Zoe and Lizzy's Excellent Adventure


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"Besides," Lizzy went on, a sneaky smile playing at her lips, "I like making you wait till I'm ready. It makes the libido grow...fonder."

Zoe knew she was right, gosh-darn her. Despite Lizzy's coy, beatific shyness the very first time they made love last summer, things changed in the past half-year. And it was Lizzy-Beth Williams who ran things concerning their sex life. Sometimes this frustrated or annoyed Zoe a bit, but for the most part, the Palm-girl enjoyed being under Lizzy's sexual control. She liked how much Lizzy-Beth took initiative in their naughty escapades. It was one of the sweet little touches in their relationship that showed how much she cared.

But first, Zoe would be made to wait. Fortunately for her, ice cream was a deliciously sweet diversion.


Cream Dreams

Saturday, February 7th, 2015, 8:47 p.m.

Lizzy and Zoe sat across from each other in the Dairy Dreams parlor. Each ordered a dish with two different-flavored scoops and waffle cones crushed on top. Lizzy chose raspberry and mint chocolate chip, and Zoe butter pecan and mocha. Mixing flavors was extra fun, and for even more fun they spoon-fed one another. At this point in their union, they'd shared much more than utensils.

Before they knew it they were done, and two more ecstatically happy puffed tummies exited the parlor. It may not have been the order of operations Zoe'd have chosen, but her tummy was not the body part foremost in her mind just now.

Lizzy-Beth took her back in from the cold and they began shedding clothes, starting with their shoes and following up immediately with their nylons. Oh, that felt much better already. Now to resume puck'rin' up. Each additional kiss lit another small candle in their souls, until they started sweating under the leftover clothing they had on. Their bellies remained stuffed with ice cream to the point that they felt they could birth a banana split, but didn't care. Such meager, venial details couldn't have dissuaded them less.

All four locked lips smiled. Now that they were done waiting, Zoe felt grateful and appreciative Lizzy'd forced her to hold off. She'd been absolutely right. Had Zoe pushed earlier and prevailed, the act would've been less satisfying, for a few reasons. To name one, her mind would've been on nice cold ice cream, rather than nice hot Liz-cream. This logically would cause her trouble concentrating. That Lizzy was one smart cookie. To say nothing of sexy. And now Zoe got to discover that sexiness all over again. She was the lucky cookie.

Muffins, indefinitely napping curled up on a sofa pillow, heard them enter and trotted to greet them. Zzzzzzzzzz—"Mrow!...Mrow!..." Their feline companion got literally underfoot. Everywhere. They had to do some fancy-dancy footwork to avoid kicking or stepping on her. Muffins of course didn't know, mean or wish to interrupt their romantic time; she just wanted her figure-eight leg-love received and rewarded. However, resourceful Lizzy found something to distract pesky kitty away. Half-dressed to their underthings and bare feet, Lizzy happened upon a jingle-bell toy. She brought Zoe to a halt, picked up the toy with her tarsal piggies, and let it fly in another direction. Muffins stood on her hind paws to try and catch it, missed, and chased off after. And the lovebird lasses were back on track.

This cat toy was included in a package of assorted jingle balls and mice. They were Her Kittyness Muffins' favorite. She could play with them until it was sleepy-time all over again. So as long as they could keep their minds off the incessant jingling, Zoe and Lizzy would be set for the evening. Fortuitously, like many bedrooms found in common residential dwellings, this one consisted of a door.

CreeeeEAK...CREEEEeak...slam. And we're in.

The trail of strewn garments on the other side left Lizzy in her undershirt and Zoe her bra and panties, nothing more. Yet separated by one window from 25° of winter outside, the girls were even warmer. Zoe reached beneath Lizzy's undershirt, tickling her sides.

"You are my world," she serenely proclaimed to Lizzy-Beth. "You're so beautiful, and so wonderful, and colorful, and fanciful, and lots of other terrific character traits that end in 'ful.'"

Lizzy laughed, both at the rib tickle Zoe gave her and her silly sweet remark.

"And you, Zoe Palmer, are the greatest, most fantastic thing ever to happen to me."

"I love you, Lizzy-Beth Williams."

Lizzy-Beth Williams' expression turned from charmed to sultry and seductive.

"Prove it."

The two simple monosyllabic words stirred Zoe and awoke her erogenous Zoens. Her tits plumped, nipples stiffening. Her body was hugged the slightest bit tighter by the bra, which was about to be discarded. Her soft, ginger fingertips slid diagonally up from Lizzy-Beth's hips, to the undersides of her liberated boobs. Lizzy gave a gasp amongst a dozen fluttering blinks, and reciprocated the caressing over Zoe's silky bare torso. They began raising the room temperature with only their body heat.

With a series of steps resembling something between a tango and a foxwaltz, they made their way to the bed. They attempted to sit, but gravity took over and tumbled them in together. Both giggled with a faint squeak. All four (front) paws reached and groped around each other, snuggling aggressively in the mattress. Stray hair fell over all four eyes and both noses. They shook their heads, trying to whip it away, and smushed their faces in an Earth-rocking kiss, before the hair could get in their way again.

"Mmmmm..." Zoe moaned, pushing up Lizzy's nightshirt to fondle her girlfriend's breasts and tweak her now hard nipples.

"MmmMMMmm..." Lizzy replied, finding Zoe's bra hooks and rapidly unfastening. Before Zoe knew it, her own wired cups fell off. Very grateful feeling her girls freed, Zoe snatched the bra and flung it behind to land where it would. Lizzy-Beth broke the kiss, exhaling in haste before seizing the hem of her undershirt to pull over her head. Warm, dairy-tinged breath settled over Zoe's face, enticing her soft, pronounced nose with remnants of raspberry and mint chocolate chip. She found herself yet happier Lizzy'd forced her to go out for that ice cream. The girl really did know how to make her year, turning all the worst days of her life into the best. She was a miracle. However, this miracle was having some trouble getting her nightshirt off. In her excitement, she'd gotten it tangled in her arms. The more she facelessly struggled and scrambled to solve this problem, the more amused Zoe became. She looked so funny, Zoe couldn't resist. While Lizzy's face was covered in cotton, Zoe tickled her again, this time under the arms—cracking them both up.

You sure like tickling me a lot tonight, don't you, you little snake! thought Lizzy-Beth.

Finally, Zoe took hold of the shirt as well and helped Lizzy get it off. Lizzy sent it flying to join the bra, and once her hands were free again, Zoe directed them to her own hips, and encouraged Lizzy-Beth to remove her panties. Lizzy slid them down off her legs and feet. Zhoop! She ditched them, and just like that, they were two naked jaybirds. And still just as warm without covers or comforters.

Their cuddling graduated to a firm, gripping, squeezing embrace, generating more and more pleasure to swim through the bedroom. Sharing more kisses, limb-locks and "I love you"s than they could count, the girls produced a heart-shaped cloud of steam above them.

"Mmmmm..." the literally hot girls unisonously declared, each evaluating sweet tastiness in the other's mouth. It was heaven, no shadow of a doubt. Side by side they lay, arms and legs draping all about, paws at hard work caressing and loving. The slightly tanner Lizzy-Beth's skin warmly, splendidly contrasted Zoe's fairer, lighter hue. Four glorious tits pressed hard, supplying doses of blooming goodness through their owners. Two appetized pussies dampened between their milky thighs. They groaned, kissing ferociously, grabbing, palming, pressing, gam-hugging thighs and trading budding cunt moisture.

This was one reason Lizzy and Zoe shared such an incredible sex life since last summer: their constant impulse to sensually top and dominate the other, demonstrating a whole "I'll show you who's tougher!" mentality in bed. Who could take more before breaking? It was a wonderful game the two had invented for themselves, which both loved and always very much wanted to win. Actually, in one way or another, both won. The stakes were raised to a whole new level of kink, bringing in a stipulation that for example, the loser must submit herself in bed the next time for the winner to do with as she would. Each knowing how playfully sly the other could be made them strive even harder for victory, though there was more than one occasion when things got so explosive, they decided just to heck with it, and called it a tie. Tonight, however, would not quite be one of those times.

Once they stripped nude and got to snuggling in the sack, the game was on. The challenge toughened each time coming up with new, original techniques to take one another's breath away, while keeping their mojo going and their play stepped up. Zoe, while cheered by the ice cream, remained a little preoccupied by her unfortunate day. She might have to let Lizzy orchestrate a touch more than usual this sultry, hot winter evening. Then again, she might just come from behind and surprise them both; it had happened before.

Sometimes Zoe and Lizzy-Beth wished they could read each other's minds, fairly, on a two-way street. Then on nights like tonight, they were extra thankful they couldn't. Well, they still secretly wished to telepathize on a one-way street, but realized it was far better this way. Reading the other's thoughts in any sort of game wasn't only cheating, it took the fun and fairness out of it. Both were sportswomen in competition, and much too honest to cheat. This didn't, however, mean they weren't sneaky.

Suddenly, Zoe did get an idea. Her girlfriend didn't very much enjoy being teased sexually, and she might end up paying for this later, but right now it was a good way to get the upper hand. She extricated her legs from in and around Lizzy's, raised and stretched them out, one by one. Then she gently took Lizzy-Beth's wrists, unpawed herself, removing Lizzy's hands, and pretended to reroute them. This would allot her one good try, and require pretty precise timing to pull off. But if she did it right, oh, she'd gain an advantage.

Finally, when her moment was perfect, Zoe made her move. With Lizzy half-over on her back, Zoe released her, rolled up onto her hands and toes, leapfrogged backwards down to Lizzy-Beth's pussy level, and pushed one knee and both hands between her thighs. Before Lizzy could figure out what was happening, Zoe parted her legs, moved in, grasped her pelvis, culled her cunt open, nosedived in with a mouthful of saliva, and aggressively tongued Lizzy-Beth, from the taint straight up—hitting every square inch of precious pussy flesh—to just beneath the clit. She narrowed her lips on Lizzy-Beth's clitty, took it in a passionate sucking kiss...listened for the gasping shriek she knew was coming...heard it...grinned in self-satisfaction...and just as abruptly released her with all ten fingers and both lips. She leapfrogged right back up, reclasped Lizzy-Beth under the arms, French-kissed her, giving Lizzy a taste of her own pussy, and threw her upper leg over Lizzy's hip. Lizzy-Beth was so dazed and dizzied, Zoe knew she'd succeeded.

Enveloping her beneath the arms and gam-hugging her hip was a follow-up part of Zoe's strategy, knowing it would only take Lizzy a second to regroup her faculties. And she also intimately knew Little Lizzy, knew that once she received some attention, she wanted more and more and just more still. She couldn't get enough. But right now, according to Zoe's little scheme, she would have to wait. Once Lizzy-Beth realized that Zoe wasn't touching or licking her pussy anymore, she tried to reach down for it herself. But Zoe's limbs were in her way. A naughty, amused Zoe heard her straining to get her paw down there. "Errrggh...h-hey, wh—..." she moaned.

The next thing Lizzy heard was giggling, in her neck. She realized Zoe was screwing with her. And now also laughing at her.

Lizzy-Beth saw dark red. That was mean. This was downright devious and conniving of the usually thoughtful, benevolent Zoe. But Lizzy knew what was going on. This was a new tactic Zoe'd concocted to get ahead in their game, the minx. Oh, you rat! thought Lizzy. She stretched and reached ever more desperately to touch her cunt, but Zoe just hugged tighter. She kissed Lizzy-Beth on the cheek.

"I love you, sweetie-bear," she merrily whispered between giggles.

Enveloped in Zoe's soft, naked mounds of flesh, Lizzy grew only more and more aroused, and not being able to rub or fondle her now damp pussy made her mad—in every sense of the word. She whirled back on Zoe, her face twisted in horny anguish. Zoe smiled innocently back at her, as if to ask, "...Who, moi?"

Lizzy's eyes narrowed to slits. She could see Zoe was in it to win it tonight, the little imp. Well, Lizzy-Beth wasn't taking this lying...

...Well...Lizzy-Beth wasn't giving up without a fight. She began putting together a move to get Zoe back, starting with her own pretense this time, trying once again to reach down and touch Little Lizzy. "Oh, Zoe, plee-ee-eeeease," she begged.

Zoe was enjoying this, but wasn't planning to carry it much further. The idea was to tantalize, not terrorize. She just wanted to tease Lizzy, not torture her. Lizzy-Beth's pleas to be able to touch herself were intended to reinforce the illusion that Zoe was in control, and did so beautifully. What Zoe didn't anticipate was that while Lizzy couldn't reach her own pussy, she could reach Zoe's. And with one leg draped over Lizzy-Beth's hip, Zoe's thighs were wide open. Preventing her from touching Little Lizzy also left Little Zoe vulnerable.

Lizzy wondered how Zoe would like a taste of her own vellicating medicine. So once she was done pretend-pleading, she made an equally abrupt launch for Zoe's coochie with one hand, and grabbed one of her boobies with the other, digging in all ten tickling fingers.

"Gitchie-gitchie-gitchie!!" she crowed, as Zoe shouted out in laughter, reflexively tensing up to protect herself. Lizzy-Beth was now freed from her girlfriend's huggy extremities, but didn't even care so much anymore about jilling herself off. She went on mercilessly tickling Zoe, who blindly groped for vengeance but without much headway. She heard Lizzy chuckle sadistically, now having usurped back the upper hand. What was more, this time, Zoe hadn't a trick at the ready to get back at her. She supposed she might just have to let Lizzy-Beth have her way for a minute, until she could come up with something else.

"MESS WITH THIS GIRL, HUH??" Lizzy cackled at her, as Zoe guffawed into hysterics.

That was to say, if Lizzy let her come up with anything else.

Lizzy-Beth did not intend to let up. She had the advantage now, and would take advantage of it. She all but pounced on Zoe, exposing and exploiting her weak spots, driving Zoe up the figurative wall. She lay atop, loving such an extraction of revenge, but at the same time unable to wait much longer to pleasure them both. So she switched gears, grabbed Zoe in the same tender spots, and Frenched her back, practically inhaling her tongue. Zoe's laughs turned to moans and whimpers, entranced under Lizzy's figure and romantic spell. Her own fragile body burned with love and lust, and her skin flushed red. Her eyes rolled backwards and began crossing.

The heat was on. Both hearts thundered under heaving, brushing tits. Lizzy may not have been tickle-tormenting her anymore, but had taken a commanding lead in their game. She went on siccing herself on Zoe, squeezing one hand between their now soaked pussies. Lizzy-Beth liked to be dominant and come out on the winning end of these sex games. But Zoe was artful and crafty, and could utilize her wits to gain points. She was the slightly lesser in size at 5'3½", but had quite the intellect on her. Lizzy was, however, no dummy either. Each's attributes made for fun, sporting matches in the sheets.

Zoe was losing her mind and the game, but who cared. Right now, in the wild throes of the act, there was no loser. What made this such a great game was that the "loser," in this case, received a consolation prize in the form of a mind-smashing orgasm. Not half-bad for second-place. The winner would force the loser to do her bidding, either in the next sexcapade, or in the way of a favor, such as cooking din-din. Well, whatever Lizzy-Beth had in mind as the fruits of her imminent triumph, Zoe sensed she'd be paying up dearly.

"OHHHH!! OHHHHHGOD!!" shrieked Zoe, feeling every sweat gland activate and dampen.

"I'd prefer 'OHHHHHLIZZY,' I'll have you know," Lizzy-Beth shouted back, feeling her own sweat mingle rampantly.


"Much better!" gushed Lizzy-Beth. She felt sizzling heat bathe her at the sound of Zoe shrieking her name. Zoe was helpless, veritably pinned in the mattress as Lizzy conquered her. Zoe could squeeze, kiss, nuzzle and bite her, but had been rendered utterly submissive otherwise. She rolled back her pretty sweaty little head, grimaced and howled, fueling Lizzy-Beth onward. The responsibility had fallen entirely on Lizzy's shoulders, and she was fine with that; it basically guaranteed her the win. She loved owning Zoe. She loved playfully lording it over her, and bringing it up in completely separate situations, such as over breakfast. She may not have won a hundred percent of the time, but she was about a hundred percent likelier to rub Zoe's nose in it when she did.

Lizzy lay flat on top, letting Zoe go on hugging, humping, and salivating on her, while her paws toiled down under. She worked Zoe's drenched, swollen pussy with her right hand and her own with the left. She wasn't ambidextrous, but could hold her own randy longing at bay while focusing on her beloved. Again hugging her with all four limbs, Zoe cried and bellowed with ecstasy, smothering Lizzy in hot, drooling kisses. Lizzy-Beth reciprocated, starting under Zoe's chin and working her way down, little by little, creating a necktie of lipprints which only lengthened and lengthened, down her torso, between her breasts, to her tummy.

Zoe couldn't take it. Her dam was about to irreparably shatter. The passion was so overwhelmingly great it was indescribable. Lizzy's fingers rubbed her inside and out, harder and faster, harder and faster, until the searing contact was almost enough to literally set Zoe on fire. The mattress underneath her transformed into a cauldron of hot pleasure spikes, pins and needles, penetrating the rest of her as Lizzy-Beth thrusted inside her foaming cunt. Her necktie extended to her bellybutton and further still. She held on to Lizzy as long as she could, yelling and screeching her name a dozen more love-soaked, devotion-coated times.

Lizzy-Beth wasn't far behind her. The more Zoe hollered her name, the hotter and more aroused Lizzy grew as well. Maintaining such a grand sexual hold on her girlfriend, and being the only person in the world who could make Zoe feel this way, wildly excited her, reminding her day after giddy day that someone adored her more than life itself. She felt the exact same way, and would go to any and all lengths to demonstrate it. Speaking of lengths, the artificial necktie Lizzy'd made her was reaching to her pubes. And inside, the pounding sensations and good vibrations were building, and building, and building still more. It wouldn't be long now.