Zebulon Ch. 02

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Husband and wife seek reconciliation after her seduction.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/07/2018
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There are references to extramarital sex in this story! If this theme offends you, go elsewhere.

A few comments are in order. I wrote Zebulon as an intentional affront to the Burn The Bitch trolls that have infested Literotica. If fiction describing extramarital sex so offends these people, they should not be coming to this site or at least the Loving Wives section. Their "stories" are not at all erotic. If they are published, they belong in a new section called "Hateful Husbands" rather than "Loving Wives."


Zebulon stirred up a shit storm about racism that has amazed me. In an effort to humanize the archetypical Black stud who seduces White Wives, I had the character cite some statistics on crime rates and black family structure to explain his motivation for adopting his predatory sexual avocation rather than become a husband and father. I thought that I was making the point that Black men suffer from some horrific circumstances. The vitriolic response has been astonishing. It is not surprising that my accusers are members of the Burn The Bitch mafia that were merely exploiting accusations of racism to advance their agenda.

In response to the vitriol, I am including a fictional account of a shooting of an African American by police that is based on reality. I actually had the opportunity to review the autopsy including photos in the case. I am also citing some more statistics on killings by police to illustrate another lethal reality that African American men are confronted with. It will be interesting to see if this pisses people off to.

Astute readers might notice some discrepancies between the dates certain background political events occur and the apparent ages of the characters. Get over it. This is fiction. I employed literary license to make a decade or so disappear.

I will not bother to cite more statistics from authoritative references regarding black family structure and crime to explain my character. The people who have been so angered by my story and my comments to explain myself are unwilling to consider any information that contradicts their preconceived, politically correct opinions. Just as Eddie Murphy confronted the audience of Saturday Night Live decades ago by using the word "bastard" in a context that discomforted some but offended few back then, I will expand the vocabulary of the reactionary trolls who have flamed me. Can you say "bigot?"


Stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.

Zebulon was still contemplating his conversation with Leroy as he walked across the health club's parking lot to get to his car. Leroy had made no secret of the fact that he had been raised by his grandparents, but he had never before confided that his mother had shot his father much less that he had witnessed the tragedy. It was difficult for Zeb to wrap his mind around that horrific reality. It was easy for Zeb to understand how that experience might embitter someone towards traditional marriage.

Zeb was far to angry with his wife to follow Leroy's advice about going home to make love to her. After having Leroy so shamelessly flaunt the enormous ebony penis that had fucked her, he felt like shooting her. The bitch had also nagged him into getting his balls cut about five years earlier. The fact that her periods hadn't been more than a few days late ever since attested to the success of that procedure. Inseminating his wayward wife would be an exercise in futility as well as an affront to his dignity. That made her reckless adultery seem even more outrageous. Ironically; the hypocritical bitch was attending a cousin's wedding after church.

After contemplating his options, Zeb made a decision. He drove to the office. Getting some work done would be a welcome distraction from the images of Leroy's Negro sperm swimming around in his wife's womb that were beginning to torment him.

When Zeb walked into the office, he was not surprised to see that Aretha was sitting at her desk. Aretha was a single mother who was struggling to put the youngest two of her children through college. She was in the habit of putting in extra hours to ensure that she could support her family.

Not for the first time Zeb momentarily surrendered to the temptation to admire Aretha's spectacular cleavage that was exposed by her carelessly buttoned blouse. Aretha was not quite as well endowed as Wendy Williams, but she was extraordinary. Her tits could cause a man to forget about twenty extra years and forty extra pounds. While Zeb's wife was blessed with moderately large breasts that often provoked longing glances, Aretha definitely out classed her just as Leroy outclassed Zeb.

Zeb found himself glancing at Aretha's naked ring finger The so recent conversation with Leroy inspired Zeb to question her about a subject that he had always been taboo. "Aretha, why aren't you married?"

For a moment Zeb was afraid that Aretha would erupt into a volcanic rage. "I used to be married. I had a good man who was a loving husband and devoted father. Then he got shot."

Zeb tried to be sympathetic as he observed, "I guess African Americans suffer from a lot of crime."

"It wasn't some drug dealer or gang banger who shot my husband. It was the police," Aretha said.

"Wow," Leroy exclaimed. "What happened?"

"We were sitting in our living room late one evening when the Police showed up to serve a search warrant. Our middle son had been caught selling a gram of marijuana to one of his friends so they decided that we must be big time drug traffickers. The friend had told the police about this photo of our oldest boy posing in his Marine Corps uniform holding his military issue assault rifle. Thanks to the gun control lobby 's propaganda, the police feared that we were heavily armed drug traffickers so they decided to send in their tactical team to serve a no knock warrant. Our dog was cowering behind his doghouse in our backyard when they shot him with a silenced submachine gun. The cops then smashed through our sliding glass door. Unfortunately; my husband was just lighting a cigar. The cops mistook his butane lighter for a pistol. Three of them opened fire with fully automatic, Heckler and Koch, nine millimeter caliber submachineguns. They pumped at least twenty-eight rounds into him. He was shot at least twenty-two times in the back after he collapsed face down onto his easy chair."

"That's awful," Zeb offered as feeble consolation.

"It got worse," Aretha explained. "The cops found the little, forty-five caliber, two shot Derringer that my husband kept in the drawer of the end table. They distributed a photo of that pistol at a press conference where the police chief was unapologetic. I'll never forget the drivel. The police chief said, 'the shooting is a sign of things to come as criminals become better armed and police try to match their firepower.' No one seemed to notice or care that while my husband's hands had been maimed by police bullets, there was no damage to his little Derringer. The same African-American clergy who are pushing the Black Lives Matter propaganda today were too busy sucking President Clinton's dick to say a damn thing in my husband's defense."

"My God! How could you keep going after something like that?

"It wasn't easy," Aretha replied. "Fortunately; one of the SWAT officers had confided in his pastor who became an intermediary to our pastor. We actually met with him a few times. The guy who had been on the SWAT team that shot and killed my husband was not some Klansman who hated black people. He was just an average white guy who was trying to do his job as a police officer. Unfortunately; he had been conditioned by President Clinton and the gun control lobby to believe that there are gang bangers and drug dealers armed with Uzi submachineguns or Kalashnikov assault rifles hiding under every bed. It was his paranoia rather than hate that motivated him to kill my husband."

Aretha Googled on her computer which took her to Amazon. "This is the listing for a book that reflected the paranoia of that time. The book is DO OR DIE, by Leon Bing who was writing an allegedly true account of gangs in Los Angeles. That cover photo of that balding, bare chested, black man holding an Uzi who looks so much like Leroy is every Klansman's nightmare. That long, thick, black barrel extension is obviously a phallus symbol intended to provoke the anxieties of white men."

Zeb was astonished by Aretha's willingness to discuss the tragedy that so angered her. However; he still found himself asking, "so you forgave the cops who killed your husband because being a police officer has become so dangerous?"

"Oh Hell No!," Aretha exclaimed. Her nearly unprecedented vulgarity continued, "I forgave the police who killed my husband because that stupid fucker Clinton was promoting police paranoia so he could exploit it for political advantage. My oldest boy wanted to change things so he became a police officer after he got out of the Marine Corps. He was an obvious choice for the tactical team. As such, he had reason to intensely study homicides of police officers. The FBI keeps extremely detailed records of killings of police officers. He studied the records so thoroughly that he was on a first name basis with the clerk at FBI headquarters who compiles the records. He used to joke that Loretta had such a sweet, honey suckle, Southern accent that she could make his cock hard while she was talking about her grandchildren. Anyway, he became extremely familiar with all of the FBI data on not just the number of cops that were being killed and how many were being killed with guns. He actually gets computer printouts that list the type, caliber, manufacturer and model of almost every firearm used to kill a police officer."

Aretha paused to sip her coffee before she continued. "The number of cops getting murdered in the line of duty has been plummeting for decades. My son tells me that being a cop is not just a hell of a lot safer than just being a black man, it is safer than being an average white man!"

Zeb nervously asked, "I understand that your son becoming a cop helps, but how can you forgive the police for killing your husband?"

"It is very simple," Aretha explained. "To sin is human. To forgive is divine. I forgave the cops who killed my husband because my God commands me to forgive them. Forgiving them freed me from the rage that was consuming me so that I could live my life and raise our children."

Zeb just stood there stunned by Aretha's revelations until she continued. "You need to forgive to. I don't think that you really have a problem with forgiving Leroy. He is what he is and has never pretended otherwise. I have seen the way you've listened so attentively to his locker room boasting and derived such vicarious pride from observing his carnal exploits. You envy Leroy. Never once have you warned a husband that Leroy had targeted his wife for seduction. The only thing that is pissing you off now is that this time it was your own wife who was conquered by his ebony penis. You're a hypocrite and you know it!"

"You are right about my hypocrisy," Zebulon reluctantly conceded.

"I'll give you some unwelcome advice," Aretha said. "Any woman who assures you that size doesn't matter is lying. An average sized penis is just fine for most of us. However; every woman is also curious to know what it feels like to be fucked by a really big dick. We are no different from the men who lust over women with really big breasts. Don't pretend that you are innocent. I've noticed you furtively admiring my cleavage. I never took offense because you never tried to do more than just look and I used to be curious about big dicks. It almost cost me my marriage when my husband found out that I had satisfied my curiosity. He forgave me because I was honest enough to admit that being with a better endowed man had been such a thrill. However; he was also reassured when I explained that it had been not just uncomfortable but painful when the guy wasn't careful and gentle. Your wife has gone black, but she will come back if you allow her to."

Zebulon retreated to his own desk to work. The conversations with Leroy then Aretha were unwelcome intrusions into his thoughts. However; the project he was working on was demanding and he soon became absorbed by the complex calculations.

The growling from his empty stomach finally compelled Zeb to cease working. As he was driving home, he passed a bar that featured nude dancers. He had discovered the place while attending a bachelor party. He had returned repeatedly in subsequent months. He had rationalized that he was really not cheating on his wife because he was just looking and furtively touching the dancers, but not fucking them. Zeb could vividly recall his wife's outrage when she discovered his guilty pleasure. Although she had been unimpressed by his rationalizations, she had forgiven him.

Zeb was uncertain if he should be relieved, pleased or angered to find that his wife's car was once again parked in their garage. After vacillating for a few minutes, he decided that he was not leaving home this night.

When Zeb entered the kitchen, he found Zelda nuking something in the microwave. "I made up a plate for you at the reception. I figured that you might be to angry to feed yourself," she explained. "I gave our kids money to go out to eat then a movie. I figured that we needed some privacy."

Zeb realized that he had not only skipped lunch as well as breakfast, it was long past dinner time. "Thank you," he said with unexpected sincerity. As he quietly ate the meal, Zeb studied his wife. She had become pleasingly plump over the years. While she was not blessed with Zelda's titanic tits, she had a nice pair of double-dees that seldom went unnoticed.

Zeb remained silent as he continued to eat. Zelda became frustrated by his silence. She sat at the table across from her husband and leaned towards him in an effort to get his attention. His eyes refused to meet hers. However; she could almost feel his eyes focusing on her cleavage that had been exposed by the neckline of her dress. Although flaunting her tits made her feel like a slut, she was determined to get his attention somehow.

Zeb's eyes finally focused on Zelda's which inspired her to ask, "are we going to be okay?"

"I don't know," Zeb answered with a sincerity that amazed him.

"I guess that it would be unreasonable for me to expect more," Zelda acknowledged. "Would it help or hurt if I invited you to bed?"

"I don't know," Zebulon admitted as he rose to take his wife's hand. "However; I will not turn you down."

Zeb's hand drifted to Zelda's tits as he ushered her to their bedroom. She did not complain about his ungentle groping. The groping continued as he embraced her then kissed her. One hand sought the zipper of her dress. She made no protest as he pushed the garment over her wide hips and allowed it to fall to the floor.

Zelda offered no resistance when her husband pushed her away so that he could look at her. She stood before him unflinchingly in just her lacey bra and pantyhose. She was acutely aware that her bra revealed not just her nipples and large, dark aurolaes, but the incriminating bruises that Leroy had given her. She could feel the damp patch in the fabric of her pantyhose that attested to the semen that had been seeping from her sex during church, the wedding and the reception to attest to her infidelity. She did not protest when her husband pushed her roughly so that she fell back onto their bed.

Zeb continued to appraise his wayward wife as he stood over her. Her submissiveness appeased his anger which morphed into desire and lust. His eyes focused on the stained fabric of her pantyhose that accentuated the auburn pubic hair that adorned her sex. He knew damn well that the stain attested to the semen that was still seeping from her traitorous sex. He reached for the waist band of her pantyhose and literally tore the garment down over her hips, thighs and legs leaving her naked except for her bra.

Zeb was amazed to find himself kneeling before his wife so that his face was only inches from her sex. What he did next was an affront to his manly pride as well as Judeo-Christian morality. However; his reason was overwhelmed by some primal instinct.

Zelda was amazed when she felt her husband pressing his lips against her labia. The vulgarity inflamed her guilt. However; the idea of encouraging her spouse to pleasure her orally was to deliciously wanton to resist. She entwined her fingers in his hair to pull his face against her, silently imploring him to continue.

Zeb was elated when his wife climaxed in eager response to his oral loving. Her orgasm seemed to be an omen that promised that their marriage might somehow survive her infidelity.

As her climax subsided, Zelda encouraged her husband to reposition himself between her thighs. His penis was erect and eagerly sought her sex. Although he penetrated her with a single, languid stroke more easily than she was accustomed to, she savored the sensation. Leroy's larger penis had not ruined her for her husband.

Zeb began to eagerly thrust into his wife, as heedless of his stamina as well as her pleasure. He was desperate to reassert his husbandly prerogatives by inseminating his cheating spouse. A sudden, not uncommon pain in his scrotum was an unwelcome reminder of his vasectomy. His intellectual awareness that his semen was devoid of sperm did not diminish the instinctive imperative to fill his spouse with his sterile seed. His ejaculation was so intense that his entire body spasmmed along with his penis and aching scrotum. It felt as if his testicles were exploding.

Zelda was disappointed by her husband's failure to bring her to climax, but she was not resentful. It was far from unprecedented. However; his frequent failures to bring her to orgasm during intercourse were not the result of inconsiderate selfishness. As usual, he had been generous with his lips and tongue.

After laying there with her exhausted husband between her thighs for several minutes, Zelda found the courage to ask, "does this means that I'm forgiven?"

"Yes. I guess it does," Zebulon answered. "We need to talk things over and may be do some counselling with our pastor, but I think that our marriage will survive."

Zelda and Zeb laid together for a time. His flaccid penis finally withdrew from her sex, unleashing her flow back of semen. After so many years of marriage, he responded to her unspoken request to roll off of her.

As Zelda climbed out of bed Zeb nervously asked, "how long has it been since you had your period."

Zelda found herself reminiscing about earlier times when her husband have had no reason to ask because he had been more attentive to the natural cycles of her body. "It has been about two weeks. Fortunately; I'm getting to an age when I'm not as fertile as I used to be. Hopefully; I'll get away with it."

Zebulon said no more as he watched his wife walk to their bathroom.

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FrankRedmontFrankRedmontover 5 years ago
Lacks Focus

2 chapters and very little interplay between husband and wife. Zebulon spends more time talking to Aretha than his wife. Where did his anger go? Why does he forgive her? What are her thoughts and feelings about all this and how can Zebulon forgive her without knowing them? Nothing wrong with a RAAC story, but the journey undertaken by the characters must be convincing. Alas, not this time.

Sidney43Sidney43over 5 years ago

I gave you five stars just to piss off some of the crowd that will want to burn you at the stake. While your second chapter was rather filled with formulaic prose, there were some parts that rang true enough to make it credible. I didn't comment on the first chapter, but statistics no matter how true, often make people angry because they fly in the face of their comfortable perceived reality.

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