Zai and Tim Pt. 06


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Meg proudly tells us, "The Marines took up a collection for this display. We love being on your honeymoon with all of you. Each of you has treated us like family even when some of us did not return that same favor. This is our way of showing you that we appreciate each of you very much. Please enjoy the show."

It's not quite dark enough yet, so we talk and drink an excellent dark red wine.

I ask the group, "Have you figured out who the spy is yet?"

They look at me like I'm weird. Heh!

I laugh, "Oh, come on. Don't you think someone has been watching our meals, waiting for Monica to surprise us?"

Carla looks astonished at me.

I am amused, "You know how my mother is. Anything Monica does, she must do better. Monica doesn't want to be the worst of the two, so she does something even better. Do you remember their dresses the first time we met? How about the wedding? They agreed not to outdo the other on their home planet!"

I look at the sisters, "Which one of you is it?"

They all look at me clueless. I look at Vanessa; she shrugs her shoulders. I look at Meg; she smiles wickedly.

I ask, "Meg?"

She laughs, "Oh no. I just like you looking at me."

I sit back, "Wow. I can't believe it. Zai? Are you spying?"

I can hear Zai in my communicator, "No, but you might ...."

Carla shouts out, "ZAI! ENOUGH!"

I look at Carla with genuine surprise in my eyes, "You?"

Carla blushes, "Um. Ahhh. Yup. What can I say? Your mom made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Expect something even better every three days. You see, I bartered a deal with my mom as well. I'm spying for both of them!"

Everyone has a good laugh. As we settle down, the fireworks start. I hold the love of my life close to me. The fireworks were nice but fairly standard. They had the circles, flowers, big bangs, the roman candles, the pyramid, the spinning cube, a few spaceships, a neat one with several spaceships battling, and several standard sprays of multi-colored light.

A laser light show also makes incredible holographic images of significant historical events and people. They finish it off with a bang, and the hologram has Carla and me waving goodbye to everyone, and then we blow them a kiss. That was way cool.

It seems that Zai wasn't comfortable with the transport ships. She designed and made her own and then added a docking bay to the ship. I don't remember writing that code. She must have found some plans that Mary had. Either way, we have a luxury transport to return us to Zai now.

By the time we return to the ship, it's bedtime. Katrina guides me to my room with an amused Carla walking behind us. Carla can't help herself. Katrina doesn't say a thing.

Carla asks, "Katrina, what are you doing? That's my husband."

Katrina will have none of that, "Oh, don't bull shit me. I am the last one to see what all the hype is about. I can't believe that all of you have switched so easily. I understand we need males for DNA. We don't need males per se; we need male sperm for our planets. I don't understand this. I do know he's intelligent, charming, and oddly, sexy. He doesn't have breasts. I can't lick his clit. This goes against everything I know.

"Then there is mom fucking him. Why would she stoop to that level? She isn't dumb. I can see it in her eyes; she wants to take him from you. She has an unrealistic crush on him. That means there's something to this thing with him. You have had him many times, and I have been shut out for some reason. Do you hate me? Am I not good enough? Does he hate me? What? What did I do wrong for you to hate me so much?"

Katrina is in tears with only my arm holding her up. Carla can't speak; she, too, looks sad.

I use a soft voice, "You're full of shit."

They both look up at me with wonder in their eyes. Katrina isn't sure she heard me right. Her mouth moves, but no sound comes out.

I continue, "You are all about the same physically. There is no reason for me to hate you. From your own words, you aren't 100% sure about me. Your actions prove that, unlike the others, you have not forced your will to take a turn. So don't go crying because you didn't get a turn if you don't ask. I won't force myself on anyone. When you showed interest, Carla put you in the rotation.

"Your mother saw the lust in those five researchers; she wanted whatever they got. She was surprised to see it was me, but I solved two issues for her. I have male DNA, and I can do wild things that no woman can. Right now, I plan to show you a lot of what everyone has been talking about. Then you get to make your own decisions on me and move forward."

Carla smiles, "With you, my opinion is the only one that matters."

Katrina gets the last word in, "Not on mom's planets. Mom gets the last word. If she gets pissed, he can still get thrown into the sun."

Carla laughs, "No way she throws her favorite sex toy into the sun. Have you not seen her face after they have sex? It's special. Now, if you can shut up for a while, Tim will show you what everyone is talking about."


We all stand looking at the bed. They're waiting for me to take over.

I tell her, "Strip me, Katrina. This is your chance to learn about the male body. While you're at it, have fun, enjoy this. Carla, I want you stripping Katrina and then yourself."

Katrina's smile slowly widens until she has a full grin. She quickly moves in front of me. Immediately, my suit buttons are undone. She moves behind me to assist in removing my jacket. She places it on a hanger. Quickly, she is back in front of me to undo the three buttons on my vest. It too comes off and is on the hanger with my jacket. She moves back to my front to undo the seven buttons on my shirt.

Carla is frustrated. She tries to unzip Katrina's dress, but she keeps moving around. Finally, she can catch the zipper and pull it down with seven buttons to undo. She looks visibly relieved. Katrina is frustrated with so many buttons. I try to help, and both women swiftly slap my hands. I stop helping. They giggle.

It's obvious Katrina gets along better with Carla. They flow around each other effortlessly; they have an easy-going banter going on, and both seem at ease with the other around.

Katrina explains to my interested look, "Carla and I have spent two summers with the grandparents together. They were no fun, so we were best friends both summers. We did everything together. When I turned eighteen, we shared our girlfriends with each other. Mom was so pissed at us for being so promiscuous. It was against some code of ethics that I guess we read at some time.

"We have shared a lot of women since then; we just don't let mom know. Oh wow, that chest is a lot different than ours. No boobs to play with; I thought yours were just small. I had no idea you didn't have any."

I chuckle, "No. No boobs for me or any other man. Press on my chest, see how firm it is."

She does check out my entire chest, every line, muscle, and ridge. She made sure each was firm. Then she turned me around. I can feel her fingers touching each of my old scars. The skin is rough, and her smooth skin catches on the deformations that make up my back.

Katrina says, "I wonder what possesses a woman to do something like this, even to a man. If she were here, I would ... I would get Vanessa or Sergeant Major Meg. Those two could administer the punishment that she deserved for this."

Katrina comes back around the front of me. Carla drops first the right and then the left bra strap. Her hands go up to hold the bra to her chest. She has this incredible look; her top row of teeth is digging into her tongue. Damn, that's sexy with her looking at me that way. Carla releases the bra, although it stays in place due to Katrina's hands.

Slowly, she pulls the bra away from her body. I am staring at her tits. This reveal is sexy, and I am hard! She bends down and stands on her knees. She uses her hand to feel the bulge in my pants. She inhales deeply as a smile comes to her face.

Katrina says softly, "It's so hard, and yet it bends and is flexible. That is so different than my toys. I never knew my toys were modeled after the real thing. I thought it was just something a woman came up with, you know, like a sculpture."

She presses the button on my belt. It unlatches and then slowly retracts into the buckle.

Katrina's mouth is open, "That is so cool. Why don't our belts do that?"

Carla looks to the ceiling and then explains like she's a child, "Look at the size of his buckle and then the ones you use. Where would the belt go?"

She slaps her forehead with her palm. Yup, that was a moment lacking intelligence. She makes up for it by pulling my pants down. These pants don't have zippers; only blue jeans do these days. The current style is to use elastic on the waist. The belt is just for show.

I step out of my pants. Katrina grabs my pants and my shoes, then each sock as I kick them off. My pants are hung up on the hanger. I only have two suits; I might have to wear that again. Shoes and socks are in the corner.

Now Katrina studies my ass, thighs, calves, and, surprisingly, my feet. I wear shorts enough that she has seen a lot of me. Right now, she is a student. She is studying the material at hand. She smiles big at me. Carla has already finished stripping and is lying down in bed. Katrina didn't bother with panties which annoyed her sister.

Katrina is back on her knees, in front of me, looking almost straight up at me, and she has a hand on my bulge.

Katrina says directly to me, "I have a confession to make. This isn't going where I expected it to. There was a reason why mom made dinner tonight. I had fun with the breakfast. However, cooking isn't really my thing. I didn't know how to say skip me." Her bottom lip is trembling. "I knew the order, so I had mom take a crack. Her people were spectacular."

I am frustrated, and my fury shows a bit as I stare down at her and make her feel even smaller than she is, "How many times must I say the same thing. I ... will ... never ... make you ... do anything ... against .... your ... will. Yes, those dinners are fun. Part of the fun is seeing the chef smile so much because they had a blast making it. I guarantee you that if you bow out, the others will be all the happier because they all get to show off more often. The others love it; let them have their fun. Ok?"

Sheepishly, Katrina says, "I can see why Carla loves you so much now. If you treat me like this, I can only imagine what she gets."

Katrina jumps on the bed and lays down next to her sister. She left some room between them. Carla moved over and rolls to her side to watch. Now I know her expectations. Side by side, and she expects both to be serviced. On her side, she is telling me to concentrate on Katrina. With her lying down, I will go slow and take my time. I believe she understands the same thing from the tears in Katrina's eyes.

I lay down next to her with my back to Carla. Immediately Katrina is shy while Carla massages my back. I kiss Katrina lightly on the lips with a slight increase in pressure. Her arms come around me and pulls me in harder. Our mouths open in unison as our tongues play together. It's like the dance floor; we are close and enjoy the intimacy. Here, I am more adventurous. My tongue goes back and forth and swirls around hers. She returns the favor by matching and leading at times.

I use my free hand to roughly grab a breast and squeeze light enough to earn me a moan. My thumb comes up and rubs the top of her nipples. That causes them to turn hard and get sensitive. I break the kiss to suck on a nipple. That causes Katrina to shake back and forth. She's like a fish out of water; she moves so much, it's hard to stay sucking her tit.

She has a small scream as she orgasms from my antics. Her smile is all out now. She has relaxed and seems comfortable. No more walking on eggshells for her. I move down the bed and am in between her legs. I can tell she is looking forward to what I will do to her. She wants to know how much different I am from a woman.

No alphabet this evening. It's going to take more to get this woman off. I start off quick, taking only a second to go from her clit to her anus with another second to come back. Many guys and possibly women run along the outside and then the inside. Not me; as I go up and down, I run over her lips and move from inside to outside to inside each length. I do an out and back, barely touching her lips, followed by pressing hard, then light, and follow up with harder. I am constantly changing the pressure I use.

My hands grab her hips because she giggles and moves a lot on me. I need her to stay in one position. I do an abrupt change and slow down to a snail's pace. My tongue hangs out, and I barely move my head while doing circles with my tongue. It's a strange technique because the distance traveled is small, yet the movement is a lot because of the circles. It's really messing with her head.

Katrina's trying hard to speak and can't. I add small sprints. I sprint an inch, then stop and do circles, sprint an inch, and do circles. Katrina is beside herself; she is confused and appreciating it tremendously. Her smile is so cute. It's half smiling and half confused. I pull back and run my chin with whiskers on it over her slot. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Katrina sits up, grabs my body to stop me, then unleashes a massive roar that shakes the room. After her three-second burst, she falls back in the bed, wiped out. That was an enormous orgasm. She is still enjoying her emotions and watching me with a big smile.

She surprises me by saying, "Wow. That was something else. Damn Carla, you're one lucky bitch."

They both laugh.

Katrina looks at me, "You have skill eating pussy; I will concede that point. Now I want to see the big deal with a man fucking me. Bring it on, big boy."

Wow, she is taunting me. Let's see how she does. I think this is a lot of talk by a scared little girl. For Carla, I need this to be a good experience for her.

I push in using steady pressure. She is far from virgin tight. I start that oh-so-comfortable rolling of my hips, although at a slower rate than I usually do. It isn't like she has years of fisting, though, allowing me to easily slip in. I take it slow, allowing time for her to accommodate me. Her eyes are huge! They're almost popping out of her eye sockets. Thankfully, she is all smiles.

Carla likes it slower than most, so I figure Katrina will as well. I am correct. Her body shudders as I slide into her funhouse. I don't do anything unusual; that is all-new for her. If I did anything special, it would be lost on her. I concentrate on my precision of speed and hitting a consistent depth. She isn't ready for hard slamming yet. I stop just short of our bodies slapping into each other.

Katrina is sweating after twenty minutes, but she's doing fantastic on her breathing.

Carla starts by rubbing a hand on her chest and saying, "Feels pretty good, huh?" Katrina can only nod her head yes. "Sex with men ranges a lot. Tim is being sweet. He's going slow, which allows you to feel his full length and not just the knob on the end. He likes slow fucking, but you will also get faster later. He kissed you, stimulated your nipples, and ate you just to warm you up.

"I feel like quick and rough tonight. We don't do that often. He still is afraid of harming women. He doesn't understand how satisfying it is. Yes, some pain lingers. However, that's just a happy reminder of all the fun. No toy comes close to a man. Toys are too ... hard and cold."

Katrina is quick to add, "Oh, I know exactly what you mean. It conforms to my exact needs!"

Carla replies, "He does this thing where he ties you up, blindfolds you, and he can be a huge tease. I hate the teasing. So far, he has been unique in some way with each woman. I know he did something special when he was eating you. Oh! Oh! Those whiskers!"

Katrina screams, "YES! That was amazing!"

Carla has her mischievous smile on, "Hurry up, Tim. I need my turn. It's been over thirty minutes already; it's time for the fireworks."

Katrina braces her body. I continue at the same slow rate. Two minutes later, and she has stopped bracing for a change. A minute later, I smile; hers is gone. No ramping up and preparing her, I go straight to my fastest rate of fucking. I use lots of energy to do this. Almost immediately, I am sweating. I turn pink from exerting so much energy and not breathing enough.

I concentrate on my motion. When going faster, it's much easier to slam into your partner. As Carla so eloquently said it, I am averse to causing women pain for fear it would come back a hundred-fold on me like the belt on my back. Because of that, I am never quite as fast as I could be, but what can I do? It's ingrained in my brain, and I can't kick that feeling.

Oh wow, I didn't notice that Carla is sucking on her nipples; I zoned out from the pleasure. She won't last long. Time for extreme fucking. I no longer care if I slam into her. 100% speed is my top priority. Our bodies are slapping into each other, and it's an incredible sound. One I love very much.

Katrina shows off her superior intellect by attempting to talk, "OH! OH! OH FUCK! I'M! I'M! Immmmmmm cummmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggg!!!!!"

Her hands flair around, slapping me in the face before she runs out of energy.

She relaxes back in the bed and tells Carla, "You can stop now. I made it to the promised land. It's a glorious thing."

I sit back on my ankles; I am tired and need a few minutes before I entertain again.

Leslie opens my door and comes in with a tray of food and drinks. Typically, we get choices, not tonight. There is what looks like orange juice and a chocolate bar. Beggars can't be choosy. I take a beverage and take a quick sample.

I scream out, "WOW!"

The cup does contain several juices and strong alcohol. The wow part is that it swirls inside my mouth. It's active and moving like I am rinsing my mouth in the morning. That is amazing. The candy bar is terrific as well. It's an almost paper-thin graham cracker with thin layers of marshmallow, chocolate, raspberry, and a thicker top, bottom, and sides. Once inside my mouth, it melts and is a crunchy, gooey, an incredible snack.

Leslie says one word, "Mom."

Somehow, nothing else needs to be said. We are all sitting in a chair or sitting on the edge of the bed, finishing our snacks.

When we all finish, I ask Carla, "You sure about this? It might scare your sister. This is a bit extreme for someone that isn't used to men."

Carla has her typical carefree attitude, "I don't give a damn. It's not like your fucking her now. God knows you took long enough fucking her. This is to keep you safe and refreshed. You will sleep like a baby after you fuck me so well."

She asked for this willingly. I tried to talk her out of it. I plead to the court, "Katrina, you're my witness. This is ..."

Carla has had enough, "Oh, stop it. Your objection is noted. Now come fuck me ... stud."

I hate when she says that. She knows it. She wants me to be mad. This is going to be a hell of a show for poor Katrina.

I grab Carla and yank her to me. I use two hands to toss her up on the bed. She screams out in surprise. She bounces once and moves to the doggie position. I know she is ready. I could smell her, and I saw her pussy juices leaking down her leg. She loves when I do this.

There is nothing cute about my technique. I start her at ninety percent of my maximum speed right off the bat. I use the most direct path to move my body through hers and then pull back. My pelvis slams into her ass with my nuts swinging up and slapping her. It's not long before I spank her ass hard, causing her to shout out in pain.

He, he. The first time I did that I stopped, thinking I hurt her. Her head spins around and looks at me with contempt, then screams at me to never stop again ... or else. I don't stop anymore. I would if she asks me; she never does.