Zai and Tim Pt. 04


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Trinity stops, looks me in the eyes, and asks, "Sure, honey, you look troubled. What's the matter?"

Wow, she called my honey and is perceptive enough to see I'm troubled.

Timidly, I ask, "It's about Tim. He isn't ...."

Trinity reaches out for me and wraps her arms around me. She hugs me hard like she means it. That's an unusual reaction.

Trinity stops the hugs, has her arms at full length on my shoulders, and happily says, "I know. I saw it too. He has also been having secret meetings. He asked for my permission and sent out at least one message. He's waiting for an answer. Baby, you have nothing to worry about. He is under a lot of pressure and has many things on his mind.

"I am going to give you a task. Look at me. Money is no object. I want you to plan a three-week vacation for you two. You can go to any planet and do anything you want. You can take any ship you want as long as it's Zai." I giggle.

She continues with a smile and hugs me again, "I won't ever trust you two to anyone else. You might need new clothes for the trip. Pick places you want to see but let him pick a couple. My one request, no nude beaches. I don't want you starring on any porn sites."

I giggle, "No, no nude beaches. Only Tim gets to see me. What about his sisters? Should we bring them to?"

Trinity thinks, "Noooo, I think your first vacation should be just you two. I do appreciate you thinking of them. I need to get them home more often. I think that will help his mood. Yes, I will send out word immediately. I miss them terribly. Oh, I'm late for my last meeting. Good night."

I'm still worried, but I do feel better. His mom knows and is OK. I have work to do. What do I want to see on vacation?


I am happily asleep. Tim has his arm around me and is lightly snoring. I am being poked. Why? Who? How? We sleep with a protective force field around us to keep away assassins. How do I get poked by a finger? I open my eyes.

The person inches from my eyes screams, "BOO!"

I scream and flinch. That causes Tim to jump up with fists, ready to fight. As I roll away from the intruder in my room, I knock Tim over. He falls into the bed, rolling towards the attacker. He freezes. My mom is on her butt laughing her ass off. Trinity is in the doorway, bent over from laughing. Tammi and Tamara run into the room. They're in pajamas and jump in bed with us.

Tim gets good hard hugs and kisses from both sisters. Mom plops down next to me and hugs me hard while laughing still. Tim finally has a colossal smile on his face again. I guess it was his sisters. I was worried he grew tired of me. Wow, I am so relieved that even I smile at this morning's beginning.

Several staff members come in looking for both moms, both sisters, Tim, and me. They have today's dress suits ready for breakfast. It seems we are going formal today. It must be a photo op with mom and the sisters here. Why is mom here?

Trinity orders us, "Everyone shower and wear your good stuff. We have pictures today. Tim, I want you shaved. Tamara, Tammi, and Carla curl your hair and paint your nails. There are people here to help you. Let's get going; I'm hungry!"


I have three people helping me get ready outside of the shower. Tim assisted me in the shower. He wanted much more, but with others around, no way. I want him to get some sister time. It only took me ninety minutes to get my hair, nails, and makeup done. I look in the mirror. I am stunning, a true beauty in this fabulous suit. It accentuates my shoulders and tapers in nicely, giving me the classic hourglass figure.

We take the pictures before breakfast. We don't want any spills ruining the pictures.

Breakfast is an exciting time. Both Queens sit next to each other. I sit next to my mom, and Tim is next to his mom. Tamara and Tammi are across from us. Tamara and Tammi are much more independent and boisterous now. They no longer sit and look pretty; they are involved and lead the conversation. Trinity is smiling big, seeing the huge transformation.

Typical of the formal meals, there are many courses. After enough of these, you stop paying attention. A server brings out food; they place the plate or bowl down and move on. When finished, that one is removed, and then another is placed.

What doesn't happen is the server is on a knee next to you, and the plate has a dome on it. I am stunned. What's inside? After a brief second, the server removes the dome, and sitting on a pure white fine China plate is a navy-blue box. Inside the box is a large platinum ring with a monster diamond in the center rounded by a series of impressive emeralds. IT'S AMAZING!

I am woken up when a hand touches my chin and turns my head towards the server. It's Tim!

Tim asks me with a clear and commanding voice that demands an answer, "Carla. Will you marry me?"

Did he just ask me? Yes, he did. I look around, and everyone is on the edge of their chairs, waiting for me to answer. I turn back to Tim. I give him a huge smile. In a flash, it all makes sense now. He went formal and asked permission from both Queens. Then he had his sisters here for this moment.

I hear Zai in my ear, "If you don't say yes, I will."

I giggle as I shout out, "YES! Yes! Yes, times a billion! Tim, I love you!"

We embrace and share the most passionate kiss I have ever experienced. I hear a collective shout led by the sisters. I hear cameras flashing. Yes, this will be on the news. I now understand the formal suits and why we are all dolled up. I wouldn't have it any other way. I wonder if the vacation I planned is actually my honeymoon.


Ten months later ...

I am in a room with my mother and sisters. My sisters have sharp, clean, maroon suits that make them both look amazing. Their hair is done up, nails painted, and neither has ever looked better. I want to fuck them. Mom is in an amazingly awesome dress. High collar, big shoulders, corset, and a long train. It's a white dress with silver accents. She's also using a pushup bra to make her even sexier. Her makeup, hair, and nails are superior to even my sisters. Mom went all out to look amazing for my special day.

I have fifty pounds of material and jewelry on me. My dress train is twenty feet long with six small children to carry the ends. It's pure satin white with layers of hand-made lace. Every major maker bid on the dress, with most paying us. In the end, I hired them all and made them work together. Together, they surpassed their individual wildest imagination.

I am getting married twice. The first wedding is on Trinity's home planet, and the second is on mom's home planet. We are having the wedding at an enormous outdoor professional soccer stadium. The women athletes put their season on hold that day for us.

Weddings have changed a bit over the generations. The fathers are unknown, and there typically isn't a husband anymore. Both women are walked down the aisle by their mothers. Since there is no groom, there are two sets of bridesmaids. That means that Trinity will walk Tim down the aisle and his sisters and Vanessa are his bridesmaids. He never questioned it.

I have the best wedding dress ever made, and I look amazing in this dress.

We selected an open-air stadium, so Zai could assist. Zai has the preacher suspended five feet off the ground on a small, thin force field in the middle of the stadium. Both Tim, our mothers, and sisters are on larger force fields. At noon, we are lifted into the air. We float down over the crowd in the stadium to the center, where we connect with the preacher.

Zai has sides up so we can lean against them. It's a slow silky-smooth entrance as the large orchestra plays the wedding song. Overhead speakers aren't used anymore. Everyone will get our voices on their personal communicators. They will hear us clearly.

As we near Tim, his mother is the one that stands out. Her dress is almost as large as mine. It's a soft yellow dress with a fashionable high collar, big shoulders, tapered waist, and big gaudy jewelry. Her necklace is amazingly ancient and intricate looking. Her makeup is beyond amazing, and she is wearing a stylish headpiece with a blue mesh that shows off her amazing hair. I got to admit, she put mom to shame today.

I wonder if she will dress as lovely on our planet. No way. I am positive they planned this out, so they each win on their own world. With them forced to work together due to Tim and me, I know I am right. I would say that I smiled bigger, but that just isn't possible.

Due to the importance of our marriage, both moms spoke about new prosperity between our two empires. The wedding took two hours. It was the number one live event ever streamed. It blew away all other records. Half the galaxy watched it.

The reception was at the palace. It has the most extensive catering facility in the city. Other catering companies assisted because there are tents outside as well. The main ballroom, a quickly transformed dining room, and two tents hosted drinks, various snacks, and dancing.

Neither Tim nor I have ever danced before. We had professional trainers come in, so we could be decent. I was good enough to get by and not embarrass the family. Naturally, Tim took to it like a fish in water. He is amazing.

We have the first dance, and it's choreographed. I was confident and performed superbly. The song ends, I am done. Oh no, mister dance man wants to show off. We do another dance where I don't know the steps. I am scared and may burst out in tears. Fortunately, Tim leads me along on a slow dance. Nothing wild or fancy; he is just enjoying his time with me. I feel his love for me in this dance. When the song ends, he dips me down, falls to a knee, and plants a great kiss on my lips. The crowd goes wild. He stands up while pulling me up.

They get an incredible picture of me looking up at Tim with shock and love in my eyes. It's adorable and will be "Front Page" news with all the news agencies in the galaxy as soon as they get the picture.

We both danced with our moms, the opposite mom, and then each of our sisters. Poor Vanessa is in tears the whole dance. She finishes with a heartfelt hug and a loving kiss.

It's 3:00 AM when we finally say our good-bye and go to bed. Mom is staying with Trinity tonight so that we get the great room for the night. Our first night as man and wife. However, both moms, all the sisters, and Vanessa are all following us to our room. I am not making love to my husband with everyone in the room.

Once in the room, the sisters present us with an envelope. Interesting. Tim hands it to me. I opened the envelope and read the letter. It's a coupon. Cool.

I turn to Tim, "With each baby we have, the sisters will alternate a week here to assist with the baby until they sleep through the night. What an awesome gift."

I start to cry. I suspect they would have come anyway, but this is quite the commitment.

Vanessa adds, "We know that you have servants and can afford extra help. We don't think you will get better help than family or me."

I run to each sister and hug them hard while tears of happiness run down my face, ruining my makeup.

Trinity is next, "I am taking your plans for a house. I will build that house and decorate it like I did in this room. I have made a change. The house is larger to add a room for your mother. When she is here, I am sure she will want to be with you. That was actually her request. I will build a gorgeous garden between here and your home. The third floor of your home will have a clear tube that goes above the garden for bad weather days."

Both Tim and I hug Trinity and give her kisses. She is crying now as well. Mom is sitting on the bed and motions me over. I sit next to her, and then she motions her other two daughters over.

Mom is softer than usual as she says to us, "I'm sorry, Katrina and Leslie. You can't marry anyone more impactful than Carla has. Because of that, and how it will change the Universe, she is going to be the next Queen."

Leslie asks, "Change, how?"

Mom has a stronger voice now, "When she becomes Queen, Tim will become King. That's something our part of the galaxy hasn't known for centuries. All three of you are loved by the people. Carla's marriage to Tim is a big deal back home. Even the men haters can see what this means for relations between our two empires. This is good for business.

"I, too, am building you a home at my palace. I know you will love it. It will be better than Trinity's home for you. She beat me in dresses today; I am not losing in houses as well! OK, stand up. We're all here to strip you two. You have so much clothing on, it would take you an hour to undress. I am setting a timer for five minutes. GO!!"

I scream as everyone but Vanessa and Trinity rush me and start removing piece after piece of clothing from my body. There were many layers, and the extra hands helped. We blew past the five-minute mark quickly. I assist by raising feet or bending as needed. Vanessa and Tamara are stripping Tim. He's giggling a bunch from their touching and stripping him.

I was tired and wondering how I was going to stay awake. With that burst of energy, no issues anymore. These old people know so much. Tim and I are sitting on the bed, naked and kissing as everyone leaves. Their job accomplished; we have energy and no clothes on.


Point of view: Tim

Wow, that was quite a rush. I am now thankful for the help. I had no idea that Carla had so many layers on that outfit. I cried when I first saw her in her dress, and I am near tears now that I have her in bed with me, enjoying this kiss with her. My feet are killing me. We danced at each dance floor and mingled with the crowds. I tried to say hi to everyone that wanted to see me. There are a lot of people out there that still hate men.

The woman in front of me is not one of those people.

I stand up, turn Carla, and then lay her down on the bed, with a pillow behind her head. I use the washroom to get some massage oil and a medium towel soaked in hot water. I wring out much of the water and go back to bed with a second towel in hand as well.

Carla looks at me with a confused look, shrugs her shoulders, and lays back in the soft bed. I wrap her right foot in the warm towel and get a moan from Carla. After two minutes, I switch the towel to the left foot. Carla was in high heels all night. If my feet hurt, hers must be killing her. While the left foot soaks, I use the oil on the right food and use a light but firm massage of her instep, heel, ankle, top of her foot, and then each toe. I remove the towel and repeat the process on the left foot.

Carla lifts her head to look at me and says, "You have sore feet, so you assume that I do as well. You knew that would happen; you planned for this." He looks at me questioningly. "We didn't have baby oil this morning. You really do plan well and see so many details. I feel like I am missing half of life when I'm around you."

I laugh, "No. I'm just weird. It's part Mary and part me." I am sad now. "I wish she would have been here to see today. I miss her."

Carla flies out of position and hugs me, "You have three mothers, Trinity, Monica, and Zai, a wife, two sisters, two stepsisters, and a bodyguard that all love you. Mary was brilliant, but her personal skills sucked. After our honeymoon, you need to spend some time with Vanessa. She has needs too, you know."

I lay Carla back down, "You no longer need to share me. I am a married man now."

I latch on to a nipple and suck hard. Typically, I go light and then hard, but it's 3:30 AM! I want some sleep. I spend time on her nipple using a variety of pressures.

Carla laughs at me, "You think I could stop our mothers? They want you, and they will take you regardless of what I say. Vanessa is a dangerous woman; I want her happy around me. I won't cut off our sisters, but they are a low priority now. They need their own men."

There is something different tonight; she is way too easy to get off. In just a few minutes of nipple sucking, she has orgasmed at least twice. I stop and move down the bed. I lightly run my hand over her mons, causing her to shudder. I bend forward and use my tongue to run up and down her lips. I am slow and gentle. The only thing unusual I do is break up my lines.

In general, I use my tongue and saliva to paint lines along her pussy lips. I use even pressure and hug the contour of her slim body. Today, I am different. I move my tongue an inch, then swirl my tongue in a circle. Straight, spiral, straight, circle. It takes a while to go up and down, but it's kind of fun.

Meanwhile, I am given orders, "Oh my, that's awesome. Hey, that's new! I only want one orgasm. It's late; we need sleep."

I am faster now. Move, swirl, move, swirl. I add more pressure with each swirl and use a finger to lightly tap her clit. In no time at all, she orgasms hard. I can feel her whole body shake and go ridged. She has certainly had better, but never this quickly. I am worried now.

After a few seconds, she is excited again. She's like a little girl going to her first amusement park. I take a few deep breaths and calm down a bit. I am excited yet again. I never get sick of this. I align my cock and see a look of relief on her face. Carla is excited, breathing smoothly, yet she has a wild expression of anticipation on her face.

I push forward glacially slow. She can take faster, but she likes the slow speed for maximum pleasure. Her eyes are wide open; she is looking straight into my soul. Her hands are wrapped lovingly around my shoulders. Her legs are overlapping my calves, locking me in place. Interesting, no changing positions tonight.

I speed up, but we are going slower than usual, even for our standards. Somehow, she is controlling my speed. She's pulling my shoulders back a bit. I never knew she did that or that I would respond like that. He, he, I have a speed selector, just like Zai. It's an old holdover from ancient spaceships. The speed is controlled by voice or touchscreen, but that, in turn, moves the throttle mechanism, so you have a visual.

I feel a slight pulling of my shoulders, and without even thinking, my body speeds up. She reaches up and kisses me quick. That's hard to do when rolling my hips. I slow down to slurp on a nipple before returning to fucking.

I am a man of steel, and I break free every time. Her pussy is amazing. She grips my cock to keep it in place. Her body is glistening from the light sweat. She isn't working very hard yet. No, this is all pleasure with easy breathing, enjoying my meat thrusting in and pulling out at a consistent rate. There's nothing better than the glorious feeling of my cock in Carla's warm pussy.

I said warm, which is unusual as she typically doesn't run above body temperature. Like I said, something is different today. Sure, we got married. That wasn't a huge turn-on; that wore us down. No, something else has her riled up and ready to go.

Carla says in a breathy voice, "I love what you do to me. I love cock. I need cock. I need this every day. I can't believe I am saying this. I never had a use for men and would have killed you for fucking me. My friends made me curious, and now, I'm not going back."

This is so bizarre. I can't believe she is talking so much. As long as I get to fuck her, she can talk all she wants. Whatever.

Carla snickers as she says with a surprisingly commanding voice, "Do you know what's special about tonight?"

I could care less, "Our first anniversary? No? We got married? No? I love you? No? I give up."

Carla laughs hard, "No silly, tonight I get pregnant!"

What did she say? She's getting pregnant. She will have a baby? She will have my baby!

I BLAST six-strong volleys of cum deep into my wife as I roar my satisfaction. Carla holds me in position as she screams out her orgasm.