieces. I want to learn how to play. I need to learn more about men to help my planet. Tim, would you help me?"

Oh sure. In front of 150 people, ask me for help after the shit I have been through. We have a mission to complete. Everyone is staring at me, waiting for an answer. I am taking too long.

I use a straight face, "I am pulled from my ship, placed in chains, beat, drugged, then taken to an inch of my life by five sex-craved scientists. Now in front of 150 people, all staring at me, you ask me to play a game." Still with a blank face, "Sure, why not. The food is much better here than on my ship." I give my sly smile, "Those sexy scientists were a ton of fun. I would do anything for you; that perfectly timed call saved me from a fourth round with them."

She smiles, "Oh, you are so smooth. Tonight, I have something special for you and your mother. Right now, we are going to save the galaxy. You, your sisters, and my daughters are all going to view our gardens; they're spectacular. Come on, Trinity, we have a galaxy to save."

Carla is the only sister that speaks English; she translates for her sisters. Everything we hear and say is repeated for their benefit.

Carla is direct, "I have never met a man before. Mom hates men so much, I expected you to look like a monster and want to tear my clothes off. You seem ... so refined. I didn't expect your intelligence, humor, or your ... subtle handling of the fork issue. Not that it mattered with mom embarrassing me in front of all my friends and family. We obviously have an issue. Mom is acting weird, and I don't mean weird because of the need for male DNA. I mean, ever since you were dumped on the throne room floor in front of our family ... she changed."

A sister makes a comment, followed by the other sister. Carla looks bashful.

Carla seems embarrassed, "They think mom likes you. You have no idea how weird that sounds to us, given the deep-seated hate she has. She does like intelligent people. You seem to like helping people out. I need a favor if you don't mind." I tilt my head as if listening closer. "I grew up with those five researchers. I have had sex with all of them in school. I have never seen them so ... giddy in my life. Did you play chess with them?"

I laugh at her, "You know exactly what I did to them. The answer is no, your mother would kill me."

She yells, "Ah-ha! So, you don't know everything!" Now in a much softer voice, "Mom was the one that wants me to ask the question."

I stumble on my words, "Wow. OK. You got me. I didn't see THAT coming. Oh my, that means ...."

Carla purrs, "Yes."

Trudy buts in, "Excuse me. What's going on here?"

Carla is blunt, "I want him to fuck me. I want to know what my friends experienced."

After translating my words, the sisters are very animated. A single shouted word from Carla, and they shut up. One of the girls makes a plea for herself. Carla won't translate, but she is pointing at herself. It's obvious, she wants first.

Carla has us stand up, and we follow her through the maze part of the garden. In the center is a small grassy area. Laid out are a blanket and two pillows. There are refreshments and wet towels for clean-up. One of the researchers is there with a device to collect sperm.

Carla slips off her sandals, then whips off her dress. No bra, no panties, and no hair. She is waiting for me. I move closer to her.