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On the elevator she had a strange feeling that she had forgotten something, but she knew she had all she needed. The feeling faded soon after and she decided to leave well enough alone.

This was going to be a great day and nothing could put a stop to her good mood.


Zero's journey to their next love was much longer than the one before it, so they had quite a bit of time to think during their long days alone.

They were most curious about the new memory mating with Corrin had awoken. Where was that place and why was it shown to them? They could create the image in their mind so vividly and easily, it was like a painting or picture stored in their body. Any time they wished, they could close their eyes and see the clearing.

Zero searched within themself to try to find a clue, some familiarity, anything that gave the image more significance, but they couldn't come up with anything. All they knew was that it was something revealed to them, so it had to be important somehow.

During their travels they discovered something else unusual about themselves, though perhaps it was time to see things the way Wyatt and Corrin would and instead think of it as something that made them special.

They were walking by the side of the road when suddenly they heard a loud crunch and felt a poking at their foot. Zero looked down and was startled to find they had just stepped on a broken bottle.

Panicking, they sat down to assess the damage and was confused to find none at all. There was no mark, no blood, they couldn't even see where the broken glass had touched them.

It just didn't add up. They felt the poke, clearly a pointy edge had pressed into their foot. There was even enough pressure to break the glass further. So why were they unscathed?

Zero thought more about what they had gone through already. Their body was lithe and nimble, but even so they weren't immune to occasionally falling down on uneven terrain. But despite any falls, any brushes with sharp twigs, walking around outside in uneven terrain without shoes for days, their body remained pristine and unmarked. Even their feet were still soft and smooth.

Was this like how they never got dirty? Was their body somehow resistant or even immune to injury?

They picked up another broken piece of glass and had a scary thought. Should they test their theory?

Starting small, they grazed the tip of their finger with a sharp edge and felt nothing. They tried it again, pressing more firmly, and felt only light pressure. Nervously they pressed a point down in the middle of their finger and felt nothing but the same poking sensation from stepping on the bottle in the first place.

They decided to stop there for the time being. It seemed that at the very least small cuts and bruises were impossible. It would be foolish to try and push it further on purpose.

Zero thought more about what this revelation meant concerning their rebirth. Whoever created them made it so they never needed to be clothed, fed, bathed, or tended to at all. They were self-sufficient and more than able to survive on their own. The only thing they ever needed to worry about was finding the next person. Was that a good thing?

They were meant to exist, they had to have been made on purpose. At that point Zero wasn't really sure how to feel about that. But they thought about Wyatt and Corrin, and how they never would have found them without their body's guidance.

If they could live a peaceful life, not bothering anyone, and only interact with people in a way that made both of them happy, they were by definition living a life that made the world a better place in some small way.

Perhaps their rebirth wasn't a curse like they originally thought.

Maybe it was a blessing.


Gareth was relaxing after dinner one Friday evening when he heard a knock on the door.

Odd. Who would be knocking at this time of night?

Curious he opened his front door and was blown away by what he saw.

The softest, cutest, most delicious little...Man? Woman? Person? Was on his front porch, fully nude.

Zero was stunned. Their next lover was by far the most intimidating person they'd met. He was incredibly tall, six feet and five or six inches, and had toned, wiry muscles. He looked to be a Caucasian man in his thirties. His hair was short and his features were chiseled.

They felt their body almost soften. They were feeling very meek and submissive. This man would take care of them. Zero could trust him.

Gareth realized he was just standing there saying nothing for a few seconds and finally spoke.

"Um...hello. Can I help you with something?"

Zero swallowed.

"Yes...sir," they added based on instinct. "I've been looking for a place to rest for a while now. May you please let me in?"

Gareth felt his heart melt. They were just precious!

"Of course you can. Come inside."

Zero felt the need to step lightly and keep their hands where their new lover could see them. They weren't scared at all, but they were feeling something they hadn't before. A need to be subservient. A need to obey.

"What's your name?"

"Zero, sir."

"Forgive me for asking, but are you a man or a woman? I don't want to be disrespectful and call you something you don't identify with."

That sentence, that sentiment seemed so foreign to Zero. People really thought like that?

"Uh...I suppose I'm a little bit of both. I don't really know what I identify with."

"That's perfectly fine, Zero. My name is Gareth."

Zero nodded. It struck them as odd they hadn't had this conversation before, but it was very welcome. They felt...understood.

Gareth led his new guest to his den and sat them down on a couch.

"You want something to eat or drink?"

"No thank you."

Gareth sat down on a couch catty-corner to Zero's.

"Do you want to talk? You can tell me whatever you're comfortable saying."

Zero began the explanation they had been preparing in their head during their travels. They wanted to tell him as much as they could and leave out the parts that would make things worse. As usual, their attraction bubbled up as time passed. That on its own was hard enough to deal with, knowing what would happen down the line, but their love was growing as well. This man was so parental and understanding. They felt safe just looking at him. Zero was in love. But the heartbreak was just around the corner.

Gareth was intrigued. It was a crazy story, but something in his gut was telling him Zero couldn't lie to him if they tried.

"I'd love to help you in any way I can, Zero."

They smiled and felt their eyes tear up a little.

"Thank you so much."

The man felt some instincts and behaviors he'd learned over the years kick in. It didn't seem appropriate, but he was good enough at reading people to guess the right thing to do.

"It's okay, little one. Do you want me to hold you?"

Zero nodded immediately. Gareth patted his lap and they sat down, hugging the gentle giant. Slowly, carefully, he put his arms around the little angel. Whether they were aware of it or not, Zero was grinding their hips against Gareth's privates and his cock was plumping up.

"Please, sir, I want you to take care of me. I want you to make love to me."

Now knowing Zero felt that way Gareth allowed his hands to wander around their body. They were so tight and smooth and warm.

"Of course, but you should know a few things about me first."

Zero looked up at him with wide, curious eyes.

"Like what, sir?"

Gareth chuckled. What a gorgeous little thing.

"First of all, I'm a gay top, so some of your equipment," he reached down and briefly touched their cunt and cock, "as pretty as it may be, won't be put to much use."

"That's okay, sir."

"Good. But there's something else. I'm a very dominant man. I like taking control, and I'll get more physical with submissives who'll allow me. I've been part of the BDSM scene for over a decade now. Are you okay with that?"

Zero ground their hips a little bit more. That must be why they were feeling so timid, so compliant. Their body knew something their mind didn't.

"Yes, sir."

"It's imperative you know what you're agreeing to, Zero." Gareth couldn't help himself, groping and squeezing their luscious ass. "My subs give me everything. Mind, heart, body, the whole ball of wax. Are you prepared to hand over control of all you have?"

Zero felt their sexes moisten.

"There's nobody else in the whole world I trust more than you, sir. Take everything. You'll do what's right."

Gareth beamed. How could someone so perfect just appear at his door?

"Okay, little one. Call me Master instead of sir, alright?"

"I will, Master."

"Good sub." He petted their hair. "Your safe word is ferox. Say that and I'll stop everything I'm doing."

Zero bit their lip. "I won't be doing that, Master. You can do anything you want to me."

He gave them a stern look.

"You shouldn't think like that. Part of being a Dom is knowing that their sub is a person with limits just like anyone else. And a good sub knows better than to let their Dom go too far. Now, Zero, what is your safe word?"

Zero blinked away a few tears. "Ferox, Master. I'll say it if I want things to end."

Gareth kissed his new sub on the head. "Very good, Zero. Get ready."

He stood up and effortlessly slung Zero's body over his shoulder, leaving the den.

"Where are we going, Master?" Zero was curious.

"The basement. I've compiled some tools over the years to help with BDSM."

Gareth opened his basement door and turned on the light. While being carried down the stairs Zero could see some paddles, dildos, whips, handcuffs, and other things they couldn't identify. It turned them on even more.

It was like how they became more feminine around Wyatt, or more masculine around Corrin. Their body wanted to be what their lover was looking for. Zero gave in to the sensations. Gareth knew what he was doing.

"I'd love nothing more than to tie you down and spank you all night, but you're the one who decides what's on the table and what's not. What are you okay with?"

Zero felt more fluid leak out, mostly from their hole.

"You can do whatever you want to me. I don't bruise or get cut or feel lasting pain."

"I see."

He looked around the room and immediately locked eyes on his St. Andrews Cross.

"Tell me your safe word, sub."

"Ferox, Master."

"Good. And you do know I would never want to bring you true harm, correct?"

"Of course, Master."

"Very well. I'm going to take charge now."

He carried Zero to the cross and began to bind them. All their limbs got tied to the cross with silk scarves that were snug, but not uncomfortable. Their stomach was against the cold plastic, so their back was exposed to their new Master. Zero's ass was almost pulsing with need.

Gareth got his favorite crop and stroked Zero's skin with the end.

"Everything I hit with my crop becomes mine, sub. Do you want to be mine?"

"P-please, Master."

Experimentally he gave Zero a mild hit on the shoulder. They tensed and sighed. Their back arched and their ass stuck out a bit more.

"Was that too hard?"

"No, I can take harder. I already told you I can handle some pain. Please, Master, don't hold back."

Gareth hit them again and again, getting more forceful until he was using his whole arm. Amazingly, no red marks or irritation presented itself on Zero's caramel skin. Zero was magic. Zero was the perfect sub.

"Forgive me for being too forward, but I'm not sure I want you to leave," he said, still whaling on Zero's flesh. "I want you here forever."

At that moment Zero was glad they weren't facing Gareth. Their expression would have given something away.

They couldn't be with him forever, but telling him that served neither of them. Instead swallowed slightly and replied.

"I'll stay as long as you want me, Master."

The scene continued for hours, Gareth changing tools multiple times. His cock was so hard he was afraid his pants were going to split.

Zero was in a sea of arousal themself. Every hit felt like a zap of sexual pleasure. They had small orgasms repeatedly as Gareth used his tools on them. It wasn't like making love to Wyatt or Corrin and it wasn't like masturbating. This pleasure was something else entirely.

Gareth was panting and sweating, both from the activity and from the pleasure it brought him. He couldn't stop looking at Zero's little ass, so round and smooth. He unzipped his fly and took his cock out, all nine inches of it.

"Can I fuck you without a condom?"

"Y-yes, Master!" Zero could barely speak.

He poked at Zero's hole and felt it slippery and welcoming. He could just push in and feel their body accept his cock without any resistance. It was the best ass-pussy he had ever felt.

"You're perfect, do you know that?"

Zero was reeling. Wyatt had been in their ass before, but Gareth's cock was gigantic. Spots inside their body they didn't even know they had were being worked into a frenzy. It was a new type of sensation and they weren't sure they could handle it, but the last thing they wanted was for it to end.

Gareth had been on the brink of orgasm for several minutes by then so it only took a few seconds to come, shooting what felt like a gallon of semen into his angel. Zero had a small orgasm in all three sexes at the sensation.

After catching his breath Gareth slowly pulled out and hugged Zero from behind.

"Thank you for giving me so much, little one."

He gently undid their bindings and took his sub in his arms. He carried them upstairs, cradling their body like a baby. They seemed so small and helpless, but Gareth knew how strong Zero really was.

When he made it to his bedroom he gently put them down on his bed and began to strip. Zero was infatuated by his hairiness and large tattoos. He had a sleeve of artwork around his left arm and shoulder and a huge koi fish swimming up his thigh.

Gareth laid down and wrapped them in his arms. He petted their head and stroked their body.

"You've given me so much, so now it's time for me to give something to you. I won't rest until you've come, and come hard."

Zero swallowed. They didn't want to come and have it all be over, but who would they be to deny their Master's wishes? They were torn, but sadly, their body once again made the decision for them. The buzzing was already forming in their waist and Zero knew they wouldn't be able to do anything else until their full orgasm was complete. Gareth let Zero go and sat back, his giant body looming over their small form. But Zero wasn't scared.

Smiling in spite of themself, Zero pulled their legs back and showed their hole.

"I love you, Master."

Gareth put his hand over his heart.

"I love you too, my precious little angel."

He put his hands on Zero's legs and pushed them back even further. Zero didn't complain, they must have been incredibly flexible. Smiling, he entered their ass pussy once more.

It had to have been almost an hour he made love to Zero. Gareth didn't have the sexual stamina he used to, but despite the physical activity and intense orgasm that already happened he suddenly had the virility and energy he had when he first started BDSM. He could fuck Zero all night long. He could fuck Zero forever.

Slowly, gradually, the buzzing spread for the third time. No matter how many times it happened, Zero never got tired of the sensation. It was like their body became nothing but pleasure. No wonder it felt like they were on the brink of death by the end of it, no mortal should be able to feel so good for long. Zero studied Gareth's face, wanting to remember every detail. He was a new person who gave them a reason to exist. Zero would be in love with him forever.

At last the dam broke and Zero came. Gareth was shocked at how much juice came out of one so small. When it was over he pulled out, satisfied that he had done a good job.

He felt himself get tired. The night's events must have taken a lot out of him.

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything else?" He yawned.

Zero forced themself to smile.

"All I need is for you to hold me, Master Gareth."

Master Gareth. He loved the sound of that. He complied and pulled Zero close.

"I'm so happy we met, little one," he mumbled, feeling himself fall asleep.

"So am I," Zero whispered.

Gareth drifted off and Zero felt their own fatigue set in. They were sad it was over, but happy it happened.

Before succumbing to the darkness, Zero's mind spoke to them.

My past life was a long time ago.


Gareth opened his eyes. Damn, he felt like he'd slept for a week!

While sitting up and stretching it occurred to him that his room's light was on. His brow furrowed. He was indeed afraid of the dark, but he hadn't slept with the lights on since he was a kid.

Shrugging, he got out of bed and began his day.

After breakfast he recalled something from earlier that week. He was chatting with a sub online that told him he was interested and available at any time. Initially Gareth wasn't too eager. He had been a Dom for years and the thrill was starting to fade. But now his curiosity was back. Why, he couldn't say, but at the moment the thought of being with a good, loyal sub sounded so perfect.

He went back to the website they had met on and opened their chat.

Hello, boy. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. If you still wish we can meet up today.

It only took a minute or two for the sub to reply.

I would love to, Sir!

Gareth smiled. It felt nice to put himself out there again.


Considering how consistently shocked Zero was about the attitudes of those around them they figured it made sense they came from a time where people behaved differently. But how long ago was their past life? Was anyone in that life still around today? Was who they were lost to history forever?

Perhaps they didn't have to worry about that. It made more sense to focus on who they wanted to be now.

It was during the next leg of their travels Zero experienced something they had been dreading: rain.

It wasn't just a shower, it was torrential downpour, and at the time, they were in a gigantic prairie. There was nowhere to hide from the rain. Even without the possibility of getting too cold, the idea of being soaked and naked with nowhere to take shelter sounded miserable.

But to Zero's surprise, their body once again resisted anything the world threw at it. The water slid right off them. They never even felt like they got wet. It felt nice, in fact.

Zero had to laugh. They raised their head and shouted up to the heavens.

"Rain on me, you miserable sky! See if I care!"

Giggling, Zero tried to run around, and in the process slipped and fell. They were laying in a patch of muddy water and soggy vegetation and they couldn't stop laughing. It was probably smart to wait out the rain anyway, and now they knew they could wait it out right in the open.

For hours, Zero lay in a filthy puddle, clean and unscathed.

They were smiling.

They were happy.


Eventually Zero was led to a rural area and their instincts were telling them that their next love was in the town's farmer's market, which was busy at the time.

From the beginning, they got uneasy just by looking at large groups of people, even when it became clear they couldn't be seen. The force that pushed them away from everybody in the world except one person would make it difficult walking through a crowd, but their apprehension was more a feeling of dread they couldn't find a source for.

Because of that, they decided to stand back and wait for whoever they were looking for to leave the crowd.

It wasn't too long before they felt their destination move and they followed. Soon they found a short old man carrying a paper bag full of groceries. Zero was in the process of deciding whether or not they should bother him while he was carrying something when he turned around and saw them.