Zai and Tim Pt. 03


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As an example, leather floggers can get nasty when wet. No floggers. No canes. She does have a riding crop, but it's unusually flexible. That means it bends and won't hit as hard. The crop also has a much larger than the standard striking surface, which pads the strike some.

All in all, a very safe toy. Nothing is enormous around or long. The same extends to her dildos. They're all relatively tame. I can relax now.

I grab some rope. Tammi's eyes pop out of her head. Her hands go to her mouth; she's embarrassed.

I inquire, "You do want to do this? Yes?"

Tammi is excited and can't sit still; she is rocking back and forth, "OH YES! I never thought I could convince you to do this. YES!!!!"

I am shaking my head in disbelief that I am doing this.

I ask Tammi, "I want you on the floor, on your knees."

Tammi rushes to the floor and is on her knees.

I tell Tammi, "With your hands, try to grab your ankles. Your face will go into the carpet, and your ass will go in the air. I am going to tie your hands to your ankles to keep you in place."

Tammi seems disappointed, "I was expecting a full rope job."

I laugh at her, "You've never done that. You might hate it with a passion. As I said, we will build up to that. Let's see if you like something simple before I spend an hour tying you up."

I make a knot on both legs. Then the other end of each rope goes around the wrist, and a knot is made there as well. I have a fantastic view of her rosebud and pussy lips. I roll her over onto her back. Actually, her arms are now behind her back, leaving her breasts and legs pointing up.

I take out her crop. It's black, about two feet (65cm) long, with a red leather tag on the end. Even this "tame" version can inflict extreme pain due to the whip effect. I start with a light strike of her breasts and gradually increase my force until I get pink skin.

I was happy because I used some strength; it made an excellent crack sound, yet only a bit of pink shows. Tammi seems unsatisfied.

Tammi quips, "What? That's it?"

She's taunting me. CRACK! CRACK! Two harder swats on her ass, and they turn red.

Tammy yells, "OUCH!" followed by a moan.

Before she can say anything, I put down the crop and say, "I am finding my limits. For now, that's all you get, no matter how much you complain. I'm already pissed that I let you goad me into a harder strike."

I gently push her over and help continue the roll, so her ass is up in the air, and her face is on the carpet.

I ask, "Would you like a pillow? I don't know how this feels."

Tammi is ready for more; she is excited when she says, "No, I am good. I think the pillow might choke me. I can breathe well now."

I go to the suitcase quickly and palm some lube. I don't want her to see it. She quickly figures it out by sound and then as I rub the liquid into her brown star and pussy lips. I spend far more time caressing her pussy lips, causing her to go silent.

I use the lube on my hands to lather her up. I stick a finger slowly up her rectum. It's just a single, thin finger. Tammi is excited as anyone I have ever known. While she is excited, I pop a second finger in. She stops because something has changed. She has no idea what I did. She is watching me with leery eyes. As I stretch her wider, her mouth opens at the same rate, like I am pushing the fingers into her mouth. She can't talk.

I am firm with my voice, "When you give control of your body to others, you should know what they are capable of doing. I started slowly; they may not. They may not give a damn about what you think."

Tammi sounds sad as she says, "Long-time lovers will do some of this. However, I have never received what I saw in those videos."

I now insert the fourth finger with effort.

Tammi screams at me, "What are you doing to me? Ouch. Fuck, that's amazing. Fuck me. Ouch!"

I got the finger in. I don't think a thumb will fit this session. Someday I will get it in there. With four fingers straight in, I touch the walls of her rectum. I move my body a lot to get the range of motion I desire. Tammi is silent and looking through me. She is somewhere else. I spread my fingers out as I twist my arm and body.

I can feel her body jerking and pulling tight. With my offhand, I slap her in the face. That wakes her up. I am going to try some humiliation now. Let's see how she responds to this.

I use a calm, confident voice that's a couple octaves lower than usual, "You are my bitch, my whore, my cunt. You will do what I say. Failure to follow my directions will earn you harsher punishments."

She is breathing hard. My fingers are together and pushing around the inside of her body as my thumb is pressing from outside her body. I use my left hand to spank her ass as hard as possible. It's my offhand, so it's not that hard. I am awkward spanking her ass, making it a feeble attempt.

I continue my talk, "I will fuck you anytime, anyplace, and with anyone I want. Your friends will see me fuck you."

She starts to scream. I quickly pull out my hand and place it in a decom-chamber. That's a handy box that you put dirty things in, and they come out clean. No dirt, viruses, germs, or anything else gets by the chamber. I wash off both hands, use a towel on her ass, then chamber the towel.

Quick as I can, I use both hands to spank her ass twenty times. I roughly roll her over and slap her breasts twenty times. I pull her hair to position her face, and I slap her twenty times. She is screaming for joy and yelling, "YES! YES! YES!"

None of that was wickedly painful. I hit her harder than I anticipated, but that was because she giggled after the first three spanks. Again, she controlled me. While still raging, I move her body back with her tiny ass up in the air. I get behind her and slowly push my cock into her velvety pussy.

Oh wow, this is amazing. She is tight, far tighter than anything I have ever experienced. I pull two rope ends, and all the knots come loose; she is free of all restraints. I throw a mask over her face. She's not a big fan of that; she uses a hand to slap it off her face. I swat her hands away. I win; she gives up.

I immediately move to a quick fucking. My hands are on her hips so that I can use my strength to pull her body to me for a rough fucking. I could spank, whip, choke or pull her hair. I save all of that for later. We are taking baby steps until I really know what her limits are. On our way back to our home planet, where I will get a cool reception, that's not the time to leave marks on a woman.

Tammi has this weird breathing technique. It sounds like "Woosh, wop, wop, wop." I almost laugh out loud. As I Look closer, it seems effective. I don't see any red on her face. She is doing remarkably well, considering I am inside her, using my entire length. She's making it look like she's ordering a pizza from a local restaurant. Ha, ha, like that would ever happen. She has gourmet pizza made in their own pizza oven with a person specializing in wood-fired foods. Nothing is too good for the royal family.

Ok, yeah, unless it's me. Then you can do anything you want. With all that's gone on, maybe things will begin to turn around. At least Carla will protect me. Why else would she leave her own people and possibly miss out on becoming the Queen? Yes, she is in love with me. Why does she allow this? She isn't stupid. She knows precisely what games they're playing and that Trudy is next.

I am using zero technique. This is all about my strength and using the entire length of my cock. I'm not cheating at all to get speed. She is getting the entire length. She also has the intelligence of a rock right now. She's talking, yet nothing even remotely close to a word exits her mouth.

I am grinning like a fool, watching my sister enjoy herself. The smile on her face is fantastic. There is zero doubt that she loves this.

Finally, she surprises me by orgasming hard. Every muscle in her body pulls tight for three seconds, and then she relaxes. Never once do her eyes close. This woman is a freak. She scares me now.

In a slow, drawn-out voice, Tamara says, "W O W! That was amazing. Yet, you didn't come anywhere near what I wanted you to. This was the best sex of my life ... and it gets better. Quickly take a shower. I am going to swap positions with Trudy before she blows up." She laughs hard. "Everyone but mom has had you, and she is pissed. She is ready to take on a squad of hardened Marines all by herself.

"Of course, she would quickly die. That gives you an idea of what she is like right now. No kissing, nipple play, or eating pussy with her. They don't do much for her anyway. She tolerates us doing that because we like it. She is way beyond that. I have no idea how she is sitting calmly listening to Carla explain the subtleties in their language. That was impressive to see you pick it up so quick."

I smile at her as I get up for my shower, "My mind is always working. It never shuts down. Any puzzle, and it works tirelessly to figure it out. When I run into a new language, immediately, my brain collects conversations in context to figure out the words and how to pronounce them. It wasn't long before I was close to understanding much of what they said. Today was my first attempt to speak."

It's not five minutes later when I hear Trudy yell, "Where are you? Where are you hiding? Come out here, dammit!"

I walk out of my washroom while still drying my hair. Right now, it's all frizzy.

Trudy laughs, "Oh, aren't you adorable. You look like one of those big fluffy dogs that got wet."

Time for my fun, "What are you doing here? I am on my way to catch the end of Carla's class."

She finds that funny; she is almost rolling on the ground, giggling. All I can do is look at her.

When she finishes, she looks at me, smiling, "She figured out what we were doing. All pretense of caring flew out the window. The topic changed to having sex with men and how they're different. Tamara and Carla both tried to tell us it wasn't better. It's easy to tell when those two lie; they smile too much thinking of you!"

She is taking off her clothes, "I am the one person in the family that NEEDS sex, or I get ... well, I turn into a bitch. Nobody wants to be around me. I won't be part of your problem. You have too many women that want you, and as much as I suspect this will be the best sex ever for me, I need it a lot more than every five days."

I correct her, "Four days, Tamara, Tammi, and Carla. You would have been the fourth."

Trudy laughs at me, "Try again, math genius, I said and mean five."

I am in shock, "Fuck me."

It's not often that I'm surprised.

Trudy uses a finger to push me down on the bed.

Trudy uses a deep sexy voice to explain, "On our planet, we make Monica out to be the devil. As you saw, they're more like friends. Our people will resent Carla because of her mother, so many deaths, and because she will marry a man. To help improve her public opinion, she will be seen with mom and us a lot. She needs to be friends with us. What does she have that we want?"

My mouth hangs open, "No way. She is bartering my love for her so you four can fuck me?"

Trudy gives me a serious look, "I wouldn't put it that way. It's more like we want sex with your husband; let's be friends."

I feel glum; what have I done to Carla?

Trudy sits next to me and wraps her arms around me; she kisses me lightly on the lips.

Trudy smiles happily, "It won't be so bad for her. We won't take more than two nights a week between the four of us. Many of those will be for official business. I'm more worried about mom's friends. Once word gets out about you, there might be some demanding women. For now, everything, including us, goes through Carla. That should keep many at bay.

Trudy lays back, "She is one smart woman. With her being #1 to replace her mother, that woman has some serious claws others won't want to mess with. Someday she may wield a ton of power. She won't be taking much crap."

Now with a sad face, she asks me, "How much longer must I wait? I have been patient. Farrrrrr more patient than I like. I need to feel you inside of me now. I want to see what they're talking about. I want to see what's so special."

Trudy is on her back. She has three pillows stacked up under her head and shoulders, so she isn't flat on her back. She wants to see what's going to happen. The smile on her face isn't false; she's excited. I crawl up on the bed. I am still dripping a bit from just having showered. My hair is slicked back, and I smell nice. I am ready for sex.

Trudy has other ideas. She puts out both hands like a toddler that wants a drink. I am leery as I move closer to her.

Trudy laughs, "Oh, Tim. I'm not going to hurt you. Just the opposite, I want to see what that bitch of a mother did to you. Does it cause you any issues still?"

I sigh, "It's just how mom is. She owns me and expects a certain behavior out of me. From time to time, it itches, or I get spasms."

Trudy orders me, "In my blue bag on that table, there is a red and white tin. Please bring it to me. Then turn around, and I will apply the cream to your back. Monica has seen others get whipped and knew that this cream would help. I will have you taken to the city's medical facility when we get settled in. They will find a way to make it better. We have deep pockets."

I hand her the tin, sit in front of her, and she slowly places cream on my back and then rubs in it. She didn't rush rubbing the cream into my back. She took her time and made sure my back got a good rubbing. She didn't seem to mind touching me, which seems out of place given the way women have hated men so severely for so many years.

Trudy questions me, "Tim, you didn't answer me twice. What were you just thinking about?"

I chuckle, "I was just thinking how weird it is that you spent so much effort spreading cream on a man. For the last several generations, easy, probably much longer on some planets, women have hated men. Why bother with the cream on my back? It doesn't make sense."

Trudy is serious as she answers me, "I think there are two major factors involved. Evolution is on your side. For millions of years, men and women have had sex. I think women my age have heard how horrible men are, but there is no physical evidence to see. There are few men, and they're not around here. Only a few are around to produce sperm.

"Older women are more conditioned and seem to benefit from putting men down. Then you came barging into our lives, saved our lives, and were crucial to getting us to the negotiations. You clean up our government, and oh yeah, you're our brother. You saw how women react to you having sex with them. Hell, those researchers almost killed you. You know all of this. No secrets were given away here."

I admit, "Yet I still can't believe it."

Trudy looks victorious, "Oh, your bitch mother doesn't own you anymore. You just watch how fast Carla defends you. Your head will spin at the ferocity. I saw her put her mother in her place when Monica suggested Carla was not allowed to leave the planet."

I smile, "Maybe Monica was testing her daughter's resolve?

Trudy thinks, "Yea, I suppose so. Still, I won't be testing that woman's love for you."

I get this great idea, "Hey. I got this great idea." She looks sad. "I think I need to fuck you good."

Trudy's eyes light up with love. There is fear there as well. She's probably worried that she isn't good enough. I don't give her time to think about it. I push my lengthy meat with the spherical end straight into my sister's dripping passage. On initial contact, my sister changes to a look of complete bliss. Trudy purrs like a kitten.

I get about three-quarters of the way in before it slows down. I don't force it in, yet I apply pressure to help push the issue. Her eyes pop out of her head in amazement. She proves me wrong; her smile does get bigger and better. No way. I didn't figure that was possible. As I continue pushing in and pulling out, I gradually break new ground.

I don't know if this is just Trudy or because she is so horny, but a slow fucking isn't enough for her. I am far faster than I am with any of the other woman I've been with in this group. I wouldn't classify this as fast. Fast is for the end. This is more than just a medium speed, though.

Any slower, and she is bored. This is one freaky sister. I love it though, she is unique. How did any woman ever satisfy her? From what I have seen of woman on woman, they tend to be slow and gentle. Their lovemaking is more emotional, with subtle touching and kissing. Men like me have a tool, and we love to use it.

Sure, I eat pussy, but even I do it faster and harder than a woman would. She can get millions, heck, billions to eat her like a woman. Our entire planet probably has only hundreds of living men. With men taking the dangerous jobs, life expectancy for us is much shorter.

I guess I was lucky to have been raised by Mary. I was only an asset to her, just like a test tube, a tool she used. She could be cruel, but I was still far better off than the average guy's experience. In many ways, I was protected because of my intelligence.

I lost track of myself while daydreaming and found myself at nearly full speed. How long have I been doing this? I am worn out. Sweat is all over me and dripping from my forehead into my eyes. No need to hold back. I am going to shoot my load at any moment. I will myself to move faster. I won't shorten my length for the extra speed. I can't handle that, and she needs the length for maximum happiness.

If I can't get her off, at least I can make her enjoy the ride longer. My toes are curling. I fight off the glorious feeling. My body is tensing. I fight the inevitable. On my next thrust, I stop long enough to shoot a rope of cum deep into Trudy's body. I pull out and thrust in using all my strength. I shoot another rope of cum deep into her body. Trudy finally orgasms and clamps down on my cock.

My vision is narrowing; I pull out and thrust in hard again. I fire off another strong rope of cum. I am being held tight. I can see her face. She rolls us over, and then she kisses me. I shoot my last rope of cum. I hear my door open. I fall asleep. I have no idea who's in the doorway.

Chapter 13 -- Why Cars Don't Fly

I am woken from my sleep. Everyone is in my room. Something's wrong; the ship is silent. As I gain my senses, two bodies are in bed with me. In front of me is a still sleeping Trudy. She is waking up now, and like me, she could have slept a lot longer.

It's mom's voice behind me that's the most annoyed, "What? What's so damn important that we need to be woken up?" (This sounds like it should be coming from Trudy, who is sleeping after sex)

An annoyed Carla answers, "Hey bitch. I don't care if you're Queen of half the galaxy. That's my man you're in bed with, and we have a major problem."

I am still groggy, "This was Mary's ship. Can't she fix it? What about Zai?"

Mary is in the doorway, "We blew an engine. You must go outside and replace it. Zai can manufacture a new one, something she is doing right now. However, it takes a human to install it."

Tammi asks, "With all the transforming this ship can do, you're telling me it can't swap out an engine?"

Mary is frustrated with the simple (to her) child, "This isn't magic what I do. It's more like smoke and mirrors, an illusion if you like. This ship can look like the latest Battle Cruiser, yet it's still the same ship. I can make the engines look like a racer or a heavy-duty transport, yet it's still what it is. I can make my medium lasers look like a colossal, yet it still hits like a medium.

"In this case, it's just a breakdown. There has never been a machine built that didn't eventually fail. The more complicated the machine, the more likely a failure will occur. It's true; there is much that Zai can fix. A complicated engine with lines that need welding and electrical plugs that need attaching is beyond her means."